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© Copyright 2008/9 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Mother of Filipino allegedly raped by U.S. soldier in Japan appeals for help
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Interesting, so the prosecutor in Okinawa did not find any evidence. That should be enough to let this soldier off the hook for many here, considering that he's from the U.S. But wondering if there's gonna be a courts martial, similar to what happened not too long ago where U.S. court martial found Marine guilty even though prosecutors didn't. Gonna be an interesting one.
For once, I agree with RJD JR. I truly feel that often the Japanese Police look down a bit at the "Bar girl" community, and tend to not be as observant or diligent in getting the facts.
In this case, we cannot discount the fact a "bar girl" (loosely termed, as it has been indicated she was "sold" by the bar for a night of sex, making her in fact a "prostitute", left her place of business in order to be with this individual. If she was totally on the up and up, I am sure she would have kept herself in the "bar".
Also, this is the 1000000000000000000000th time I have heard this same sob story about a poor girl from the farms of the Philipines coming to Japan to earn money for an injured (insert father, brother, sister, uncle, dog, cat, next door neighbor here). Basically, the family prostitutes their own daughter so the parents do not have to work.
I hope that this person gets his just desserts for what he has done. Regardless of her profession, assault, rape, or any other ill treatment of women by a Military person regardless of national origin is WRONG, and I hope it wont be overlooked by the Military Prosecuters if it is fact.
WAT She was found in a HOTEL ( Was it the Plaza or the oasis by the freeway. Im sure the cops were let down by the evidence not incriminating the guy. LOOK if it was RAPE you know what to do but like Matada said, too many stories.
I have a question to all of you here. Even if a woman agrees to have sex, does it allow the payer to be violent and leave the woman bleeding? Say you get a prostitute in it OK if you overpower and abuse her during sex? Doesn't it classify as rape?
I know, we've all run across Filipina "entertainers" who give some sob story about just wanting to make some money for the folks back home. However, my partner and I interviewed the woman and the priest who is caring for her and others involved in this case and we have no doubt she is telling the truth. She's a coutry girl and very naive and didn't realize what she was getting herself into. She is definitely a victim of human trafficking.
I think whatever we think of Southeast Asian girls who come to work as "entertainers" in Okinawa and her parents who claim they thought she was going to be playing the piano or something, such women have very little to gain by stirring up trouble, so she is probably telling the truth. But the parents who are demanding justice is a bit obnoxious . . . of course prostitutes don't deserve harsh treatment, but the risk is there and hardly a secret?? Of course the offender should be punished but can the parents really act like butter wouldn't melt in their mouth when they sent their daughter to do this and pocketed her pay?
unlike you all, i wasnt at the scene but there are so many things that could go wrong in a situation with a bar girl which could lead her to call rape. this victim is an "entertainer" and was found in a hotel, seriously her story will have to be uber flawless for anyone outside her family and mamasan to take her seriously.
Wow with out proof people are saying that he is guilty. Next subject please. If some evidence comes along then lets talk about. But there has been no proof against the guy so let it go.
Look, I'm not condoning what happened to her or others in her situation, but I absolutely find it hard to believe the stories of these "innocent" women from overseas who have no idea what being an "entertainer" truly means in places like Japan. They even have a term for it, 'japayuki,' and in the year 2008, with the internet and decades after decades of women from the Phillipines going to Japan to earn money, I find it hard to believe that women don't know what goes on behind the scenes. In fact, this same story is told all over the world, women going to other countries as "entertainers" and "hostesses," and claiming they did not know the truth. Again this is not meant to judge this unfortunate lady, if indeed she was brutalized, and as roughneck alludes to, it is indeed rape. But I just wish people would stop with the "poor girl didn't know what she was getting into" or "she only wanted to help her family by being an entertainer" in order to bias this case without all the facts.
She was bleeding in a hotel, so something out of the ordinary must have happened. Whatever her profession, this scum should be put in prison and see what it feels like to be raped by big smelly hairy prison guards and inmates.
so only rape will make a girl bleed? how about someone ask the parents seeking justice what their daughter was doing in a hotel with a service member if she's an entertainer, shouldnt she be on stage singing and telling jokes? for all we know the guy probably didnt pay full price and the chic wasnt having it. since when does the japanese judicial system IN OKINAWA let the military get away with anything with even looking the wrong way? if you know anything about these bar girls, they get riled up real easy when it comes to their money.
prostitutes have rights as far as I can remember. Rape is rape. Condoning the guilty and dismissing the victim as whore or scum is not right. Where are the Greenpeace anyway? Sorry, I forgot, all they wanted to save are whales.
yes prostitutes do have rights but its not like she was peacefully walking home and dude jumped on her and took what he wanted. let me guess, she went to the hotel with this guy and then decided she's saving it for marriage then the guy raped her? please.
I don't think the point is the girl's virtue. There was violence against her and that should be punished.
hard sex = violence? since when?
Since the moment other person doesn't agree with it and ends up being hurt?
roughneck hard was that sex that left her bleeding? There is a limit of everything...even sex. You can not pick up a prostitute and start beating her up because she agreed to have sex. Yes, she may be a prostitute, but they do have limit of service too. When you go beyond that...that is rape.
there is no evidence against this guy. basically, a prostitute and her mother are making the claims that the jpolice have already discounted. come on, if the jpolice could charge rape on a serviceman then they would do it in a heartbeat.
maybe she was having that time of month?
Sorry but if she was japanese then the story would be different even with the same evidence.
My stab at it was that her mother thought she was playing the piano for GIjoe, even though some Yak dude scooped her up off her mommas porch.
Like I said rape is rape and even if she was, is a whore she has the right to say no or stop. It was how the article reported her story.
this will sound cold, but this risk comes with the job, like any other "profession", there are pros and cons, and risks that might accompany that certain profession. 99.9% of girls who are sent here or in other countries as hostesses, dancers, etc. KNOW that there is a risk of being "violated", if not by their traffickers, but by a customer. NOT all of the men are kind, and just wanna talk, some want to get ***d, its a sad story most might say, i dont see it as such. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worse
I don't know how many filipeno women I have run into who said they were "raped" by Japanese or foreign men. Many had several kids, were married years and claim "but he FORCED me to marry him and have his kids!! And no, I will not go to the police, I will not work for a living unless my job is to be a hostess and make 30 dollars an hour eventhough I am 40 years old and insist on being a bitch to my customers, so give me money and a nice place to live and pity me because the bars won't treat me well."
If this really did happen to the gal, I feel really sorry for her and do hope this guy goes to jail. But I am sure the government has heard enough girls cry "wolf" to be highly suspcious.
First of all, I do not condone rape or sexual assualt of any kind. That is a terrible crime against a man or a woman, and if the evidence is there, then this soldier should be prosecuted.
But what I don't like in this case is the fact that some women's group in the PI and her parents are making claims that something should be done against the US and JP gov'ts. I think that they are misdirecting their ire. They should be protesting full force to the gov't of the PI. The gov't of the PI is responsible for the rampant corruption and graft that makes it so impossible for the poor of that country to be able to make a living. The rich in the PI don't have to worry, and there is not a support system to help the needy poor, other than to expedite their overseas visas to get them out to the world to make money so that the companies that profit from the money transfers service and phone cards can continue to get rich.
Even today, the USN has ships that go to the remote areas of the PI, and do community service like building clinics and schools and providing free medical care. I believe that wealthy nations should do this, charity is important, but I just feel that this should be done in the event of natural disasters (volcanoes, typhoons, earthquakes, etc). Not becuase the gov't is so inept that it can't provide basic services to its own population.
Her parents know what the score is. I could guarntee you that somebody in her village has a relative that has gone away and sent money back, and the people knew how the money was made and of course would talk about the "shame" that some woman did to make it, as they go shopping and living a better life.
Protest against the gov't of the PI (and the Catholic Church that is very powerful there too) about keeping people poor and uneducated and the corruption that is rampant there. I know Japan and the US are not the "ideal societies" and both have problems of poverty and corruption. But at least, the gov'ts do make an attempt to try to relived the suffering of their own poor, and at least try to make it so that even a poor person there, can at least better themselves in most cases legally without having to go the world over and act as a maid, whipping boy, or bar girl.
One more point, I am sure the girls in the club gave her a good indoctrination on what to do. I wonder, how many drinks did he have to buy her at 2000 yen/per before mama-san decided to let her go with him.
If we want real justice, it would be nice to have this U.S. service member serve out his sentence in a nice, heated jail somewhere in the PHILIPINES with say about 100 Filipinos who would just love to hear how he got in jail. I am sure after the Filipinos find out what this idiot did to one of their women, they would have a great imagination on what to do with this knuckle head. I am sure crime in Okinawa and around any other US military base would fall real quick! Hey dude, did you hear that if you get drunk in Roppongi and rape young ladies you will spend time in a Philipine jail? Imagine who quick even the stupidist jar head would go jerk off instead of abusing young ladies.
All I can say is "Good Luck" in trying to have the US military and the Goverment of Japan reopen this case because this "Bar Girl" knew what she was getting into when she arrived in Okinawa. Now for the GI he will now have to face the Army JAG who will throw the UCMJ at this GI Who will mostly get Kicked out for Conduct Unbecoming, Unlawful Sex With a HOOKER under the new rules that were put in too effect some time this year. Her people should go after the Filipino Goverment and request that these Young ladies should not be granted Entertainment Visas because all those ladies end up working in off base Bars. Maybe she Bled because she is a female with a tiny frame. Maybe the GI is a Real Big Guy.
she is a HOOKER, She KNEW what was associated with the JOB, ive seen lot of GIs marry plips , only to get a divorce when he found out that she was 2 timing , 3 timing , 4 timing him when he was on deployment, sorry to say most plips have a problem about money and how much more they can get from another man, yes some western chicks gold-dig, but infidelity is rampart on that island
one more thing.......if she was in Saudi Arabia, would she do what her parants or she is doing here in Japan????? Hell NO!!!!
Wow the generalizations about hookers and Filipinos are running rampant today. Amazing some of the stuff the moderators are considering "on topic".
I think it speaks to the topic some what, I have to agree there seems to be a leaning to be gold diggers when dealing with females from that country and men who are from other counrty's you have to wonder what lead up to this young lady being found in that hotel room? Would your sister go to a hotel room with some guy she doesn't know?