A 35-year-old woman from Gifu Prefecture was arrested Wednesday for allegedly attempting to kill her 1-year-old daughter by adding contaminated water to the intravenous drip the child was being administered at Kyoto University Hospital in Kyoto, police said.
According to investigations, the woman used a syringe to inject contaminated water into an intravenous drip hooked up to her fifth daughter at the hospital's intensive care unit between Monday and Tuesday.
Her daughter could have died due to blood poisoning, but her condition is improving following treatment. The woman's second, third, and fourth daughters all died of illness by the age 4.
The fifth daughter was transferred to Kyoto University Hospital in early December from a Gifu hospital. Her condition was worsening due to blood poisoning, and tests detected the presence of the fungus candida albicans, which is not normally found in the bloodstream.
Suspecting child abuse, the hospital consulted the police and checked on the woman's movements. They found she had mixed a sports drink with water and waited until the liquid went bad before using it in the case, according to police. She also possessed a syringe, they added.
Police officials said that doctors reported to police that the IV had been tampered with once before on Dec 11. A surveillance camera, set up in the ICU, recorded the mother injecting the drink into the IV drip.
The father lives in their house in Gifu Prefecture, and the mother has commuted to the hospital to take care of the daughter since she was transferred from another hospital in Gifu at the beginning of December.
© Wire reports
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It only took 3 deaths and one other attempt to be caught!!
Great work citizens of Japan.
Just when you think investigative authorities can't be any more dense, a story like this comes along. The woman's first three daughters all die and no one thinks to investigate the circumstances.
The father must be a moron as well. I bet that for him, having a child is little more than having a pet.
The deaths of her 3 other children should have been a red bull bu-, er, flag.
But seriously, was it attempted murder or was she dippy enough to think the energy drink would help?
What the hell is WRONG with people?! How can anyone do something so evil with no conscience like this? What kind of sickness is in the soul of humanity to posses a mother to kill her own? Truely a satanic monster.
Calm down folks, this woman sounds like a certified nutjob. I bet the "blood poisoning" was also the result of some irregular event.
same father? if so the guy must be in hell right now.
Wow! It seems that this got by the medical professionals THREE times before.
Kudos to whoever noticed the tampering with the IV this time. That person should get a medal. Also a medal for whomever got the idea to put a camera in the room BEFORE alerting the mother. Wish the article would tell us if it was hospital staff or cops.
But if blood poisoning was overlooked as both the cause of the previous kid's hospitalization and deaths too, I would say some people should be going into other fields of work, such as garbage collection or hole digging.
Suspended sentence on the way!
Time to get a noose ready.
I heard from radio news that she has is sick, maybe metal illness. She needs some kind of psychiatric treatment.
Yeah, nice investigative work. As noted above, too bad it only took three and a half deaths for anyone to catch on. I'd say someone dropped the ball on the "medical history" check.
Maybe that woman has Munchhausen by Proxy Syndrome. In any case, she's really sick and a murderer, too.
Azrael: Yeah, that's the the first thing I thought about, too, when I read that her three other daughters had died like that.
The first thing that leapt to my head after reading this was munchausen syndrome by proxy.
Glad the child will recover and hope she never has to see her mother again. I also hope they look into getting the first child away from this woman, as well.
Oops. I hadn't read Azrael post.
Mental case. What about the first child?
From the JT Article it seems like a clear-cut case of Munchhausen's syndrome. She must be prevented from having/harming any more children.
I thought Munchhausen by Proxy too - sounds like the JT readership would make better doctors than the ones treating this woman's children!
Yep, seems like a clear case of "Munchhausen by proxy" at first sight. If you aren't sure what that is try the movie "sixth sense" where the mum poisoned the little girl who consequently died. Not quite a satanic monster by a psychologically unstable woman who should be sterilized.
Did the investigation reveal the true contents of what she injected? Earlier it was reported to be "expired energy drink".
Hope there is a syringe waiting for her in the near future.
smithinjapan - Yup, this has "suspended sentence" written all over it.
This little girl is fortunate that her life is spared from this mentally sick woman. Her other three sisters were not as lucky. Her first born may have been a boy and not on the mothers list to murder. The father may have been the root cause of it all, but we may never know. The children should be removed from this dangerous environment and the woman needs to be legally institutionalized. If she can be cured of this mental condition, then charge her with three counts of pre-meditated murder and one count of attempted murder. Sorry, I was a bit on the loopy side, once a nutjob, always a nut job. She will get her sentence suspended due to mental illness at the time she allegedly tried to murder her children.
What Zai said.
As you said, the most important thing is to get the remaining two kids into safe hands.
Elbuda Mexicano
This woman needs somebody to contaminate her own IV drip with some horrible, like plain old air, once that air gets to her heart, she will be quickly be put our of her misery.
What was the cause of death in the other 3 cases, is there actually anyone in the police force taking notice of these incidents other than checking illegally parked bikes.
The other night walking home about 7:00pm there were 3 burly police officers agressivly checking bikes in my neighbourhood, WOW you guys are really run off your feet fighting crime.
Do they actually go through any training in the police school other than bike checking?
I hope the first child and this one year old daughter get the life they are entitled too, and far away from this SICK women.