Police in Osaka have arrested a 30-year-old woman on suspicion of attempting to strangle to death her three-month-old son.
According to police, Chie Yamashiro is accused of strangling her son with a cell phone battery recharger cord at around 11:30 a.m. on Friday at her father’s home in Higashinari Ward, Sankei Shimbun reported. Yamashiro’s father found his grandson unconscious when he returned home from shopping and called 119.
The baby was taken to hospital where doctors said his life was not in danger.
Police said Yamashiro has admitted to the charge and quoted her as saying she didn’t have confidence that she could raise a child. She lives with her husband and son elsewhere and was spending a few days visiting her father.
© Japan Today
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God, I hope the child is NOT returned to her.
So instead of giving the kid up for adoption she decided that murder was the answer?? What is wrong with these people? Don't want kids? Use protection for gods sakes.
And where was the grandmother?
I was told that Japanese do not look kindly on adoption and it is the family's responsibility to care for children (and yeah, rightly so). I also volunteered in an orphanage years ago and it was filled with children mostly from families who couldnt afford to care for the kids. The kids lived at the place, having their own beds and getting meals daily. The family would visit them and send clothes/things if they could. When there was sports day the parents would go watch them.
This horrible attack on this baby's life is heartbreaking. I know these things happen all over the world and I hate it but I read it happening way too often in Japan. I feel society is so harsh and burdensome that young adults can't handle rearing children and older adults tire of caring for their aging parents. It is awful.
Another one bites the dust. Thank god the 3 month old baby is alive. Send her to the gulags
Aly Rustom
So strangle him with a cord. Good idea!
Maybe divorced/separated from her husband, maybe dead, maybe working, maybe visiting friends or relatives, the list of possibilities is endless and irrelevant.
I used to work at a school where the local children's home kids attended. I thought they'd mostly be orphans but, no, as you said many had parents who just couldn't care for them.
But the most heart breaking was a girl whose parents got divorced, so she lived with her mom until mom got remarried and punted her off to the father until the father got remarried and punted her off to the children's home. She had younger siblings! Two parents that just couldn't be bothered to care for their kid. And she was a good kid, too! I hope she's doing well.
I’m sure many will put this down to post natal depression. However, I’m quite sure this woman’s mental problems started long before she got pregnant. I’m glad the kid survived.
Adoption is a not common in Japan because it is an overly complicated process and extremely expensive. Fostering is nearly unheard of in Japan. Sadly, these kids without parents end up in orphanages, which are close to a children’s prison and they will stay there until they are twenty. Then, they are just tossed out to fend for themselves.
Glad the child survived. If you don't have the confidence then remove yourself from the child's life by giving it up for adoption or try to seek help somewhere. Don't blame the child by trying to kill it. I honestly don't know how someone could look at a newborn baby and try to do anything bad to it.
JOEE (dot) jp
Just returning home from an orphanage where we brought presents to all 45 kids who live there (through JOEE.jp). Yes, it’s sad that these children aren’t with loving parents but care facilities do provide a safe, caring and nurturing place for them to grow up. I just wish that adoption and foster care was more available for these sweet kids here in Japan. Still… better to be in a safe place than in danger at the hands of a stressed out parent.
Why have babies when you can't take care of them?
Well, if the pattern that always occurs follows here, she'll just be sent home to 'care' for the baby, and likely next time she'll succeed.
JOEE (dot) jp
@P. Smith @zichi Thanks for your comments. Parents who do not receive enough support can become desperate. Parenting is stressful — especially these days. Orphanages (or children’s homes) in Japan, rescue these kids to protect them. My nonprofit (JOEE.jp) tries to help. (More information at the website.) Japan needs to find more ways to support these stressed parents so we can protect the children who suffer the consequences.