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© KYODOMSDF punishes senior official who paid for sex with 30 minors
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Ahhh I see.
So you endorse sex with minors by not punishing this guy?
Thats exactly what you are doing! He would be named and shamed and put in cuffs for taking money but not for taking advantage of young kidz?
what the article fails to mention is that he was suspended with pay so now he has a whole year to go out and spend this check on encounters with underage girls
What good does it do to suspend someone with pay?
maybe his co-workers just don't want to look at him
Samit Basu
That's it? No life-time prison sentence? What's wrong with Japanese justice system?
The MSDF also said it dismissed a petty officer belonging to the Maritime Staff Office for stealing 10,000 yen in cash from each of two colleagues around July this year. He is set to be referred to prosecutors.
The difference between "an officer" and "enlisted". How funny (not) justice is handed out when you have an "education" or not! One a petty theft crime, the other, a crime of statutory rape!
Should be the opposite, but that's not how the world works here!
News in Japan takes on a new non-meaning when nobody is ever named in these cases and thus the news becomes instantly fogettable.....
Reading this right after the article about additional med schools rigging exams to bar qualified female candidates seems fitting.
That he doesn't see jail time is astonishing enough. That he'll be back in uniform after a year is just, well, OIJ.
Alfie Noakes
Paying to have sex with 30 children gets you only a suspension? What?
All you have been yelling jail,punishment or whatever,but none of you even understand the law or how Japan works. Learn a little bit of the law before you start screaming. What the age of sexual consent in each country is. He is not being punish for sleeping with a girl under 18,but is being punish for paying for sex. That's the crime. That's prostitution. Because he is a official,the punishment is heavier. This is usually not a big deal.
Where does it say children?
Hiro... the age of consent in Japan is usually 18, depending on the prefecture...
Where it says 'minors'...
Yep. But for for less damaging crimes, people are essentially, publicly tarred and feathered...
Utterly disgusting that this guy was not punished. I'm speechless. Shocked, but not surprised... TIJ.
All you have been yelling jail,punishment or whatever,but none of you even understand the law or how Japan works. Learn a little bit of the law before you start screaming. What the age of sexual consent in each country is. He is not being punish for sleeping with a girl under 18,but is being punish for paying for sex. That's the crime. That's prostitution. Because he is a official,the punishment is heavier. This is usually not a big deal.
so are you saying that an OFFICER or someone in a LEADERSHIP POSITION who SHOULD know better than to solicit sex, especially from a minor on several occasions is not a big deal?
And some parts of Japan make it ok for GIRLS under 18 to to have sex or even get married to men old enough to be their fathers, but nothing wrong with that right?
I could have read wrong but japan’s Age of consent is 13!!!!:-(
so in some areas a 13 year old girl can legally consent to sex with an adult!:-/
Age is 18 or 19?
iIf younger, walk the plank.
That's a different issue then isn't it. This story is about a man who paid girls for sex. The fact that laws here are backward is another matter. I'd agree with you by the way.
So, you are saying that, if he didn't pay them it would be ok for him to have sex with a minor? You are out of your mind! If they were under 16 it is a criminal offense.
This was the case until quite recently. Nowadays it is 15 or 16 depending on the prefecture. In some prefectures a girl can be married at 15 with parental consent.
Can some one find the name of the officer who was found to have paid for sex with about 30 minors over the past eight years??? I don't find in this news. why?
Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force or Japan today, who feeling shy for him?
This man deserved life-time prison sentence?
@bones: don't missed the point that paid sex are unlawful in Japan.
The minor will probably be punished harder than this predator.
@bones: don't missed the point that paid sex are unlawful in Japan.
I’m not exactly sure what you mean but it would seem like paying for sex is more of crime than having sex with a minor, it’s almost as if a minor doesn’t have any rights in some parts of Japan unless she is under 15 or 16 but paying a minor for sex is serious!?
the laws are definitely archaic and mind boggling!
it is a sickening as the politicians in the US who want to normalize pedophilia :-(
I believe it is 18 for males and 16 for females nationally.
Doesn't take away the seriousness of his crime however.
I stand corrected... It's 13!!!!!!
18 and 16 are the ages for legal marriage.
MSDF dismissed (Fired) a petty officer for stealing 20,000 yen and will refer him to prosecutors.
YET a child predator who willingly paid a girl (he knew was a minor) for sex gets suspended from duty for 12 months. That makes no sense .... You can pay back the 20,000 yen BUT you can't UN-SCREW the 30 plus little minor girls this guy had sex with. This makes no sense. Stealing is wrong but having sex with children is worse. Well this story tells me that in Japan it's OK to be Predator just don't be a thief. Japan is probably going to get flooded with predators from all around the world cause it's OK to have sex with little children in Japan just don't come to Japan to steal. Parents watch your children......
In the grand scheme of things, and as a topical comparison, what is worse - a senior MSDF official charged with child prostitution and 30 counts of underage sex, or the CEO of a major automotive manufacturer who played with his own remuneration filings? Yep, guess which one grabs the headlines and guess which one has been locked up for weeks without bail.?
It does say the police are on his case. If he is prosecuted and found guilty he will certainly be fired/dismissed.
If that were the case, then that's not really a punishment since he's still paid. Just a negative way of saying that he's on holiday.
"At 13, Japan's base age of consent is the lowest of any developed country. However, many prefectures also have local "corruption of minors" or "obscenity statutes" (淫行条例) which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a "sincere romantic relationship", usually determined by parental consent."
Do the hustle
Age of Consent in Japan’s prefectures and territories
Most of the prefectures in the country have obscenity statutes or laws against corruption of minors. The age of consent in the prefectures ranges from 16 to 18 years, and it is illegal to engage in sexual activities with partners who are below this age unless a parent approves of the romantic relationship. In Tokyo, for example, a person has to be at least 18 years to agree to have any form of sexual relations. In both of Japan’s territories, Okinotori Islands and Marcus Islands, the local age of consent is 13 years.
So he gets a paid one year vacation? Good god Japan!
So he gets a paid one year vacation? Good god Japan
and the possibility of committing further acts!
Kobe White Bar Owner
10 to 1. This guy surfaces again in another J.T article or in National news for the same type of crime.
These type never learn.
"extremely regrettable some of the Japanese laws on the books.
the age of consent in japan is 20 years old. in brazil it's 12 years old for girls. perhaps he should apply for brazilian citizenship.
@Do the hustle - so unless he took the girls to the Okinotori Islands or Marcus Islands, he is a PDF file. I certainly hope he's not part of a wider 'thing' in the MSDF.