Japan Today

Parents arrested over death of 7-year-old son


A 44-year-old man from Osaka and his 29-year-old wife have been arrested over the death of their 7-year-old son last Thursday, police said Sunday. Police allege the man, identified as Masatomo Morita, hit Tsubasa Fujinaga, causing a brain hemorrhage, leading to death.

According to a report on TV Asahi, Morita claimed the injury was caused when the pair were pretending to be wrestlers, resulting in a fall. However, police later found bruises and cigarette burns on the boy's body, some of which Fujinaga appeared to have sustained several months ago.

Fujinaga's classmates told reporters that bruises started appearing on his face and body around four months ago and that the boy said he was scared of his dad. Police say the boy was taken into a care home earlier this year after fears for his safety were voiced. However, he was returned to his family in March. Police believe Morita and his wife Ryoko caused the death of their son following a sustained pattern of abuse.

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Police say the boy was taken into a care home earlier this year after fears for his safety were voiced. However, he was returned to his family in March.

What was the reason for returning the child in the first place?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

caused the death of their son following a sustained pattern of abuse

They tortured this poor kid to death. That's how the police should phrase it and that's how these so-called parents should be prosecuted.

RIP, young man.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Are you saying being tortured by two adults daily, burnt by cigarettes, beaten and bruised and terrorised, is better than being at peace?

It's just semantics isn't it? He's not in a better place, he's not at peace.

He simply isn't.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

What is another week in Japan without two or three child deaths due to abuse? One would think there is a problem and a pattern, but that is only an observation.

Sadly, the 'bury your head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend it doesn't exist' syndrome is still very much prevalent amongst Japanese social service workers.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

How is being dead being in a 'better place'? Death is not 'being' and therefore of no place. I am sure your sentiment was that he's better of dead than being with these two 'things', but he isn't in any way in a 'better place'. A better place would be in a caring, loving, environment.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

BD: Your emotive response clouds your reasoning, you seem to 'know' (magically) that Japan is a terrible place for 'so many poor kids', (What percentile of the population does your quantitive 'label' encompass? 70%? 80%? 90%?) these societal problems are not unique or statistically abnormal to Japan. Your painting as such is wrong at best, of course Japan has these issues, no one is hiding from that here, but to suggest that 'so many poor kids' do not have caring loving environments in which to grow and enjoy their childhood is simply erroneous. The only pipe in your analogy seems to be cracked and yours.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Social services are a joke, it was not that long ago that 2 children starved to death, social service knocked and walked away, this poor little child was abused to the point that he was removed from the family...and returned to his death. Social norms vs common sense, when a child dies that seals the argument.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Police say the boy was taken into a care home earlier this year after fears for his safety were voiced. However, he was returned to his family in March. Police believe Morita and his wife Ryoko caused the death of their son following a sustained pattern of abuse.

Same old same old. The young little man was taken into protective custody but then returned very soon after (probably after a month or two!) then he died at the hands of these smegma-filled monsters. He even told his classmates about his fears (possibly predicting his own death!) and now we can see what happened at the end. This is how is the real dark side of this country when it comes to children's welfare. A corrupted/outdated/ass-backward government that cares more about world image and money than the well-being and security of its citizens, especially children. Who's gonna miss this young child in a country of 126+ million? That's how they think and act upon these things. A bureaucracy so busy with the next PM and how to get richer and dirty. Garbage that has nothing to do with protecting the people and children. A corrupted government so deep in filth and excrement that they would swiftly come up with new laws to suit their monetary needs, whatever makes them richer and powerful. Yet we have 150+ year old laws that are kept untouched no matter how many children have to suffer for it. Useless, outdated, ridiculous laws that will always help these child murderers ensuring that they will get leniency and suspended sentences in the great majority of these cases. Child-murdering parents DO NOT get lengthy sentences in here, did you know that? Actually, once mental illnesses arise in court, a very high percent get acquitted and sent to "mental care" facilities therefore granting pardon and ensuring the child victim does not get justice. Why? Because the life of a child is and will NEVER be more important over the life of an adult in this country. Way back before Edo-jitai, Children were always considered third-class citizens. worthless so to speak. Children have no human rights. They are more like "property". A dog is better treated in here, end of story.

How heartbreaking and agonizing is for me to stumble upon a story like this. I, mother of 4 (4th inside belly, 39weeks2days) children that I love with all my life and spirit. How lethargic is to read about the death of yet another child. How depressing it is...

Until we get rid of our shameless corrupted and outdated government, there won't be any REAL laws protecting the welfare of our children. Our future is getting abused and killed. Time to do something!!!!

R.I.P. Tsubasa君 (-_-) (泣)

2 ( +5 / -3 )

This type of story is wrong on so many levels. This poor little guy was sentenced to death by the Japanese Legal System. Japan needs to do more to protect children. Why do abusive parent have more rights than loving divorced parents? If Japan had a joint custody system this boy's biological father maybe could have saved him. I really hate the orphange and foster care system in Japan. It is too easy for abusive parents to get their kids back. Ironically, is it too difficult for loving divorced parents to have a relationship with their own kids. Does anyone with any power in this country care about kids?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It is really shocking. I have only started reading JT last month and I have the impression that there is at least one infant death through negligence, carelessness, abuse, torture and so case per week. In my native country (the population is two thirds of Japan), I can remember that one case every three months or so made it into the media.

So either there is a different perception of child abuse and negligence cases here, or it is far more common in Japan. Another reason that I do not want to raise kids in Japan. Far too much worry about what strange and abusive sorts of people they might come across.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The system failed this boy. RIP little man.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

What is another week in Japan without two or three child deaths due to abuse? One would think there is a problem and a pattern, but that is only an observation.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

More child killers who tortured their child before killing him, I hope these cold callous R souls get what is coming at them .

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Another idiot AHO, BAKA so called parent from some slum in Osaka?? This idiots NEVER EVER seem to amaze me as to how stupid some so called adults can really be. RIP little boy born to idiot parents down there in crappy Osaka.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Indeed, this poor innocent boy's biological father must be heartbroken. His wife gets custody of the children, marries an abusive monster, and his son dies. This case is yet another argument for some form of joint custody for divorced parents.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I think I have calmed down enough from my total bewilderment and anger to ask the question as to what action will be taken in regards to those in authority who decided to return this defenceless little boy to the custody of his abusive sadistic environment from which he had previously been rescued from?Are they to be held partaly responsible towards this little guys suffering and death?

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Indeed, this poor innocent boy's biological father must be heartbroken. His wife gets custody of the children, marries an abusive monster, and his son dies. This case is yet another argument for some form of joint custody for divorced parents.

Same reason why me and my husband would NEVER get a divorce (hopefully we never will though!!). Better move out and live separated so we can ensure we can BOTH keep our children's parental rights. I'm NOT gonna let some filthy ass-backward family court take away his parental rights of the children he loves so much. NO way! Now we are living in times where some people seem to get desperate to remarry and choose their new partner over the needs of the children. How many times have I seen the SAME story over and over and over? A stupid woman/man pairing up with someone that ends up abusing/torturing/killing her/his child(ren) . And all for what?? So this brain-dead mom/dad can get "some"?!?! Love and PARENTING should go hand to hand. There is NOTHING wrong with going on and remarrying or finding a new bf/gf but when you put that person over your own children and choose to ignore everything around you, what does that make you? Irresponsible as it is, period. In this case, she is equally GUILTY!!!!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Bluewitch, so until the system is changed , little ones will continue to be the victims of sadism and suffer because those in a position to protect fail to do so. Laws need to be changed and a bill of rights accorded to the children. A seven year old child and even those younger are capable of having a voice in relation to their own welfare and deserve the right to be listened to.This little boy was desperately unhappy and capable of expressing his feelings at school to his classmates. I am not resident in Japan so I therefor have no influence on the policeis currently in place regarding the safety and welllbeing of Japaese children, Someone needs to take the initiative to begin a nationwide action society that will bring about pressure on the statute makers to enforce any and all measures to protect the young and vulnerable

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Everything about childcare/protection laws and all of the other family related laws need to be updated and brought into the 21st century.

Disgusting abusive parents combined with lunatic childcare rules resulted in this little mans death. sighs :(

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@BlueWitch: You said it all. I've seen the bureaucracy in action (inaction) and it is shocking how apathy and a few set expressions make people turn and walk out. Then, those public servants go back to their desks and file meaningless reports. Civil servants in this country are infuriating, and for the most part highly ill-qualified to be dealing with severe cases and sensitive information. What is more, the embarrassment felt by people when they have to request these services in front of a bunch of strangers at their local yakuba. It's tough to get good help in Japan - strike that - any help.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Rest in Peace to the poor boy.He is in a much better place now that being with two evil adults who took pleasure in hurting him. I can only hope both these scumbags have a dose of karma heading their way in "the big house". Let's hope all the inmates are made aware of them being child abusers and killers.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

"He is in a much better place now" Riiiiight, death is a much better place than among the living. poor little bugger. This is a sad place for most kids.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Who the hell let this kid back into the parents?

0 ( +1 / -1 )


This poor kid lived in a children's home run by the city since he was 3 months old. The mother who was single (divorced) at the time could not raise the kid so she had the city take care of him. The city still has custody of his 4 year old younger brother. The mother also has a two year old boy who was born after her second marriage. The man who was arrested is a step father of the 7 year old boy.

Wow, Hell on earth for these children..no doubt. And that coward parasite got his kicks out of torturing, abusing and ultimately murdering another man's child. What a nightmare really.

Thank you for the extra info, CrazyJoe (^_~)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

NO NO NO Not another little fellow,

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Christina O'Neill

I think I have calmed down enough from my total bewilderment and anger to ask the question as to what action will be taken in regards to those in authority who decided to return this defenceless little boy to the custody of his abusive sadistic environment from which he had previously been rescued from?Are they to be held partaly responsible towards this little guys suffering and death?

Not in this country, dear. The people responsible for returning this child will likely face nothing but a change of desk at worst. It's all engraved in their "Shouganai" attitude that no matter what happens, even if the child is murdered, they DID their best and there was NOTHING else they could have done. The current laws does not give them REAL power anyway. Even if there was someone in Child Services that actually CARED and wanted to protect this little boy, he or she had her/his hands tied behind the back thanks to our government and its ARCHAIC useless laws. Child Services in Japan DOES NOT have the power to remove children just like that. Actually, in the extreme cases when a child is removed temporarily (after months or years!) of investigation, they don't have the power to refuse the return of the child to his parents. As far as I know, A parent has more authority and right than Child Services regardless of child abuse evidence!! At the end, the great majority of these children are returned to their abusers and sentenced to DEATH. I don't know about Child Services in other countries but all I know is that our own is rotten. What is our government is doing to change this??

0 ( +2 / -2 )

That poor child. In care at 3 months. Later back and forth from care to abusive home. I cried after I read that. What a short, tragic life. What must have been going through his little head as all this was going on? That it was all his fault? That he didn't deserve love like he must have seen other kids receiving? There is so much love in this world but it doesn't seem to touch some at all.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A friend worked in a children's home in Tokyo for a while - she thought it was an orphanage but was surprised to find very few orphans, mostly little guys like this one. One kid would come in for respite when the heavy smoking parents got too much for her asthma... then be sent back. The stuff she told me would make your hair curl. RIP little fella.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

domestic violence is common in japan. parents often terrorize their kids leading them to death. you only know something happened when the kid already died. so weired. in my family kids are the boss not the parents.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

These child abuse cases are getting way too common. I also don't like that they try to make excuses such as playing wrestling.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Again and again poor little kids :(

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In 2008 the revised Child Abuse Prevention Law came into effect. This law allows the nation's 2,400 child welfare workers to forcibly enter homes where child abuse is suspected. Unfortunately, there were only two cases where a child was taken into protective custody that year. Meanwhile a record number of 73 fatal child abuse cases where a child died due to abuse, were reported that year.   A year later in 2009, the revised Child Welfare Law came into effect. This law stipulates that nurses and midwives should visit homes where babies are being raised. Again, this did nothing to decrease the number of child abuse cases which now totals about 43,000 a year (fiscal 2008). The chief of the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry's child abuse prevention section is now calling for the public's help in tackling this problem.   60 of the above-mentioned 73 fatal child abuse cases in 2008 WERE IN FACT reported, but neither the child welfare workers armed with their Child Abuse Prevention Law and Child Welfare Law, nor the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry or the public were able to prevent all those children from being killed by one or both of their own parents.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

****What is the ultimate penalty here for

0 ( +0 / -0 )

To Yongyang's point, it would be interesting to see how many infanticides and child murders (by parents) occur in Japan and compare it to other similar data. I have read and followed news in other countries, but have never seen as many cases as here in Japan. That said, Japan Today ain't exactly Fox News, though it sure loves to stir the pot. And what better way to do it than print these stories whenever they rear their ugly heads? Still, from a purely observational position (and this goes beyond reading solely about child killings to include things like letting a 4-year-old wander around in the middle of the night to sticking babies in the storage compartment of a scooter), the Japanese sure do hate their children. So sad! RIP little man.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Someone needs to take the initiative to begin a nationwide action society that will bring about pressure on the statute makers to enforce any and all measures to protect the young and vulnerable

There`s the issue right there Christine - "someone". In Japan this loosely translates as "not my department".

Still, from a purely observational position (and this goes beyond reading solely about child killings to include things like letting a 4-year-old wander around in the middle of the night to sticking babies in the storage compartment of a scooter), the Japanese sure do hate their children. So sad!

Its true, and yet on the other hand, I find the Japanese in general to be far more tolerant of children than back home in the UK, for example in restaurants or on the public transport. So I guess there are good and bad wheverer you go. I see far more examples of violence towards children here than back home - clips round the head and that kind of thing, but I think culturally that is more "acceptable" here, sadly.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Agree with Nicky.

The "Shouganai" attitude is strong even among the more outspoken japanese posters here.

Ask them to initiate the change and it is : "I am a nobody and thus got no power" or " I don't have the time after family/work." etc.

Agree it is always supposed to be someone else to drive the change while the posters are free to vent here to their hearts content. But ask them to take actions and .....

In short people are annoyed but not enough to take direct actions themselves. So they sit at home and vent online.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The social workers need to get their shit together as well as the lawmakers. While I think-sadly- that there still will be child abuse in 100 years, the government should at least try an minimize it! Poor kid.

R.I.P to Tsubasa and all the other kids who have died from abuse.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Can't we try focusing in bringing these two to be hanged or executed? any ideas?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


There are plenty of people, including me, on this site who are implacably opposed to the death penalty. So spare us the"we", if you'd be so kind.....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"He is in a much better place now" Riiiiight, death is a much better place than among the living.

Are you saying being tortured by two adults daily, burnt by cigarettes, beaten and bruised and terrorised, is better than being at peace? Are you serious?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Social services are a joke, it was not that long ago that 2 children starved to death, social service knocked and walked away, this poor little child was abused to the point that he was removed from the family...and returned to his death. Social norms vs common sense, when a child dies that seals the argument.

Exactly, my friend. Once the child dies, the book is closed, everyone pats in their back and お疲れ様~ OTSUKARESAMA! しょうがないなー

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

This poor kid lived in a children's home run by the city since he was 3 months old. The mother who was single (divorced) at the time could not raise the kid so she had the city take care of him. The city still has custody of his 4 year old younger brother. The mother also has a two year old boy who was born after her second marriage. The man who was arrested is a step father of the 7 year old boy.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

In Japan there is not a concept of third parent i.e. the Government acting as parent taking care of a child when the natural parents are not in a position to grown the child or are abusing the child. This legal concept, widely common in all civil countries in Europe and US, must be adopted by Japan which shall start thinking more about Children rights.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Abusive father now in jail good news.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

A better place would be in a caring, loving, environment.

Sadly, that is just a pipe-dream for so many poor kids here.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

"I have read and followed news in other countries, but have never seen as many cases as here in Japan" You really need to start paying attention more then, something like this happens in every country unfortunately

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Yong Yang - no - I am basing this comment on the fact that social welfare (or the lack of ) here have let this poor boy down, and the many like him. You see, it is very, very difficult here to remove children from their parents - even if abuse has been reported. The emergency and permanent foster care system is almost non-existant and I can absolutely guarantee would save lives as I have seen it work very well overseas.

Your emotive response clouds your reasoning, you seem to 'know' (magically) that Japan is a terrible place for 'so many poor kids'

"Emotive"? I thought you pretty much had that market cornered on JT... I seem to recall a plethora of hysterical "bury it"/"we're all doomed" posts regarding the Fukushima plant from a certain poster...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

@BD: No, your basing it on no such knowledge platform, you're assuming insight and knowledge, not the same thing. Again, these societal problems are not unique or statistically abnormal to Japan. And you haven't responded to what percentile of the population does your quantitive 'label' encompass? 70%? 80%? 90%? Give us and yourself a clue.

If it had been buried there may still be a food economy for Japan and a lot less people and land contaminated. Go figure.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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