Japan Today

Motorcyclist arrested for stopping suddenly in front of truck on expressway


Kanagawa Prefectural Police have arrested a 44-year-old man on suspicion of violating the Road Traffic Law after he suddenly stopped his motorcycle in front of a truck on an expressway last year.

According to police, Shuichi Aida, a house painter residing in Tokyo's Ota Ward, was riding his motorcycle along the Tomei Expressway in Yamato City at around 4:35 p.m. on Nov 8, Sankei Shimbun reported. He then approached a 10-ton truck driven by a 22-year-old company employee and began tailgating it.

After Aida passed the truck, he stopped his motorbike suddenly, forcing the truck driver to slam on his brakes. The sudden halt caused cardboard boxes inside the truck to tumble out onto the road, damaging their contents.

Police said Aida was arrested on Tuesday. He was identified after the incident was captured on the truck's dashcam and through security camera footage along the expressway.

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I really dont know.... lack of parent's affection? Too much stress at work?

I ride/drive big trucks, small cars and motorcycles everyday here in Tokyo area and I cant spend a whole week without someone tailgating me, especially when riding bikes. The first thing I do is to slow down right away and proceed veeery slowly but without disturbing the traffic. 100% of time the drivers keep a respectful distance after that.

Just not sure if it makes them aware of their reckless dangerous driving or if the person is just a jerk that enjoy putting other peoples' lives in danger, but I always find it very disturbing so many people enjoy threatening complete strangers on the roads in this "omotenashi" Japan. Never happens with female drivers though.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

A fool on a motorbike brake checked a truck? He’s lucky he’s not dead! What an idiot!

20 ( +21 / -1 )

Osaka_Doug there were a few occasions I got so nervous I simply slowed down and start flipping the bird (while on my motorcycle, would never do it while showing my face and tarnish foreigners’ poor reputation), the drivers reacted slowing down and bowing apologetically, problem is this place is so twisted you cannot even tell if the driver is that clueless or just another episode of japanese cynism to avoid confrontation.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

as a fellow biker, I can tell this guy he's an idiot, and very lucky he's alive.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Why would someone on a bike brake check a truck? Darwin awards winner for sure.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Not sure about other drivers and readers, but J police don't give tickets for speeding or illegal turns, overparking, parking where posted signs clearly state no parking, etc. So its pretty much a free for all except aggressive driving the new law. This sends drivers of all ages go as fast as you pretty much can go but just don't hit anyone. Oh and forget using the turn signals I don't know why mfgs even bother in putting them in vehicles, more than 50% don't use them anyway. Remember no tickets means go faster because the J police will not stop you to give out tickets for speeding in Japan. Dont' believe, just park and watch the speeders and the J police cruising while speeders zoom on by.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Rgcivilian, and you base your assumption on what?

but J police don't give tickets for speeding or illegal turns, overparking, parking where posted signs clearly state no parking, etc. 

In 20 years, I got a speed ticket, a parking one, and not a turn, but an lane change one. That's just my personal experience, but you can find police stats if you have the time/interest

10 ( +10 / -0 )

I have gotten speeding tickets. And while walking everyday I see cops pulling people over for many things, except stop signs. Those are just decorations.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I can tell people’s prefecture by their driving.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

He then approached a 10-ton truck driven by a 22-year-old company employee and began tailgating it.

After Aida passed the truck, he stopped his motorbike suddenly, forcing the truck driver to slam on his brakes.

My understanding of this incident (from what I saw on the news) is that the truck driver was in the right hand lane and decided to change to the left, and half way in doing this realized the bike was there, so he went back into the right hand lane. This is what upset the bike rider. Now the context of the incident in this article doesn't even show that. It's trying to show that the truck driver drove with no faults of his own.

I'm not defending the bike rider's actions though! Dangerous, not only for him, but for all other road users. What an idiot!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Robert Cikki, painting with a broad brush there. I can personally attest that Japanese police do, in fact give tickets...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I can tell people’s prefecture by their driving.

Make a list, that would be hilarious.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

They didn't bother with the car that u-turned, but instead went for the guy who (maybe) entered the crossing a split second before the light turned green.

That's because the u-turning car did not break any traffic laws, having completed his maneuver before the light turned red for him, while the pedestrian "jaywalked" (no pun intended) by stepping into the street while the light was red for him.

That is, assuming your description of events was correct.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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