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© KYODOMan arrested for pointing laser at U.S. military plane in Tokyo suburb
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Haaa Nemui
He needs to go away for a lot longer than that.
Haaa Nemui
Not only a risk to the US military aircraft but also to the surrounding areas and the people who live there. He's a threat and so is anyone who does it.
The guy is a complete imbecile. Lock him up.
Vince Black
This should be views as an attack against the US military and he should be tried in a US military court.
He has to be in the military to be tried in a military court.
Well he succeeded in disrupting US military operations, which sounds like a political agenda, so trying him as a terrorist would work just as well.
Aly Rustom
It doesn't matter how he is tried or which court. Just lock him up
Exactly. He endangered the surrounding community as well
Haaa Nemui
For people who think it isn't a big deal.
A person who does this to any aircraft flying over a populated area is exhibiting psychopathic tendencies. Anyone who excuses it for political reasons is no better.
This person is very immature and ill,if we were in a different country I would have suggest to put him in psychiatric cure.
Although the article doesn’t specify what type of laser was used, I suspect it wasn’t of the conference room PowerPoint presentation variety.
Some of the more powerful commercially available green lasers produce enough energy to create uncomfortably hot surface temperatures with only a few seconds of exposure, and are no larger than a flashlight.
He’s probably just another of these elderly people with a vendetta who go around puncturing tyres, or scratching car doors, feeding pigeons, or poisoning cats, for example, but in this case probably resents having to live near an air base. Some internal justification at work, I suspect, hoping somehow that his actions will cause pilots to choose other flight paths.
Serious inability to think outside his box.
i mean for 3 years and no one noticed it ?? LUL what a joke only U.S military got to see him after all those year
Chip Star
Couldn't agree more. The entire security apparatus of the United States should have immediately been focused on finding this guy after the first incident.
The NSA should have vacuumed up all electronic communications in Japan, the CIA should have activated its local human intelligence sources, and SEAL Team Six should have worked with Delta to bring him in.
That would be pretty insulting. Why would the US do that in a friendly, sovereign host nation? Japan did a pretty good job locating and gathering evidence to prosecute one guy living in one of the most populated areas of the world.
@Nobnaga i mean for 3 years and no one noticed it ?? LUL what a joke only U.S military got to see him after all those year
Very hard to catch in the act. Its likely a witness reported him in the act. Its extremely dangerous to the community.