Police in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Prefecture, have arrested a 32-year-old male nursery teacher on suspicion of kidnapping and sexually assaulting an elementary school girl.
According to police, Daiki Ogawa, who was arrested on Wednesday, is accused of assaulting the child and filming the incident on his smartphone on Sept 20, Fuji TV reported.
Police said that at around noon that day, Ogawa picked up the girl at her home and pretended to head to an after-school activity center. Instead, Ogawa took the girl to his residence where he sexually assaulted her for several hours.
Ogawa was arrested after one of his acquaintances saw child pornography footage on his phone in mid-October and contacted the police.
© Japan Today
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this man should be castrated and left in a cell to rot for the rest of his life.
Lock this monster up, and start a sex offender register, please.
JJ Jetplane
How are you supposed to help a child like this. A teacher, someone that's supposed to be a trusted pillar in the community. Someone that is supposed to guide and help that student. Kidnapped her and assaulted her. Monsters like this really piss me off. I seriously hope that there were no other victims.
Ogawa was arrested after one of his acquaintances saw child pornography footage on his phone in mid-October and contacted the police.
People here still reluctant to come down on porn? The connection is clear as day.
Horrible story. A lot could be done by simply raising the standards for working with young children. Especially for the after school "gakudo", it seems that almost anyone can qualify for the job.
Let me guess, he was stressed out, and that's why he did it. Lock him up
People (@ssh0les) like him will give future male child care applicants a negative chance. Hence the saying "one bad apple......"
You have misunderstood. The man Daiki Ogawa raped the child in September, and the acquaintance called the police once they saw the smartphone footage in mid-October, ie last week, and Daiki Ogawa was arrested the following week. The suggestion is that the footage was of the poor child.
She must have gone home and said nothing, under threat from him. Bastard. It is disgusting and horrifying. I hope this lives a long long life in prison and dies a slow painful death in a cold room.
With hard labor!
the troubling part about this crime is that the heinous crimes came to light because someone reported seeing his disgusting videos.
i feel that maybe the victim/s didn’t come forward to police because they and their families would feel shamed. Japanese society should view these victims as hero’s who expose perverts.
You have misunderstood. The man Daiki Ogawa raped the child in September, and the acquaintance called the police once they saw the smartphone footage in mid-October, ie last week, and Daiki Ogawa was arrested the following week. The suggestion is that the footage was of the poor child.
And therefore you deduce Ogawa has no interest in porn/porn does not play a major factor in these types of crimes?
lol People in major denial here.
(Also there is in fact no "suggestion" that the footage was of the girl. This shows how deluded many people on here are.)
When it comes to kids, trust no one is the best policy.
Also, it is really important to talk to kids about their day at school.
These monsters come in all sizes and ages, so it’s alright to be suspicious.
No it isn't. You are linking "filming the incident on his smartphone" with "one of his acquaintances saw child pornography footage on his phone" and the article doesn't link the two phrases.
So what's your point?
Daiki Ogawa
Obviously there is more to it.
But this is the basic listing for a sex offender.
Do it!!!!!!
Sal Affist
There are several details that need more explanation.
(1) He was a nursery school teacher but she was an elementary school pupil, so we can conclude he was not her instructor.
(2) Nevertheless, he picked her up at her home. So the family must have known him and trusted him?
(3) Sep. 20 was a Sunday on a 4-day holiday weekend. Do "after school activity centers" really operate on such Sundays? - as there is no elementary school on Sunday.
I am suspicious about the involvement by the parents (or parent). Did they really believe him or were they off doing their own thing without much care for their daughter's welfare?
[ Harry_GattoOct. 23 01:18 pm JST
No it isn't. You are linking "filming the incident on his smartphone" with "one of his acquaintances saw child pornography footage on his phone" and the article doesn't link the two phrases ]
People here so mentally challenged lol.
I think you misunderstand the article. The article says the aquaintance saw child porn on his phone. Not his own recordings. Be that as it may, it is good that this creep has been caught.
My point, as I and many others have tried to get across to you is that the article does not link the phrases which I highlighted, only you are doing that.
That is why school teachers if convicted should also be added to the sex offenders data base the government is about to establish next year.
This is far more important than most other measures, the psychological damage these victims suffer is unimaginable and must be recognized. Poor kids.