Japan Today

Mother attempts suicide after strangling 3-month-old son in Tokyo


Police on Thursday morning arrested a woman for allegedly strangling her 3-month-old son with a towel on Wednesday night. The suspect had also drunk a bleaching substance and cut her wrists in an attempt to commit suicide, police said.

Megumi Iwase, 33, called police around 5:15 p.m., saying she had strangled her son Shuji in their apartment in Edogawa Ward. When police arrived, they found the child dead and Iwase still conscious despite her suicide attempt. She was taken to hospital where her condition stabilized overnight.

The mother was quoted by police as saying, “I was upset because my son's development was slower than other children his age.” The child's father was at work when the murder occurred.

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Another tragedy in this crazy world.

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What could she possibly have based his development on??? Someone needs to strangle her because obviously HER development is behind others her age!

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Merciless mother, what development she was expecting from 3 month old son? mere excuse.

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“I was upset because my son’s development was slower than other children his age.”

as some14some said. what kind of development do you expect in 3 months??? outrageous! This women should`ve killed at birth.

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Anyone considered she may have been suffering from post-partum depression? Hmmm?

No, it's much easier to demonize and dust off the noose in the back room!

Lynch-mob mentality indeed.

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blvtzpk...very good point.

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I think my head exploded after reading the mothers reason for killing her son..

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That's what I was thinking. I have heard that post-natal support for parents in Japan is seriously lacking, but to be honest I have no experience raising a child overseas so really cannot compare.

Where I live there are a number of 子育て支援センター (child support centres) run by the city that are free of charge. To me they just look like community centres for kids with lots of toys, books and other activities to keep them busy. How much professional mental support they offer to mothers there I do not know. I'll check with the missus this evening.


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Wow, this is so sad.

"The child’s father was at work when the murder occurred."

My wife gave birth 2 months ago and I'm taking paternity leave (mornings), primarily so my wife and I can share child-raising tasks (partly so she doesn't get overly stressed and snap, like the woman in this article did), and (selfishly :-) so I can actually be there to watch our daughter grow.

I can't imagine why the above Mum didn't talk about her frustrations with her hubby, but I think a big part of the reason why more and more attacks and murders like this are happening in Japan IS because Dads are usually working nutjob hours and Mums are getting stressed out to the hilt, in no small part because hubby just isn't there.

Add to that the ongoing pressure to conform and fit in, and a whole host of other reasons.

If anyone is interested, I've never been happier, & marital relations have never been better.

Moral? IF you (as a Dad) can get time at home after a kiddo is born - DO IT.

For everyone's sake.

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Hmm, strangle my kid, isn't my fault, nope. Sorry, that defense gets you life in prison instead of the noose in my book. It's not my fault I have ADD, it's not my fault, the kids were mean to me, and on and on and on. No one takes responsibility for what they do. It's always someone elses fault (well, not always, but the instances are increasing. When are people like blvtzpk will always want to blame it on something else. Never the person who did it. These are the reasons that society is headed in the direction that it is going today.

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The article doesn't give a lot of details, maybe a 33-year old woman who expects "development" from a three-month old baby is basically NUTS to start with.

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maybe the people around her has the responsibility for this criminal.

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DISGUSTING! He is not Louis Vuitton that you can compare! He is a baby and he relied on you for protection but you killed and watched the lights go out! DISGUSTING!

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I think most of the people here have missed the point. This sounds like a clear case of post-partum depression. Unlike other countries, support services for such issues are behind the times in Japan. Like so many other areas of Japanese social interaction, new mothers are expected to tough it out like their own mothers did, dealing with small kids while hubby works like a dog. If anything, this sad case is a condemnation of Japanese society.

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Often mothers like to exaggerate what their babies can do. If she was in some maternity group, maybe the other mothers in the group were saying things like, "Taro can already roll over...sort of" or "Hanako is such a good baby, she almost never cries" and so on. So maybe this created the idea that her baby was slower. We all compare ourselves to our peers or neighbours. So sad and so stupid. But there is a lot of pressure in these groups and especially when it is a mother's first child. You never really know until you have one of your own. Every day is exciting (but kind of scary at the same time) because you never really know what the baby will do and you've never had the same experience before.

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Okay, so it may have been post partum. So now she can have post partum in a 6x7 ft cell... (or however big they are) And you know what, in other countries if a woman claimed post partum, they would still probably go to prison. God help them if they go to an American prison after killing a child.

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rtrhead1...I'm sure Brooke Shields and the countless other mothers who have suffered from post partem will appreciate your enlightened view. (I believe Brooke even admitted to having thoughts of hurting her child.) On what basis can you and Tom Cruise pass judgement on these ladies?

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String 'er up.

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I'm sorry for considering that there might be other factors involved. Yes, we should always go to the clearly identifiable source of the problem and deal with them forthwith, and not look beyond that. How narrow-sighted I am.

Excuse me, I have a bandwagon to jump onto...

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My baby is slower than others,so I kill him!This woman is insane...ningen janai. My weeps are for the baby.

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Glad my wife is not a nutter. Taking paternity leave isn't a luxury we could afford. I took off 2 days for the birth of my son and 1 for my daughter. We had help form my wife's parents and support from other family members that we wouldn't have had from my family in the States. Obviously this woman had mental issues, maybe pp depression and maybe more beyond that. I actually feel most for the father and of course the child RIP

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Mental illness doesnt exist in Japan.

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I can`t figure out what his "development being slower than others" is supposed to mean for a 3-month old baby??

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Did Brooke Shields kill her kid? Did the thousands of other mothers that have post partem kill their children? The overwhelming majority did not. I am not for the death penalty in this case BECAUSE OF THE OTHER FACTORS INVOLVED! However, she doesn't deserve to have her freedom. Lock her up in a psychiatric hospital for all I care and ensure that she never has a child again. That is not too much to ask. I sincerely don't believe in saying oh, it was post partum, well off you go. I feel so sorry for you. She took a life. Not in self defense or in the defense of others, but because she had a problem that she didn't want or know how to deal with. Her husband may also share the blame. But, I do know that it is tough with Japanese women to know how they feel because even more so than western women, they won't tell you or give you any hints. However, that is no excuse for what she did. If a woman (she doesn't deserve to be called a mother) kills her child in America and blames it on post partum, she still gets locked up. End of story. You bleeding hearts are a big part of what is wrong with society...

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They should have let her die. She deserves it.

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Thinking about killing your child and doing it are two different things.

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She should burn........stop giving these types of people excuses. She did it and now people want to blaime it on PPD...whatever...she needs to burn.

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They warn everyone. It's not just a thing that happens in japan it happens everywhere. She killed her child and if she is found to have PPD let her get help while she is in jail. Let her serve her punishment like any other killer.

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