Dating can be hard, particularly when making that first move on a person where the chances of rejection are dangerously high. Some people get by on good looks, while others employ charm and wit to win others over. A great deal of us, however, are lacking in both of those things and need to come up with other ways to meet people.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, one 25-year-old man in the city of Nagoya came up with a truly idiotic way to pick up women and is now facing assault charges as a result.
Last May, the suspect approached a woman in her 30s on the street and asked her for directions. While she assisted him, the man then squirted some liquid glue into her hair. He then alerted her to it, saying that it looked like a bird had pooped on her. But the woman objected to being sprayed and alerted police.
According to police, the man admitted to doing this to women about 10 times since last March for the purpose of “getting an opportunity to pick them up.” Now, we often have a beef with Japanese media and/or police for not asking follow-up questions that might fill in the gaping holes of logic between a weird crime and its purported motive – whether it’s stealing piano covers or building a road on a lake – and this is yet another case of this.
Comments online were at a loss as to this man’s plan, but everyone agreed it was mighty stupid either way.
“He’s a genius among idiots.”
“He thought that putting glue on someone would make them go out with him?”
“If that stuff gets on your clothes or bag, it’s really hard to get out.”
“What a gross idea.”
“Did he imagine she would be grateful if he picked the bird poop out with his hands?”
“Just use a dating app.”
“Putting glue in someone’s hair is the worst thing you could do.”
“We are sure it was glue, aren’t we?”
“He should have added a little roasted seaweed to complete the illusion.”
Hopefully, these assault charges will help him to reconsider his approach to dating and seek help from others on how to go about it legally. Since the government is so keen to matchmake, perhaps they should set up workshops for people like this guy who are clearly willing but really lack the faculty for it.
Source: CBC News, Hachima Kiko
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© SoraNews24
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Does he know the cost for those female in order to go for hair treatment? Multiply that by 10!
That boy ain’t right! Needs some psychiatric help pronto. If he thinks this is a good idea to get a bird then definitely he has a screw loose.
One sick loser.
Absolute sick creep.
Dating and having relationships are certainly not for everyone - and this individual is one.
Squirting stuff onto you is a classic trick used by pickpocketing teams to distract people (in countries with pickpockets). Someone squirting glue into a woman's hair also forms part of the plot of "A Canterbury Tale", a lesser known film by Powell and Pressberger. Half the article is comments from Twitter, so that's why I'm adding my own....
It’s not really worth a comment…
The most important question remains unanswered:
How many times did it get him laid?
That's enough Internet for today.
Hence the chances of rejection become absolute, not to mention arrest. Of all the things you could come up with, that was your top idea? This guy is a mental midget of the highest order. No offense to midgets.
So these creeps have gone from spraying bodily fluids to glue to get laid eh? There is no hope for humanity.
I'm going to run my fingers thru your long black hair
Squeeze you tighter than a grizzly bear
Yes-sir-ee, uh, uh
I'm going to stick like glue
Stick, because I'm
Stuck on you
CaptDingleheimer, a wild guess, but I do hope is 000
Futaro Gamagori
Nagoya Man!
Gene Hennigh
"Say, lady, you've got poop in your hair." This is probably the worst pick up line ever. And the application of glue is one of the worst tactics of all. It make one wonder: is this guy incapable of starting a relationship without trickery? and, how would a woman go for a guy who pulls poop out of her hair? This would be comic if it weren't so completely non-fiction.
That guy has got to work on his game!
Probably another one of these 'pickup artist' losers who was encouraged to come up with a novel new way to get a woman's attention.