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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2014.Obama scolds Sony; vows U.S. response to N Korean cyberattack
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“We will respond,” Obama told an end-of-year news conference. “We’ll respond proportionally, and we’ll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose.”
Coming from the team that got Osama bin Laden, yeah, I'd take that seriously.
I want to see it even more now that I'm not allowed to.
Smart move Sony!
Hack NK's nuke program...then make a movie out of it.
I wonder if the hackers some more dirt on Sony, that they are threatening to release if Sony didn't pull the plug on the release of the movie? Since they had unfettered access to all of Sony's information, maybe there is something much more scandalous, or damaging that they have found? Just wondering.
"Common sense prevails."
Common sense dictates giving NK the finger.
I'd be first in line if it opened up near me.
Gee, ya think all the teeth-chattering conservatives would be there too...?
Yea, me neither.
Obama did a great job of punishing Putin, who is now watching his economy go down the grain. I expect Obama can do the same with Kim once irrefutable evidence comes out.
According to SONY Pictures CEO, they didn't make the decision, the theater owners did. Still sounds cowardly of Sony and they may be up for big law suit from their employee. They didn't protect the information and what is worse, they had every on the same network. Are they idiots? Also how did NK get the administrators keys to the everything. One person should not have access to everything. What is worst, this is the 3rd or 4th time Sony has been hacked. They don't seem to be able to learn.
Wow, this is amazing. Conservatives are in a bubble so thick they cannot recall history. Bush let OBL attack the USA. His people only cared about Sadam so basically even though bush was warned repeatedly about an upcoming attack he did nothing. And let 3000 people die. I was in NYC that day, so this is personal. And then when he had the chance to trap OBL in Tora Bora, he let him go. Fact. Then he later said that OBL did not matter anymore. Fact. But the black President you conservatives hate so much went after OBL and got him. Which was the right response to 9-11, not invading Iraq based on lies about WMD that did not exist.
History will prove Obama one of the best Presidents ever. He pulled the country out of the bush near depression, ended stupid wars started by the republicans, opened up Cuba, provided healthcare to millions who could not get it otherwise, took the stock market to all time highs, increased hiring in the last year more than bush did and on and on. He did this all despite the republicans fighting him on everything including programs they created before he became President. Once again the democratic President cleans up after the Republican President destroys everything.
Excellent post zurcronium, you nailed it!
Obama will be VERY highly regarded in the future, it has been utterly disgusting watching the repubs say no to everything Obama does...................& lets face it if Obama had been a white would have been much different!
Three cheers for Obama he is kicking major A$$! Just imagine what he could do if repubs put their country before their prejudices!
Its been sad watching various conservative talking heads spew their poison on US TV since Obama was first elected, the US SHOULD be better than that but clearly, although slowly getting better, STILL has a long road ahead when dealing with history of black people in the US & minorities in general.
Obama thanks for taking the higher road!
Tubby needs to be put in his place!
Considering how many Western businesses, Google, Apple, Wal-Mart, et alia, are practically tripping over themselves to ignore universal concepts regarding human rights and democratic principle, all in order to make profits in countries around the world that guffaw at the concept of free speech, it's no surprise at all the Sony folded. As long the business model and profitability are preserved…
Sony shouldn't have acquiesced. Now ANY future film it plans to release that may potentially upset third parties is subject to threats of violence and subsequent self-censorship. Even worse, Sony will simply choose to avoid controversial subject matter, and the public will be stuck forever with Jerry Bruckheimer/Michael Bay pap, inspiring a whole new generation of bland, superficial filmmakers forced by studios to only pursue “safe” subject matter. And thus does terrorism, the state-sponsored variety in this case, win. Wonderful.
The greatest single enemy of democracy is not North Korea, or Vladimir Putin, or Islamic extremists, or even Raul Castro. The greatest single enemy of democracy is the capitalism that thrives under it.
If Obama solved all the world's problems and created the highest levels of quality of life for everyone, the US conservatives would still hate him. Because hating is what they are best at.
The Joke will soon be on North Korea.
A.N. Other
@Jake Lonergan
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile--hoping it will eat him last"--Winston Churchill
Put the original ending back in and release it
Well, seems to be ratcheting up... seems the NK has attacked SK's nuclear plants and has demanded to be shut down. SK is shutting down all their nuclear plants. So for how long can Japan say that Sony is an American problem when it is a Japanese company and reflects on Japan. Cyber attacks on Japan has been ratcheting up for some time now. Wonder if NK already can control Japan's nuclear plants... good thing they are some what down.
Obama scolds Sony "bring back Kim Jong Un's exploding head in all it's glory"
When Sony release this movie in DVD. it will make a lot and lot of money than theater release before hacker stories are released. If it uses some of Sony owned channe;s to display this movie,. it will make a lot and lot money with so many ads. It did not make any mistake. Just increasing revenue. Sony did not make mistake.
@Serrano: Every day. TV Channels are showing Christmas special marathons in several channels with commercials of toys and insurance for old folks. /some channels are owned by SONY Pciture Entertainment. Old old omce upon a time stars showing commercials.
I know that some people on this board will take any chance to bash President Obama at any turn. But for those of us in the U.S., how much are you paying for a gallon of gas now? How're those stocks and bonds in the Russian Ruble performing? Don't underestimate someone who speaks softly and unleashes Navy Seals.
Or more appropriately 'their own self centered, self absorbed, narcissistic interests'. But then they wouldn't be Republicans (capital 'R').
"We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States".
I couldn't agree more.
Sony does need to be cautious. Obama needs to be cunning.
No, M3M3M3, everyone has a thought or opinion. But I'll let the leaders and countries decide what to do. As for instigating the N. Koreans, that's a personal wish. I'm completely fed up having to hear all the threats they make to the world, month-in and month-out, for decades.
@WilliB Because Obama should totally start a nuclear war over this, huh? SMH at the idiocy of some commentators.
@StrychnineDEC. 20, 2014 - 10:25AM JST I know that some people on this board will take any chance to bash President Obama at any turn. But for those of us in the U.S., how much are you paying for a gallon of gas now? How're those stocks and bonds in the Russian Ruble performing? Don't underestimate someone who speaks softly and unleashes Navy Seal
Cas proce is still more than $2 .... Not less tahn $1 yet. As for Sony stocks, before Sony had Sony Picture, since 2008. every quarter stocks price went down, Before this story, 2 yen (2 cents). Then after Sony decided not to release in Dec 25, more than 2 cents now. So. gasolin price is not back to one dollar level. Are you telling that Obama is responsible for oil price? Bonds ..... China and Japan own more than 50 % of US Bonds. Have you tried to buy bonds?
At this point, NOBODY CARES what you say 'Pyongyang'!
North Korea are incredible. The limits of their delusion know absolutely no bounds. I guess if you repeat a mantra often enough it becomes the reality. The Simulacrum.
This attack is more an act of outrageous stupidity than anything - but if they push the envelope it will change things. The only real question with North Korea is how long you tolerate the lunatics running the asylum.
The US just needs to send a couple of those big aircraft carriers up the North Korean Coast like it did not so long ago. Shhhhh.
Sony announced it will releas this movie with different platform. It does not seem scared of N Korea.
It also says that before creating this movie, it consulted State Dept. about creating this movie and it got OK from State Dept officials. Maybe SONY is busy to find this document? Gladualy it is revealing behind of the scene stories.
Now stories are that N K Cyber attacks on S Korea is severe. S Korea nuclear plants, etc, Notice Japan is not involved in this USA Sony stories. Missiles that N Korea purchased from Cuba (out of dated, then Gypped by Cuba) are in problem. I don't think Japan will be helpful to whatever S Korea has cyber attack. It might not ship charity food to N Korea, though. I think Obama meant well but forgot SONY is also one of profit oriented Japan Inc in USA.
tLast evening news i. 2 differen Sate Dept offices admitted that SONY requested if SONY can produce "Interview" and both dept gave OK SONY could produce. Both said to SONY no problem.
Al Sharton/s speech replay that said Hollywood are all white business and Hollywood only employ white was disrupted by NY cops killed news.
The original hackers threatened Sony for any release.' their ketter indicates they are not Americans.
A year longer than Bush.
(if your information is true)
I concur that the US need to respond, but thinking back that this all started over a movie, is crazy.
Sony wasnt helped by the US government in the many weeks it was attacked. I think Obama just really wanted to see that movie lol :)
A.N. Other
Japanese company backs down to North Korea. What a joke.
All this goes to show is that Abe-san's nationalistic bravado is all p**s and wind.
Completely disagree with those saying that the movie shouldn't have used North Korea and its 'Dear Leader' to begin with. So are you saying that we shoukd withhold any editorials, books, journals, etc, that criticize anybody or anything? And if we do, wedeserve what we get? And not that it is so much related but the idea that this governement (actually it is more like a mafioso group) actually spent a great deal of time and resources to take action against it...even though not a single (non elite) citizen of that 'country' will ever see it (or risk being executed)...Now that would be comical if it weren't so horrifying.
That should have been, "Even hacks in response".
I say we go over there and sink their row boats.
@Jake Lonergan If you can't see that art is always the last and the most damaging to society when it suffers censorship, then reason is truly dead. I don't care how purile it is. Someone somewhere considers it art and it should not be hidden to please puritans.
Danny Bloom
The Oscars telecast on February 22 next year is most likely to be a toned-down event from the usual fare in the wake of the massive international hacking of the Sony Picture Entertainment computer system.
Whereas past Oscars presented millions of TV viewers worldwide with ribald jokes and trendy selfies by the likes of actors and comics like such as Billy Crystal and Ellen DeGeneres, the upcoming Oscars show in Hollywood will not be as extravagant and fun as years gone by.
But this coming Oscars show, the entire telecast will be presented and viewed, sad to say, in the tragic shadows of the massive hack attack on SONY. There won’t be as many jokes as in previous years and the presenters will carry grave, serious faces rather than the usual comic turns and pratfalls.
I mean, how does one laugh after one of Hollywood’s major studioes was brought to its knees by an illegal hack from the depths of some rogue computer soldiers? Sure, Neil Patrick Harris will do his best as host, and the writing team, led by Greg Berlanti as head writer, with Craig Zadan and Neil Meron producing the entire 240-minute shindig.
Yes, the 87th annual Academy Awards will air live on Sunday, February 22, 2015, on ABC-TV and be seen by millions of movie fans across the world. But this upcoming show won’t be the Oscars we are used to.
Instead, in the wake of what happened at SONY at the tail end of 2014, the upcoming telecast will be a somber, quiet affair that does its best to tip-toe around the very sensitive issues that have disrupted the usual Hollywood chatter as never before.
Or will the presenters and the host get right into the fray and speak directly about the hack heard round the world?
The explosive trio of Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg and and Dan Sterling that created the ill-fated and controversial SONY comedy ‘The Interview will be watching, too. But will any of them be seated in the audience that night? Stay tuned.
Isn't Obama an attorney and wasn't he a law professor?
Did he say anything about his willingness (or lack thereof) to grant immunity to Sony and to the theater chains for damage lawsuits and for shareholder lawsuits?
Or is he gonna say "Psych!!!" and grab the immunity football away if something does happen, leaving Sony to dangle in the wind?
It seems like the damage lawsuits against the theater chain involved in the Aurora shootings didn't pan out. But Sony can't really say it was a surprise attack like Aurora was, can they? Plenty of warning.
What's he got to do with fracking except to stand out of the way?
I don't believe he has any power to do this. You raise a very important point though. It would just take one person to die or be seriously injured at one of these premieres and Sony would be named as a co-defendant in a multi-million dollar lawsuit, maybe exceeding what Sony is likely to earn from its release. It's just not worth it from a commercial perspective.
Sony hack or not, by acquiescing to this threat, the terrorists have won, period. What happens when another studio makes a "The Interview Part II", or any other sensitive movie about a politically/economically/mentally unstable country? In the good-ole days, we'd call a theater and make a bomb threat or pull the fire alarm. The terrorists have figured out how to exploit this at an international level. Since the threat is on people and its theaters, it would be best to release it online for the whole world to see. Drop them into N. Korea as an added gift, so that the N. Koreans can see what the rest of the world thinks of their "dear leader". AND, put a "Mr. Kim Bounty" insert inside the DVD covers.
Are you a Sony employee or shareholder? Or are you just a bystander who would lose nothing if things were to turn out badly?
Obama doesn't need this aggravation, he's got more important things to worry about, like Russia/Putin, China, U.S. troops still risking their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq, a $17 trillion debt...
Kobuta Chan
I won’t tell Sony or Theater owners what to do or what they should not do if I were President and Obama. Obama is too much discounted and look down on N. Korea capability of attack on US soil. N. Korea has long history of attacking its target on foreign soil. Obama his view on N. Korea is naive. If Obama was too enthusiastic for movie and believe in his President power and then he should tell Sony and Theater owners he will take responsible for any attack on peoples who come to see "The Interview".
N Korea says that iit is frames. It is proposing to work qith Joint Investigation with USA. SONY said that it will use other kind of format to release this film to public.
SONY probab;y wants profitable format to release and I'd bet SONY does not want their secret movie scripts to neither N K nor USA.
Sounds leave SONY alone by SONY officials ?.
George Clooney tried to make an organization to protest N Korea syber attack in Holltwiood. So far r no one signed on his iblien address,
Al Sharpton is on news. He is accusibg Hollywood is most racist people and business in the world.
Todd Topolski
Ssd worry Obama But it isn't on Sony to have to deal with the stupidity caused by the political class of the world
Don't really know how Sharpton keeps getting away with that. In the old days when the media reported on Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson calling out racists they might include a few paragraphs describing Sharpton and Jackson's own history of public and private racist statements. Haven't seen that recently, with Ferguson, Staten Island, or Sony articles. Is it really a younger generation of writers unaware of their history, or are they just trying to stay on message, and to hell with balanced reporting?
Think that probably helped scuttle Jackson's presidential bid, and might have scuttled Obama's, with 20 years attendance in a church with a racist pastor, but everyone involved there clammed up, til Obama finally denounced the pastor's statements, if not the pastor. That didn't answer why he hadn't done so before and kept attending the church, but it kept the media happy.
Obama family is in Hawaii now. He has not said how USA will punish NK Cuba story came out so Sharpton is no longer in a limelight topic. S Koreas now complaining that NK cyber hacked its Nuclear Energy Plants info and many other places. However, US media has been too occupied about SONY that S Korea stories are ignored. S Korea is suppsed to get more US help than Japan base SONY but US media ignore. SONY SONY that I watch old TV series and even so, SONY supplied old TV series such as I Dream of Jeanny, before next program, huge SONY Pictures ------ Television is shown on 4 lines.. By now, all media people do not say Sony Electronics
..don't forget those in ASEAN as well. :)
I would support 100% these actions. It is only prudes that would blush at the language that would disagree. Sony absolutely caved, regardless of what happened with the movie theaters and the only way to make this right is to release this movie yesterday. If hacks in response will not be as good as telling them to slag off in the best way possible.
I Don't believe it.Was it N. Korea? Maybe,probably not. When they have Blackened you're name thousands of times then they can do whatever they want to you. Cubans and N.Koreans were/are starving through Brutal US Sanctions. It benefits many,in particular the Washington to have N.Korea as an enemy of Japan and Korea as they can sell Billions in Armaments and Weopans to them. Look at the track record of Washington and lie after Lie. The FBI did the "Investigation" of this. Investigation Light. The FBI also volunteered to Investigate the sinking of the S. Korean sub and said N.Korea did it. Maybe maybe not. The day after 911 they said they knew who did it and bombed Iraq to smithereens. Look up "Operation Gladio" and False Flag operations. All Wars and conflict in the last 40 years have been started over "False Flag"lies More sanctions? An attack on N. Korea? Remember what Madeline Albright said to the 60 Minutes host in response to the question, "Was the death of 500,000 children through sanctions worth it". She said "It was worth it". Wouldn't believe anything out of the mouths of Washington Politicians. Do your own research.
If North Korea had valuable natural resources they would have been invaded a long time ago.However, they have nothing and China and South Korea do not want the floods of refugees any conflict would create, so the West does nothing! The ruling family of North Korea have been much worse than Saddam!
If North Korea had valuable natural resources they would have been invaded a long time ago.However, they have nothing and China and South Korea do not want the floods of refugees any conflict would create, so the West does nothing! The ruling family of North Korea have been much worse than Saddam!
Movie releases and 1st weekend recipes are highly important measurements. With most theatres refusing to show the movie, it would harm the executive team at SONY to release it. They are looking out for their careers.
I bet their lawyers recommended against the release too.
I'm highly disappointed with the theatre owners. The odds are against any one of their locations from being impacted at all.
The terrorist have already won.
Mr. President, they've already won based on all the crazy stuff your DHS, NSA and military are doing do US citizens and the rest of the world in the name of "security." When we get back to living our lives and travelling normally again, then you can talk.
Yeah, I do. That was exactly my point. What good things did Obama do? He got OBL, but they used torture to get him, so basically, he wouldn't want to touch that with a 10 Ft poll, right? He condemns it! But on the other hand he wants to take a bow for it? Which is it, Mr. Flip flopper? Also, he received a Noble and for what? Being Obama?
Trying and doing are two different things. Does he listen to the voters? NO! Does he listen to Congress? NO! Does he work with his Republican counterparts? NO! Is he helping to heal the horrible race relations in this country? NO! Does he care about the rising debt? NO! Did he care about ISIS, the resurgence of radical terrorism in the ME? NO! Did he care about spying on Americans? NO! Does he care about minorities and their financial hardships? NO! Does he care about the US wanting to ween itself off foreign oil and increase our own reserves and tap into and support the coal, natural gas and oil industry, not to mention the Keystone pipeline? NO! Does he care about the private sector in creating strong, vibrant HIGH paying skilled labor jobs? NO!
If that history is written by Bill Ayers, then probably, yes!
So the Obama legacy will be remembered as probably the worst in US history, which is a shame for the first Black president, the man could have done great things, instead, he just destroyed and messed up the country for years and years to come.
Too complicated. Doesn't fit into a nicely-digestible sound bite.
ka_chan: "According to SONY Pictures CEO, they didn't make the decision, the theater owners did."
Yes and no. Theatre owners made the decision, in many cases, not to screen the movie at their location. SONY made the decision to pull the plug completely. So, yes, this huge Japanese company was brought to its knees by North Korea, and now it looks completely stupid and open to any future attacks of terrorism.
Stuart hayward
"We will respond" So are we now going to respond with a hack of our own? Will two wrongs make a right?
Stuart hayward
scipantheistDEC. 20, 2014 - 11:11AM JST That should have been, "Even hacks in response". I see, you belive that two wrongs DO make a right.
actually - don't expect the US to do anything to North Korea or to China, as North Korea is sitting on nukes and China is too big a trading partner.
The US had already tracked this back to North Korea but sat on it, afraid to cause waves, and now that Sony did the only thing it could do- well very easy to throw stones now- Darn if you do Darn if you don't they say....
We shouldn't be surprised that any disruption to the flow of global capital accumulation elicits a threat of military action from capital's main benefactor and further profits for the arms industry.
""The decision not to move forward with the Dec. 25 theatrical release of The Interview was made as a result of the majority of the nation’s theater owners choosing not to screen the film,” the statement said. “This was their decision.”
Classic big company back-tracking. So now it was "all their fault" and "THEIR decision", but sorry, it was SONY that decided to pull the plug on the release, plain and simple. They are the ones who 'respect their parnters' decisions', the company should at least have the guts to stand by THEIR decision and not fob off blame on the partners they respect so much.
Couldn't Sony Pictures have made a nice Christmas themed movie like Home Alone, instead of this "comedy" about an assassination that has caused all this trouble? Sheesh...
Jake Lonergan
So many of you are just getting played by punks who love to make trouble.
It would have been so easy to make a fictional country with a fictional dictator that would have obviously enough been based on NK and Kim, but no, no, they just had to mention NK and Kim by name and murder him on screen. And for such rude, outlandish behavior a cyber attack is unleashed. And the president goes on TV to defend the freedom of speech??
How about Obama gets on the TV and uses his freedom of speech to literally give Kim the finger? How about he uses it to say on TV that Kim is a fat munchkin that did it with his own mother? How about he tell Kim to "bring it on!" and to go ahead and just try to nuke Japan or America?
As they say, you may have the freedom of speech, but you do not have the freedom from its repercussions. Sony got theirs and it should be left at that.
Sorry, but Obama doesn't know what he's talking about.
Sony didn't cancel "the interview," every major theater in America cancelled their showings. THEN Sony cancelled the movie.
Jason Campbell: "LOL. He's such a lib. Well done B.O. Well done."
Meanwhile you guys were busy crying when Obama didn't wait around to declare war on ISIS ("because he didn't ask us first! sniff sniff!"). And if he didn't say something like that you guys wouldl be criticising him for not saying or doing anything either. Just admit the fact you guys simply can't handle the fact that he's doing well and you can't live with yourselves for it while your own party is engaged in petty in-fighting with Cruz and his moronic crew. Or do you agree with what NK did?
And Clinton decided NOT to take him out in 1998 at the last minute. Where is your outrage? Go to the beginning and leave the partisan politics at home, please.
Then you really should be angry at Clinton, I know I am!
That's one.
But Obama didn't care about releasing 5 of the most vile terrorists equal to OBL for one deserter Bergdahl without the approval of Congress (typical) had more people killed in Afghanistan, his war, the right war and now trying to establish relations with communist Cuba. It might be a great thing for the looney libs to have a nice swim at the beach and a tasty Mojito, but for the Cuban people, they don't get ANY deal! Freedom and access to the internet, of speech, to travel to dissolve the secret police to return 3 US citizens, murderers, one a cop killer! The Castros win the beach partying people win and the Cuban people loss! Again, where is your outrage!
In the world of Marvel and DC comics perhaps.
But the country doesn't have enough full time high paying jobs, gave the House and Senate back the the Republicans (thank god) investment is down, corporate tax rate is over 40% businesses are leaving, many cities are filing for bankruptcies, many states are refusing to tax Obamacare, race relations are at an all time low, he is THE biggest divider, doesn't care what the American people want, international foreign policy is disastrous! Iran is still on its way to making a bomb, ISIS and Al Qaida and now the Taliban beyond out of control, it will get worse once the troops leave Afghanistan next year and now Obama has the nutty lunacy to bargain with the Castro brothers without any concessions from them. The Cuban community is beyond outraged at this and rightfully so. If the Castro brothers would treat their people with respect and dignity and allow their people to have freedom and not to jail and silence speech, it would be a start, but because of Obama's tainted and disastrous record and he's more concerned about his legacy, he doesn't have too much time, so he needs to start now on creating a legacy, can't run on Obamacare, so maybe Cuba will be that ace. The guy is the worst! Only 761 more days until the madness of Obama comes to an end!
ka_chan: " SK is shutting down all their nuclear plants. So for how long can Japan say that Sony is an American problem when it is a Japanese company and reflects on Japan."
They always say it's an 'American problem' when they are embarrassed about their companies' performance on the world stage, be it Sony, Takada, or otherwise. They seem to forget the Japan release was the first thing shelved, like a week and a half ago. If it's a successful accomplishment it becomes part of the 'Japanese miracle' and is of course part of the 'warrior spirit'.
bass4funk: "Gee, you just summed up Obama as if his actions were somehow predictable. Lol The favorite flag color for liberals is White."
So, you disagree with what Obama wants to do and side with NKorea then. Thank you for proving you have proven time and again -- doesn't matter if it's rational, effective, or otherwise; if it's a liberal who decides, you are automatically against.
Ha! After all this Sony bashing, it turns out that it was basically the Potus who caved to Kim Yon Un. What an embarrassement. And dangerous precedent.
lots of claims being made here, but as of now there is no significant information linking NK to the Sony hacks in fact it looks like an inside job. In fact no one from the FBI is putting their name on these claims either. ==> all drama.
Jason Campbell
LOL. He's such a lib. "We're going to respond to the cyberattack! Here's my response! I'm Upset about it.".
Well done B.O. Well done.
Anxiously awaiting the respond from the team who packed the tent out from Iraq, just to re-enter later on, by passing Arab spring, red line to nowhere, ISIS roaming all over, and dictators gone wild. Really not just Sony, the rest of the world should prepare to deal with this scum bag criminal act. There should be a strong respond against this cyber blackmailing censorship against any individual, group, or nations. N.Korea's mafia Gangs Of Pyongyang must pay the price for this. Sony's decision was so wussy, shame to you.
Gee, you just summed up Obama as if his actions were somehow predictable. Lol The favorite flag color for liberals is White.
Sony made the right choice in not taking an unreasonable risk. Sorry, to people think this is the end of free speech, but it's not. The film will be released eventually.
The upsides of releasing the film now were all predictable and quite minimal. The downsides were unknowable and potentially even more damaging. Common sense prevails.
Take a look at how long Obama's "team" took to get off it's butt before they actually sent soldiers to kill Bin Laden. The CIA had him pinpointed for what, nearly a year? But between rounds of golf, and meetings with Beyonce, and Jayzee, it took a long time to find a spot in his busy schedule to puah the "go" button.
Take a look of the photo of the situation room when Bin Laden was killled. Which person in the room looked least like a president?
Obama's response to North Korea will be the same as previous responses, he will bribe them with cash and food if they promise not to do it again. And, like after the previous responses, it will have no effect.