Police in Osaka have arrested a 28-year-old elementary school teacher on suspicion of sexually assaulting a high school girl whom he invited to his apartment for a drink.
According to police, Jo Yamamoto, a teacher at Itakano Elementary School, is accused of taking the girl to his apartment in Joto Ward in early June and allegedly sexually assaulted her, NHK reported. Police said Yamamoto has denied the allegation and quoted him as saying "I don't remember clearly what happened.”
Police said the two have known each other for some time, and that Yamamoto invited the girl to drink at his apartment.
After the incident, the girl told her parents what happened and they contacted police.
© Japan Today
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How old was she, 16, 17 or 18 years old ?
Why would that matter? Is committing sexual assault on someone ok after they reach a certain age?
wistful sigh
Michael Machida
NormToday 07:45 am JST
BigP was making the point of shock at why a Japanese Teacher who is 28 years old would want to have sexual interest in such a young girl in Japan.
BigP was just shocked at such a young age of the girl.
I hope my explanation helps you to understand
BigP's post.
Creepy reaction.
That’s not the impression I got. Did you discuss this with BigP?
No, it doesn’t. Your explanation does nothing to clear up why her age was a question. He’s a teacher and she’s a high school student. The whole situation is inappropriate, regardless as to whether she was 16, 17 or 18. I hope that helps you to understand.
Or 13 years old? Either way he is still a creep chasing under age girls.
Common case like this make it look like man's fault by every society in this world.
Why did she agree to go to his apartment? Why she didn't tell about this to her friends/family before thinking of going?
Another kiddy fiddler teacher eh. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, these type choose to work in environments that give them access to vulnerable minors.
Well, that is because it is clear this is the man's fault, that is why is so easy to present it this way.
Absolutely irrelevant, none of that would have any impact on the actions of the adult involved.
Jonathan Prin
I don't know but in my country if you do that deed, expect to lose some teeth with such reply.
At the same time, child will learn a lesson not to go to a place without parents acknowledgment, because if she had requested them previously, the perp would know his life is in dangera And surely avoid the crime.
What does he risk in Japan so that it is so common crime ? (Pay a fine after negotiation ?)
finally rich
It doesnt matter if the girl is 18, if she looks like an adult woman or is giving hints to you, any similar situation and I'd be avoiding the woman like the plague.
From all the women of all ages out there begging for a relationship/sexual encounter... and you play with fire.
The law is the law, there is no excuse.
Steven Mccarthy
Another kiddy fiddler teacher eh. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, these type choose to work in environments that give them access to vulnerable minors.
Another baseless blanket statement about teachers .!. I’m not making any excuses for this teacher ! But no … according to patently false everything, all men who get a job teaching or social services and then do some perverse and illegal things with underage girls, well that must’ve been their plan all along . Here in Japan , sexual assault is rarely talked about and molestation by a biological parent is unheard of. Perverts come from all walks of life and FFS needs to stop putting them all in the same basket.!. Anti teacher, anti AI, Anti social development for his own son , anti science, anti basic truths, but sure strong on opinion.!. Usually based on some perverted narrative.!.