A man, 24, disguised as a woman was arrested on Sunday for beating up a man, 31, in a hotel room in Yokohama, police said.
The suspect, identified as Tatsunori Konno, hit his date in the face and cut his thigh with scissors, after his male identity was revealed following an intimate exchange between the two on Saturday afternoon. “He started touching me and I panicked,” Konno was quoted by police as saying.
According to police, the two met for the first time after exchanging online conversations for half a year. “He looked exactly like a woman – the voice, the makeup, even the arms,” the confused victim told police. “He became violent after I realized that he was a male.”
Konno was arrested last year in October after he bit 3 cm of his then-date’s tongue in a similar situation, but the charge was dropped after the two parties reached a settlement.
“He is really beautiful when he disguises himself as a woman,” a policeman who was in charge of Konno’s case last year said.
During last year’s investigation, Konno expressed his desire to have a sex change operation and return to Hokkaido where he was born.
© Compiled from news reports
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Nothing to see here, move along....
Poor guy. He finds his date has meat and 2 veg, then gets beat up by her/him...
Dubya -- agree. In a country where several of the biggest celebs are cross-dressers, this stuff should be expected.
There is a definite attraction among some men here to "new-halves"/transvestites. Personally, I prefer my ladies a little more feminine, sans-Adam's Apple - and with the right "equipment". LOL
That is probably the funnest comment I have heard from the J-police. I wonder was he a follower of this man online.
Alexander Warrick
If you get beat up by a cross-dresser, you might as well turn your man-card in to the nearest authorities. Alphaape, i have to agree, that was a very revealing comment there.
I wonder what the date said when he found out? "Shall we cross swords?"
I just spat coffee cause of this article. You couldn't make this up if you tried!! I have to say though if this "lady" let's herself be taken to a hotel what does she think is going to happen?? Before the sex change there really should be a proper psych eval to make sure she won't keep attacking men.
I had to laugh after reading this!
We've had several of these killed and badly beaten after similar encounters.
Some were prostitutes and some were... well, I don't know what the hell they were thinkin'.
People take their lives in their hands when they screw with other people's heads like this.
So he had arms that looked like a woman's (thin I am guessing) and the victim still got beat down by a man with arms like a woman..........pathetic dude, pathetic.
Sorry, but this person's sexuality has nothing to do with this case. This person has a history of assaulting people. Counselling should be mandatory coupled with a suspended sentence for 5~10 years, with the understanding that if they do this again they'll be going to jail.
Attacking someone with scissors is pretty much the same as a knife so this is no joking matter.
I would have liked to be a fly on the wall for that one... hilarious
"I would have liked to be a fly on the wall for that one... hilarious"
I agree too this is hilarious.....the case of the violent "ladyboy"....
Is this news?
I bet his legs are not as nice as mine. That policeman made me laugh.
this cross dresser is a definite nutcase and should not be in the general population. If he lured the other guy to a hotel with a promise of sex would that be entrapment?
Wait a minute - there was "an intimate exchange" between the two and then "He started touching me"? How does that work? Surely there must be some touching in intimate exchanges?
You, Sir, have no poetry in your soul! Know you not the power of whispered sweet nothings?
Thx JT, like buggerlugs I just spit all over my laptop, how about a heads up on this weird stuff huh! LOL
An 'intimate exchange' can be an 'intimate conversation' on a number of subjects. In this case, use your imagination.
It may be that the goods promised turned out to be not as advertised.
the question lies "where the pair of scissors come from"??? do you normally carry one with you on a date, one that is big enough to inflict harm?
I feel the same as Frungy. Its not the sexual orientation. Its the violent tendencies. But people always get worked up about the sexual situation for some reason. For many, a cold shower or a tryst is in order. Get it out of your system so you can see the truth.
This ladyboy is a real menace. To intentionally fool people and get violent with scissors when you get caught? This individual needs to be locked up until he becomes sane and sensible. And they need to hook him up with people who like ladyboys.
For those questioning the manhood of the guy who got slashed with scissors, give it a rest. No doubt he was paralyzed with shock and did not expect a punch in the face or having scissors waved at him. Even on battlefields, much smaller forces have won thanks to surprise. Look up Oda Nobunaga. Surprise is a huge advantage.
Agree with Frungy. He had bitten off half of someone's tongue before and the charges were dropped?! I don't care how beautiful he looked, he should have done some time.
@ Sherman
You read the title, you clicked the link, you read the story and you commented on it.
It must be!
I've seen a couple of Japanese men who were drop-dead gorgeous. You would never have guessed they were men.
"his desire to have a sex-change operation"
That would mean severing his... oh my...
**Serrano at 10:25 PM JST - 9th May
I've seen a couple of Japanese men who were drop-dead gorgeous. You would never have guessed they were me**
I reckon that! LOL
So did you get punched and attacked with scissors yet?
they ought to make a movie out of this............
You're "on a date" in a hotel room, and you didn't expect to get touched?
lola, lo lo lo lo lola...
You have to be kidding. Truth is stranger than fiction!
@ calic0cat: ;^)
Well I'm not the world's most masculine man
But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man
And so is Lola
-The Kinks
Was he disguised as a woman, or was he just a typical young Japanese male?
hahahaha, this was the best line in this farce! hahaha
Should never had rented the sailor outfit.
What? He's not a cop?
Poor confused guy. Hope he gets some help. Hope he doesn't get that sex change and then turn into a man-hating feminaught.
Andrew Decena
If this had happened in San Francisco, it would have been just another day. :)
was he a woman born in a man's body?