A man was arrested for assault in Naha after a drunken bout of abuse injured his wife and 8-month-old baby daughter, police said Sunday.
According to police, Shinichi Uehara, 29, got into an argument with his wife after the family arrived home from visiting a friend at around 1 a.m. on Sunday. Uehara began to punch and kick the woman.
The wife sustained only minor injuries, but the couple's child, who she was holding at the time, received a hard blow to the head and fell unconscious. Police say Uehara was drunk at the time.
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Good, hope this goes to a jury trial.
People who can't hold their alcohol and get violent when they drink are those I least respect
8 month old huh? what a hero.
Can`t even come up with a word to describe how I feel about this low-life.
More victims of the alcohol malaise of Japan. If he had eaten an E perhaps he would be hugging them and expressing his love.
What a big man, most likely the argument was over he wanted some food and can't make it himself.
Police say Uehara was drunk at the time.
And that is an excuse? The baby receiving a "hard blow to the head" is setting this up for the next development, the kid dies of a bleeding on the brain.
The cops should bang this guy up for the full amount. They might also try and convince the wife that she needs to put this clown out of her life, permanently.
Alcohol gets the blame for so many things in Japan. However, is it really the cause or just an easy excuse? If the alcohol supply was limited would these kinds of alcohol related incidents decrease or would they continue and find another excuse?
Hitting a woman holding a baby? I think he's set a new all time low.
once again, alcohol + Japanese = crime
I don't know what it is with these Japanese men that they can't control their anger. I get pissed at my girlfriend all the time, but I would NEVER put my hands on her. And to punch and kick a woman holding a baby? WTF?!
"Disillusioned" I think I would have to agree with you that it seems like alcohol is more of an excuse because it seems to be the culprit in all of these domestic violent cases. Once again, Japanese society living in denial so nothing will ever change.
I'm glad to hear he was arrested for it. I just hope that poor little girl is all right. Drunk or not, how could one do such a thing? There's more to it than just being under the influence. This dirtbag obviously had other things going on. You can't beat your wife and child and claim it was because you knocked back a few beers.
Again, DV doesn't get much in court. I agree this should go to a jury so they can lock him up as long as possible.
Nothing will happen, he'll bow, say sorry, make a gambru voice and grunt a few times.
Sorry! I can't even continue reading the responses to this "incident"... Believe me, men don't need to be drunk to beat up their spouses and children here in Japan... However, it's only very recently that this problem has become "public" and maybe even "protected" by the police... I know of a "University Professor" who beat up his wife and kids when he hadn't had enough to drink, believe it or not! It just seems to be the "macho" thing to do here in Japan...
I hope they dragged him by his hair into the police car threw him into the car so hard his head slammed into the window and knocked himself out cold and when he woke back up he was in the interrogation room with a heap of prisoners waiting to take out their frustations on a woman and child beater. But i guess that would be too much to ask for scum like this to be treated.
A lot of guys in Japan and especially Okinawa go out to drink to get attention from women (behind the bar).. because their wife ignores them after they have a child. Families are close in Okinawa and the wife can easily visit and spend time with her mother and sisters leaving the man to sit there alone. Bars are also close, so men frequent bars at least once a week. A lot of men in Japan are sexless after they give the wife what she wants... a child. It is not all the womans fault. Men are living in dispair in Okinawa. They aren't in control of their Island, the US military occupies 20% of it and they live much better than the locals, on the Omoiyari yosan sympathy budge... this dissatisfaction also causes some to drink... sometiems when people drink, they get violent.
another shining example of japan's coward culture...why pick on someone your own size and get the sh1t kicked out of you when you can just kick your wife and slap your kid instead ? real manly men, these japanese
A U.S. Judge would probably say: "There are many, many people who have problems at home,and they don't become violent, or kill people" ....before giving out a long jail sentence.
Part of the problem is that alcohol is one of the few legal ways to relieve stress in Japan. So, it naturally gets abused, as stress is generally quite high. And, alcohol tends to increase aggression in many people. Like mary jane? You may as well be a heroin addict, because the penalties are strong. E? Again, the risk-to-benefit ratio just isn't worth it. And since the ecomomic depression is causing a population with depression, alcohol use is likely to increase. People will by as much of the third category beer-like beverages, and the cheapest wine, whiskey, and shochu they can find. These cheap booze have plenty of other additives to compensate for the poor quality that it tends to give a bad alcohol buzz, and a bad hangover. More bad news to come...
Baby received a blow to the head. How cruel, but sounds like that baby got a better break than the other ones I've been reading about floating around the island...
If one did not know better one would think domestic violence was the norm.................. Didn't some douche bag beat a woman to death as well as other assaults on women before he was FINALLY caught.... too bad they don't have the same guys here that they do in San Quentin or some of those real tough prisons,it would some good "counselling' for guys like him.
Mookoo-- I would agree, except for the fact that this implies that you can ONLY relieve stress through some activity that allows people to pretty much check out of reality for a while. There are other ways to do that, and you don't necessarily need alcohol OR drugs to do it. I'm not so naive that I'd suggest everyone go read a good book or listen to some music to shake the stress off, but at the same time something else should be suggested to people, since everyone is so quick to turn to the bottle to feel better after a long day.
So my point being-- it's pretty lame that so many criminals are "drunk" at the time and this somehow acts as an excuse for them lashing out. But I still think that there has to be more going on, and that these people, particularly this man that would beat his family like this, have deeper problems, and it might have come out one way or the other, with or without alcohol.
If people cannot control themselves when they drink alcohol, they should not drink alcohol. A child can see the solution. Obviously people choose to live like animals.
How quickly do you think that crime would cease if Japan banned convicted felons from purchasing or using alcohol? Or if it were a parole violation?
Kokorocloud...yes, I'd agree with you in principle. Being so busy and highly stressed, most people turn to the quick fix of alcohol, rather than the safer, healthier solutions that might take some time.
I think the problem is not strictle related to Japan or Japanese. It is bad and should be punished strongly. But admit that the huge sentences given in the U.S. are not helping the problem... I am amazed that people always shout to punish stronger and stronger. Compared to other countries Japan is very safe, so... better think twice before we tell them how they should handle things...
Moderator: Other countries are not relevant to this discussion.
Over all, this is a very rare incidence. What westerners would call abuse is not rare, nor drinking and getting drunk. Killings and violence are very rare in Okinawa and make big big news when it happens a couple times a year.
Mookoo-- Yes, that is very true, and unfortunately I wish it were not that way. And as I said, people who are already unbalanced should not get involved with the quick-fix substances that could make it worse. I'm a firm believer that in many domestic violence cases, the person doing the beating is usually screwed up already, and you can't really just say that alcohol did it. It may have stirred things up, but the intent was probably already there to begin with. I don't think you could hit your own child that way otherwise.
I also do not think this is a Japanese problem or something unique to them. That is so obviously not the case. Americans (myself included) should know this most of all, though we're not talking about the U.S. here...
such wonderful insights into the causes of domestic violence in Okinawa i.e. American armed forces (ha ha). Give us a break, chum.