Japan Today

More details emerge in Aichi double murder, including cat's death, mysterious assailant


Police revealed to the media Tuesday further details of the double-murder that took place in a home in the town of Kanie, Aichi Prefecture, on Saturday.

An autopsy on Monday revealed that Kihoko Yamada, 57, found dead under a blanket in a closet on Sunday, died of head injuries caused by repeated blows with a blunt instrument, believed to be a spanner found near the bathroom sink on the first floor. The autopsy report said she was not stabbed as originally suspected, that the injuries on her back were inflicted by the blunt instrument, and that there were marks on her neck indicating she had been strangled as well.

Her second son, Masaki, 26, was found dead in a bedroom on Saturday, stabbed in the back and neck, after police visited the home following a call from a colleague concerned that Masaki had not turned up for work.

Police said his brother, Isao, also 26, was attacked in the entrance of their home when he came home early Saturday morning after drinking in Nagoya City. He was stabbed in the neck from behind and was tied up with an electrical appliance cord, but survived.

Police announced that the cat the family kept was also killed in the incident, and are investigating if the family was involved in some kind of dispute.

Meanwhile, Isao told police that the assailant demanded money from him, and that his intonation in Japanese was strange, leading police to suspect that the crime may have been committed by a foreigner. Isao said he saw the assailant’s face briefly, but that he lost consciousness shortly after, and could not recall details about his face or clothing. Police said that the family’s bankbooks and wallets were not stolen from the home.

Isao’s house keys were found on the property outside, and police believe that the assailant threw them there after locking the front door of the home.

Police said a knife, believed to have been used in the stabbing of Masaki and Isao, was found in the bathroom sink, with the water still running. The spanner was also found nearby, and appeared to have been washed and wiped dry.

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These details are good for JT readers, now shall wait for forensic experts view.

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Poor cat :(

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Yes, poor cat! Whowever did this should hang! Nobody kills a cat unpunished!

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my money is on the foreigner!!!

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I'm trying to make sense of him successfully killing both mother and 1st son who were already in the home when he broke in. 2nd son comes in, gets stabbed in the neck (intent to kill) yet the suspect takes the time to tie him up.. if he knew he wasn't dead but unconscious why not finish the job? if he thought he was dead, why tie him up?

what's more, he washes ONE of the murder weapons and cleans it dry, leaves the other in the sink with the water running. takes the keys and locks the front door then throws them away nearby. oh yeah, and he kills the cat in case it decided to talk. better safe than sorry.

I understand people of this kind of social status are not rocket scientists but this suspect is beyond unusual.

at first I was thinking maybe he was interupted (like by sirens, hence why no wallets were stolen) while he was washing the 2nd murder weapon and just left the water running but then he wouldn't have taken the time to lock the front door.

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Must have been really ticked off to kill the cat too!

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The only 'more detail' here is that the suspect might be a gaijin. Any, Tifrancis, I think your analysis is more useful to the cops. I wish I take some clue from that

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So all these people were attacked and nothing stolen ? The son who survived was asked for money but nothing was stolen from the house ? The assailant did a good enough job to kill two people but not enough to kill the surviving son ? The keys were thrown to the floor close to the house ? I imagine that the cat could have been threatened in front of the mother during a demand for money. The police couldn't even work out whether it was a knife or a spanner and now they want everyone to believe it was a foreigner.

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Did they check for shoe prints inside the house? If there weren't any, then you can strike gaijin off the suspect list.

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I don't think a foreigner did this. Could be the son who survived. Wallet untouched, he is lying about the robbery attempt.

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I would say that the son that survived when drunk is by poler and has no memory of doing the crime but the simple fact remains he is the only one alive come on if the accused killed the cat then surly every one else would be killed to

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This makes NO sense. I'm NOT buying the home invasion story. The mother was beaten to death with a blunt instrument, then stuffed in a closet with a blanket over her? This implies that whoever did the killing took the time to try and tidy up the scene. I'm just guessing that the mother was killed first, the killer laid in wait for the one son then killed him, then attempted to kill the other son. It sounds personal to me. REALLY personal. After all, taking the time to beat a woman to death with a spanner isn't something your average burglar/robber would do unless there was serious emotion behind the action. The killing of the cat just adds credence to that theory; what home invader is going to bother killing the cat but not take any valuables? Maybe someone who had a powerful grudge against the family.

I'm still flummoxed why the killer would tie up the other brother and not complete the massacre. Will have to wait for more details.

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Also, I'd like a description of the suspect before I start casting aspersions on foreigners, thank you. Just because someone's intonation is odd doesn't mean they aren't native-born Japanese. They might have a speech problem, or be from another region of Japan, or be a native Japanese who was raised on foreign soil. Let's not immediately assume it's a foreigner.

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I don't think a foreigner did this. Could be the son who survived. Wallet untouched, he is lying about the robbery attempt.

It would be impressive to stab yourself in the neck and then tie yourself up.

No mention of the father/husband in the report, wonder if he is died or estranged.

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In any case in Japan where the presumed victims start claiming "foreign accents" or "blonde haired assailants" etc, then it's time to start looking closely at the victims themselves... there's a fair chance that they are actually the perpetrators of the crime.

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It's a known tactic to the police that criminal gangs coerce witnesses to reporting that they were attacked by people who spoke strange Japanese, in order for the trail to go cold.

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I don't think the murderer(s) is(are) stranger to that family. Killing a cat is much more complicated than killing humans, you have to catch it first and they have the instinct to run away from predators.

I can fake Japanese accent, I do it particularly well in my language...so any Japanese can also fake gaijin accent and syntax.

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I'm thinking son #2 hired someone to kill his mother and brother and attack him to make it look like a home invasion gone wrong. Check the insurance policies and the second son's financial records.

Don't know why they killed the cat though.

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You could tie your hands and feet and then stab yourself in the neck. Attempted suicide with an attempt to make it look like a robbery? I agree that killing the cat would be both difficult and show a level of spite that would indicate that the perp knew the family. Whoever did this it is sick. Things seem to be getting worse lately. I wonder if the murder rate is on the way up?

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this is really odd, this could be really personal to the murderer. still you have two dead bodys and a knocked out drunk(so it said in the artical)why kill the cat? it can't talk.

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This is a weird crime, no question. No obvious motive, and killing the cat seems very odd. With the being tied up and stabbed, seems fairly obvious that the son wasn't involved. Probably a relative, or someone with a grudge against the family, otherwise there would have been stuff stolen. Maybe the son owes some money, and this was their way of saying, pay up or else.

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Pulling off a double murder is easy, though getting away with it usually is not. Let's see if this guy can evade capture and hold his own under interrogation.

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My money's on the guy who survived.

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poor cat.

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I still suspect the surviving son. 1. His hands were simply tied behind his back, though with a little practice and some flexibility one could do that on thier own. 2. His wound could be self inflicted, I mean who can't reach the back of their neck? The motive to inflict such a wound on himself is to make his lie more believeable. Why, if the assailant was looking for money, was the son's wallet intact? Why wasn't the house tossed looking for some secret stash? Why go through the trouble to hide the mom and kill the cat? One could probably say that the son told the assailant where the money was and therefore didn't have to toss the place, but the son says he lost conciousness almost right away only hearing the demand for money. Too many questions and holes in his story. Check to see if he took out a life insurance policy on his mom.

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to add there were only 3 sets of fingerprints

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I can see killing the family dog, but a cat? Not at all that easy to do.

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I can see killing the family dog, but a cat?

Cleo! you're on

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Killing the cat was a sign that the person who did this either hated animals or disliked the family. I wonder what was the order of the killings. Cat first or one of the humans interesting case.

The surviving son had a good alibi, coming home late from a night or drinking. But walks in on the attackers and is himself attacked.

What hits me as kind of odd is that the Mother and the other Brother were both killed while the last brother was not. Also, the last brother gets a glimpse of the killer and hears him speak. Why would the killer not off the last brother rather than leaving him alive?

Next part really seems odd to me...

Isao said he saw the assailant’s face briefly, but that he lost consciousness shortly after, and could not recall details about his face or clothing.

You see the face and clothes of you attacker but you can not remember details? He knew that his attacker spoke with an intonation in Japanese was strange. So he remembers the persons voice but can not recall even what his attacker wore.

Something does seem to be real smelly about this sons story. Something does not add up at all.

I just hope that the police are leaving out more details and the son does remember. I hope that the son did not have a hand in this crime.

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Paulie, you called? :-)

I agree with nokomarie. A dog is going to bark, alert the neighbours, possibly even bite and cause serious damage to an intruder. If you're an evil, vicious murderer-type set on getting rid of a whole family, you're going to want to take out the dog. Stands to reason. Cats usually just walk away. (This is one of the reasons why dogs are so much better to have around than cats, of course. Cat people are at liberty to disagree.)

This could be a clue, of course; the perpetrator was someone well-known enough to the family for the cat to approach within grabbing distance.

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How did the cat die? Was it stabbed, strangled, punted?

Could provide a clue - there are some cats who will rub up to any old stranger, but most will run away unless it's someone they know.

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there are some cats who will rub up to any old stranger

True, but most cats are not completely brainless; they know that someone who has just beaten Mum to death with a spanner and shoved her in the cupboard is not just 'any old stranger'.

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True, but most cats are not completely brainless; they know that someone who has just beaten Mum to death with a spanner and shoved her in the cupboard is not just 'any old stranger'.

The cat was found dead outside, so my guess is that the attacker killed it on the way in...

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Isao (the surviving son) saw the attackers face but can´t remember it, but he does remember being interrogated by the attacker, and that the attacker spoke strange Japanese? Very strange indeed!

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I don't think the murderer(s) is(are) stranger to that family. Killing a cat is much more complicated than killing humans, you have to catch it first and they have the instinct to run away from predators.

definately, I still remember how hard it was to kick that cat or pluck its hair to make the magic potion in King's Quest 3 ;-)

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The cat was found dead outside...hmmm the case darkens. The cat rubbed up against the wrong stranger? Believe me, a cat that is afraid of you even inside a house is a tough animal to corner unless it is old and fat. Otherwise, lighting reflexes are needed. Which sort of makes me think the person was more likely high rather than drunk, if you follow my meaning.

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My best theory was moderated, so no, he won't inherit the family fortune after all, sorry, and I'll go with theory 2, the police should have the kid undergo hypnotism to pull out that memory.

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