Japan Today

Osaka man finds stranger eating in his kitchen at night; intruder dies shortly after

By SoraNews24

A mystery of the most unusual kind occurred in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture in the late evening of May 5.

At approximately 11 p.m. a 60-year-old man got out of bed and went to the kitchen of his house for a glass of water. As he entered the room he was shocked to find a man he had never met before sitting at the table eating foods such a frozen pasta dinner.

The stranger looked to be in his 30s and was wearing a T-shirt that he had found in the house. When the resident confronted him, the stranger simply said, “I came in the front door.” He then suddenly became erratic and behaved violently while trying to flee.

The resident’s younger brother, who lived next door and heard the commotion, came in and helped to restrain the intruder. Meanwhile, the resident’s father, who lived in the same house, called the 110 police emergency number.

Officers rushed to the scene and arrested the stranger, but when they arrived he had lost consciousness. He was then taken to hospital where he died an hour after.

With the intruder now deceased, police have little to work with in piecing together what happened. Based on his personal belongings they believe he lived in Osaka Prefecture, but are still working on identifying him and the cause of his death.

Readers of the news were also left dumbfounded over what could have possibly led to this bizarre sequence of events.

“It’s a series of horrors from beginning to end.”

“He entered without permission, took food and clothes without permission, and even died without permission.”

“A man in his 30s suddenly dying? A man in his 60s living with his father and next to his brother? Frozen pasta? The more I try to make sense of it all, the harder it gets.”

“That house must be cursed.”

“It’s like a ball of horrors tangled together.”

“Sounds like the victims might have choked him to death, but it was self-defense.”

“Is this a COVID-19 thing somehow?”

“Those people in the house were lucky he wasn’t a murderer. They better lock the door from now on.”

“Did he microwave the frozen pasta?”

“What the hell?! Never leave your guard down.”

“I’m suspicious about the people in the house.”

Adding to the confusion, the story as told above was according to a YTV report, but ABC News also reported on the incident with considerably different details. According to them, the intruder was in the process of heating up the pasta when he was discovered and was already not breathing by the time the police arrived. However, ABC News cited no sources, unlike YTV which got its information from the police.

It may take some time before a clearer picture of what happened that night is understood. It’s also quite possible that no one except the intruder knew how he ended up in that kitchen, and the full truth may have died with him.

Sources: YTV, ABC News, Hachima Kiko

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© SoraNews24

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The stranger looked to be in his 30s and was wearing a T-shirt that he had found in the house. When the resident confronted him, the stranger simply said, “I came in the front door.” He then suddenly became erratic and behaved violently while trying to flee.

Officers rushed to the scene and arrested the stranger, but when they arrived he had lost consciousness. He was then taken to hospital where he died an hour after.

That house is possibly cursed or karma finally caught to the man. Maybe the food was that bad?

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Bizarre, smells like a set up to me, possibly a murder!?

This 30 years old may have been a guest at the house, or may have known his killers i say. I am sure the police will get to the facts.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Thats quite random.

Good story for some Tim Burton movie or so.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


5 ( +5 / -0 )

Beyond Bizarre

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Japan often takes the cake when it comes to these things. Never cease to be amazed.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I think that this is not mystery at all. They murdered the guy and are trying to cover it up!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

hope I never find myself on trial by jury with denizens of the JT comments section as jury members.... so many people, on the slightest of evidence, have got it all sewn up, with absolute certainty.... (⌒▽⌒)

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Hopefully they will determine the cause of death. If it was strangulation, then it sure sounds like they left out some details. If it was poisoning, it sounds much darker. If the guy was on some bad drugs, it would also be revealed by an autopsy.

I don't think to the house is haunted, for what it's worth.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I suspect they killed him. As the world finally realized with protests and trials that it is quite easy to restrain and kill someone at the same time. Whether intentional or not is another conversation. Japan Inc. usually do not do autopsy because that would require critical thinking, so they will not know unless the family confesses.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Must have died of shock...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

“Sounds like the victims might have choked him to death, but it was self-defense.”

Not if he was just trying to flee

1 ( +1 / -0 )

btw they have locks on doors for a reason.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

To be fair, I myself have forgotten to lock my door on a couple of occasions but never had any break ins. Guess I was just lucky. It seems strange but there is nothing suspicious about a 60yo man and father living in the same house or the brother living next stood. It seems unlikely the family killed the guy and the cops would be able to determine that pretty quickly. The guy probably had some underlying health issues, panicked and went into cardiac arrest

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Very possible that the intruder was affected by mini strokes of increasing intensity, the first were relatively mild, yet caused erratic behavior. When confronted, his blood pressure rose and caused a seizure finishing him off. A simple tragedy that is overplayed by sensationalistic media.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The guy must have been cooked out of his mind on something. Whatever drugs he took need to be found out. But in safety Japan they won't do a tox on him I'm sure. Would hurt the numbers.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Very weird, on every level. I think there is a lot we are not told about this.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Could be a hook up gone horribly wrong?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

More drivel from Sora "News".

What's the betting the dead guy was schizophrenic and was murdered by the people whose house he entered.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Cause of death, very likely drug overdose...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Lots of speculation on very little information. Utterly fascinating as it reveals so much more about the writer than the story they are commenting on!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Cause of death, very likely drug overdose...

Even more likely: Being beaten to death by the occupants of the house you broke into.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Come into my house at midnight and I will likely end you no questions asked, that is enough to scare the heck out me and make me fear for my life and that of my families.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

its almost as if the entirety of posters here have never heard of the concept of autopsies.

The police will find out the cause of death if they don't already know, and all the little burgeoning Ben Matlocks here can rest easy.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


its almost as if the entirety of posters here have never heard of the concept of autopsies.

The police will find out the cause of death if they don't already know, and all the little burgeoning Ben Matlocks here can rest easy.

It is almost like you are the only person in the world who does not know that Japan typically does not perform autopsies!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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