Japan Today

Cyclist killed in hit-and-run in Kita-Kyushu


A man riding a bicycle died after being struck by two cars on a crossing in Kita-Kyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, on Saturday night. Police are looking for the driver of the first car, which kept going.

According to police, the incident occurred at around 11:30 p.m. in Kokura-Kita Ward. NTV quoted police as saying that the victim, who has not yet been identified, was crossing the road on his bike when he was hit by a car which knocked him into the path of another vehicle, dragging him for about 10 meters. The man was taken to hospital where he died of his injuries about three hours later, police said.

Police said they are using eyewitness accounts and are checking surveillance camera footage to try and identify the first car which did not remain at the scene.

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whats with this hit and run concept in japan?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japanese law is worth studying before commenting here. Some of the posters are judging by the laws of their own country.

Just for one example, if you are at the wheel of a car that is moving, just the fact that it is not stationary automatically apportions something like 30% guilt to you the driver in any incident, regardless of circumstances. Explained during driving lessons at a Japanese driving school here.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A YouTubeof the RKB News report on the incident shows the accident scene. The accident occurred near an intersection, but it is unclear from the report whether the cyclist was in the zebra crossing at the time he was struck by the motorist who sped away, then by a second car just behind the first. In the video the police appear to be concentrating on a section of roadway 20 or so meters from the crossing. Perhaps the cyclist was dragged to that point. http://rkb.jp/news/news/17734

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if a cyclist hits a parked car it is the car owners fault

This sound...fanciful. Parked where?

Regulations are only for us lowly car drivers. I am sure the cyclist saw the car coming

Well as long as you're sure, that's good enough for me, Mr. or Mrs. NonGrata. Case closed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You all don't understand. Mere traffic regulations do not concern cyclists. Regulations are only for us lowly car drivers. I am sure the cyclist saw the car coming, but realizing his superiority as an eco-friendly cyclist he continued to cross anyway. And the driver should have stayed around to face his punishment for failing to bend the space-time continuum to avoid hitting the noble cyclist with his primitive one ton motor vehicle.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

And the excuse will be..."I don't remember hitting anything"...of course...anyone want to take bets?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

old man crossed the street when the lights was red according to Japanese reports...sometimes cyclists have to pay for their stubbornness

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Unfortunately, in Japan, no matter who is really at fault, it will always be the car driver's fault. I have seen bicycles riding down the "right side" of the road, I have seen bicycles with NO lights coming straight at me and I'm getting more and more scared of driving over here...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I have many concerns about the bicyclists in Japan and more often than not it is the cyclists fault. The laws regarding cyclists are never enforced and if a cyclist hits a parked car it is the car owners fault. Japan has no sense of personal responsibilty as it is always the others fault and the laws are always against a driver. For a country that wants you to buy Japanese cars it is ironoc that if you do buy them and drive you are always at fault. The bicyclists always ride on the sidewalks and I have almost been run over by many a bicyclist. They should never be allowed to ride on the sidewalks as that is for pedestrians and they should obey the laws of the road, they are traveling on the road. Japan is really messed up when it comes to bicyclists.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

With the new laws cyclists and drivers are equally liable for causing an accident. Have fun skipping lights and ignoring traffic rulesd.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Why? If the driver is bad enough to hit and run, wouldn't chances be it was their fault?

He is talking about who had the right of way. If he was riding across the crosswalk or in the bike lane, the driver is 100% at fault even if he stopped. If he was riding across the highway or jaybiking for example, it would be the cyclists fault.

Regardless, the driver ran, he will be punished no matter what.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

driver's fault or the cyclists, and there's a good chance it was the latter's,

Why? If the driver is bad enough to hit and run, wouldn't chances be it was their fault?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Horrible stuff. Regardless of whether it was the driver's fault or the cyclists, and there's a good chance it was the latter's, the driver should not have run off.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Good thing the cops are cracking down on these dangerous cyclists. /s

0 ( +4 / -4 )

so sad... I hope they punish the driver who ran off strongly.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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