Japan Today

Osaka governor wants authorities to keep track of convicted pedophiles


Osaka Gov Toru Hashimoto on Tuesday said that he has ordered his prefectural government to begin drafting a proposal for an ordinance that requires convicted pedophiles to report their addresses to local authorities.

Describing pedophilia as a type of pathology, Hashimoto said that statistically the recidivism rate is high among offenders. Speaking to reporters at the prefectural office, he said the system in Japan "is too lax" in dealing with prior offenders compared with those in other countries, Sankei Shimbun reported.

Hashimoto explained that the aim of the system would be to help those who had paid their debt to society reintegrate, rehabilitate and find work. It is also hoped that the system may help to discourage reoffending. Current talks are focused on whether to make it mandatory or optional for former sex offenders to submit their names and addresses. Hashimoto claims legal experts will be consulted before a decision is made.

Meanwhile, TBS reported that also being considered is legislation that regulates pedophiles' behavior, including their interaction with children. The governor aims to have the proposal ready to submit at the prefectural assembly session in February.

According to one prefectural official, if carried through, the regulation would be unprecedented in Japan. The success of the proposal will ultimately depend on who is in office come February, as it is believed Hashimoto will resign in October before his term ends, some media have speculated.

Previously, Hashimoto put forward a proposal to oblige convicted pedophiles to carry their entire personal histories, including their criminal records, as data embedded in GPS-enabled cell phones. However, then plan was abandoned when it became clear that this would require a change to Japanese law.

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Okay. So pedophilia is a pathology he says. And he wants to keep track of the mentally ill? Well, there is money and a potential mandate in it, so why not? And other countries will be relieved for five seconds and then redouble the outcry on whaling, dolphin slaughter, and parental abduction. But hey, that five seconds of international respect could work for Hashimoto!

Good thing he did not suggest tracking and tagging convicted murderers. There would be a human rights outcry otherwise.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

But all this only applies in Osaka, right? A convicted pedophile could easily just move to another prefecture and be free.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It should be enforced in all prefectures. Pedophiles who have acted out are likely to do so again.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

its already done in america, the only problem is the young girls who take naked pics of themselves are charge with sex crimes when there 13

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If we are going to launch into such a human rights nightmare, I would rather go after violent and coercive offenders, no matter who their victims are. But some guy who dated a 14 year old and treated her like a princess? Or even a 12 year old? Not my tax money, no thanks. But tag the violent and coercive and I will say little about it.

-12 ( +6 / -17 )


But some guy who dated a 14 year old and treated her like a princess? Or even a 12 year old? I just had lunch, please don't make me throw up.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Convicted pedophiles should be registered and monitored, they prey on the young and most vunerable in our society, we need to be able to protect children and do what ever it takes.

Stuff their human rights they lost those when they fiddled with the kiddie, how about the human rights of the kids to not be interferred with.

Anyone who sees it different needs to look at themselves in the mirror really hard the next time they read or hear about a convicted kiddie fiddler reoffending, and hope that it wasnt one of their kids it happened to.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Pedophiles get electronically tagged in the UK so the authorities can keep tabs on them. I also believe their addresses are made public.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I just had lunch, please don't make me throw up.

Well, that is a pertinent comment. Thanks so much.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

I know of a bear that could be used as a mascot for this campaign.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Well, that is a pertinent comment. Thanks so much.

I am not going to judge you, but if you are one of the guys that come here (to Japan) to scratch that particular itch, then yes, that is difficult for me to stomach.

Fortunately, others better at expressing themselves has joined the discussion. I will not comment any further, and just let the votes do the talking.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

It will never get into law because there are 15 year old school girls selling sex to get handbags, and there is a strong possibility that a lot of politicians maybe are customers. This is a great law, and I was actually surprised that it wasn't already a law. Some things about Hashimoto seem like PM material.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

According to the National Police Agency (警察庁), out of 740 criminals(child rapists and molesters) who were released from prison during a five year period (June 2005 - May 2010) 105 were rearrested for similar crimes. Out of the 105, more than half were arrested within one year of their release from prison. Does saltpeter work? These guys should be castrated (not to be confused with penectomy) .

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Wow! What a revelation! They have only been doing this in other countries for the past 30 odd years. But, 30 years behind sounds about right for Japan. After all, the Carpenters, John Denver and the Beatles are still popular.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

CrazyJoe, while I don't have any numbers at hand, I think the recidivism rate for other criminals released from prison is in a similar range if not higher. My main concern with this legislation is that it is limited to pedophiles. It should include any other serious crime with a recidivism rate above a certain threshold. And the information should strictly be kept to authorities.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It is news to me that a register of people convicted of sex crimes against both children and adults is none existant in Japan.at present.I would have thought it was mandatory immediatley on being released back into the public domain.Tracking these criminals by any means possible is vital in preventing the pervert from having the opportunity to re offend.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In the US, anyone registered as a sex offender becomes a social pariah.

No one would talk to them, they're made to move far away from kids and they're hated!

And some, rather than live with that stigma, commit suicide!

What can Governor Hashimoto do about THAT?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

But some guy who dated a 14 year old and treated her like a princess? Or even a 12 year old? Not my tax money, no thanks.

but if you are one of the guys that come here (to Japan) to scratch that particular itch, then yes, that is difficult for me to stomach.

So as long as the adult treated the 12-year old like a princess then that's okay? There are a few on JT who try and defend/justify adult relationships with minors. I do think the Osaka proposal is a good thing, and I wonder how stringent the checks are on those who come to Japan to work with kids.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I wonder the same thing about checks on foreigners working with children in Japan, Hatsoff, and find those on JT who defend and promote adult/child relationships and sexual contact to be immensely disturbing.

A man who has a relationship with a 12 year old child, or a 14 year old child is a child molester, no matter how well he thinks he may be treating that child, he is causing damage that lasts a lifetime.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

no matter how well he thinks he may be treating that child, he is causing damage that lasts a lifetime.

And you know this how?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Mr. Toru Hashimoto, I LOVE YOU! This guy should become the next REAL prime minister of JAPAN!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

No definition of pedophile or child mentioned. I hardly think this country needs to copy others in creating their very own Frank and Nikki Rodriquez. She was 15 and mom was fine with it. One day there was drama, and mom called the cops. Mom wanted to take it back but the law would not let her. Frank went to jail and got one of these little devices. Got out, married Nikki, could not get a job and could not take his own kids to the park. Course could not have had kids had he been castrated.

Its so easy to condemn and suggest extreme solutions. Its harder to think ahead and have the guts to demand moderation.

out of 740 criminals(child rapists and molesters) who were released from prison during a five year period (June 2005 - May 2010) 105 were rearrested for similar crimes.

Small numbers already and only one out of seven? What is Hashimoto yapping about then? These are numbers those other countries he speaks of must envy! He is going to make it worse!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

As was pointed out, the recidivism rate for pedophiles is extremely high. Those who are "concerned" about the convicted criminal's human rights should show equal concern for the future victims' well-being. Pedophiles do not care about laws, they do not care about the damage they are doing to young kids, they only care about satisfying their lust. If they commit suicide because they can't handle being identified and tracked, then that's one less worry for the neighborhoods they were hunting in. It soulds harsh, but I have no sympathy for pedophiles.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


Pedophiles do not care about laws, they do not care about the damage they are doing to young kids, they only care about satisfying their lust.

This is not always the case - there have been numerous examples of paedophiles asking the police to arrest them, as they felt the urge to abuse getting stronger and wanted to be locked up so they couldn't do anything.

I have no problem with some kind of tagging, but there's no real reason to restrict it to paedophiles. In fact, there's no real reason to restrict it to convicted criminals. Tag everybody, and you'll see the crime rate drop.

As for making names public - we only need to remember what happened when the UK Sun newspaper (or Daily Mail or NOTW) released names and pictures of convicted sex offenders - result was that people with the same names were getting beaten up, as were people with a passing resemblance to those in the paper. And a couple of paediatricians got beaten up as well.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In the US I believe that every neighboor on the street or floor of the building is notified.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I feel most of you guys make comments of critisism instead of suggestions or ideas that could help Japan to progress. Even is just a prefecture every step against pedophiles is a big deal in Japan. Anyway, I thing japanese parents need to be more open and talk to their children about this just in case these laws aren't working properly.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

As for making names public - we only need to remember what happened when the UK Sun newspaper (or Daily Mail or NOTW) released names and pictures of convicted sex offenders - result was that people with the same names were getting beaten up, as were people with a passing resemblance to those in the paper. And a couple of paediatricians got beaten up as well.

The U.S. avoids this by posting the picture and addresses (both home and work) of the sexual predator on various websites devoted to this. An example is the Virginia State Police's database at


You can search for your neighborhood and find out whether sexual predators have moved into the area and what they look like. Thus a "John Smith" in Seattle, WA is unlikely to be mistaken for registered offender "John Smith" in Pittsburg, PA.

People using the database to find and harass convicts are guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Meanwhile, Issei Sagawa walks free, and so will Tsuchiya Ichihashi when he gets out. But oh yeah! We gots to tag Koichi Ishizaki who hooked up with the 15 year old on a dating site in yesterday's article!

As was pointed out, the recidivism rate for pedophiles is extremely high.

Do you think 1 out of 7 is high? That must be the lowest rate I ever saw for this crime!

Personally, I wonder what money Hashimoto is going to get in kickbacks for launching what will be an expensive scheme. As a taxpayer, I am against it.

I also wonder how many kids are going to wind up dead as guys take no chances in order avoid the life sentence of being GPS tagged. As a father, I am against it.

Far better to endure repeat offenders like Mary Kay LeTourneau than create more Kaoru Kobayashis and Juan Carlos Yagis. Smarten up people.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Does Governor Hashimoto have any plans for combatting PEDOPHOBES?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

How about following the American system? You can go on the internet and easily find out who is a pedophile in your community. You can find out their name, address and what they actually did. In such a crowded society, I think it might have a good effect. Also, whenever they move, they have to register at the local police station. At least parents can stay informed about who to watch out for in their communities. It may be a little cruel but so is raping on child and I think for all of those who detest of such actions, children's rights are much more important than sick perverts.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Bucknekkid - its a diversionary tactic to use the example of that man who hooked up with the 15-year old on the dating site. This proposal is more than that. The same for crying kickbacks and dead kids. Maybe you think pedophilia is not a problem. Maybe you do.

Do you think minors need to be protected?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Pedophiles do not care about laws, they do not care about the damage they are doing to young kids, they only care about satisfying their lust.

And you know this how?

Even psycho maniacs pay some attention to the law. Some branded pedophiles get out and marry their "victims", but you think they don't care? You think they are all exactly the same? Obviously, you never bother to read up on specific cases if you make bland, grandiose generalized statements about any group like that, whether its pedophiles or cabinet makers. Pretty much every male on the planet gets accused of "only wanting to satisfy their lusts" and "not caring". Its so easy to create that lie, but so hard to kill.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

its a diversionary tactic

NO! It isn't! That is precisely the type of person who will get a GPS tag! It won't be restricted to the worst of the worst, the killers, or those highly suspected of becoming a repeat offender! History proves this. They will all get one, and the reason would seem to be sales. And the increased pressure will spell disaster.

The same for crying kickbacks and dead kids.

Who has more dead kids at the hands of pedophiles? Japan or places already using the GPS devices? Diversion my butt! What in the hell could be more important than kids very lives? For Hashimoto, he may think its money in his pocket.

Do you think minors need to be protected?

You should ask yourself that question.

Of course I think minors need protected! I am not talking about erasing all laws on the subject. We are just talking about GPS ankle bracelets! Minors are already protected! But painting sex offenders into a corner will make things worse.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


In the US, anyone registered as a sex offender becomes a social pariah.

No one would talk to them, they're made to move far away from kids and they're hated!

And some, rather than live with that stigma, commit suicide!

And what's generally wrong with this?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The numbers may be small but if my 7 year old daughter was among them it would not seem small to me at all. Even one child is one too many.

I can see both sides of the argument - coming from the UK where it has gone to one extreme, and living in Japan where it seems to be at the other end. All the ankle bracelets, naming and shaming and monitoring dont seem to be stopping the problem, but then again, it is impossible to measure how many children are actually saved. I dont think either side is entirely right or wrong, but I DO think that parents and the community need to work together to help protect their children.

There should be a system in place to prevent offenders working with vulnerable children - there isnt right now. Offenders should be closely monitored and supported on their release and for ever after if necessary. As a minimum the authorities should know where they are! I dont want to turn into a paranoid parent, but I think parents also have a lot to answer for in Japan when it comes to protecting their children. They have to take responsibility for their childrens safety, and right now I see many examples every day where that just doesnt happen. Im sure everyone else does too.

As a parent it is so difficult to strike the right balance of holding tight and letting go, especially here. My 7 year old cant understand why some of her friends are allowed out alone and she isnt. When she eventually goes to Junior High I am not sure what to do because I feel 12 is still too young to be taking the train across town to school and there are no good junior high schools near us.

And this is just opportunistic abuse. Most actually happens within the family under a veil of secrecy.

This is a really difficult one, but more than anything else I have to say I LIKE the idea that the governor is even addressing this issue and putting kid safety to the forefront of government.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Should add I find all the differing opinions on how to approach this issue being aired on this thread really interesting. it seems to me that while peoples definitions of what a "paedophile" is and how to deal with them; even what defines a "child", differs immensely, everyone seems to have the same end goal of protecting children in mind - that can only be a good thing.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

There are no easy answers and everyone does have a right to live free of sexual violence, but laws should be made that will protect the offender in a fair and sensible way. Many laws concerning this matter have probably been ill-conceived. The protection of children would definitely require a very thoughtful and comprehensive approach. There are perhaps some erroneous beliefs and falsehood that have been perpetuated about offenders and failed to deal with the complex realities of sexual violence against children. Again, no simple solution, but maybe a carefully tailored community notification of those offenders that pose a real risk of committing another sexual offense should be provided directly by law enforcement officers. Sadly most sexual abuse is committed by family members or trusted authority figures who were previously convicted of a sexual offense. Thus a offender who made a bad choice as a grown adult must deal with consequences period and take total responsibility for victimizing a innocent child. No-questions-asked.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

i imagine this move is simply for the international communities benefit.

Pass as many laws as you want, just don't stop making lolicon manga!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Good thing he did not suggest tracking and tagging convicted murderers.

Murderers and other perpetrators of violent crimes have a relatively low rate of recidivism while pedophiles have an incredibly high one.

The U.S sex offenders registry is flawed in many ways but it's existance is not something I'm opposed to.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

For once I will have to agree with Mr Hashimoto. I think he should even go 1 step further and castrate convicted pedophiles as well. Now that will be sweet.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The death penalty for convicted pedophiles would be better, but I suppose monitoring is better than nothing at all.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Exactly what is a pedophobe, would it be a concerned parent who believes it is their duty to protect their child from sexual preditors? If that is so, then I would fit that catagory. My children are now adults and I was fortunate that they listened to me when they were young, with all the advice that caring parents give to keep their children safe from such devients. Yes there should be a register in order hopefully to protect potential victims.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

while pedophiles have an incredibly high one.

Not according to these stats from Crazy Joe: According to the National Police Agency (警察庁), out of 740 criminals(child rapists and molesters) who were released from prison during a five year period (June 2005 - May 2010) 105 were rearrested for similar crimes.

TheQuestion, is he wrong, or are you talking about the wrong country?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

goinggoinggoneSEP. 11, 2011 - 05:36PM JST The death penalty for convicted pedophiles would be better, but I suppose monitoring is better than nothing at all.

If we had a vote on this, I'd support your idea all the way.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Not according to these stats from Crazy Joe: According to the National Police Agency (警察庁), out of 740 criminals(child rapists and molesters) who were released from prison during a five year period (June 2005 - May 2010) 105 were rearrested for similar crimes.

I call 14% unacceptably high. Murder and like crimes have rates that are a fraction of that. Children that these people target need to live with the trauma their entire life and releasing these people into the general public without a proper tracking system is dangerously irrisponcible.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I call 14% unacceptably high.

Then you just are not paying attention. That is the lowest recidivism rate for this crime I have ever seen. If America had double that rate they would pop the cork on some very old champagne. And we all know where this idea comes from.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Then you just are not paying attention. That is the lowest recidivism rate for this crime I have ever seen. If America had double that rate they would pop the cork on some very old champagne. And we all know where this idea comes from.

American Psychological Association. (2003, February 19). Amicus Curiae brief submitted in Stogner concluded that the rate of recidivism for child molestors in the U.S was roughly 10%. So I don't know where you're getting your assertion from. And even 10% is unacceptably high.

My original post was in reguards to why a sex offenders list makes more sense than a list for those convicted of murder. Crimes that are sexual in nature have a much higher rate of repeat offenses than homocide does (only about 2% or less).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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