Police said Monday that a 32-year-old man is in serious condition after he was stabbed by a friend following a heated argument regarding an online video game.
According to police, Junichi Saito, 31, who is unemployed, stabbed his friend at around 11 p.m. on Saturday night. TBS reported that Saito's friend came to his home after the two had quarreled earlier in the day. Still angry from the earlier altercation, Saito allegedly stabbed his friend in the stomach with a 20-cm-long blade, leaving the victim in a serious condition.
According to the police, the two men met in an arcade 10 years ago, and have been close friends ever since, often playing online video games together.
Saito was quoted by police as saying, "We have gotten into fights before. I was still angry when he came over to my place and stabbed him, but I had no intention of killing him."
© Japan Today
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Kirk Mitchell
That stab probably took 150 hit-points off his friend. It's a good thing he didn't use any power-ups or he might have killed him!
He had no intention of killing him? The dude had a 20 centimeter blade!
People who fight over video games are dorks.
Thank God they called the police before the Red Cross got involved!
Mirai Hayashi
Usually when you stab someone, you must have some intention of killing them. so your excuse won't work. You should have said that you were drunk and you don't remember doing it, THEN maybe you will get some sympathy from the judge
What was the game!?
Game of thrones?
Saitama ranks #7 for crime rate in Japan and would probably rank last in the country you come from. What is your point?
Some lunkheads who garble the real world and a virtual game.
Get Real
Thank heavens for Saitama!
again an unemployed person.
An unemployed gamer in his 30's from Saitama attacked another unemployed gamer from Saitama cos he was being beaten in his game. (Roll eyes)
Vernie Jefferies
Kirk Mitchell gets my vote for the post of the day.
Qualm stab after a decade of friendship.... "With a friend like him, who needs enemies!!"
The Original Wing
Must've been one intense game of Pacman
That could be just about anything, including who is the owner of a game disc. Property being something people have attacked others over for centuries.
Maybe he had been playing Call Of Duty, using Commando, Lightweight pro for perks and running with the knife but took it into the real world against his friend.
He should have got a job instead of angry.
Dennis Bauer
@gogogo maybe the new pokomon?
wow you stabbed him over a video game? thoughts turn into actions.
Grown men never grow up! Ok little boys!
This is just as ridiculous as people getting violent over sports. Killing is virtually always foolish, but because of video games or sports are some of the most trivial reasons.
wildwestNOV. 12, 2013 - 06:48PM JST All video games should be baned they are a waste of time and electricity.
Well thought out argument, friend. Why do these threads always seem to reek of reactionaries and negativity? It's always like "meh, kill 'em", or "lock 'em up for good", or some similar sentiment. Can't anyone see things from a different perspective?
“We have gotten into fights before. I was still angry when he came over to my place and stabbed him, but I had no intention of killing him.”
Yeah, and instead of giving him a lollipop you gave him a blade in the gut. Nah, no intention of killing at all.
If he does it to a friend i can imagine what he can do to a enemy!
Don't get it. Does moving pixels around a screen defines him as a man?
All video games should be baned they are a waste of time and electricity.
The same can be said of TV's and radios.