Japan Today

Man beats pedestrian to death in Kanagawa; says it didn't matter who


Police on Thursday arrested a man over the death of a pedestrian on a sidewalk in Konan Ward, Kanagawa Prefecture, on Wednesday night.

According to police, the suspect, a 26-year-old construction worker identified as Natsuhito Ito, was walking with three acquaintances after a drinking session. Ito's companions told police that he suddenly turned around and started kicking and punching a man who had been walking behind them in the Okubo area. Ito's friends tried to stop him but he shook them off and continued assaulting the victim on the ground, police said.

Although Ito went home after the attack, his friends remained at the scene and called an ambulance. The victim was taken to hospital, suffering a skull fracture. Doctors said he died Thursday morning, after 11 hours in intensive care. The cause of death was brain contusion.

Ito told police he was unacquainted to the victim, and that he simply felt like beating someone. "It didn't matter who," he was quoted as saying.

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Not provoked, just turned and beat on someone. Now that is sick.

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He is not even blaming it on the ETOH either.

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Makes you wonder "whats going on un japan?" firstthe old lady, now this.

and then the kicker... he says I simply felt like beating someone. “It didn’t matter who,” Anybody would have done it

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Unreal. Hard to believe the three acquaintances weren't able to subdue this guy. Makes you wonder how hard they really tried...

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straight up sick!

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Words fail me.

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Unreal. Hard to believe the three acquaintances weren't able to subdue this guy. Makes you wonder how hard they really tried...

It was after a drinking session. Pretty hard to stop a guy who can't feel pain, especially when you're having a hard enough time standing up.

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His friends may have stayed with the victim, but should be held accountable for some part in this mans death. Doesn't seem as if they "really" tried to get him off of this guy. Regardless of how drunk or whatever (not even blaiming the alcohol) they should have been able to stop this nut job.

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Another day in the funny farm. This does happen everywhere around the world, but it just seems to be more random and self-indulgent in Japan.

What are the chances of this sicko using alcohol as an excuse and getting a light or even suspended sentence? A few tears go a long way in a Japanese court.
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They could have atleast low blowed him. I know it a violation af 'Man Law', but anything to protect a life, and your friend.

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Well, I bet he won't do THAT again.

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what the.... this is disturbing.

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Why dont this "TOUGH JAPANESE GUYS" go to L.A. gang neighborhoods or AFGHANISTAN to prove themselves! or why not try this? if you are feeling to beat somebody up, why dont go to ropponggi and beat the foriegner club scouts there??? or guys in black suits scouting for kyabajos in the streets of Shinjuku! they always beat weak people! totally a**s!

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I am left speechless by this. Where does somebody start when trying to get their head around such behavior? This is so scary that it is unbelievable. How do you protect yourself against such an attack? (this question is coming from somebody with extensive combat experience). The coldness of the suspect's response just blows me away. Moreover, what penalty fits this crime? The death penalty? I would assume that such an unfeeling person would be unmoved by any fear of the noose. You are definitely not going to get any feelings of regret from them. Would it be more effective just to forgo the legal process and take them on a one-way trip? I am shocked beyond belief.

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I really have nothing to say. words fail me

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Saw this on the news last night. He is not even being charged for murder, merely bodily assault causing death??? Another innocent victim of alcohol.

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I'm surprised more of the homeless in Kawasaki don't end up sharing this fate. I once saw a bloke passing water over one of them, as he lay in his sleeping bag on a cold January night. The next night there was a blue tarpaulin over the homeless person, so the passer-by just weed in his shoes instead.

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Good god....that's horrible. My son lives in Kanto and I worry about the wackos in the news all the time.

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But he has the free out of jail "but i was drunk" ticket so then it is okay.

The japanese take the group mentaly a little far, your not in my group so your is of no consequence to me 0__0

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Good friends....he shook 3 of them off ?? Yeah right...

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WTF? There's a reason somewhere in that sick head... I won't accept "he simply felt like beating someone..." as a reason. There's GOTTA be a reason. And 3 guys not being able to hold him back is inexcusable.

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I guess the great tragedy is that the victim who happened to be behind him was a totally innocent and unprepared stranger and not an alert MMA fighter or martial arts expert in foul mood who could have reciprocated the act for one Natsuhito Ito.

Punishment? off the top of my head a fitting punishment but one that wont happen is that Ito gets put in the exercise yard of a maximum security prison where incarcerated crims with pent up aggression who "simply feel like beating someone. It doesn't matter who” can do so with impunity.

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I am not sure how you punish a guy like this. Seems like he is ready to be locked up and put away or wants the death penalty, IMO anyway. Dude just does not care.

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The prosecution should push for death penalty if not he should recieve a life sentence (no parole). And his friends should recieve some jail time or a fine. They should be seen as accomplices because they were present at the scene and didn't prevent the deadly assult, even though in a logical sense the 3 of them had the power to do so.

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death sentence, the sooner the better.

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Sorry to have to say it, but this is yet another example of the deep sickness in Japanese society. There are lots of violent Japanese like this guy, but most of them manage to bottle it up...until it explodes, like this incident. It reminded me of the other young Japanese guys a few months ago who woke up one morning and decided to kill sombody - anybody. Very similar to this depraved lunatic. Japanese men (an women) drink far to much alcohol, and that drug breeds violence, just like this case. I hope they lock him up for the rest of his life and throw away the key. Please, dont anyone try to justify this sicko by saying that its a symbol of the hard times we are living in, this guy is just a depraved sicko who should be locked up forever.

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What's truly surprising is that a Japanese hospital actually accepted an emergency victim...

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yup, another sick "Only in Japan" moment. At least in other countries, you know to stay away from certain places at certain times. Japanese loonies like this are a dime a dozen and come without warning.

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Too bad Steven Seagal wasn't around.

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As for victim 'RIP,' and for killer I hope that thay hang him. “It didn’t matter who,” he was quoted as saying... Must be global warming and economy that mixed his marbles. I hope that 'G20' would fix economy to prevent growth in crimes around the world.

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Typical JT story with half the information missing. Can we have some information about the victim please? No, it doesn’t change the fact that some idiot killed an innocent man for absolutely no reason but it would help if we had a real picture of what happened. Was the victim a 70 year old homeless man or a 25 year old salary man?

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yup, another sick "Only in Japan" moment. At least in other countries, you know to stay away from certain places at certain times. Japanese loonies like this are a dime a dozen and come without warning.

No... I wouldn't say it's totally an "Only in Japan" moment.. People get the dog crap kicked out of them all the time, I wonder how much of it was due to this guy's mentality and how much of it was due to the other guy just being a crazy fxxxhead.

I would be curious to know the demeanor and size of the person that died... They don't word one about who this guy was that died... Was he 10kg weakling...? (it seems more than likely, Japanese like to prey on smaller and defenseless people, particularly women and children)

Or did this guy, egg him on...?

I've had a JN guy blow smoke in my face, just trying to egg me on, but it would have been a similar outcome, had I laid a finger on him... (by the grace of god, I walked away, for his sake)

They have this mentality that nothing ever is going to happen to them.... Total Lack of common sense...! Period!

I have no idea what happened in this case, he could have been totally minding his own business, but why would he walk so closely behind a bunch of drunk construction workers, late at night...?

Didn't he have the common sense to run..?

Or was this another instance "Ganko Japanese Pride" over-riding common-sense...?

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yup, another sick "Only in Japan" moment. At least in other countries, you know to stay away from certain places at certain times. Japanese loonies like this are a dime a dozen and come without warning.

I take it you've never been to Britain, where "unprovoked attacks", often by a group, are all too common.

Moderator: Readers, references to other countries are not relevant to this discussion.

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You know, this guy would be popular in San Quentin. General population to be exact. hope he gets the equivalent.


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This is so sad. Especially for the victim's family. But, damn. WTF is going on these days... it is not even the heat of summer yet and the crazies are coming out with a vengeance.

Don't stand near the yellow line - you might get pushed in front of a train.

Don't complain about someone playing a game on the train, you might get your jaw broken.

Be careful who you walk behind as they might turn around and beat you to death.

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Looks like recreational violence has reared its head in Japan, and by a 26-year-old construction worker no less. I totally know the type. This jackoff probably got his chugakko diploma (because they HAVE to give it to you) and has been insignificant ever since. No high school, no brains and nobody to give a sh!t about him, so he reacts like anyone else with the mentality of a 3-year-old (sorry 3 year olds) and strikes out. Stick him in the clink and send my regards to the victim's family.

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This is so sad. Especially for the victim's family. But, damn. WTF is going on these days... it is not even the heat of summer yet and the crazies are coming out with a vengeance.

Don't stand near the yellow line - you might get pushed in front of a train.

Don't complain about someone playing a game on the train, you might get your jaw broken.

Be careful who you walk behind as they might turn around and beat you to death.

I know what you mean, and with the exception of the, "don't stand to close to the edge of the platform" comment, everything you said, contradicts common-sense and reasoning in one way or another.

I know that guy was who punched the lady was 100% at fault, but is she a sworn officer of th train police, was it really her place to be getting involved in something like that...? I think not, unless this kid was playing the game while sitting on her lap or standing on her feet.

As for the construction guy, and the victim, we don't know what happened, but my only question would be, obviously the guy was in over his head, is there not some point, where good, god-given common-sense and reasoning kicks in and the fight or flight reaction takes over...?

We don't know what happened, but why would you walk so closely behind a bunch of drunk construction guys... Sure, he was in the right...

But does it matter now...? Was it worth his life...?

Is being right, better than being alive...?

Just think about that...

No if you are in that 1% of the population (obviously you are not japanese) that has no problem kicking the crap out of 3 construction workers, drunk at that, then you need not worry...

Walk where-ever you want, tell anyone to shut-off that video game, but I still wouldn't stand too close to the tracks, in case there is some sick, mommy-didn't love him, psycho-boy on the platform behind you...

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given the heinous nature of this crime, it's time for all japanese between the ages of 16 and 65 to be fingerprinted and retinally scanned. so that their DNA can be logged into a police database, for just such emergencies.

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This is truly disgusting and I have no sympathy for the kill, whether he was drunk or not.

What is disquieting is that this is yet another random killing. This was a major problem before the economy went belly up. I imagine that we can expect the situation to get worse in the current desperate climate. I find that more frightening than North Korea's missile launches.

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Hey IvanCoughalot, pretty remarkable you saw that on two consecutive nights. So what did you do about it?

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"it didn't matter who"

I'm sure it didn't.

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"Too bad Steven Seagal wasn't around"

Or Chuck Norris.

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These "friends" were not of much help, were they. There were three of them and they couldn´t stop this pr1ick? Something does not add up.

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Between the economy, the over-crowding, the male role in Japan and the incredible abuse of alcohol in Japan, I'm actually surprised we don't read about things like this more often. I have to admit to being a little surprised and shamed by some of the posts here. A lot of people thought this was such a brutal assault that they were beyond words. I read this story and thought, "There by the grace of God go I." For many people, stress builds up and there is no healthy outlet for release. I know I felt that way for a very long time and I know I'm not alone. I think until the economy gets under control and, as a species, humans figure out a better work/life balance, this kind of thing will happen more frequently.


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Good post, Taka, and I think you're right in terms of the potential 'causes' of this.

"I know that guy was who punched the lady was 100% at fault, but is she a sworn officer of th train police, was it really her place to be getting involved in something like that...? I think not, unless this kid was playing the game while sitting on her lap or standing on her feet."

Oh my god... here we go again.... the bottom line is that any society where the 'norm' or 'being safe' means just pretending something isn't happening and that this women in ANY WAY deserved to get popped for asking a young man to keep the volume down is a sick society. In this case, true, we don't know anything about the victim except that he died (though actually in the Japanese news they went into detail on him), but I don't think we can go so far as to blame the guy's death on pride. In fact, whether it was in this thread or on the news, it was pretty clear the guy took some pretty strong blows at the beginning and probably couldn't 'run' off if he wanted to (and he probably DID want to).

What's more, the guy was, if still conscious, probably hoping the three guys aside the person doing the assaulting would help rescue him.

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Taka and smith- good posts.

I could not defend this guy, even if I wanted to. No holes in the story and what he did is just vicious. There is no probably or might, he went and killed a man with his fists. The bystanders should get some punishment too. If they changed the law to make it illegal to ride with a drunk person, I am sure they are going to do something to this affect too, maybe anyway.

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If it truly "didnt matter who" was going to cop a trashing, why didnt he go to a koban a pick a fight? Well, we all know the answer, right? Because hes a coward who thought he was tough with a few drinks in him and his mates behind him. Dare say hell be meeting our friend, Mr. Noose in the future.

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Dare say hell be meeting our friend, Mr. Noose in the future.

i doubt it unless he doesn't apologize and kills a couple more. otherwise, he'll spend a few years in jail and then walk for taking someones life.

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drunktard kills stranger, who didn't care who it was.

this guy deserves death row.

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I think that his 2 drunk friends should be arrested also! If you know Japanese people then you know that they rather ACT as though they are trying to stop a fight involving a friend but are afraid of the violence or of losing a friendship(you choose)!

I don't care how big the guy may have been but from a psychological view the guy couldn't have been more that 60 or 70klgs! He wouldn't have hurt his friends. He wanted to show he was tough and big so he beat the smaller guy he didn't know. The 2 friends could have stopped him if they had BALLS! They need to write a book especially for Japan, Common Sense for Dummies and Try Fighting with Someone your Own Size for a change!

He had sense enough not to fight the other 2 construction workers he was walking with in a fit of rage didn't he! He knew they would have beat the S&%$ OUT OF HIM! IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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" I think that his 2 drunk friends "

The article says there were THREE friends. To claim that three of them could not restrain this one guy is insane. Or was he superman?

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The article says there were THREE friends. To claim that three of them could not restrain this one guy is insane. Or was he superman?

Superman has morals, alas, it was not him. Unless it was when he turned in Superman 2, for that short amount of time. The DC universe is pretty hard to follow.

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Ito’s friends tried to stop him but he shook them off and continued assaulting the victim

WOW! was he so little chicken, fast and furious or big and strong enough that friends couldn`t stop him or friends were little chickens who were scared of own friend? They all should be responsible for death of that person.

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didnt matter who, why didnt he pick one of his so called friends.

The 3 should also be charged with accessory

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People are pretty hard on the friends. Hindsight is 20/20. Think about it. I bet they had no idea what was going on. If one of your friends suddenly did an about-face and started beating the crap out of someone, would you not assume that that someone did something to your friend that you did not see? Something like hit him with a rock. That would make you hesitate.

Second, its unlikely that you would expect death to be a result. If you did, boy would you react differently. But who, in that situation, instantly thinks someone is going to die?

Last, the guy is quite obviously a complete nutcase. Ever watch the show Cops? Ever see a BUNCH of cops trying to take down ONE nutcase and having a really hard time of it? Well, these two friends are not cops, they were not called to a scene, but rather, taken by surprise, and they probably had no training on how to deal with a violent nut. I also doubt they carried nightsticks. They tried to stop the violence. Its a lot more than a lot of other people would do. So I am not about the condemn them.

The nut needs to be locked up in a mental facility for life lest he do this again. But I would not complain if the courts hit him with a murder charge. When somebody dies from a beating, I tend to think the beater was trying to kill because it takes a lot of effort to do that in most cases.

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Everyone has a reason why they do stuff like this but you don't need to kill someone. Exercise restraint. If this nutcase just did it for fun, for no particular reason then he deserves to hang or rot in jail or just send him on a one way ticket to Iraq.

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wow that is some serious carziness. I hope this guy goes away for life.

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Absolutely crazy. My heart goes out to the victim's family.

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this is not a "big city" area which makes it more shocking since a lot of people walk around at all times of night feeling very secure. If my friend went nuts and did something like this in my presence I would personaly hold him for the cops to take him away drunk or not.

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For those understanding how this could happen because of the failing economy and stress let me tell you what you are full of. I have felt stress as well and have even changed my life so drastically because of it but never have I felt like just beating on someone at random. Only guys like the beater who go around with britches bigger than they are , are the ones that I feel deserve to get their peepee smacked.

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Oh my god... here we go again.... the bottom line is that any society where the 'norm' or 'being safe' means just pretending something isn't happening and that this women in ANY WAY deserved to get popped for asking a young man to keep the volume down is a sick society. In this case, true, we don't know anything about the victim except that he died (though actually in the Japanese news they went into detail on him), but I don't think we can go so far as to blame the guy's death on pride. In fact, whether it was in this thread or on the news, it was pretty clear the guy took some pretty strong blows at the beginning and probably couldn't 'run' off if he wanted to (and he probably DID want to).

Here we go again with the lack of "Common-Sense," which came first, "Chicken or the Egg" Debate, among people hell bent on enforcing rules.

What-ever happened to "Mind Your Own Business...?"

The point being... Is it really worth all the trouble of being right, or just letting it go....?

I can't understand for the life of me, why it is people feel it's their job or sole purpose in life to take it upon themselves to enforce rules or regulations...?

Ok, well let's just start handing out ticket books to all the neighborhood Oyaji's, and they can start writing tickets, if they feel you need one for talking too loud, smoking or riding your bike.

Oh, but let's not forget being rude, we need to have special politeness Oyaji's and Obasan's to hand out these tickets too.

We all know it wasn't their fault that they got: punched, kicked, slapped, saliva wiped on them, pushed in front of a train or stabbed, That's Not the point, but why would you even go there...?

Come on dude...show a little common sense...Please

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bushlover: I have felt stress as well and have even changed my life so drastically because of it but never have I felt like just beating on someone at random.

But that is you. Everyone is different. It is quite possible this guy would have had more self control in a better economic situation. Some people have more tolerance than others. Some people snap quicker than others. Some people are obviously nuts their whole lives, yet do nothing so dangerous because nothing set them off.

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"Some people are obviously nuts their whole lives"

I've seen some of them.

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didnt matter who, why didnt he pick one of his so called friends. The 3 should also be charged with accessory

Absolutely! They are accomplices to murder at this point, until it could be proven otherwise. They should be charged, then let the facts come out.

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(it seems more than likely, Japanese like to prey on smaller and defenseless people, particularly women and children)

It's not Japanese that target those people, it's criminals of all societies that target them.

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Bushlover, good point, well put.

Ultrashaman, rubbish, its far more prevalent in Japan as it is a cultural trait that has been pointed out on this site many, many times. That "oh, it happens in other societies too" response is typical of the many Japanophiles and apologists that post here who fail to recognise that other countries actually DO SOMETHING about these incidents, instead of the Japanese response of "well, just another weirdo" and toddle of to work or change the channel.

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its far more prevalent in Japan as it is a cultural trait that has been pointed out on this site many, many times. That "oh, it happens in other societies too" response is typical of the many Japanophiles and apologists that post here

Or maybe both views have some merit? Or how about "the whole "this is a cultural trait cuz JT posters say so" argument is typical of the many Japanophobes who post here"?

Japan is not an ideal country or culture, but neither is it the pits - seeing Japan through crap-coloured glasses is just as bad as seeing it through rose-coloured glasses.

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Still totally safe to walk around any time, day or night. Just a pretty bad luck day for some poor random person.

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It's stress of several different kinds. He should still be punished to the fullest extent, however & not use alcohol as an excuse. Has anyone been studying what living in a super-populated area does to people? I live in an area of about 30,000 and we're spread out over approx 70 miles. We're stressed, too, because it's hard to get a job here that pays enough where you can save enough money to move elsewhere. But we're not living on top of each other. Sure, young men get into fights here, too, but not to the point where someone is killed, and it's never random. The cost of living there, population density, job situations, lack of support ... it's creating powder kegs. But - what to do about it?

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A 26 year old Japanese construction worker? Let me guess, ex gang member for some motorcycle bosozoku? Scumy, dirty long fake blong hair? A few earings? Raised by a single parent, if by any at all, perfect conbination of crappy up bringging and here we have the grand result, a murderer. Well, I hope he hangs, no use wasting our hard earned taxes on such filthy scum who do not understand how to behave in a civilized society!

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Japan is still a very safe country. Japan may also be trending the most number of heinous and senseless (like this one) crimes per capita... and it can be both at the same time. - Which understandandably, makes the issue uniquely Japanese. Its like having the greatest nobel-laureate minds while also having the attention-deficit-disordered brains of the bosozoku gangs, existing at the same plane. And yes, If you dont get it by now, you just aint gettin it.

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