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Japanese athlete says jewelry, cash stolen from room at athletes village


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Welcome to Paris, enjoying so far?

-13 ( +32 / -45 )

That Japanese tourists are frequently targeted by petty theft in France is well known. But hitting an Olympic team takes the cake.

15 ( +46 / -31 )

But hitting an Olympic team takes the cake.

Yes, especially, inside athletes village is supposed to be secured.

Many countries Olympics team during Paris Olympics delegate brings their own room cooling system since organizer claimed to be eco friendly while it just another way to saving cost.


For saving cost, what else they do? Is that mean less security and monitoring? In 2021 during Tokyo Olympic, there were security measure outside and inside the village. What kind of security they have for Paris Olympic?

0 ( +19 / -19 )

I thought security and surveillance around the Olympic village was supposed to intense.

With "many numerous thefts" occuring, must be employees or other athletes.

27 ( +32 / -5 )

What do you expect? Far from the city of love, Paris is a filthy crime riddled toilet. Avoid at all costs.

13 ( +39 / -26 )

Yep, "employees or other athletes " most likely.

And Japanese travelers generally aren't really careful overseas.

My brother in law wanted to swim across a tidal river and he suggested he would just leave his camera etc on the bank we were on.

I said, "mate, this is the Gold Coast, in Queensland ", I suggest you pass on the swim.

19 ( +26 / -7 )

Someone beat me to it, “Welcome to Paris”…no thanks.

10 ( +25 / -15 )

Yep, "employees or other athletes " most likely.

Still no excuse, if cameras were being installed and constantly being monitored in all corners inside that athlete village. However do they have sufficient cameras?

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

Isn’t the Olympic Village closed to outsiders (non-competitors and staff)? Inside job, has to be.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

these olympics are a bad joke.

-2 ( +16 / -18 )

The result of French hospitality meets Japanese carefree life.

-2 ( +14 / -16 )

Ah, the Paris that i know of. Famous for it's scenery and pickpockets.

2 ( +16 / -14 )

So Sad, but I guess thieves exist in every place and society, Be careful and enjoy the games.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

France is the number tourist destination in the world, 100million+ tourists every years. It's a magnet for these all sorts of scum unfortunately. As a Brit, I'm happy I had many chances to holiday there when I was young, and when it was nice

12 ( +18 / -6 )

The is a fabulous lesson in diversity and cultural enrichment for the Japanese to take home and share with their rapidly diminishing homogeneous society. It was good while it lasted.

-11 ( +15 / -26 )

Shocking news. Rather than the French who people seem to be blaming, it is likely culprits are athletes or officials from poor nations. Shame on the grubs.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Or someone from a developed nation. Anyone remember this?


-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Not just Japanese athletes...Argentinian soccer players had expensive jewelry, watches stolen from locker room, Australian cyclist had a rental car window smashed and stuff stolen. Becoming almost everyday happening, pretty embarrassing for organizers.

18 ( +23 / -5 )

“stop or i’ll call the police!”

”we are the police,”

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Here's what I don't get. It's become a habit now, every Olympics, to talk about how the beds are specifically made to be a bit uncomfortable so as to discourage sexual relations among athletes, and yet the equivalent of a small, hotel room safe can't be installed in any of the rooms? If you have millions to spend on the event, small safes seem like real low-hanging fruit.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Lot of issues in France and crime is just one of them. By yeah, being able to steal from the Olympics athletes village says a lot. Borderline dysfunctional.

Watch where you put those medals folks!

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Japanese athlete says jewelry, cash stolen from room at athletes village

People from different backgrounds all together in one place was never the greatest idea if you want to avoid this kind of situation (one of the many reasons why Japan has strict immigration laws).

And people expect security teams to do their jobs, SMDH—this poor Japanese probably felt safe in the village and let his guard down but

there have been numerous reports of theft taking place in the athletes village.

(What a surprise—)Paris/France is a huge mess and extremely overrated.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Other Countries have reported the same issues:

Olympic Village Hit With String of Thefts


Argentine national football team robbed before Paris Olympics match


6 ( +12 / -6 )

Insider job ?

Who has access to the rooms ?

The French police will not do much for a common theft, but as it is the Olympics, I hope it will work seriously to find the criminals

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Lessons learned the hard way. Unlike here in Japan where when you do the crime your asking for an arrest, cities like Paris doesn’t care about petty theft as it is customary and way of life. I would however expected a better surveillance system at a venue like this, no cctv’s..?

7 ( +14 / -7 )

OssanAmericaToday  07:16 am JST

That Japanese tourists are frequently targeted by petty theft in France is well known. But hitting an Olympic team takes the cake.

Oh give me a break. Petty thieves don't know the difference between Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, etc. All they see are Asians.

This is definitely an inside job. Like hotels, these rooms need a safe but sounds like France is on the cheap.

16 ( +26 / -10 )

Oh la la !!!...

Paris sucks..

-11 ( +8 / -19 )

I won't hold my breath, if I were those Japanese athletes. The public security situation in Paris rivals that of rougher countries, just expect petty and not so petty crimes like these to be commonplace, especially during the Olympics. I hate to blame the victims but, the easy and safe life in Japan really makes people there soft, making them easy victims. On the other hand though, so much for tighter security during an international event. I'd rather have an overbearing security presence and put off the public than to have a more moderated posture and let these crimes slip under one's nose.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

"Japanese athlete says jewelry, cash stolen from room at athletes village."

What is the point of flashy opening ceremony if you can't provide basic security to the athletees?

12 ( +19 / -7 )

MilesTegToday  09:42 am JST

OssanAmericaToday  07:16 am JST

That Japanese tourists are frequently targeted by petty theft in France is well known. But hitting an Olympic team takes the cake.

Oh give me a break. Petty thieves don't know the difference between Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, etc. All they see are Asians.

Give youself a break and don't talk about things you don't know anything about. Thieves watch and follow Japanese tourists from Orly. I have heard of two instances, one a family I know personally, where the window of their their taxi was broken while stopped at a red light and pocketbook grabbed. Japanese "tourists" are a specific target due to their naivity, lack of precaution and lingustic inability. Easy marks.

We're not taking "Asian" people on the street. And even then, Tourists always stand out and can be targeted. This holds true in every major city.

-3 ( +32 / -35 )

OssanAmericaToday  07:16 am JST

That Japanese tourists are frequently targeted by petty theft in France is well known. But hitting an Olympic team takes the cake.


First, how can you prove that claim? Second, how would most thieves differentiate between Japanese, Chinese, or other Asian tourists?

Even if they could, why would they specifically target Japanese tourists? They don't appear to have more wealth or belongings than tourists from other developed countries.

-5 ( +35 / -40 )

Bow wifeToday  11:34 am JST

OssanAmericaToday  07:16 am JST

That Japanese tourists are frequently targeted by petty theft in France is well known. But hitting an Olympic team takes the cake.


First, how can you prove that claim?

Trop con mon ami. It's no myth. Talk to Japanese tourists who have been victimed in France. I have. Believe whatever you like.

-8 ( +26 / -34 )

It doesn’t matter the city. It’s just common sense. Leave that stuff on a table or counter anywhere in the world, including Japan, and don’t expect it to be there when you return. That’s why people have safes. Seeing there was no mention of a safe being broken into he was careless with his belongings. What a hard lesson to learn at his age. .

16 ( +26 / -10 )

how would most thieves differentiate between Japanese, Chinese, or other Asian tourists?

Thats so racist. You don’t think thieves don’t have better targeting skills than the average person, you’re wrong. Do you go around supporting the racist statement all white look alike or al black people are African? Japanese frankly are targeted around the world not just Paris. Indonesia the locals love to rip them off. The careless behavior gets many things like swiped from them.

1 ( +35 / -34 )

リッチToday  11:51 am JST

how would most thieves differentiate between Japanese, Chinese, or other Asian tourists?

Thats so racist. You don’t think thieves don’t have better targeting skills than the average person, you’re wrong. Do you go around supporting the racist statement all white look alike or al black people are African? Japanese frankly are targeted around the world not just Paris. Indonesia the locals love to rip them off. The careless behavior gets many things like swiped from them.

I understand your concern, but the point was about the challenges in distinguishing between different tourists based on nationality rather than implying all people of Asian descent look the same. They are unlikely to know which tourists are Japanese, Australians, Chinese, or whatever unless they are familiar with that language and culture.

If you are right, and thieves can identify Japanese tourists from other nationalities,m why would they do that?!

Thieves typically just target vulnerable individuals, regardless of their nationality.

-9 ( +31 / -40 )

Honestly, Japanese people stand out when abroad. When traveling around Asia, the market traders look at me and say "hello", then look at my wife and say "これはやすいよ". They can tell who is Japanese and I'm sure thieves and scammers know too

-23 ( +9 / -32 )

njca4Today  12:24 pm JST

Honestly, Japanese people stand out when abroad. When traveling around Asia, the market traders look at me and say "hello", then look at my wife and say "これはやすいよ". They can tell who is Japanese and I'm sure thieves and scammers know too

In some regions, some thieves might.

However, thieves target tourists primarily because they are vulnerable, not because of their nationality.

What advantage would there be for a thief to target a specific nationality's possessions? Tourists, regardless of nationality, typically carry the same valuables like cameras, phones, jewellery, and money.

-5 ( +30 / -35 )

If you are right, and thieves can identify Japanese tourists from other nationalities,m why would they do that?!

It's not a popular thing to say, but Japanese are easy targets ... It really is that simple. On top of that, they carry expensive accessories and electronics, and most probably cash

-24 ( +6 / -30 )

Back on topic please. This story is about what happened in the athletes village, not whether Japanese tourists are easy targets.

what do you expect, Paris is the heaven for pickpockets.

-18 ( +10 / -28 )

Whenever you leave your home to travel to another country, why is it important for you to bring your most valuable and treasured items such as jewelry and CASH in abundance. Wear costume jewelry and bring only enough cash and for heaven's sake hid everything else. Whether you are at home or at another country nothing is safe. The days of trusting is gone. Every country has their thieves. I can't believe adults could be this naive to bring valuables. No one to impress except the thieves and they love it all.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Wear costume jewelry and bring only enough cash and for heaven's sake hid everything else

Did you read what was stolen?? it was the athletes wedding ring and personal items... are you suggesting than when going to other coutnries you have to leave your wedding ring and personal items in your home country? That is pretty detached way of thinking....

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I'm going to Paris is a couple months for a few days. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the sights. I'm not really looking forward to seeing all the dirtbags who live in Paris.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The absence of police within the Village complicates security measures.

*Each delegation is responsible for its own security** and must notify organizers in case of an issue, who then alert a nearby police station. *

That station, set up specifically for the Olympics, is located just 500 feet from the Village entrance and is not intended to house detainees full-time, though it does have a detention cell.

In the event of misdemeanors or more serious crimes, the police outpost intervenes quickly to make initial observations and receive complaints.

*Broader police investigations are challenging due to the *ban on video surveillance in athletes' living spaces and the reluctance of many residents to provide information.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I would check other members of my team first. They likely are the prime candidates for access.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Daniel Niagara: Well, I still have all my valuables and cash after traveling. But of course, I haven't been to Paris during Olympics, as I would love to BUT if I did, I would wear perhaps a cracker jack ring and put everything in the hotel safe. So, you think I am detached? But Daniel, I still have my valuables. Sadly, those people do not.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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