Police in Ageo, Saitama Prefecture, are investigating the murder of a man in his 30s who was found stabbed to death in an apartment.
According to police, the man's boss visited the apartment at around 6:20 p.m. Wednesday because the victim had been absent from work for the past three days, NTV reported. The apartment is part of a dormitory belonging to the construction company where the victim worked.
The man's boss let himself in with a duplicate key and discovered the body.
Police said the victim had been stabbed with a knife multiple times. His name has been withheld pending notification of next of kin.
© Japan Today
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So, where did it happen? In the trailer park state, of course! I work up there once a week and the crew on the train are definitely different. Lots of orange hair, gray track suit pants and tattoos. It's the Cabramatta of Japan!
So the door was locked?
The murderer perhaps also had a key, or the victim locked the door after the attacker left?
Oh no Saitama again
StormR - it was a workplace dormitory, so it would seem the killer possibly works and lives there too and thus, has a key also. Or the victim invited someone back and this happened. Either way, let's hope they find the killer soon!
*So the door was locked?
The murderer perhaps also had a key, or the victim locked the door after the attacker left?*
Most probably the murderer simply took the victim's key
Argus Tuft
Proportionally the same as anywhere else. Please don't forget that a man has died in your rush to make a cheap joke.
As you copy and paste the same thing in every Saitama article, please scroll down the Crime Section and tell me the last time you read about crime in Saitama compared to other prefectures.
Wouldn't that have to be a "master key" ?