Japan Today

Man who let one-year-old son die after shooting him with air gun gets 16 years


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Absolute animals both of these scum. Only 16 years for a man supposed to be the poor boys "father" - and just 8 years for the disgusting woman. I cannot imagine the pain, terror and torture poor little Yuiga-chan had to endure in his horrible short life.

The woman will be free by the time she is 35, the man when he is 43. I wish them never-ending agony and misfortune and that they are haunted day and night.

39 ( +39 / -0 )

I don't see where they got the number "16". This person should never see the outside of an institution again.

34 ( +36 / -2 )

Deserved gallows !!..

20 ( +22 / -2 )

There is something about the cruelty, lack of empathy and sympathy for the suffering of others that gets me with these stories. And their own flesh and blood as well. What happened to these people that they cannot feel anything?

18 ( +23 / -5 )

Title is totally misleading! His son didnt die from the pellets, he died from neglect. He deserves treatment in kind, all the while he is in prison!

21 ( +22 / -1 )

The worst kind of coward. The kid would have lived to 70 years old or more. That should be this coward’s sentence.

24 ( +24 / -0 )

Big deal 16 years . 

the Japanese system thinks they have done a great job by putting this guy behind bars for 16 years …. Japanese law system good for nothing 

he should be hanged to death ASAP

16 ( +20 / -4 )

Absolute animals both of these scum. Only 16 years for a man supposed to be the poor boys "father" - and just 8 years for the disgusting woman. I cannot imagine the pain, terror and torture poor little Yuiga-chan had to endure in his horrible short life.

The woman will be free by the time she is 35, the man when he is 43. I wish them never-ending agony and misfortune and that they are haunted day and night.

THIS! Nuff said.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

What a piece of work, he needs to be not allowed to have kids anymore... this is evil, pure evil... I would love 5 mins alone with him in a room. Peice of...

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Again the non-justice system....rip to this angel gone too soon.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

This is pure evil!

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Disgusting slap on the wrist...really do believe an eye for an eye; maybe two eyes in this case.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Yuiga died aged one year and four months on Dec 1, 2018, from acute respiratory failure.

"The agony and sadness the victim must have felt not only for the bodily pain inflicted on him but also for the lack of protection from his parents, on whom he should have been able to depend, is enormous,"

This made me cry at my desk this early morning. This child did nothing to deserve this kind of treatment. For each year of the 16 year sentence he should have 3 designated weeks where he is put in a cell and shot with 7 different air guns while naked, given 3 slices of bread to last 3 weeks and have limbs broken once every week. She should not be spared of this also.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

So much evil in this World.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

What did the mother get? Is there no accountability for the action of women these days?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Heartbreaking story, RIP Yuiga.

16 and 8 years are a vacation compared to the pain and suffering of the child, sometime JUSTICE can NEVER be served and this is one of them.

If this case was tried 50 years ago he would be hanged.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

The woman will be free by the time she is 35, the man when he is 43.

That's a scary thought to think that in a few years, we will have these criminals walking around our neighborhoods.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

This happens... just too much. There are too many of these stories, too many people somehow growing up into fiends who could inflict this kind of torment on a child, and too little done to stop them. Where are the extended families, the social services, the police? What are they doing while these horrific things are going on?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

So, why does this happen in Japan? What are the motivating factors? How can we stop such a vile act of violence and torture? This story is focused on Japan and since we live here, need to try to be a positive factor in ending this category of crime.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

This is more than neglect. Their actions led directly to his death. Can it what is was - murder. And punish him for what it was.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Male perpetrator should swimg. Female perpetrator should be castrated and given his sentence.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I commented recently on this topic.

The horrors of murder of a child by "strangers", appears to create more hell on earth than does the sadistic killing of a child by those who have a duty of love and care - the parents.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I know a way a non-LDP party can get into power. If they promise to greatly increase the sentencing for the killing of one's own child by another 20 years, they'd get elected. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is usually disgusted with these short sentences for such awful, heartbreaking crimes.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Hard to say what killed the child. Broken bones including limbs, malnutrition and being shot multiple times with pellets.

After all that, all this sadistic couple got was 16 and 7 years in jail. She only got seven, wt...

And it took 4 years to come up with a jail sentence. Dang.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I commented recently on this topic.

The horrors of murder of a child by "strangers", appears to create more hell on earth than does the sadistic killing of a child by those who have a duty of love and care - the parents.

In japan, I have said countless times that family members mothers and fathers are a greater risk to children than some random stranger. It is not that easy for a stranger to kidnap a child and have enough time to harm them before getting caught.

However, women (mothers) more likely abuse than men (fathers) because of the ease of access. Men get most of the attention because of the brutality involved.

It is no different than criminal experts, psychologists, investigators, and profilers claiming that people are more likely to be murdered by someone that they know.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

This man Jokei 27 and wife Ai 27 have murdered their son Yuiga 18 months.

Jokei and Ai are both equally guilty of Yuiga's prolonged painful murder and both should be sentenced to the 16 years given Jokei. They shoild both be chemically sterilized and not allowed to adopt children when released. That is the deserved punishment they owe poor baby Yuiga.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Absolute evil. These parents deserve the death penalty, regardless. Yuiga may you rest in heavenly peace - little Angel.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Those sentences are a sick joke.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Rest in peace little one

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Michael MachidaToday  09:14 am JST

So, why does this happen in Japan? What are the motivating factors? How can we stop such a vile act of violence and torture?

Those are the questions that everyone should be asking instead of just (understandably) saying what should happen to the perpetrators.

This story is focused on Japan and since we live here, need to try to be a positive factor in ending this category of crime.

Sadly I'm not sure what we can do while the ruling caste views a large segment of the population as an underclass that can be allowed to turn feral as long as it provides minions to work on construction sites, cut hair and pour the drinks in soapland bars.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

That’s shockingly light for deliberate torture and murder.

This would be a life sentence in other countries

guessing they are pulling the “they are young so we’ll give them time to rethink before entering society and trying again” bs

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Deserved gallows !!.

he deserves starvation and torture, just like he gave his son, then the gallows. evil POS

2 ( +2 / -0 )

16years.i am speechless.and want stay polite.u know all what I mean.

theres no need to be polite, the evil POS tortured and starved a 1 YEAR OLD BABY.

imagine if that was your kid he did that too. the things Id do to that evil SOAB . No I wont list them

as theyd probably shock some people. Theres a special place in hell for people that torture kids and animals

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Yes, this kind of saddistic child abuse does happen all over the world although, the Japan seem to be particularly saddistic and callous. Cigarette burns, hot water scolding, punching, kicking, pinching and locking kids on balconies in the middle of winter to freeze. This loon created a new one by shooting the kid with a pellet gun. Of course anger is the first emotional response. Then comes sorrow for the child who had to endure this callous abuse. However, the most powerful response is astonishment that this kind of horrid abuse of kids is so common in Japan. The country that plugs itself as being peaceful and safe. If you are a middle aged man it is safe, but if you are a child, a woman or elderly (or a combination of the demographics) you are not safe at all.

16 years is a hefty sentence under Japanese law. Personally, I would like to see him in the stocks at Shibuya crossing for a couple of years and let every passer by beat the crap out of him..

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This made me cry at my desk this early morning. 

I know what you mean. It made me sick to my stomach, killed my appetite, and ruined my whole day.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I thought I'd heard it all..........shooting a 1yr old with a pellet gun and purposely starving him!!!?? Essentially a baby. I've never heard of such cruelty by a father to his own child. And he gets a whole 16yrs. Way to go Japan.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This father is a sociopath and will likely be a danger to society for the rest of his life. As for the mom there, I don’t know enough about her, she may be mentally challenged, brainwashed or in fear of the husband. None of which is an excuse for her terrible deeds of course.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I can't imagine what's going on the child's mind. The people who he should depends on are the ones who's harming him. Gruesome.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I don't support the death sentence, but if you're going to have it, surely slowly torturing a baby to death is worthy of it. Instead, we get the normal short sentences for child murder. I don't understand. They should get life without parole for this.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Why do these creatures get away so easy. If there is anyone deserving dead sentence, this is it. All other sentences should be less than this.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

After reading this news article, i just felt very sad, all I will say is that I have some rope in my workshop that I am quite happy to donate to the Japanese goverment/prison service. how on earth can you shoot a baby? etc,

1 ( +1 / -0 )

As a Swede I'm not much for the "American" vengeance kind of punishment. Using shorter sentencing to rehabilitate and put people on the right track has proven to be a lot more successful, but even in nordic countries, for cases such as this one we usually lock them up indefinitely in mental institutions. There just is no way a person capable of doing something like this to a child will come out after some punishment, as a normal, safe person. Should be locked up and treated for as long as it takes for professionals to understand and treat his problem, until the end if not successful.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

UNBELIEVABLE these murders Jokei will be 43 and Ai 35 when they get released from jail. The deceased son would be barely 17 years old starting his life. It sad to read that they had no heart AT ALL. The persons he trusted so much failed him. Personally I think the justice system did to. The Atsushi Tomita ""The agony and sadness the victim must have felt not only for the bodily pain inflicted on him but also for the lack of protection from his parents, on whom he should have been able to depend, is enormous,". WOW how could he let these murderers out just reading what those murders did is enough for me to want to meet them and beat them down. They are lucky they are in Japan because had this happened in a prison anywhere else I am sure they would not see another day of life once in prison and out of the guards sight. Had it been in the US prisons, the judges give you a sentence, but for a crime like this involving a CHILD it has an automatic death penalty from those prisoners on the inside. I just shake my head murderers did not take the child to a doctor for a month with broken bones, and broken limbs, and an infectious respiratory. These people are not fit to live I just can't believe Japan will let them out at such young ages to live a life as if nothing happened both will be able to marry and have kids and possible do the same thing all over again! Being that cold heart you can't be rehabilitated death is the only answer for them in my opinion.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Michael Machida I hear you and totally agree. Now what? Since you live in Japan are you going to LEAD the charge or just type? If you want to make a difference as you asked everyone here to do. I suggest you organize members of your community, moving fingers does nothing. I don't live in Japan left years ago but was very active in the community I lived and worked in. Just my thoughts after reading your post.

*So, why does this happen in Japan? What are the motivating factors? How can we stop such a vile act of violence and torture? *This story is focused on Japan and since we live here, need to try to be a positive factor in ending this category of crime.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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