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Mother, boyfriend arrested for forcing daughter to take cold bath, binding, beating her


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Child abuse cases in Japan have recently drawn the spotlight again 

The spotlight should never have been taken off! This sentence could be repeated I dont know how many times over all the decades I have been here!

11 ( +13 / -2 )

If if she's wetting the bed at 8 years old it's because she has emotional issues due to your abuse you dumbass

29 ( +31 / -2 )

A teacher at the girl's elementary school found bruises on her body on Jan. 25 and the school informed a local child welfare center, which took her into protective custody the same day and reported to police.

This is how it is meant to happen - I hope that this shows that the Japanese authorities are talking together properly. The teacher may have saved this girl's life.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

I did it to discipline her

There it is again! What kind of upbringing and education do these delusional thugs have that makes them believe that callous physical punishment is necessary to discipline their children? They are just bullies and no doubt they learned their bullying skills in the Japanese education system.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

horrible people

5 ( +8 / -3 )

A teacher at the girl's elementary school found bruises on her body on Jan. 25 and the school informed a local child welfare center, which took her into protective custody the same day and reported to police.

Although for this case teacher report after seeing bruises is good for this particular case. I'm glad for that.

After Chiba case lot of people can easily suspect when children have bruises or scream. So any bruises can lead to make a teacher report or children who have excessing screaming will make troubling neighbor report that too.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

binding her wrists and forcing her into a cold bath

This is torture. These people need lengthy prison sentences.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

The fact that this guy is DATING a single mother should of already raised some red flags on his mental stability. It's a lose-lose situation.

As a man, you'll naturally be third or fourth on her priority list (usually below her kids, money, pets, house plants, etc). In this case, the woman (criminal) had her priorities messed up; with the poor kid being at the bottom.

Best to avoid the situation altogether.

-21 ( +5 / -26 )

BPD bullies, hope its a hot day in hell when they arrive. May the kid recover and find a loving family.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

It's good that a brighter light has been shone upon the amount of hidden child abuse cases here in Japan. Though hard to read because if it's nature, I hope these stories prompt the proper authorities to act fast and strict and actually ENFORCE a law that prohibits these acts of violence towards children.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

by binding her wrists and forcing her into a cold bath

"I did it to discipline her because she had wet the bed.

Boy she really is mother of the year, isn't she...

If if she's wetting the bed at 8 years old it's because she has emotional issues due to your abuse you dumbass

What sensei said.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Another one? How many psychopathic parents are out there. And in most cases its the single mother with boyfriend.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said earlier this month the government will confirm within a month the safety of all children suspected of being abused.

One month? ANd how are you planning to do that? Just give child protective services and the police more power to step in. And ffs punish the parents heavily.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

"I did it to discipline her because she had wet the bed."

Yep. One more "Mother of the Year" nomination here, too...

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Like I said with these stories, it is aways the mother's new partner that is inflicting abuse on the children. If I went on everything I read, I'd think single mothers should just stay single til the child is on their own.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

What the heck is wrong with this parent(s). If you'd like to discipline her for wetting the bed then tell her to wash the sheets not beat her to death!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

that is the main reason my kids are here with me, no way!!!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

All kids wet the bed eventually they grow out of it, no reason to hurt your child. This horrible woman surely believes she is a parent a mother but she is really no thing but TRASH a waste of human flesh. How could you torture your child that way ?? And to let someone anyone hurt your child is wrong. Hope she and her boyfriend go to prison & the little girl goes to live with relatives that shower her with kindness.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Just what is wrong with people ? I just don't understand.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

scum on the earth

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Unfortunately, this kind of physical punishment is something deeply rooted in Japanese culture. I've seen it many times in public and shudder to think what level of physical abuse these same kids are subjected to behind closed doors. I've also experienced directly with my Japanese ex-wife. Many year ago when my daughter was around 8-9 months old my ex was changing her diaper. I was in another room and heard a very loud 'Smack!' and my daughter started crying loudly. I went to the room to see what had happened and my ex told me she had smacked her for not staying still while she was changing her diaper. I could plainly see a huge red hand print on my daughter's lower back. She didn't smack her on the bottom because it was covered in poop. I went off my head and told her to never hit my daughter again. She then replied, "Well, how old should a child be before you start smacking them for discipline?" That is exactly what she said! I just glared at her and replied, "That is dependent on when you want me to start smacking you for discipline!"

She honestly and wholeheartedly believed it was her duty and responsibility to smack my daughter for discipline. I just told her to never hit my kids for any reason regardless of what you think is normal. This is the culture of Japan. The easiest answer is always the correct answer to them. From that day forward, I would not let her change the kids' diapers, but I never had any trouble with disciplining them because it was not necessary.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

@Tony G, that’s a pretty reckless thing to say.

Thoughts with the young girl and I hope her mum gets her just desserts.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Disillusioned Thanks for sharing and the insight.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Disillusioned, i salute you mate!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Doel jusino:

"Hope...the little girl goes to live with relatives that shower her with kindness."

Hopefully, much warmer too, but I doubt she'll want to be showered or bathed for a while.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Mommy Dearest

0 ( +0 / -0 )


My wife is Japanese, and no one in her family uses corporal punishment. None of her friends but one use it.

I taught for nearly ten years in a private elementary school in Japan. Corporal punishment was not allowed at the school. I taught engrish to the PTA moms (and a few dads). About 2/3 of the moms said they were completely hands off, with the remainder using slight punishment like spanking, and wrist slapping.

The date, if you care, is split about corporal punishment in schools. About half of teachers think it necessary. Parents are divided, with generational differences quite marked.

Your ex wife is your ex wife. Don't generalize about a nation of over 125 million people based on one woman.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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