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Man convicted over viral video of sauce bottle licking at sushi chain
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It’s difficult to understand the pride and pleasure some people take in their own disgusting vulgarity.
Blame social media.
it’s designed to stroke people’s ego - which is what he basically said.
PS , please press ‘like’
Hervé L'Eisa
Since the sentence is suspended for 5 years, it means if he does some other stupid thing he'll get to actually be punished.
Actions have consequences.
Get a life
21 years old with an arrest record. For this.
3 years !?! - another Japanese-style "kill the chicken to scare the monkey" sentence.
Patient Zero
The answer is, the prestige of imaginary internet points.
He didn't realise that someone had licked that sauce bottle before he did.
He's the chump who was collared for it.
Dave Fair
at first I thought, what, no jail time? then it dawned on me, he has already spent how long being held for questioning pre-trial so I guess 5-years suspended isn't the end of the world. However, a short prison stint still could do more to persuade others from doing such offensive behavior.
Almost forgot this fool existed.
Does he still have his cute little hair?
3 years in jail? Sounds about right.
Throw in his camera man as well.
Learn the lesson, stupid loser..
Suspended sentence. He's Japanese so it figures. He and the judges should be suspended upside down from the court's rafters.
@u_s__reamer Hey! That's an ancient Chinese reference. 殺雞儆猴.
Big fine would have more deterrent value to other tools doing things like this.
Hopefuly there will never be similar cases for the next foreseeable future.
However the core issue of those kind of actions is still there.
This was another proof that sometimes, the Social Media is one of the most toxic environments kids are exposed too. Also this stupid social reccongnition should be banned for such actions. Sadly, is almost impossible...
Keepyer Internetpoints
The joy of trolling is easy to understand. Throughout human history people have been horrible to eachother for often nothing but giggles, and so desperate for the pleasure their brains worked overtime to subvert the rules to do it.
-2 yrs suspends with remorse for Sushi licking… Whatever.
Better than minus suspends plus no remorse.
While the sentence sounds stiff, the message is clear "don't contaminate items which other people use and which may lead to their ill health".
In a way, you’ve got to feel sorry for the kid. Yes, what he did was disgusting and stupid, but who didn’t do stupid things when they were his age. Also, social media pushes young people to do stupid things to get more attention and dopamine hits. Yes, he was an idiot, but his life is pretty much ruined now. Someone should’ve stopped him.
I'll bring my small bottle of soy sauce! no one touch it
Jonathan Prin
Very harsh sentence.
No one was hurt (or poisoned).
He hurt business though, so that should be a fine corresponding to the occured loss.
I think everyone understood the lesson that wishing social media fame that way is a highly risky.
Dr Maybe
@Larr Flint
What a joke, another suspended sentence.
100% agree. It's a joke. I'm really sick of jerk-offs like this thinking they need to be "recognized". YouTubers suck. Massively.
Singapore gets a lot of criticism for its "draconian" laws, but let's be honest. Someone like this needn't be sent to prison, but still needs to pay a price! 10-20 forceful lashes with a whip across the back would be ideal.
Japanese are overwhelmingly in favor of capital punishment, as we all know. Let's be consistent and bring on some public floggings for selfish cretins like this!
Dr Maybe
@Jonathan Prin
Very harsh sentence.
Apparently you are unaware of the meaning of "suspended sentence". The moron got away with zero punishment, dude!
OssanAmericaToday 08:06 am JST
probably one reason why Japan is much safer than some other places.
Well done Judge, and thank you.
I believe he was sued for a ton too but settled. Kura Sushi and Sushiro used to be packed compared to other chains like Kappa Sushi and Hama Sushi. After the incidences, you could walk in and get a seat quickly even on a Sunday a 6pm. They lost a ton of business throughout Japan.
Just watch those episodes from the show hosted by the late Jerry Springer. People would do or say the grossest and stupidest things to get their Famous 15 minutes and a $110,000 check.
And chances are, he'll do it again. Jokesters like him usually keep on pushing, trying to see just how far and how much they can get away with and for how long.
Just like R Kelly with his gross sex crimes, Qaddafy with his terrorism record and trump with his hateful vitriol, treason and violence.