Japan Today

Man slashes woman because he 'can't get a girlfriend'


Police said Friday they have arrested a 38-year-old man for allegedly slashing a woman, 30, with a bladed weapon in Higashi-Osaka on Thursday night. The woman suffered minor injuries.

According to police, Akihito Naito was not acquainted with the woman. He was quoted as saying, "I can't get a girlfriend because women always turn me down. I thought this would make me feel better. I didn't target any specific woman. Anyone would have been OK."

Naito reportedly approached the woman, who was chatting with a co-worker, on his bike and cut her from behind. He then threw away his bike and ran away, but was caught by two passersby about 50 meters away. A box cutter was found nearby.

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oh God, get a girl!

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I can’t get a girlfriend because women always turn me down.

No!!! You're pulling my leg.... I wonder why?

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Umm...yes....that is a perfectly reasonable response to rejection, Mr. Crazypants. So, no jail for you. Totally normal to go around pulling knives on strange women because you don't have a girlfriend. Sheesh!

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He then threw away his bike and ran away...

Demented and smart too! Riiiight. A bicycle will only slow down your getaway (eye roll).

Still, glad he was caught.

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I think his logic was that if he slashed deeply enough, he could have two or three. One for holding hands, one for dancing with, and one to take to the movies, you know.

Sick guy.

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Maybe his future cellmate will become his 'girlfriend'

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It is pretty safe to say that is the reason for a lot of crime committed by men in this country.

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What a way to go about getting one.

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another facepalm moment. sigh... How can you get a psychiatrist for folks like these? While the US does have its sick criminal cases, at least the criminals usually have a more valid reason for what they've done instead of the crazy nutjob cases we hear from Japanese man-childs. Sadly the jingle from Toys' R Us is ringing in my head while I read this. "I don't wanna grow up... I'm a Toys R' Us kid."

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gotta agree with you on that. why is it that cowards like this guy think they can get away with it? at least the keystone cops did their job on this one instead of the usual sipping tea and manga reading.

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Lord, I just had to laugh my ass off when I saw this. I know it isnt supposed to be funny but damn, how pathetic can one guy be.

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This is crazy! Stabby summer is one thing as it is so hot that people can get a little loopey. But slashing a woman because he was not able to get a girlfriend?!

Under the jail please, not in jail.

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Why did he dump is bike? wouldn't it be quicker to use that? It sounds like he wanted to get caught.

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Better luck getting a girlfriend, when he is released in six months.

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Eww....who wants a boyfriend you can't trust with your cutlery?

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lol @ intheknow good one man.

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How many more of these pathetically frustrated loons are hanging around?

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Why couldn't he just have slashed himself if he couldn't get a gf. What a total nutcase. Everyone be careful in this dangerous world of weirdos. Happy Halloween!

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Ah, Osaka again. That area seems to breed this type of misfit!

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This is the "gimme the thumbs up mentality"

I have been going on on about...

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@HonestDictator: US has its fair share of crimes motivated by pathetic reasons. Its just that because crime is very low in Japan, minor crimes such as this get more coverage than they would in the US. In the US, this crime would have only been reported at a local level. From the sounds of it, the guy basically gave this woman a nasty scratch and then ran away. Shit like that happens in my suburb almost weekly.

People hold this distorted view of Japan. They get a hold of silly idol game shows and Akiba fan goods and develop this bizarre image of Japan. I watch a reasonable amount of Japanese television and the kind of "weird shows" that supposedly symbolise Japanese television are at best a weekly occurrence. I've seen far weirder things on trips to the US than I have in Japan. Hence the phrase, I guess, "only in America".

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there are plenty of ugly girls in Japan. Maybe he set his sights too high. Maybe watched too much beauty and the beast porn that gave him unrealistic expectations. On the counter side Japanese women are cold hearted, selfish and lack empathy. I guess he got tired of the cold shoulder.

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Any girl of any nationality would give the cold shoulder to a guy who has issues like this one. Problems like this don't develop overnight, and a normal guy won't go and attack somebody because of rejection. Hey, I'm frustrated, too. I can't find a decent guy I like in Japan! Should I go on a knifing spree?

God, no! That's not normal. Frustrations are normal, wanting a bf/gf is normal. Stabbing somebody? Not frickin normal!

I would say it's the behavior of a petulant child, but even children know better than to STAB somebody when they get upset. This guy is sick, nobody caused it, nothing set him off, he is mentally ill, pure and simple. No excuses.

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'anyone would've been okay'! ...Now, haven't we heard about that a couple of times before? from most of the losers who've been caught so far?!

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Bobbafett, got any more sweeping generalisations you'd like to make?

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what about Saitama, Hyogo, Ibaraki? hahaha the list just goes on and on....

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refine him into an organ donor. he is just waste of oxygen.

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Slashing women won't make them like you dumbo. Try flowers next time.

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Sounds to be the local fashion here: I`m a muppet so got nothing better to do but to kill or injure someone.

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baka.. if he stayed on his bike he could've gotten away..

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Sounds like a winner to me. How could any woman turn that down?

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Yet another nutter.

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This doesnt exactly increase his chances of getting a girlfriend.

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WOW Bobbafett! Maybe we'll be reading about you doin' this soon enough. Maybe the girls that turned YOU down are as you describe but you can say the same about many a girl around the world. Japanese woman are fantastic!

I heard about a girl getting her face cut in front of Hep 5. I walk by there everyday to go to work. If I see somebody try this garbage.......

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For naturally selecting himself out of the gene pool, the Darwin prize this week goes to...

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He then threw away his bike and ran away,

hahahaha .... i wont dignify his actions by commenting!!

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Man slashes woman because he 'can't get a girlfriend'

It should be Man cant get girlfriend because he slashes woman!!

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(nodes) wow no wonder the Japanese pop. is declining

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Don't hate me for saying this... but I really feel bad for this guy and hope he gets help. And the fact he threw his bike down and ran off... maybe he wanted to get caught?

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Don't hate me for saying this... but I really feel bad for this guy and hope he gets help.

An understandable sentiment. I suspect he's probably beyond help, though.

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Hate to break it to you, buddy, but I think you are going about it the wrong way!

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Dang, I missed this the first time:

"He then threw away his bike and ran away"

Double nutter!

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Next time, use a scooter.

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One sad sack of ****!This yardbird should have "Checked himself out" Many moons ago!The happy ending is where hes going he wont have to fret none about girlfreinds!HaHaHaHaaaa!!!

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I want to know why he tossed his bike. Strange dude.

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Thanks to the two passersby, this loco-loser was caught! Men that think this way are very dangerous; hope he gets a sufficiently long sentence and some serious psychiatric help.

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Some men get very violent when they are rejected. Even on the internet. The rejected people either write poetry, or attack verbally or physically.

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So weird. He threw his bike away? What was he planning to do for a getaway? Good on the two bystanders for catching and restraining him. They aren't going to be charged with interfering or some other cockamamey legality, right? Because that would be ridiculous.

I'd say all the women who have turned this jerk down in the past had the right idea. They should be patting themselves on the back!

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Everything about this story is wrong. Plain wrong...

Which makes it absolutely funny!

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A lot of male losers like him worldwide... Guys, emancipate yourself and get a life.

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Next time, use a scooter.

poor demented lonely guy would probably only end up throwing that too to the ground after slashing her and run away.

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