Japan Today

Man caught taking up-skirt photos with camera in his shoe


Police on Thursday arrested a 29-year-old man in Otsu for violation of prefectural nuisance laws after he was caught taking up-skirt photos of high school girls with a small camera in his shoe.

According to police, at around 8 a.m., Kunihiro Kawakami, who lives in Osaka, was seen positioning his foot beneath the skirts of two 16-year-old high school girls on the JR Tokaido Line as it ran between Yamashina and Otsu stations.

He was seen by a security guard who was patrolling the car at the time, and when questioned, he admitted to having placed a small camera inside his left shoe.

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Pay fine, bow.... try again next week.

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Dirty dirty man

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Kuni-hero !

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Another hard-core criminal busted! Maybe if skirt length were more regulated, high school girls would be targeted less?

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I wonder what his excuse was? "No, really! The shoe already had a camera in it when I bought them!"

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I hope he finds a new hobby like raking pictures of trains. Hahahaha !!! He should try is fantasy taking pictures of special trains. New Hobby buddy !!!

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Upskirt bloopers The police should hire she/he's and send them undercover in high school uniform. I know for a fact upskirt picture crimes will go down. Plus up skirt video operators would vomit hahahaha !!!!

Correct spelling errors sorry iPhone blooper. I hope he finds a new hobby like taking pictures of trains. Hahahaha !!! He should try a new fantasy taking pictures of special trains. New Hobby buddy !!!

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pay fine, bow... try again next week, nice one, i like it!

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why don't high school girls wear black spandex work out pants under their skirts? then there would be nothing to see

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I really don't get how people get excited about a womans underclothes. I mean maybe if most women didn't bother to wear anything I could understand, but just having a picture of a girls panties? That just makes no sense to me. I do believe its a sickness though. Probably needs treatment for his illness. Should require him to see a shrink to help him get over these serious and troubling mental health issues.

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Upskirt shoe photos. Bound together in a book. Coffee, Tea, or me?

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@Molenir. Good question. My mother who is a social worker in America says its similar to reason why well-off people try shoplifting; "chikans" enjoy the thrill of the hunt more than the actual viewing.

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I don't get it either, but maybe that's because I'm a girl. So, can't relate to these pervs who violate others privacy without them even knowing. Disgusting.

Debucho-- I think I've actually started seeing a few girls with shorts, trackpants, or some kind of spandex under their skirts, but I wonder if it's just because it's still a little breezy outside (though when it was freezing and blizzarding outside I still saw most of those girls wearing those flimsy skirts, so maybe it's not about the weather as much). Either way, it would be a good way to ward off scumbags like this. I know some of them want to look cute or whatever, but it's not like you have to wear it the whole day. Just when you're on the train and you don't know who that strange man is standing suspiciously close to you on the train.

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How clever ^_^

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Taking upskirt shots is a kind of soft-core rape. I think the same areas of the brain connected to the desire to rape are also stimulated by taking upskirt shots. They should do a test and scan the brainwaves of a man viewing a video of upskirt shots and then of a simulated rape. I bet the resulting brainwave patterns are similar.

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@HeyLars: So do you think that if a girl dresses a certain way then she should somehow be at fault for being targeted by this sick old men? I think not! Regardless of how short a school girl's skirt is, that doesn't mean it's ok for some ojisan to try and take pictures of her underwear or rub up against her on the train. Nor is she to blame, it's the sick old men like this guy who are to blame.

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I think I've actually started seeing a few girls with shorts, trackpants, or some kind of spandex under their skirts


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SiouxChef-- LOL No.

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In all the episodes of Get Smart I've watched, Maxwell Smart only had a shoe-phone as far as I know. A Shoe-camera might have been useful in the fight against Kaos!

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I think there's a potential market here for women's undershorts printed with horrifying insults toward perverts.

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School girls seem to like being looked at though..

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Why doesn't the Ministry of Education change the school uniforms from skirts to shorts. Problem solved.

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he admitted to having placed a small camera inside his left shoe.

Then how does he take pics with camera inside shoe??

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Debucho makes a really good point. Nip the whole school-girl/uniform fetish in the bud right there. At least in uniform-required schools in some other countries, the girls have the option of wearing pants if they want.

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School girls seem to like being looked at though.

And you can tell ... how, exactly? This attitude is what leads perverts to violate young women. "She looked like she wanted it."

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Another hard-core criminal busted! Maybe if skirt length were more regulated, high school girls would be targeted less?

That's right, let's just blame the victims and brush off this whole issue with a blase comment. Bit of wink and a nod? So what should high-school girls be wearing Lars? Maybe a full-length burkha?

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Why doesn't the Ministry of Education change the school uniforms from skirts to shorts. Problem solved.

The problem isn't the uniform.

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Why doesn't the Ministry of Education change the school uniforms from skirts to shorts. Problem solved.

I`m sure the guys at the MoE like skirt lengths just the way they are...

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The problem is and isn't the uniforms these guys are sick BUT the so-called entertainment industry is partially to blame having sexualized JHS and HS girls uniforms.

I am a single father of a teenage girl and 3 years ago I was ecstatic when I found out that the JHS in my ward had a choice of skirt or slacks for girls, my daughter chose to wear the slacks (despite the pressure from teachers and friends to wear the skirt).

Being of mixed race she tends to attract more attention but the fact that she wore slacks made that she had far fewer "problems" then most of the other girls when traveling.

She just started HS this week but the public HS she is attending does not have slacks as an option and she is quite unhappy about it we purchased the longest skirt permissible by the school rules and she insist on wearing what the Japanese call "spats" (tight short resembling biking shorts) under her skirt.

If the government would do away with the short skirts and sailor uniforms and switch to a blazer and slacks combo then at least the younger girls would not be such a target for these perverts.

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Rather interesting post limbo, but I don't know about the following assumption:

If the government would do away with the short skirts and sailor uniforms and switch to a blazer and slacks combo then at least the younger girls would not be such a target for these perverts.

Because sooner or later the so-called entertainment industry would sexualize what ever came next. Changing uniforms, unfortunately, is only part of the solution.

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timorborder; Yes I know it would only be part of the solution but at least it would be a start, if it could be followed up by legislation making it illegal to depict sexual behavior with minors ( I know I'm dreaming) then maybe there would actually be progress on the issue.

But then again if the uniforms are not sexy then maybe these perverts will drop the schoolgirl thing and move on the the maid thing.

The irony is that for some incomprehensible reason the schools seem more worried about the skirts maximum length than the minimum length, at the entrance ceremony I saw several girls with skirt way shorter then the minimum but my daughter had an argument at the school when ordering her skirts because she wanted them longer then permissible.

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If this is such a problem in this society ban the wear of short skirts in school. Better yet switch to long pants for boys and girls.

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Why try switching uniforms to stop this crime? Why not just make all teen girls remain inside their home at all times? Problem solved!

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limbo, great post.

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the point of the uniform is conformity, not to look sexy. just have girls uniforms be shorts instead of skirts and let the pervs prey on older women who want to look sexy to guys in public

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Why not get rid of the uniform thing all together.

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A little educational reminder: A plea to enforce existing skirt length rules= preventative tactic.

Saying its all the girl's fault= blaming the victim.

One I did and the other I didn't. Surprised I don't get chastized for suggesting people wear seat belts too!

timorborder said: So what should high-school girls be wearing Lars? Maybe a full-length burkha?

How about skirts of a length that confirm to existing school rules? Ya know, like I suggested in my post?

Changing uniforms, unfortunately, is only part of the solution.

So what do you have in mind for the other part? And keep in mind that whatever you do the guys who get caught does not necessary keep new offenders from coming into being.

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Why not get rid of the uniform thing all together.


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It's a game of cat and mouse in this country with the short skirts and the guys peeping. Girls know they're going to be targets of stares, but thankfully it usually isn't much worse than that. Guys also know (or should know) the risks with embedding a camera in their shoe or trying to grab a handful on the train. If you can't handle the consequences, then don't play the game.

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We should not blame girls or those who tease them but blame should go to Ministry of Education who let these Cheerleader's uniform in School. These skirts are specially prepared for Male Teachers.

Do you think if there is a proper law student can break?

According to my own research after asking questions, I come to understand Japan is an Island, (shima guni)if you won't do as others, then you will be left alone (Nakama hazure). Nobody wants to be left behind.

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Molenir: Good post, my friend. I tend to agree with you -- can't much see the thrill of underclothes. Well, I enjoy when my wife puts on a good lingerie session for me, or if for some reason a young woman happens to have a bit of thong exposed, but that's the ATTITUDE that's sexy, not the actual cloth itself. Also, a lot of these pervs have whacked out imaginations -- if the girls in question had nothing on underneath it might not arouse the same level of hentai fantasies.

But like I said, I also ultimately don't know why they do this. I'm glad the security guard made the catch, though... good job!

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Look saying that skirt length should be enforced or that perhaps they should change to slacks is not blaming the victim, is is however trying to protect them until they are old enough to understand the consequences of their actions and as non-perverted adults not making them such an easy target for these perverts!

If a parent leaves their young child (4 or 5 for example) alone in a shopping mall and the child gets lost, injured or taken we blame the criminal in the last case but we also blame the parent in all these cases for being so stupid as to leaving the child unattended.

Well this is not so different they may be older but children need some rules for their own protection.

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Jeez, what happened to the good old days when all you needed was a small mirror and some glue...

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smithinjapan said: Molenir: Good post, my friend. I tend to agree with you -- can't much see the thrill of underclothes.

Do you really think its the underwear for even most of these guys? I don't think so. I think its whats in the underwear. Obviously you are going to see in the upskirt picture a lot more flesh than what you normally see. Or does a skirt blown up by the wind have no effect on you? Yeah, I know some guys even go so far as to steal underwear, but again the attraction was to what was in them. I am sure that most of these guys would not do this if they were getting the real thing, and THAT is the root of the whole problem.

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limboinjapan said: The problem is and isn't the uniforms these guys are sick BUT the so-called entertainment industry is partially to blame having sexualized JHS and HS girls uniforms.

If true it must be the smallest part. Its not like anyone was forced to watch girls in uniforms by the entertainment industry. I am sure the fetish comes first, or why would they buy or rent such tapes? I think its pretty obvious the fetish comes from the fact that when their sexual awakening occurred they were surrounded by uniforms. Why high school boy is not dying for a peek? This one never lost the urge and finally got the money to afford the equipment!

If anything is going to severely reduce the incidence of men trying to do this its going to have start in JHS and HS. Not much sense pontificating after that.

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Smith - Molenir: Good post, my friend. I tend to agree with you --

Almost fell out of my chair! Being that we're on opposite sides of the political spectrum, its exceedingly rare that we seem to find ourselves in agreement on various issues. Its always nice to realize that despite your whacked out, leftist lunacy, there actually are places we agree. :D

Seriously though, I think what Samwatters said is probably about right. Its not what the girls are wearing, but rather the thrill they get from doing something they know to be wrong.

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HeyLars ; I am not just talking about the adult entertainment industry just watch any mainstream TV channel in Japan and see how many so-call dramas have a 20 something "talento" dressed up playing a schoolgirl and the rest that follows. Then check out the "variety" shows and get even more of an eyeful all this at prime time.

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If the government would do away with the short skirts and sailor uniforms and switch to a blazer and slacks combo then at least the younger girls would not be such a target for these perverts.

Mandating that boys wear skirts would solve the problem in about five seconds flat.

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Hard (pardon the pun) to get excited over white cotton panties. The guy should have just bought a magazine with pictures of that stuff then he wouldn't have his name splashed across the news. What a maroon!

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Molenir: "Its not what the girls are wearing, but rather the thrill they get from doing something they know to be wrong."

I don't even give them that much credit. Ie. I doubt they intentionally set out to break the law. I think it's more likely that they are not desiring to do something 'wrong', but that BECAUSE it's wrong it's 'exciting' to be doing.

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I always thought that guys having Crusty The Clown type shoes were up to something...

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This is almost certainly a business operation. When he assembles enough footage (leggage?) he edits it into a DVD and distributes it via the usual sleazy channels. Probably makes several hundreds of thousands of yen on it. The police should check out his bank transactions and whack him with a big fine if he's been profiting from the pics.

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"Debucho said: why don't high school girls wear black spandex work out pants under their skirts? then there would be nothing to see"

But then, the guys the girls want to see, couldn't.

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Here's to the security guard for being on his toes!!

As for the uniform issue, I think they seriously need updating. Why not have just plain slacks and a polo t-shirt for everyone? Everyone knows that there are tons of J-men out there with a school-girl-in-a-skimpy-skirt fetish, so it seems to me if I were a parent or a teacher a simple solution would be to get the girls into pants! Or at least have them wear something under it. It's not a radical idea. Just common sense.

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dolphingirl; That is precisely what I have been saying, same uniform for both boy and girls would kill any "thrill" these perverts get.

Just think about it, your groper on the train come up behind what he thinks is a girl as he tries to go about his sick business this boy turns around and wallops him one!

As I wrote my daughter wears shorts under her skirt as do several of her friends but in the winter many of the girls wear their gym sweats but they MUST remove them before any teachers catch them.

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They have to remove their sweats before the teachers see them?! That's nuts!

And you're right...the pants could reduce the number of JHS/HS girls being groped too.

I think the separation of the boys and girls in schools is also magnified by wearing pants and skirts. This is why some boys grow up to be men who are gropers and up-skirt photo takers!! They have no ability to socialize or communicate with women!

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dolphingirl; as much as I complain about japan I still love the place but that said, this IS Japan and logic and rules don't mix, never mind it's minus 5 outside or that there's heavy rain and 10 cm of water on the ground, No over coat, no gloves and no rubber boots if those are the rules then that's the way the schools will enforce things.

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A camera in his shoe? Certainly sounds like he's not on a shoestring budget.

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limboinjapan said: I am not just talking about the adult entertainment industry just watch any mainstream TV channel in Japan and see how many so-call dramas have a 20 something "talento" dressed up playing a schoolgirl and the rest that follows. Then check out the "variety" shows and get even more of an eyeful all this at prime time.

Do you seriously think that compares to 6 years as a teen being surrounded by so dressed JHS and HS girls for 9 hours a day or more??? I still have fond memories of that time in my life and the girls of my memories are not getting any less attractive. And do you think that if the TV instead had nothing but skimply clad old ladies that tastes would change to match? Not a chance! Attraction to teens far predates the TV and the uniform fetish is the result of an association formed in adolescence.

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Beelzubub: "When he assembles enough footage (leggage?) he edits it into a DVD and distributes it via the usual sleazy channels. "

The 'beauty' of it is that it won't be illegal to own once you have the porn! The guy could show the police all the pictures of little girls' underwear until he suffocating himself with it and the police would be powerless to do anything unless they caught him taking the shots -- which is fortunately the case here (again, good job security guard!).

dolphingirl: "dolphingirl; That is precisely what I have been saying, same uniform for both boy and girls would kill any "thrill" these perverts get."

Nah, would never fly. In fact, I'm pretty sure uniforms are on their way out in Japan, and that in 20 years you won't see them save for private schools. I don't know too many schools that advocate short skirts, but in my time here I've seen plenty a young lady that has hiked hers up, or had it mended, of her own accord. Hell, I know PARENTS who have mended their daughters skirts because they want them to be 'sexier' (I'm not kidding). What's a public school going to do about it?

And anyway, if you're REALLY going to talk about uniforms, you have to refashion this society as a whole. Hell, when I came here all the girls were required to wear ブルマ ('bloomers', although that doesn't catch the history and obscurity of the things) until Japan was embarrassed for it at the Olympics in the '90s. Little boys, even in the dead of winter, at many schools have to wear shorts that seem to double as skivvies. When I once asked a Japanese about this some ten years ago she said to me the children wear such uniforms, even in winter, because "it makes them look genki!".

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"...but in my time here I've seen plenty a young lady that has hiked hers up..."

Yowza... didn't intend that to sound the way it does in retrospect. Anyone who knows my posts knows that I am STRONGLY against any kind of porn or this kind of thing when the 'subject' is underage.

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Okay... that sounds bad as well. I'll just quick before I'm even more behind.

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smithinjapan said: The 'beauty' of it is that it won't be illegal to own once you have the porn! The guy could show the police all the pictures of little girls' underwear until he suffocating himself with it and the police would be powerless to do anything unless they caught him taking the shots -- which is fortunately the case here (again, good job security guard!).

Many people here probably actually get a sick thrill thinking so, but think again. The police will arrest him on suspicion of making the porn and extract a confession.

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smithinjapan; Sorry to disagree with you but actually many public JHS schools that had eliminated uniforms are now bringing them back, and now they are even talking about bringing them back for public elementary school (at least in Tokyo) the reason for this are the parents (speaking as one) it is way more practical then trying to figure out what the child is going to wear everyday.

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What does a camera shoe look like, anyway?

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smithinjapan said: Okay... that sounds bad as well. I'll just quick before I'm even more behind.

Quick? Before you are more behind? That slip was Freudian I think! Besides, methinks Smith doth protest too much!

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School uniforms are not going to be banned any time soon.. the few schools that tried taking them out only proved the positive aspects of school uniforms.. they promote a sense of social unity, school pride - and with that an increased drive to succeed in school academically. And truthfully the girls wear skirts so as not to show the shape of their hips.. which pants would certainly do.. buruma (bloomers) are a good idea and they were accepted in Sapporo as long as they did not extend beneath the hem of the skirt, which was not too short at all.. just a bit above the knee actually. The hem of uniform skirts IS different from school to school.. girls in Shiga prefecture have a reputation for having the shortest skirts..

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Heylars: No bro. As 'cute' as a highschool girl may be I'm afraid I can only mean it as though the lady in question were my own daughter, and as such I could never go for some one so young. As for the 'quick', I typed 'quit', but my iPhone decided to be tempermental.

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Mikanojo: Are you KingRat? YOu seem to have the same double period problem, and the same inability to acknowledge common facts. Funny how you can get around being banned these days.

Oh... and you're an idiot if you think 'buruma' were a good idea. These days most Japanese can't even remember what they were, and if you ask them they get embarrassed as hell, and for good reason.

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You can curtail the problem without getting rid of school uniforms. As has been mentioned elsewhere, simply change the girls' uniform to a pants suit format. Instant elimination of all "upskirt photo issues".

Parents like the idea of uniforms because then everyone knows what is to be worn. Teachers like the idea of uniforms because then there is less opportunity for what a student is wearing to be a distraction in class.

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There are a lot of cases like this recently, eh...

Why don't girls wear shorts under their skirt? I mean... at my high school there was a uniform policy, but shorts were still allowed...

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I fail to understand the upskirt fetish. Something needs to be done generally about guys with cameras. Women seem to be able to handle cameras without using them for sex, but for some reason guys HAVE TO take pictures of genitalia or genitals covered by fabric. Why is that? Any guy with a mask and a camera, for instance, should be lynched on the spot.

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"Man caught taking up-skirt photos "

Talk about redundant. Has anyone ever read about a woman doing anything like this? I won't say that ONLY MEN do this, because that would be sexist, but I will say that only people with an x and a y chromosome do this.

If you wanted to find people who do this, you could use probability to profile them with this simple rule: the more x chromosomes a person has, the less likely they are to use a camera to take dirty photos. I have a feeling that the security guard used a similar rule to catch this guy. The part that stumps me though is how could the security guard know so much about someone's chromosomes just by looking at them?

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Upskirt fetishes are only going to be understood by the perpetrators. It's like trying to understand why a serial killer does what they do. We have no point of reference to even begin to understand.

There's no reason why the uniforms MUST be skirts, and certainly no reason why the skirt needs to be short enough that an upskirt picture is possible. Address either of those two points and you'll go a long way towards thwarting the pervs.

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I went to Catholic school in the U.S. since I was 5 and I wore the uniform skirt from since I was 6-18 years old. Most girls in my school would wear tight biker shorts underneath their skirts that would essentially make it impossible to see their underwear to avoid flashing our classmates or teachers. I dont' understand why girls in Japan just don't do that.

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So what happens when a girl is dressed in a skirt that is not a school uniform? The “problem” is human nature. Males will always be attracted to females. And when that male is a sneaky little twerp. He puts a camera in his shoe and sneaks pictures up skirts.

Clothing girls in pervert proof rappers, or gouging out the eyes of all males when they reach puberty are both possible solutions but I don’t want to live in a place where ether is mandated. Life in a free society is messy. Let’s just deal with creeps on a creep by creep basis.

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Another day, another perv.

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Actually a lot of girls wear "buruma" or exercise shorts under their skirts ... which turns on these pervs for some reason.

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Dealing with creeps on a 'creep by creep basis' is not going solve the problem. Actually, even getting JH/SH school girls to wear biker shorts under their skirts or pants is really only a band-aid solution. Although it would be a good start.

Proper behavior and defense techniques need to be taught to young people. Keep your hands to yourself & your camera to yourself... and not just when you think you won't get caught! And if someone touches you inappropriately or violates you in any way, shout, glare, slap...do something!! Men continue these kinds of pervy behavior here because they know they can get away with it 99% of the time. I suppose that also comes with a shame-based society. It aint wrong if people see you doing it and do nothing.

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I don't know about high school students, but at junior high schools I have worked at in Japan, the girls wore (I was told) their PE shorts under their skirts. My son is in a juniior high here and he wears PE shorts under his uniform pants.

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There's no reason why the uniforms MUST be skirts, and certainly no reason why the skirt needs to be short enough that an upskirt picture is possible. Address either of those two points and you'll go a long way towards thwarting the pervs.

Actually, uniforms are never mini-skirts. It's unheard of to have a uniform that is more than a few inches above the knee at most.

What it is, is that girls are rolling up the waistband of their skirts, thereby making them as short as they want. So they can pull them back down at school to conform to regulations, and roll up after they leave to look cute. Next time you see a schoolgirl in a mini, look closely around her waist, and you will probably see a bit of a bulge wrapping around her middle. That's where the rest of the skirt is!

I am not a schoolgirl, but I wear miniskirts all the time. But I always wear bike shorts underneath. If I didn't, then well, if I flash someone accidentally it's my own fault. Not that I would let a perv take pictures up my skirt, but yeah.

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There are far worse crimes than THIS! This should be a civil violation or a misdemeanour. Just give the perverts community service and psychiatric treatment instead of prison time.

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How can a man stand so close to her anyway.

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This guy is stupid. But if he went to the trouble of putting a camera in his shoe, then he's probably selling the pictures to some fetish website. He could get the same pictures by paying the girls. If he asked the girls and they said yes, the cops would not be involved. He is stupid. No matter what he deserves what happens to him.

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That's just gross. It makes me glad that I dont have to wear a skirt as a school uniform.

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This guy needs to pick up a new hobby that does not involve panties. There is more to life then panties.

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