Police in Minoh City, Osaka Prefecture, have arrested a 29-year-old man who was staying at a facility for disabled people on suspicion of attempted murder after he threw a 31-year-old man from the second floor atrium to the first floor.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 7:20 a.m. Sunday, Kansai TV reported. At around noon, a staff member saw the victim collapse on the first floor after struggling to walk. He complained of feeling unwell and not being able to walk. He was taken to hospital where it was found he had suffered a broken hip.
Afterwards, staff checked security camera footage from the facility, which showed the suspect dragging the victim sideways and then throwing him from the atrium onto the first floor, about 4.3 meters below.
The suspect, who had been using the facility for a two-day, one-night short stay since Saturday, was quoted by police as saying he threw the man from the second floor on purpose.
The victim was also a short-term resident and was staying at the facility on Saturday and Sunday.
Police are questioning the suspect and staff to determine the source of trouble between the two men.
© Japan Today
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Marc Lowe
This is precisely why security cameras are necessary in every room. Thank goodness there were cameras and. more importantly. thank goodness he only broke a hip. The offender should be sent to a long term stay facility right away.
Seems like you can just check in and out like a hotel. Is this place a hotel specifically for the disabled? Doesn't seem like the suspect was disabled though, except maybe in the cranium
I’ve heard that in Russia people push themselves out windows or blow up their own planes if putin tells them to. Japan’s justice system sounds way more my style. I wonder what they eat in jail. I had oatmeal cookies, oranges and roast beef sandwhiches last time. All you can eat, too.
Nagoya Neko
I'm a bit confused, so this is a place for disabled people and the public can also stay there like a hotel? Never heard of this. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Well, now he can experience a "short stay" in prison and see how he likes it. Just hope it's actually long stay -- like 10 years or so.
Masahiro Sato
I am plead mental insanity.
Out by lunchtime and back home in time for ocha and afternoon scone.