A man and a woman were found dead in an apartment in Yokohama on Friday, in what police believe was a murder-suicide.
According to police, the bodies were found at around 6 p.m. at the apartment in Isogo Ward. Kyodo News quoted police as saying the man, who was in his 30s, lived in the apartment and that he had apparently hanged himself.
In the same room, police found the body of Yui Matsuoka, 34, a company employee, who was in a relationship with the man. Police said there were no external signs of injury on her body and added that an autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death.
Police found the bodies after Matsuoka’s parents called them Friday to report that she had not returned home on Thursday night. Police said Matsuoka had told her parents she was going over to the man's place to tell him she wanted to end their relationship.
© Japan Today
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That was a DUMB thing to do NEVER go to a guys home to tell him you want to end the relationship, cause you never know how he will react. Always tell him in public where people are around such as a Restaurant, park Train Platform, In front of a police Koban etc etc .... Never in a private location .... Be Smart Be Safe ....
The man must a violent person otherwise she wouldn't end the relationship. He must have killed her then himself. What a devastating news. Something that could be avoided.
Nice bit of victim blaming there!!
I couldn’t agree with you more. She should have been more cautious.
This is extremely sad. I do not understand why the man had to become violent and take someone’s life just because the relationship did not work. It is never easy after a breakup but having to resort to extreme violence is absolute insanity. There is never an excuse for violence in any way, shape or form.
Also, let’s say if a relationship whether is it a serious relationship or even marriage does not work, that does not mean there has to be hostility. Relationships are never easy and do not always work. Even if a relationship does not work/ends in a divorce, the parties can still be friends or even best friends. A relationship is much more difficult than a general friendship. As a result, there is no issue with staying general friends after a breakup/divorce. A friendship is obviously different however it is still a good thing. If a relationship does not work, rather than having hostility, it is much better to maintain a friendship. Even if the other person finds someone else, rather than see that other individual as an enemy, how about see the other individual as a potential new friend.
For instance, let’s say if a relationship Individual A and Individual B does not work and Individual A decides to end such relationship thereby telling that Individual B. Individual B may not like the news but he could just be civil about and acknowledge his understanding and thereby they can still be friends. Further let’s say if individuals A meets Individual C and they form a relationship and it results in marriage and it works out well. Individual B can still be friends with Individual A and has the chance to find a new friendship with Individual C. In such example it is much better if a relationship does not work out to still maintain a friendship and engage in Universal Tranquility.
Regardless of whether or not a relationship does not work or works, it is time to engage in Universal Tranquility for eternity.
Never end a relationship telling in person...just don't tell, or if you want to tell, just do over the phone.
Breakups suck in any circumstance. But I always thought it’s better to do a breakup in person rather than a text. But why would anyone kill a girl because she’s not happy with the relationship? Life is long and there is always time to find someone else. I want to say the guy was coward for killing himself as well. But I am too much of coward to kill myself. I like life and am not going to ruin my life or die because of an unhappy girlfriend.