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© KYODOMan arrested for trying to molest baby boy mistaken for girl
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Too bad for you, Keisuke, I guess you'll just have to make do with yourself in prison. Regardless of the predator's inclinations, I'm just happy that he got caught and the kid would be reunited with its family. This usually doesn't end well. Lesson to all parents with young kids, keep an eye on them like they're the most precious thing you ever own (are they not?). I really don't get the kicks people like this get from doing stuff like this. Send him to the brig.
They're the most precious to me but I don't own them
lock him up! He seems to have a serious problem.
He thought it was a girl but it was a boy?!?
Such irrelevancy is not salient-the guy is sick...
Mirai Hayashi
How do you leave a 1 year old unsupervised. This is precisely why so many small children get hurt or die....just sheer and gross negligence.
But the real bad person is this petterass child molester. Seems as if he's done this before so he needs to be put away for a VERY long time. Luckily that police was there to stop this rodent before he did any physical damage to the child.
His preferences are irrelevant since he's a sick, sick, sick man.
Lock this dangerous scum up for life. Other prisoners certainly do not like child molesters, lets see this animal deal with them.
The mother may have just turned for a few seconds, this predator was likely following and waiting for his chance. Lucky the police were right on the scene.
Vince Black
Lock this sick creep up. Everyone with kids always be vigilant against sick animals like him. Castration please
So what it was a boy or a girl? The article is misdirected. It was a minor.
Sick person who cannot be cured so lock him up and discard the key. Abusing a baby is as low as it gets.
What a sicko! Glad they caught him, and I hope that justice will be served.
How do you "step away" from a one year old?
Another paedophile. Still no sex offenders register.
half-hearted jumper
Throw away the key.
This headline is the worst I read today. Glad I didn’t read at breakfast.
didnt even read the the article.
His excuse is priceless. although it might get him a bit if leniency from a judge....
"I may be a molester, but I'm not gay!"
Is this supposed to make it any less evil? I know you don't accept it, but don't even acknowledge this defence of his, JT.
I just clicked on this to find out what the headline meant. Makes it sound like people mistook the molester for a girl. Either way, if he is molesting a baby, what difference would it make to him?
Locking him up for how long ? It costs us - the Tax payer, to lock him up. And afterwards without having received any treatment, there is no guarantee that he won't reoffend - especially if it's a mental issue.
Simpler and more cost effective method would be just to hang him, right ?
Oh, so that makes it ok then; it's a trap /s
Boy, girl, what's the difference? IT WAS A BABY!!!!! Gender of the baby was the least of his issues. Hopefully this "person" gets taken out of society quick. Clearly sick in the head.
The baby is 1..........Why are you stepping away from your baby, mother? She also should be slapped with a consequence, a fine or something. What is wrong with her?
Red suns
This has reached new lows.
So, if it was a girl he wouldn't be arrested or what???
This title is AWKWARD !
From the title I thought the arrested man had been mistaken as a girl.
Do the hustle
What a creep! Japan needs to increase penalties for these kinds of creeps in an attempt to deter them.
Now that's a SICK INDIVIDUAL I hope he gets put away in prison for a long time. Hope this will teach the mother of this child to always keep her child close.