A Maritime Self Defense Force officer has been arrested on suspicion of violation of anti-child prostitution and pornography laws, police said Monday. MSDF 2nd class officer Keiji Yamauchi, 28, allegedly paid 20,000 yen to have sexual relations with a 13-year-old girl in a hotel in Tokyo's Kamata area last December, according to police.
Yamauchi was quoted as telling police that he was aware of the fact that the girl was under the legal age of 18 at the time.
According to police, after receiving his degree from a private graduate school, Yamauchi joined the MSDF in March 2009. Soon after, he signed up for the Officer Candidate School, and graduated in March 2009.
At the time of the incident, Yamauchi was still a student. He was quoted by police as saying: "In the dorms, we had to practice abstinence, so I went to a mobile phone dating site and met the girl there."
From April 2009, Yamauchi went on an ocean training voyage and arrived back in Japan on Sept 4. He was arrested the same day he arrived back in Tokyo.
The girl in question had been in trouble with police since February of this year for offenses such as selling her underwear on dating websites, and she revealed information about the incident with Yamauchi during questioning.
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The guy is a randy idiot but what a messed up girl, selling her underwear on dating websites. I wonder what sort of people her parents are.
Sounds like the girl is the one who should be locked up.
This guy shouldn't be that worried. With this underage sex rap on his resume, I reckon that just about any police force in Japan would be glad to have him on the books.
With regard to the girl, she needs to go down as well. A bit of juve would do wonders for her attitude. A parental abandonment charge for the parents also seems to be in order.
Just out of interest could somebody clarify the suspects rank in the MSDF? Does 2nd Class Officer mean WO2 or does he actually hold a commission (it says he graduated from OCS)? All a bit confusing.
In the dorms, we had to practice abstinence
Not the brightest bulb this chap. Why do you think god gave you hands, sonny?
weekly news of police, SDF, judges and teachers arrested for this is the tip of the iceberg
Both need help/punishment.
the guy should have used a prepaid phone and a fake name etc. trusting a 13 year old prostitute to be discrete is like trusting a Tiger with your child.
I haven't found the original Japanese article so I can't confirm but I'm pretty sure 2nd Class Officer is a bad translation of 二等海尉 (Nitou-kaii) which is an O-2/Lieutenant Junior Grade (1st LT for you Army types). You won't find any 28 year-old Warrants in the SDF so it sounds like this guys's a young and evidently stupid OCS-commissioned JO with no prior enlisted time.
So did he take pictures of her? Wouldn't that be an important detail to report?
And, no, I don't want to see the pictures.
You are correct about his rank, USNinJapan2
MSDF Ranks (in Japanese) can be found here:
That is quite possibly my favourite comment ever on this forum!
Nobody needs to be punished! If the 20000 Yen weren't involved ... no problem!
hmmmm, I doubt many will agree with you there
God bless the mobile phone companies that support and are instrumental in promoting all sorts of sex crimes. Good luck to the 13 year old in her future.
I agree with him - what harm did this couple do to anyone else?
Since when has the legal age in Japan been 18? Have they recently changed it? Everyone knows Japanese girls are indulging much, much younger than that - I would have thought 13 was considered normal here?
what were her measurements? i mean, if she's built like a brick house, then he may have made an honest mistake. if she was flat as a board and looked like she escaped from a workhouse, then he should've suspected that she was a minor.
According to this:
Age of consent for the nation of Japan is 13. However, prefectural laws override that and raise it back up.
Since money apparently changed hands, consent doesn't really enter into it.
That little girl had serious issues of her own, obviously.
How is this the mobile phone companies fault or problem? They are INTERNET bases companies that people just happen to access using their cell phones. You can access it however you want, but having a cell phone that has internet on it, makes it easier to access.
-posted from my iPhone 3G
Don't blame the little girl. Blame the perverted society that she grew up within. I mean what role models does she have, apart from the dim witted eye-candy on TV?
Until society as a whole cleans up it's image, or it learns what is considered exploitation/vulgar nothing, nothing, nothing will ever change. This I am sure is fine with the old boys in power, who must enjoy how most J kids and women are seen as nothing more than eye candy to serve the elder generations of sicko's....
Please lock up this pervert. He broke the law, so let him suffer the consquences.
and who are you to decide what is vulgar in THEIR country? You are either a visitor here or live outside Japan most likely, either way, it's Japan culture, not your own. I'm not defending the "gross" act of this situation, but I do have an issue with the train of thought you and a few others here are ranting on about. Maybe to Japanese, it's OK and should be left up to them to decide for themselves.
Didn't we read about a 14 year old boy the other day on this post and a 13 year old girl?? I posted that i bet she isn't the only one in japan doing this and JT removed my post.
societymike -- that's crap and you know it. It is not Japan's "culture" to demean women and treat them as sexual objects no matter what their age. It is nothing more than an acceptable societal norm which has emerged over the past 50 years or so, as J-men have become increasingly unable to manage real relationships with women. And, whether someone is simply a visitor here, or a long-term resident like myself, they have every right to comment. Because that view of women is unhealthy and is keeping Japan from truly competing on a global level. You can't relegate over 50% of the population to sex object status and expect to compete with the EU countries, the U.S., etc.
tokyokawasaki-- I don't blame the little girl directly, but following your argument, you would think there would be more 13 year olds selling their panties on the web. The sexualization of girls and children is not a Japan-only problem. Also, everyone is exposed to it, but not everyone goes off the deep in like this little girl did. She had some other issues, most likely. Uncaring parents? Low self-esteem due to her peers? She could have done all this for any number of reasons. Not that this justifies the hyper-sexualization that I do see in this culture-- and many others! --but there was something seriously wrong going on with this girl in particular, it seems to me.
I do wonder if this guy had any way of knowing. There are some young children who don't look their age, but that seems like such a large difference...
societymike, please read herefornow's post and that of tokyokawasaki. That is exactly what I wanted to say. As for the mobile phone companies services offered, try mobile phone dating.
kokorocloud. If you are looking for the reason, I think it is simple. Money. Look at the social pressures on children here to have designer this or that, and to keep up with whatever trends are on. With money getting tighter at home and parents not flushing so much cash through to their teenage kids, the kids are resorting to their own methods.
And it isn't just selling actual sex. Go to Akihabara and look at all the very young girls on the street hocking maid cafes, ear cleaning places and more. Or any of the other exploitations we see of young girls in Japan.
And it doesn't stop with young girls. Look at the masses of women who work at kabakura or hostess clubs. And that is before you even start to think about the number of places that sell sexual services.
Most people do this for money. A company girl maybe makes 150,000-180,000 per month if she is lucky. A hostess in a good place makes considerably more for less hours. And sex trade girls make even more. With no opporutunity a cement ceiling at most companies and declining opportunities to fulfill traditional domestic homemaker roles it is shocking that more women are not ending up in these desperate situations.
Japan needs to change her treatment of women. But it must also change its lust for money and the trappings of conspicuous consumption that drives the lust for more money.
Moral of the story? ALWAYS give a fake name to professionals.
herefornow and tkoind2: I completely concur! Equality and equal opportunity for women would solve a lot of problems in Japan--social and economical.
Moderator: Readers, back on topic please.
Sexism is not the problem here. Rampant capitalism is the cause. Back in the good old days, a whole village raised a child. Nowadays our societies are destroying themselves from the inside.
officer and a gentleman.
Yamauchi joined the MSDF in March 2009. Soon after, he signed up for the Officer Candidate School, and graduated in March 2009.
Does it mean JOINING & GRADUATING in March 2009 - all together and quick ??
Yet another Japanese teenage girl selling herself on a social networking site. No mention of any punishment for the little slut that has just ruined this guy's life. I guess 'entrapment' would be an inappropriate comment.
herefornow... I am fine with everyone saying that little girls should not be selling their bodies, their parents should be watching out for them and men should not endeavor to seek out 13 year olds for sex but.... what planet are you from when you say that Japan is non competitive because they have a different view of workplace norms and the place of women in their society. These things rank highly in their ability to be competitive economically. To the contrary, making allowances for gender and race outside of normal competition in the work place hurts a countries ability to compete internationally.
For the record, I think there are far more worse things going on here for the police to focus on rather than little girls selling their underwear and then entrapping customers by coercing an alliance from the young 'perp'...
Didnt read all the posts....bgaudry had the best post by far.
I hope the child was also prosecuted for prostitution. Seems like she just can't wait a few years to sell her body legally.
If this was a 13-yr-old boy and a 28-yr-old woman, nobody would complain.
He got lucky, s'all.
She needed the money for her parents i bet
This is a guy that needs to be popped upside his head. Of all the legally aged woman running around, he jumped on a 13 year old kid!? What a pathetic pervert. Lock him up!
a 28 year old having sex with a 13 year old will and should always be a problem.
Again. Mobile Dating site. Don't these idiots read the news? On another note, you'd be a fool to commit a crime with a Japanese partner. If he or she gets caught, you can bet your life you're gonna get ratted out.
omg... 13 is still a kid.
Fascinating. So you're claiming that "in the good old days" before capitalism, adults didn't have sex with children? Good luck proving that.
Was it the same little ho that got the 14 year old boy caught up last week? Anyway, no sympathy for anyone involved this "child" obviously knew what she was doing and the guy is an idiot for laying jail bait. Move along who cares....
The law has to start making punishments for the source of many of these problems, the girls. If they are let out scott free whenever they want to make an illegal buck, what's stopping them? That's like arresting a drug user and telling the drug seller to go away.
Everybody just got lucky in this case.
She wanted money for designer crap.. this is the result of twisted cultural values... women don't value their bodies, men eventually snap when practicing abstinence... in prisons they will become gay out of frustration. If it wasn't for masterbation, most men would probably resort to buying a prostitute or face mental problems.
I wonder if his sentence will match the American military men convicted of rape, or will they say because she was willing it's not as heinous. I too am wondering what they'll do to the 13-year-old. Definitely a minor, but that doesn't give her a "Get out of jail free" card. She should be facing SOME kind of punishment. Wait, is prostitution legal in Japan?
he's stupid but the girl is also stupid. she went to the police to complain that another guy she was "dealing with" didn't pay the proper amount of money that they agreed upon, so she wanted the police to get him. when the police checked her cell phone mails, they found out about this self defense force guy who ALSO didn't pay the amount they initially agreed upon (60,000yen)... If only these 2 men paid what they had told the girl they would in the beginning, they wouldn't have been in this mess.. BUT I am personally glad they were caught. Stupid girl!!!
WhiteHawk: Fascinating. So you're claiming that "in the good old days" before capitalism, adults didn't have sex with children? Good luck proving that.
No, I'm not.
Moderator: All readers back on topic please. Posts that do not refer to the subject will be removed.
tkoind2-- I can agree with that completely.
I think there does need to be more of a focus on the children involved in these cases. Because the more stories there are like this, the more it seems like the problem only gets worse. There are bad kids in every generation, all over the world. But seeing them walk away from it is the problem.
saeiry-- Wait, what?
Legal age, but not in Tokyo. Idiot. Stay away from young girls wanting to do any sexual acts with you, I've been approached by a couple myself online. A young girl acting like that is can be arousing (usually because it is just so wrong), but I have enough sense to hit the head that is supposed to be thinking and give it jump start again.
Guys really need to be careful about this kind of thing. It's out there and obtainable, but someone needs to point out to them that this is a BAD idea no matter what all the other manga says.
I think the mobile phone service providers are the ones to blame for this entire episode.
I was not trying to offend the Japanese society, I was only making an observation about the lack of education when it comes to women's rights, and because of which nothing will ever change, and women (including young girls) will continue to be exploited without actually realizing it.
Moderator: Readers, please stay on topic.
He is a loser and she should be charged with prostitution. It pays to use someone else's cell phone when soliciting sex from a kid.
What bothers me about this story is, how did this girl get into this? And why? A normal girl doesn't just go out and start selling herself. Theres normally some impetus. Some point where her lack of self esteem, and a supposed friend combine. But was the lack of self esteem caused by something? Abuse for example is a common cause. If the police were smart, they would be questioning the girl about how and why she started doing this, and about her family as well.
Good points, Molenir.
Aelieth, you should give a public lecture along these lines. You are right. Many things can be offered and can be made available easily. But use your head.
Molenir, I was thinking on the same lines.Girls usually start these things when someone triggers that button in them. Met two attractive young women from conservative families who were into drugs, smoking alcohol and prostitution. Very attractive and nice human beings. Admitted that they were abused by the father from childhood. This is the sad part of being beautiful, the wrong people can get attracted to the beauty. One is an actress now, and the other one keeps running away from place to place and doing the same thing.
So wait...he was charged because she was under 18 or because he paid her for it? What is the legal age of consent in Japan, anyway?