Japan Today

Miyagi woman arrested for selling porn DVD of 14-year-old daughter


A 36-year-old woman was arrested under anti-child pornography laws on Wednesday, for allegedly selling indecent footage of her daughter, 14 years old at the time, to a 46-year-old man in Tokyo.

The woman, an employee at a bar in Tome City, is accused of selling a DVD in June 2008 which contained indecent footage of her daughter. The woman had recorded the video on a digital camera at their home and burned it onto the DVD, police said.

The case came to light after the man, a resident of Kita Ward in Tokyo, was charged in a separate incident and police seized DVDs and other pornographic materials. Police added the man and woman met through an Internet site which sold underwear.

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Thanks mom, when she gets finished with the police, this woman sounds like a prime candidate as a guest speaker at her kid's school. Moral education anyone?

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Was it soft porn or hard porn?

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Trying to care...trying...nope...not working. In other news, teens are getting in trouble for sexting themselves to eachother. All a total waste of concentration of the authorities.

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Scum. Lock her up.

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Agree with chotto. I call them 虫けら(scum). Situations like this are getting really typical in this country now. What people wouldn't do for a brand new Louis Vuitton handbag huh?

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its getting now that some J-mothers that have probably dabbled or still are in the mizushobai & now looking at their own kids & seeing $$$ signs, seems to be a noticeable increase in this kind of exploitation here on jt for sure

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I wonder if the 14-year old daughter was aware of what SHE was doing for the camera, or what the mother's intention was... or if the mother was secretly taking video of the daughter changing or in the bath.. hmm.. Either way, it is hard to believe a MOTHER does anything like this to her own daughter.. I have a daughter and even if I don't have any money, the idea of selling my daughter would NEVER come across my mind. It is just plain sick.

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Selling daughters to brothels was not a very uncommon practice for the very poor, up to the early Showa period. (And this meant girls as young as 12 or less.) This mentality hasn't completely disappeared from Japan, as sick as it may seem to many people. As economic times get worse, we'll probably see more and more of this.

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In the old days... the mother would simply fall on a small sword... there is no shame in this!

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More than likely she was paying the daughter part of the cash.

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Wow classy mother!!!! She sells DVD porn of her daughter and works in a bar.....if i close my eyes I think i can sort of picture what the mother looks like!!!!

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The question was to what extent was the 14 y/o involved. What she forced by the, pics taken solo, or with somebody else? Was it something that the 14 y/o was doing anyway? The mom works in a bar and had the kid when she was 22, so I kind of doubt that the 14 y/o has had any decent role models to speak of. They didn't mention if she is even a student or not. And whose underwear was the mom selling on that underwear site? Since she wasn't arrested for that, is it ok to sell you kids undies online?

Japan = Pervert Nation?

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Ah yes, Japan. The land of tight family bonding. The sad thing is the daughter probably knew about it and liked the attention. Afterall, her mom worked in a bar and sold underwear online. She also MET a person she knew from the underwear website. GROSS! I, too, can close my eyes and picture what this mother looks like. Go to a pachinko parlor see the women there. That's it.

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I can empathize with a young mother, maybe single, who is trying to make ends meet BUT I can't understand at all how a mother even thinks of making money by exploiting her daughter sexually. 'Gee, I'm a bit short on cash this month...oh, I know... I can make and sell a porno video of my daughter!' This woman has a job and obviously had been able to raise her daughter with the money she had been earning up until now.

What's worse is that this cycle will probably continue. Now her young daughter has been exposed to this and is more likely to see her body/sex as a way of making money. Even if the daughter kind of went along with it, there is NO excuse for the mother's behavior. A mother is supposed to be teaching her child morals and setting a good example; keeping her child safe from people who could take advantage of them--not being one of those predators.

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Speed: Selling daughters to brothels was not a very uncommon practice for the very poor, up to the early Showa period.

Why single out Japan though? It happened everywhere at one time and some places still does. Next, selling daughters to brothels is very, hugely, massively far from selling a DVD of your daughter.

GW: & now looking at their own kids & seeing $$$ signs

In this economy and considering she works at a bar, places suffering under Japan's new rules of zero tolerance for drivers and parking tickets, it may very well be that what she saw the kanji for rice.

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Selling your children to prostitution is not only a Japanese problem, it happens all over the world and it is a very disgusting part of our reality. DVD? If she has enough brains to use DVD etc..she should have enough brains to find a job!

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so it was ok to make the CD but to sell it was bad?

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bobbafett: so it was ok to make the CD but to sell it was bad?

Errr...it was a DVD. As for your question, that depends. If what the daughter did was legal, such as taking a bath or dancing naked in their own home, then its legal. And that is probably all it is. If it were full on sex with a guy over 18 (note that under 18 would be legal to do and film but not sell or share) then News Reports would not have been so ambiguous. If they did not let your imagination run wild, this story would have almost no tittilation value at all see. Got to give the people something to be all "taboo" about. Some people you can't kickstart in the morning with caffeine alone!

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ahocchau at 12:40 PM JST - 21st January

Ah yes, Japan. The land of tight family bonding.

Is that bonding, or bondage?

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bokudayo .........lol

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This type of incidents are likely to happen as the worsening economic condition goes on.

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In the old days... the mother would simply fall on a small sword... there is no shame in this!

Good 'Serenity' reference!!

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Next, selling daughters to brothels is very, hugely, massively far from selling a DVD of your daughter.

It's actually not that far off. How would it be more moral to sell a DVD of your daughter vs. selling your daughter to a brothel. I can see how you might fall into the trap of the brothel is more massively wrong because it's actual physical contact, etc. But the idea is the same. You are still selling your child's body, albeit not physical.

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Geez, the mental problems this girl is going to have from this. Pathetic!

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mikemcfly87: How would it be more moral to sell a DVD of your daughter vs. selling your daughter to a brothel.

Morals? I cannot tell you how absolutely uninterested I am in your morality! What I am concerned with is making sure that everyone, especially the daughter, is safe and happy. Your morality can stay on your own shores, even within your own family, maybe even better just in your own mind.

There is a big difference between buying and renting, and the difference between those two and just paying to watch are vast.

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We are talking about a legal minor appearing naked on film and there is much dicussion about how the teen will be affected. Brooke Shields is relevant because she is a similar case having appeared naked on film at an even younger age.

And if you are going to edit a man's post it is worthy of a footnote. Its common decency.

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Lots of unanswered questions;

What was the content of the DVD; photos, video, what was the girl actually doing, was it just a DVD of files or was there a menu etc (which if present, would hint at the influence of others in the production), etc...

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well its wrong & pethedic that she did that she should have just sold her self. she was working & Not starving. im sure she used money & food as an excuse but most likely for Drug money things like this make Japans reputation worse theres too much Focus on their porn & there is alot of it. Hai hai! America has more, i know that. im curiouse on how a country with 1.3 Billion people you don't hear or see of any chinese porn? im just curious. the only thing i can think of its Illeagal wich sounds Believeable. then i hear/read that its Not illeagal.

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Raymasaki: well its wrong & pethedic that she did that she should have just sold her self.

Why do you assume she is marketable???

she was working & Not starving.

One is not related to the other. Why do you assume her wages were sufficient?

im sure she used money & food as an excuse but most likely for Drug money

Why assume such things? You think no one has ever been legitimately desperate enough to do sexual things just to survive? Besides, if drugs were involved the Japanese police would have been right on top of it. They nod and wink at a lot of sex stuff, but they have no tolerance for drugs.

theres too much Focus on their porn & there is alot of it.

Why is there too much? Because this happened? If you can't imagine worse things than this, then you simply have no imagination. I like that the Japanese are more focused on sex than say, violence.

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I don't even flinch anymore when I read these articles. This seems to be an every day occurance in this lovely country. If this still shocks you then you have not been here long enough.

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Raymasaki: im curiouse on how a country with 1.3 Billion people you don't hear or see of any chinese porn? im just curious. the only thing i can think of its Illeagal wich sounds Believeable. then i hear/read that its Not illeagal.

Not illegal in China. And there is some porno. But sexual morals are vastly different between these 2 cultures. Chinese have a much more conservative and private viewpoint on sex, while we know Japan is quite different. Thailand is again vastly different from both.......

Different strokes for different folks!

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