The Nagoya District Court has sentenced a 44-year-old man to 30 years in prison for killing his wife and two children in Inuyama City and Fuso Town, Aichi Prefecture, in August 2022.
According to the ruling Tuesday at the lay judge trial, Daisuke Tanaka, a former telecommunications construction worker, was convicted of strangling his wife Tomoko (then 42) to death at their home in Fuso Town where they lived at the time, and then strangling his eldest daughter Chiyu (then 9) and eldest son Tora (then 6) in a car parked in a parking lot in Inuyama City, Kyodo News reported.
Tanaka has pleaded guilty to the charges. His defense team had sought a reduced sentence, arguing that Tanaka was in a state of mental impairment due to a delusional disorder. After his arrest, Tanaka underwent a psychiatric test for three months which determined he was mentally fit to stand trial.
Tanaka turned himself in at a police station on Aug 13, 2022, accompanied by relatives. Tanaka was quoted by police as saying he strangled Tomoko to death in a fit of rage after an argument. He then killed his children.
The siblings were found dead inside a station wagon in Inuyama, while the body of their mother was found in their home in Fuso.
Tanaka had cuts on his neck and arms and said that he had tried to kill himself.
Presiding judge Hirokazu Kure said to Tanaka: ”This was a cruel crime based on a serious and strong intent to kill. I want you to look more deeply into your own feelings and think about what drove you to kill three people."
© Japan Today
Quo Primum
Tanaka was quoted by police as saying he strangled Tomoko to death in a fit of rage after an argument. He then killed his children.
The "fit of rage" claim would be one thing if one victim were involved. Although it certainly wouldn't justify the murder, of course.
But to make that claim after killing THREE people? One of whom was your SPOUSE, and the other two of whom were your CHILDREN?
Ages NINE and SIX?
Come on. This guy is a murderous monster who should, at the very least, have gotten life without parole.
Better yet, the gallows. Give him his appeals, and then when his sentence is finalized, give him time to make his peace with God (if he believes, or comes to believe, in Him). Then carry out the just punishment.
Tim Sullivan
I want you to look more deeply into your own feelings and think about what drove you to kill three people
He will have plenty of time to do that.
This murderous, child-killing animal actually has the audacity to seek a reduced sentence. Imagine that. He should have been hung. Hopefully he expires very soon inside.
Rest in Peace to the Mother and her two angels.
Awful tragic crime.
Killed his wife Tomoko, 42, and also killed his daughter, 9-year-old Chiyu, and her 6-year-old brother Tora.
They didn't deserve to die.
Sadly, I've noticed this pattern repeat: man or woman kills spouse for whatever reason, then the kids as "it would be too cruel for them to go on living without the spouse that I killed."
Reminds me of the guy who'd killed his parents and asks the judge for leniency as he's an orphan.
lol For real!?
Typical of offenders; harm others then cry victim!
what kind of demonic forces took hold of this man to cause such a horrendous spree kill? How could anyone do this? OK, he argued within missus and lost his rag, unforgivable but something that sadly happens to some. But murdering his own children, that is beyond my understanding.
This sentence is quite common. Kill somebody unrelated to you and get life in prison or the death penalty. Kill members of your own family and get 30 years or less. This multiple murderer should never be able to see the light of day.
Death by hanging would be better.
Quo Primum
Agree in principle, but I think the difference is that that he turned himself in. That is and should be reflected in the sentence. If he had run, I think the sentence would have been harsher.
He deserves the death penalty.
Just 30????.....
Why not the well deserved gallows ????....
These murders occur in Australia.
One case involved a "man " who went through the whole Police process of obtaining a pistol {joined a "sporting shooter club " as a backup reason for his application } waited the weeks that it took, then bought a pistol, and killed his kids in front of his wife .
Another was a farmer who had a rifle. Financial troubles etc. Probably long term drought. Went and shot his wife and 2 sons both pre teen years old, one son shot 100 metres from the house, indicating he had tried to run away.
I can understand the calls for a death sentence here, on this forum.
Man! Talk about a 'slap on the wrist' with this one. I'm surprised he wasn't sentenced to life, at least.
Again, Japan courts hand down a ridiculously light sentence that is nowhere near commensurate with the crime committed.
I can understand people being against the death penalty. But, this piece of crap should have been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole at the very least.
But, hey, let's arrest some old man for shoplifting an onigiri.
Stewart Gale
Demonic forces?
You believe in them?
30 years? Ha.
Should get life with no possibility of getting out.
I can't even fathom the mind of an individual who would strangle two children.
Brian Wheway
I think that we've all been pushed to a breaking point at sometime in our lives, I know I have been, but I did the right thing, I walked away, this defused the situation, I don't know why or what lead him to commit this heinous crime, but he's now going to be looking at four concrete walls for many years, some say not long enough, but either way thirty years is not a short time
Re: Patricide offender asking for mercy as is an orphan .........Laguna above...thats a Rodney Dangerfield joke .
No. Didnt happen in "real life ".
Death penalty doesnt reduce murder rates.
In say, Norway, this offender would get ten years living in a self contained flat.
Depends, for some it won’t, but for others a cautionary warning.
If I were a criminal, I’d want to go to a Norway prison.
Bob Fosse
You have mentioned several times you were convicted of a crime and incarcerated so understandably you have more insight than most.
Small misdemeanor…
72 hours
Last year you said it was “30 days in the clink.”
Bob Fosse
Oh, so it’s happened twice? What was the 72 hour one for ?
Bob Fosse
You said you spent a month in jail for a traffic offense.
What was the 72 hour one for?
Now, you want to go back and focus on the story now? I think the guy should get the death penalty, what say you?
Bob Fosse
No. I’m against the death penalty. Murder is wrong in every circumstance.
I’ve said this every time the death penalty is discussed and I like to be consistent.
I have opposed the death penalty for more than 50 years. It wasn't given in this case.
See, and I believe in an "eye for an eye" all the way, you should suffer badly if you murder someone. I am not encouraging vigilantism, but if there is a story of someone giving a person back what they did to them, then that was their karma. it is what it is.
Feigning confusion will not get you points with a just god. And neither will pretending you know more about god than I do.
Seventeen minutes later…
Well, there’s the definitive answer to what everyone already knows.
Don't worry, it got suddenly 'expunged' when it became a bit embarrassing.
Seems like it's been unexpunged again though.
Not sure what you are ranting about, but stick to the thread, you seem confused.
No reason to, I don't know you so...
Yes, and?
Nothing to be embarrassed about.
Stewart Gale
Well, thanks for clearing that up……..
This one is just a liar.
Daisuke Tanaka, the former telecommunications construction worker?