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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Man in Joker costume with knife injures 17 people on Tokyo train; starts fire
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Random stabbings seem to be more and more common these days…
Cheradenine Zakalwe
A man dressed in the costume of Batman villain, the Joker, and brandishing a knife on a Tokyo commuter train on Sunday stabbed several passengers before starting a fire, which sent people scrambling to escape and jumping from windows, police and witnesses said.
Let me guess:Cancel Halloween? Foreign movies?
Japan has never reacted in that fashion. I would suggest a stronger police presence in the stations. Japan has a huge police force and patrolling the trains should be a part of their duties.
More and more people are committing these kinds of violent, random crime. Nowhere is safe these days.
Why were the train doors shut during an emergency stop when evacuation was essential? Passengers were forced to squeeze out the windows. I hope Keio and the other operators reconsider their emergency procedures.
Good thing it wasn't a gun. Thoughts and prayers for the victims.
You joke but witnesses said passengers were slow to respond because they thought it was a Halloween prank. Halloween does pose a security threat when police, station staff, and the general public lose some of their ability to distinguish between what is suspicious and what is normal. For this reason I would probably support a ban on adults wearing costumes and props on public transport during Halloween.
Why do these mongrels have to kill others just to get the death penalty? He needs help and to be locked up for a long time while getting it!
englisc aspyrgend
That people had to break through windows to escape him and get on to the platform is unbelievable. Company policy in emergency situations, lock the passengers in with the maniac with a knife and flammable liquid to ensure safety!
Hope the security system in Japan can do more in the future to prevent this type of crime . . . .
There is always someone who has to ruin a perfectly good halloween. Especially after we finally manage to recover a bit from this whole pandemic. I hope everyone will be alright and recover quickly.
Forget the death penalty. Is a easy way out. He should rot away for a few decades to think about his action in solitude.
The joker wore an orangish red suit. This is purple. Maybe Yoshikage Kira?
There will undoubtedly be knee-jerk reactions to this incident, like banning Halloween and banning knives. This POS wanted to murder 2 or more innocent people so he could get the death penalty. He didn't have the guts to off himself and leave everyone else out of it.
It's not the security system that needs to stop this (and it can not) it's the mental health system that need improving so it never happens in the first place.
Do you want a guy with a knife stopped before he stabs a second person, or do you want him to never buy the knife in the first place?
The problem isn't solved by more security, it's solved at the root of the issue.
"24-year-old man said he wanted to kill and get a death penalty"...
Kokuryō Station is a railway on the Keio Line in Chōfu, Tokyo
Michael Machida
Japan is no longer a safe status country anymore after so many train stabbings and other unfortunate incidents occurring in and around Tokyo in recent years.
This guy who did this thinks he is playing out a fantasy or something.
If the guy wanted a death penalty so badly, he could have jumped off a building or taken an overdose. And the train doors wouldn’t open because the train doors were slightly off the platform doors.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Being investigated of suspicion of attempted murder ?
What a ridiculous statement !
Dressed as a supervillain from USA comics and movies.
17 victims ?
Somehow that doesn't surprise me as in Japan people really don't pay attention to their surroundings unless you're a foreigner.
I feel sorry for the victims and shame on the public transportation company for not having better contingency planning .
Especially after something similar happened recently.
Lock Him up and throw away the key and no sleeping .
Only in Japan can a small man stab 17 people and nobody stop him. Same thing happened in Shinjuku many years ago with the nutter that stabbed I think 12 people - nobody willing to stop him.
U make a good point, everybody who agrees, post this site on the non moderated news sites, let the world know about it.
Alan Harrison
Somehow that doesn't surprise me as in Japan people really don't pay attention to their surroundings unless you're a foreigner.
Agreed, Japanese people spend so much time looking for demons that don't exist (anything foriegn), they don't notice the demons that do exist (right next door to them, and in their own back yard).
Yes and no, we don’t know the exact intent of this guy, but unless he had a serious mental problem from the optics of it, it does look like attempted murder.
True, but at the same time, things like this doesn’t usually happen so it’s really no surprise of the hysteria and confusion that shattered everyone’s psyche.
There were no doubt several men in that carriage - they all fled, none of them helped, none of them banded together to help while the man stabbed a number of women and elderly folks. Think about that.
Maybe I need one for self protection now. Oh, and in case his is long, I will need a very long one to cover any situation.
The loser should burn for his actions, no doubt. Horrifying.
But as others said, the Keio Line staff made it difficult for the frightened passengers to get off the train as well.
If you watch the video, the train could’ve stopped in the correct place and opened all the doors.
They were lucky no one was seriously injured from that move.
Yes, it was an emergency and all, but use some common sense. You’re going to possibly endanger the lives of hundreds, just to trap one fool?
There was another subway stabbing a few months ago as well so it's not about Halloween. Trains need better emergency options like opening doors and windows
Just a little off @FizzBit but maybe not entirely wrong.
Yes, The Joker (2019) wore such a costume but Batman is not mentioned at all in the entire movie, leaving people to presume this was just a mentally-ill and deluded person lashing out at society.
It seems media like to overblow and sensationalize such details about a costume, some comics or movies more than focusing on the criminal acts themselves.
In 2012 Aurora, Colorado the shooter responsible for killing 12 at a screening of The Dark Knight only had brightly dyed red hair and called himself “the Joker” in police interviews afterward.
He wore no such ‘costume’.
Still, in their pre-release press warnings for 2019 movie The Joker, media alarmed the public, (even the U.S. Dept of Defense) of possible danger of “incels” attacking others.
It NEVER happened.
Sven Asai
What a nuisance from that psycho. To get a feeling of death penalty he could have bought a rope and then put his Joker mask on and suicide from any unfrequented bridge or tree etc in a forest or mountain area.
If he did it because he wanted the death penalty he should get life in solitary confinement…..
To assume that only men have courage is a bit backward I guess. And as I said, thinking up hypothetical scenarios of what one would do doesn’t mean much.
When faced with danger most people lose courage!!!
Isn't there an emergency lever or button to open the doors on Keio Line trains? Did anyone try to use one?
Yet, these incidents in Japan continue to be perpetrated in the most heavily congested and populated areas:
To those wanting to ban halloween costumes on public transport:
They weren't even wearing makeup. They looked like a regular person dressed in a loud suit. So banning halloween costumes on public transport going a bit far. Ban the wearing of gaudy clothing instead?
Plus, your last 2 statements seem to contradict each other:
Both “Luck” and “Facts” ??
If the guy wanted a death penalty so badly, he could have jumped off a building or taken an overdose.
No, he is not at all capable of a decisive act of self-destruction which would mean leaving life via an anonymous death unnoticed by society. His peculiar psychopathology demands the world's attention to compensate for his crushing burden of a hateful self-identity incapacitated by a perceived unendurable, meaningless daily existence. Instead he wants out, but to be known to the world that will make some fuss of him, granting him a brief moment in the spotlight of public attention and a "ceremonial" death on the gallows. This "Joker" is not the first nor will he be the last mentally disturbed person to harbor fantasies of a "special", death by execution as a "celebrity".
I wasn't assuming only men have courage - its that men are more likely to have the physical strength to overpower another man which I thought would be obvious. A group of men can of course easily overpower a single individual. I just don't understand how the men ran away despite knowing the nutter was stabbing women and the elderly - I would not be able to sleep knowing I did nothing to help when I know I could have (I'm pretty big guy). It just doesn't sit well with me.
Precisely because these things aren't commonplace in Japan that people don't know what to do when it happens.
In my country several people would have been feeling for their knives already the moment they see a joker like this one
Anyone who's lived in Japan knows that never happens. The knee will jerk, and the innocent suffer the consequences of this nutjobs antics.
The scum who did this was too cowardly to do society a favor and off himself BEFORE he tried to kill countless innocent people. Just hoping the victims all recover.
I hope this violent thug is hung. He does not deserve the privelege of being kept alive.
What are the odds of this happening on any given day in Tokyo? In any other place in the country?
Iron Lad
Sad news.
Glad no one was killed tho.
Joe Blow
It’s very difficult to wrest a knife from an assailant’s hand, you’ll certainly be stabbed many times in the process.
It is really ridiculous that the subway officials locked the passengers inside the train with the madman. These are women and elderly! Just pathetic. Is Japan a developed country? This reminds me of this poor Chinese trapped in subway cars during their floods.
Is anyone seriously suggesting that cancelling Halloween is going to prevent a deranged insane psychopath causing chaos, mayhem on Tokyo public transport system?
This crazed lunatic will spend the rest of his life under lock and key, subdued in a medically, chemically induced vegetative state.
Wow. Very weird. Does Japan have Halloween?
Re-invent public transport and infrastructure in a way that prevents these undercover mentals from harming people.
Any reason why there are 300 emergency people in the photo?
Haaa Nemui
@nonu6976 - we all like to think we’d be brave enough to step in and do something, heck even I do, but it’s true that most of us seeing a guy slashing around with a knife would go the other way. The OIJ part I have trouble with though. A couple of years ago on the Shinkansen there was a guy who tried to protect others from a nutter with a knife and he was fatally injured. There was also a businessman on his morning commute who tried to protect young girls who had been waiting for a bus when a nutter with a knife attacked. He too was fatally injured. Then just last week in the news, in America, there was a girl who was raped on a subway and nobody even moved. No knives, just a violent rape. Surely somebody could have done something, right?
They do but it's celebrated very differently. It's mostly young adults dressing up and going to Shibuya to make noise and get drunk. Kind of like a giant outdoor cosplay event.
Also, I guess Mr. Stabby on the train took his cosplay a little too seriously. I wonder what the motivation behind his attack was.
This certifiable madman will be sent to an asylum,
For the safety of the nurses and staff he will be subject to powerful chemical subjugation.
Or worse. I remember the Aum Shrikyo death cult doing their terrorist act on Tokyo subways in 1995, with sarin gas canisters. And as for why the costume? This creep knew it was Halloween and wanted to take advantage of it, to pull a surprize. And it's gruesome, certainly not funny.
Thank goodness he didn't have access to a firearm.
Like what? Ridiculous.
It is not revenge, judgement or punishment.
It is a simple truth that the public, mental health professionals welfare has to be protected.
John Delaney
Japan is still a very safe society (safer than most Western countries), despite some of the comments here... statistics prove this, and neither anecdotes nor emotional feelings on the matter disprove it.
However, there is clearly a rise in crazed incidents like this in countries all over the world. Such bizarre, destructive behavior can likely be attributed to people becoming unhinged as a result of the never ending pandemic narrative (isolation, having to wear masks everywhere, people not trusting each other, governments and the media lying non-stop). I'm honestly surprised there's not a whole lot more people snapping like this, given the situation most people are faced with these days.
Or maybe it's just an isolated case of a nutjob, and it's all just a coincidence. Who knows.
Dan Walsh
Dan Walsh
Don't lose all sense of realty here.
Japan is one of the safest societies globally.
It is ludicrous, misleading to suggest to the contrary.
Japan primary care psychosomatic clinical services will take the necessary measures to make sure he is not a a further danger.
There is an article and video about this at the FOX news cite. Look at the comments. TOTALLY RACIST!
THAT club “remix” version so aptly fits the international image of a modern yet sometimes chaotic Japan:
The first clip @8:51am was enlightening from a witness’s viewpoint but the second has ‘a beat’, a soundtrack and English subtitles (yet, no voiceover narration.
A modern era version of the British Pathé short films ? - Well done, sir!
-Japan has never reacted in that fashion.
But it has.
Following the Akiba stabbing in 2008, the 35-year practice of pedestrianisation of the area on Sundays was ended until 2011. Everyone suffered, as did the local stores, because of one random guy.
These events are down to unstable individuals. You can limit them with better mental health care, but they will always happen every now and again.
There is no reason to ruin Halloween/cosplaying for everyone for years because of this, or to attempt to search/x-ray all train passengers.
You cannot make society 100% safe. You will just ruin it trying to. Don't add more damage to what Covid has already done.
Japan is safer than most places. Be pleased that it's usually a knife, not a gun. And for those claiming 17 people were stabbed, the authorities have already said that three were seriously hurt, not all of them were stabbed, and most of the other injuries were not serious.
Everyone calm down a bit.
Headline says 17 were injured by the attacker and it seems very few here actually read articles in their entirety, much less understand
Haaa Nemui
Just had a look. Notice how the front page headline has “STABS” in all uppercase. Wonder what they’re trying to do there. I didn’t check to see if they pointed out NO DEATHS as well.
Why to these idiots have to harm other people if they want the Death Penalty?
Can't they just go and jump off a cliff somewhere?
You'd think that in a country where so many people learn martial arts, someone would be able to disarm this nutter.
The absolute nerve of that guy. Puffing away on a cigarette inside the train.
The fact that he tried to specifically harm women who looked happy says that he has deep seated resentment against women in particular and society in general. The Joker was primarily motivated by a need for anarchy. Other that someone noticing disturbing behavior there is no predicting who will do this.
I think this refers to the attacker last August
One time, my 7 y/o son and I boarded a train. A guy was looking at us from the get go, came over towards us aggressively and looked like he wanted to fight as he kept talking to us loudly. We moved over and kept wondering what triggered the man. The only thing I could think of was that we were speaking English. The reality is that there are crazies out there we have to be careful of.
A group of men and women can also do the job!
We are all brave in our fantasies, when faced with real danger very few have the courage to react, doesn't matter what size you are!!!
Your martial art tells you to run towards an armed attacker?
Not a practitioner of one but I think most will probably tell you to distance yourself from a joker with a knife
Lionel Lyyn
The real problem here is that Japan put a really low effort into recognizing mental issues as an illness. As a result, most people with mental illness in Japan are not recognized as ill and are free to roam in the street. I see creeps and weird people every single day.
Seems like he wanted to kill 2 people. Why, is anyone's guess...and this is what is scary here in Japan...more and more people wanting to kill others, just for the kill??
I think Death Penalty in Japan is not that ultimate punishment anymore... it seems like its the best merciful punishment the government can do.. this kind of criminal people should be tortured first.
I'm not a martial artist either, but it's reasonable to assume that someone with a reasonable grounding in aikido, judo or karate would have the moves and mental discipline to size up the threat and bring down/disarm a guy like this. Of course, there is the risk of injury, but what are the alternatives?
Not the alternative, but as I've mentionedabove, the first option would be to distance oneself from an armed attacker.
If you're a trained martial artist that's the first thing you would actually do(I think), especially if you're planning on intervening. You will first size up the situation.
You know what could happen if somebody just attacked that armed assailant and it turned out he has had some training himself?
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Critical thinking and swift action in a hazardous situation is not something Japanese people do well.
No disrespect intended.
The more than hesitant immediate response to apprehend a lethal attacker with murderous intent .
Pepper spray !
Eric Albert Depeyres
Some people just want to watch the world burn
I guess JR will make a request for more plain clothed police officers in the future.
This is frankly totally wrong. This is just a old stereotype. Not that many people know how to fight here, even if some would happen to do a martial art, that would be one of the totally usuels ones.
No way, just no way. None of those teach people how to fight with someone armed with a knife in any realistic way whatsoever. Aikido is total fake, just focusing on magic and weird philosophy. Judo and karate focus on competition and are basically mostly useless in real fights, let alone against a knife.
Going after someone with a knife requires a lot of skills. A lot. Otherwise it’s death awaiting. Being myself a very long time practitioner of styles useable in real fights, I wouldn’t go against someone with a knife unless I can’t back up and go to a safe spot. Knife attacks are no jokes, and none of those traditional Japanese martial arts practitioners can deal with them without being killed.
Maybe vaccine side effect, or from lack of vaccine, either way, pray for injured passengers to recover fast.
Fair enough.
But are you making a blanket statement that a skilled martial artist, with a bit of space and having sized up the knife guy as someone they could take down, wouldn't engage at all? It might not be that common, but could it be ruled out? You hear of people overseas sometimes who aren't martial artists but just strong and brave have a go, sometimes coming off second best. But at least they have a go.
Sven Asai
Not really, especially in such a case, when the knife-wielding guy is highly probably an amateur too and not a survival training pro or militarily skilled special team member or so. Of course, in such a situation you cannot know and fleeing the scene is the better option in most cases. But if it has to be, like here, first some astonishing him will help, not running crying away , but into him with big powerful steps and gestures, then throwing own jacket or such over his head , making him blind or otherwise busy for a second and in that moment of his unexpected confusion , go for the knife and arm and so on. Breaking the arm or fixing that guy with his own 40 cm knife to the ground is a nice bonus to have, if possible. lol An average strong man could do that with no or slighter not so much threatening injuries. Risks remain, of course, but that’s valid for every wannabe hero.
Psychologists might interpret this random knife attack as an attempted suicide, the cri de coeur of a lost soul donning an ersatz identity as the "popular" world-famous "Joker". In America "suicide by cop" is an established concept accepted even by folk outside the psychiatric community whereas "suicide by a state execution" pushes the envelope of perversion even further, constituting a confusing and unpalatable novel thought that most people seem reluctant to process as a very possible reality.
Tom San
Despite what all the "experts" here have to say, going after a guy yielding a knife in the confines of a train compartment isn't as easy as it sounds. Instead of trying to be a hero, help others to evacuate while waiting for the authorities to show up. My 2 cents.
Again martial artist means really nothing. It’s a blank term that has no proper connection to reality. You find a lot of people calling themselves skilled martial artist and being total joke. Defending against a knife attack imply a robust conditioning with real knifes implemented in serious trainings. Only a bunch of people train really like that and are usually in special forces.
Yeah sure. One can take his chance and try something. For example taking the attacker by surprise. But even that, you would need enough skills to put him down and safely disarm him. But the risk of being seriously injured is very high if you don’t know what you are doing. Being brave isn’t enough. And when it come to strong guy, well you are in Japan, just look around you how many there are.
Sorry but this is a very weak argument coming from someone who presumably have little experience in this. Knife attacks are dangerous because they are chaotic. You don’t need to be a military to be very dangerous with a knife. Anybody can throw stabs in all directions randomly at very high speed. It’s basically driven by instinct and anybody can do it very effectively.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
It doesn't require a massive amount of skills to disarm a knife attacker in costume like this little twerp but it does require bravery and determination with fast reflexes.
Personally i would've taken that knife away from him in a heartbeat and turned him into a pretzel for the police to haul off.
Without hurting him of course.
And i wouldn't do it to be a hero .
I would do it to protect others and myself.
And why does the article say he stabbed at least one person ?
Are they unable to count also?
Not true at all. You see this many large cities all over the world where people "don't want to get involved" at the very least. In most cases it's more "don't want to get hurt".
Bob Gorskin
In fact, there was just a case last weekend on a Philadelphia train where a man raped a woman and passengers just pulled out their cameras to film. People care more about their Tik Tok and Twitter pages than the safety of fellow citizens.
Maria 'Bing' Velasquez Reid
I think he is a copy cat of bad things. He wanted to compare himself with the similar killing 3 months ago. He wanted to be caught it said and give him death Penalty.
He is definitely crazy.
M3M3M3: "Halloween does pose a security threat when police, station staff, and the general public lose some of their ability to distinguish between what is suspicious and what is normal. For this reason I would probably support a ban on adults wearing costumes and props on public transport during Halloween."
Ah, but there's the key right there at the end and you give yourself away -- "during Hallowe'en". So by your own admittance, you would accept them wearing anything and everything during Cos-play events, Comicons, or just down to Harajuku anyway, security be darned. Because we all know a lunatic wouldn't put on a costume and do it THEN, would they?
Kyo ha heiwa... "Personally i would've taken that knife away from him in a heartbeat and turned him into a pretzel for the police to haul off. Without hurting him of course."
Right, right. Sure you would. Well, to be fair, maybe you WOULD, but there's a much higher likelihood you wouldn't. Probably a number of the people who fled would boast as you do behind the safety of a computer screen, but reality is a different thing. I'd like to think I would try to stand up and fight the guy, and I believe I could, but I cannot say for sure if it came to the real thing if I would be able to or not.
The fact that mostly in such cases, no heroes step up and disarm the attacker probably means that most of us wouldn't do it. If you've ever had a weapon pointed at you, you'd know that all you want in that situation is to survive, not "do the right thing". If some manage to keep a cool head and have the skill and confidence, fair enough. Most of us, however, don't.
Another thing. Yes, crime rates are low in Japan, which is one of the things that make it such a comfortable place to live. However, it's not perfect, nowhere is. And always pitting Japan against the rest of the world in terms of safety is reductive and only plays into an unhelpful nationalist narrative. Many European countries place just after or even before Japan on the safety index.
And higher surveillance isn't going to solve the issue. Trains and train stations are one of the most publicly surveilled places. What these occasional rogue killers may point at are systemic problems of inadequate mental health care, bullying and other factors that make many people detached and angry to the point that they are ready to start killing strangers.
It’s very difficult to wrest a knife from an assailant’s hand, you’ll certainly be stabbed many times in the process.
Certainly taking on someone weilding a knife is nothing to take lightly and should be avoided in normal circumstances. But that’s the point, these were not normal circumstances. Able bodied men turned and ran leaving weaker members of the public behind at this nuts mercy.
Totally agree, common sense was missing there. How many people can escape by climbing through windows? The train driver should have understood that opening the doors is essential. But I suppose there was no line in his instruction manual about this?
It makes sense to lock the train down briefly while the nature of the attack is assessed but that needs to be done very quickly.
While the train is on fire and filling with smoke.
I dont know whats wrong with Japanese system every train must have 4 armed police officer at least to prevent these kinda of cases from happening and stopping killing ppl it’s crazy here !!!! For real they need to set a cabin for police officers inside every train
Many crimes go unreported in Japan and as far as Japan being safe?
Well, not as safe as it is made out to be...out to be that is for sure...
In Japan, if you live here for a longer time you will realize there are quite a lot of strange, violent and crazy people around you.
They might suddenly - out of nothing - act violently against family members or co-workers, but they rarely attack people at random who are unknown to them.
It's not only my opinion, but Japanese people also told me that.
This sick individual is arrested now, a madman, but as a fact, police can act only and lock away such mentally disturbed people after something happens.
Japan is surely not crime-free, but it is generally spoken, fairly crime-low and foreigners are rarely attacked.
The utmost priority for long term eradication of mass attacks should me metal health, and morality (or the lack thereof). This because is not the knife, is not the gun, it's the person, who perpetrates the attack. As we know even a scalpel, an icepick, or car, etc. can be used for a mass attack.
The underlying caused that make people do this, are what will keep such acts happening.
This is not to make "victims" of the perpetrators. But clearly vast number of them stem from some kind of real or perceived (i.e. social, or psychosocial) trauma, or distressful situation, or an upbringing with a gaping lack of something, be it affection, discipline, care, connection, guidance, ethics, etc. It is of course NOT an excuse but for these people makes the build up and the trigger.
And it is a reality for them, so it needs to be addressed. Not all of us humans process things the same way and depending on the level of development successfully achieved the progress is done or not.
Some of the same goes to the endless stories of parents abusing their kids to death.
As long as mental health, internal struggle, helplessness, etc. are ignored, look down or not given importance, this sad events will continue to happen.
It takes a good responsible to society to look hard in the mirror and see where have a lot of people have been allowed to slip through the cracks, to fade to irrelevance or so in such a way that they loose hope, and become vengeful or irate towards society or towards those weaker than them ever-demanding more and more from them (as babies will do to parents).
Loving and caring for our neighbor just as a human being would go along way.
Raw Beer
I wish they hadn't shown his face on TV. Other nutters might want to become "famous" like him.
Ahso. Why were they climbing out of the windows? I guess everyone is glued to phones? There are emergency protruding red cocks at all doors that allow for you to pull them gently, twist, and open any door you wish on the cars. People need to read and get off their social media.
This is very shocking and sad news.
We always believe and assume that public places in Japan are one of the safest in the world.
It is very sad to see that a few youngsters/youth are doing such criminal activities. Maybe the Japanese traditional values are being lost by some youngsters.
I am not sure if the education/school system in Japan is emphasizing such good traditional moral values. If not, they should do it, instead of allowing the Japanese kids to Ape the Western Cartoons.
The (ruling) politicians, media and police tend to (conveniently) view these "running amok" incidents as isolated cases of "bad" or "crazy" people doing awful things. But beneath this pattern of incidents lie serious social problems - wealth disparities and inability to trust one's fellow community members being the chief causes of violent crime in a society. Japan's government needs to work on building an inclusive society, based more on sharing and helping each other and less on amassing wealth - a society in which everyone feels like they belong, like they have a stake in society. But the LDP doesn't care about this - just money, tradition, and the military.
Brian Wheway
I hope he will be taking off his green suit and exchanging it for a brown one with has name on the breast pocket.
has the loone been charge with anything yet? there has got to be several acounts of attempted murder, grievously body harm, intent to danger life and arson etc, I just hope every one makes a full recovery.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
It will be interesting to find out what the charges will be and how long it takes the justice system to finalize the conviction.
Will he receive the death penalty as he wishes ?
Or be incarcerated in a mental institution for his remaining lifetime?
And how many were actually stabbed ?
The headline says several passengers were stabbed but the article says at least one passenger was stabbed ?
It seems like a scary and sad ordeal.
He seems like a wannabe, but he will not be famous or notorious. He will be forgotten, and in Japan's poor justice system be released within 5 years if not earlier. Just ask the child murders and pedophiles. They have no problem starting over.
Unfortunately, he will be free and fine.
For those asking, why no stepped up? As a foreigner, Japanese police come down hard on foreigners for doing the "right thing" and can be punished more severely than the culprit. A foreigner trying to stop this guy could be charged with assault.
I think most of the injuries came from chaos of people trying to escapee(Jumping out windows, pushing and shoving). The passengers mostly hurt themselves and each other.
He only stabbed one person, and they did no die. They can charge him with attempted murder of one, arson and maybe public disturbance of some kind.
Japan would be still one of the most safe country as there seem to be so many tough guys who could overwhelm these nutters instantaneously. Thanks
Does the costume of the attacker correlate with the skills required to disarm them?
Fantasies are fine for action movies, but real life is a bit different!
“ What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society who abandons him and treats him like trash? “
Clearly not the case here.
Lock him up. Throw away the key. Let him rot.
The guy is obviously sick, mentally deranged - hopefully he'll get treatment, but indefinite confinement is the most likely outcome.....
I really feel sorry for those extremely unlucky folks who will be traumatised for a long time, when they should have been enjoying a fun night out.
The response of the authorities certainly needs looking into also.
With how packed trains get in Japan, there's no point because people won't be able to get out anyway. The way in which trains get so horribly overcrowded in Japan should be illegal. Its dangerous in the event of a fire.
SAD, disturbing, and crazy. I remember few years back when I first arrived in Japan one of the first things that struck me was how safe it was for kids and teens to take the trains to school and back alone, I saw little kids as young as 8 or 10 years old riding trains and every one gave ways to them, it breaks my heart to this.
Didn't Japan pass a "no knives in public" law a few years ago? I recall reading about it here. Clearly, doing illegal things doesn't stop crazy people who want to harm others - regardless of the weapon used.
Decades ago:
Which is why it's important to do as much as reasonably possible to ensure that such crazies can't get their hands on weapons of murder. Banning anything that's only use is to kill people is a good start.
Maruko desu
"The joker wore an orangish red suit. This is purple. Maybe Yoshikage Kira?"
I believe you're right. My coworker pointed out that this was Yoshikage Kira's outfit in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. JoJo's and the stabber's patterned ties and jacket resemble one another.
Joe Blow
As mentioned already, taking a knife out of an assailant's hands is very hard, even for a trained martial artist.
Here's two amateur martial artists with a fake knife showing how hard it is; the assailant with the knife stabs the other guy repeatedly:
Here's retired pro MMA fighter Jon Fitch attempting to take an electrified fake knife/taser from a non-pro fighter:
As you can see it's extremely dangerous.
Richard Burgan
Where were the heroes? All I saw was everyone running away. Didn't anyone think to help people? Fight back? Subdue the attacker? Come on people there are plenty of ways to fight back and subdue a guy like this. Use your belt or purse as a weapon, shoot him in the face with a fire extinguisher, throw a drink in his face, just do something. Attackers like this are not smart almost any resistance and they cave and cower. Why didn't anyone even use a fire extinguisher?
And, the trains have buttons to open doors in emergencies by law. If they didn't work it needs to be fixed. If the crew locked the doors their procedures need to be updated. Why didn't the platform barriers open? It seems this is another sort of emergency we are not properly prepared for. Let's prepare!
So the death penalty is cause of these nutters to going off. It obvious that the death penalty is not a deterrent for these crimes. But what can replace the death penalty ?
I suggest that a better deterrent would be the practice of stoning. It occurs when a crime of murder or rape is committed. All those having relationships to the victim are allow to be involved in the punishment. Also It when the closest relatives of the criminal have to cast the first stone then the relative of there victim finish off the punishment until death. I find this is the best method and the best punishment for these violent criminals and the best deterrent
Tom San
Yeah, sure. Everyone should be like "Rambo". Piece of cake, right???
Japanese made their lives complicated. They imagine thngs in their tatemai world and finally stress to the level of destruction. This was one of the results.
I'm just as concerned about the apathetic passengers on these trains.
Dirk T
The comments regarding the "apathetic" passengers are interesting because I have encountered the same thing and had to step in:
1) An elderly man collapsed in a department store and two clerks hid behind racks of clothes rather than call for help (I ended up calling for help).
2) The A/C shut off in August during the first film of a double feature and nobody spoke up even though everyone in the theatre was muttering how hot it was (I got the management to turn it back on).
3) A very obviously pregnant woman was clutching the handrail unable to walk up a flight of stairs and was completely ignored by dozens of people (except me).
The list goes on. Is it apathy or fear? Fear, I think.