Police in Fukaura, Aomori Prefecture, have arrested a 69-year-old man on suspicion of attempting to kill his 69-year-old wife.
According to police, the suspect, Yukio Yonaga, has admitted to stabbing his wife Teiko in the neck at their home at around 8 p.m. last Wednesday, Fuji TV reported. After stabbing his wife, he went to a relative’s house and told them what he had done.
The woman was taken to hospital where she remains in a coma, police said Friday.
Yonaga was quoted by police as saying he came home drunk and got into an argument with his wife. He said he lost his temper, grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed his wife.
© Japan Today
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Tommy Jones
Loss of temper seems to often lead to stabbing incidents in Japan.
Vernon Watts
The "drunk" defense works every time here...