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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Paris Hilton leaves for U.S. after being denied entry into Japan
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Well then she should really do the responsible thing and stop using drugs. She's been caught so many times now it's obvious she doesn't think society's rules apply to her.
Keep her out of Japan. Not a great loss for us but at least it might hurt her financially.
You could have fooled me !!! . . . And here I was thinking, she's only working and raking the money in just to support her DRUG habit !
Paris better be careful. Thank God she wasn't in Kuala Lampur with the coke.
Moral of the story: know beforehand the country/place you are visiting. By the way, did Narita immigration found drug or drug-like substance in her possession? no, then four hours of questioning seems too long.
holed-up huh, "one night in narita!"
This comes from her spokesperson but it shows how oblivious and self-centered Hilton's thinking is. How dare immigration question me! All I did was get arrested for cocaine possession.
One can only worry about the people in her travel group if and when they get to Malaysia and immigration finds some drugs. Someone in that group will take the fall for her - and die.
I would love for these countries to all not let her in. This is the only way she will learn because the US laws aren't teaching her anything. She cried when she went to jail, said she changed and yet, she's still the coke head princess she always was. Ban her from being able to attend shows, openings, business meetings... She'll only learn that way.
Some, I rather hope she does get busted is some place like Malaysia or Indonesia where she might not be able to get out of flashing some cash at the problem. I am sure some Muslim country would LOVE to make an example out of her. Bout time too!
Agree with TMarie here.
Good job by the immigration office. Keep this immensely stupid person out of Japan.
This is just calculated to have her avoid being sued for breach of contract. She probably knew before she bought the tickets that there was a high likelihood of not making it past immigration. But she has to at least make a showing that she tried complying with her contract. The cops are just so happy to have a cute celebrity in their grasp that they will detain her for as long as possible.
Good--obviously the threat of jail time and rehab (not that she'd ever be forced to even come close to serving out any sentence in either place) holds no weight with her, so deny her the ability to make money off her financial interests here--that should get her attention, guaranteed. For once, the gears of mindless bureaucracy get it right.
Updates on Miss Hilton and details on Japan and Malaysia immigration laws, see:
Paris, Japan
I would love for these countries to all not let her in.
I agree too. Hell, Two Las Vegas Hotels are banning her from entering. Pimps, prostitutes, drug loards, gamblers are all welcomed...but Paris is banned. LOL!. I thought that was hilarious!
who cares anymore!!! seriously. The PH bubble popped a long time ago.
It's strange that the government doesn't inform Hilton and her manager before they left the U.S. that she is personna on grata in Japan. What's the point of waiting until she arrives? The airport has a list of each day's VIP arrivals, and a flight plan has to be filed for a private jet, so why not inform Hilton in advance and save her the trip?
I think they were informed of the likely hood of her being refused entry. As one person said the trip might be to make an appearance to show she tried to uphold her end of the contracts.
From what I can gather the problem seems to be that her sentence is a suspended one and thus falls into a legal gray-area.
OH Please let her get to KL with some of her habit and then we can all stop hearing about this bubble headed spoiled brat. Let her be made an example of that money won't let you get away with breaking laws. Please KL. End our misery.
"Before she bought the tickets" What tickets? This dame flies in her own jet.
"From what I can gather the problem seems to be that her sentence is a suspended one and thus falls into a legal gray-area."
No. She's guilty. The only gray area is whether she will be a danger to Japan with her crazy criminal ways. She WAS headed to Roppongi, so it doesn't look good. Haha.
They are doing her a favor. She has friends in Malaysia with big big boats, but she is a target now. She should give it a rest.
Speaking of arrest, I have L. Lohan as up for arrest BEFORE Paris Hilton in a little contest I have going, so Paris Hilton has to appear to stay clean at LEAST until LLohan gets arrested again, which should not be too long.
I'm curious to know what the immigration will decide now that it has made headlines.
Same law for the peasants or brats. Don't let her in.
Would have loved to have been there for the strip search.
Geez, folks! If you don't like her don't pay attention to her. Why do you have to wish her to rot in jail for years?
I doubt she's a bad person, just another stupid celebrity. Ignore her like you ignore all the others.
because I don't like her and if I were caught for a 3rd time with cocaine I would be rotting in jail for years, not flying around asia peddling crap
I agree with the immigration in Japan. Why should Paris get special treatment at all? She is just another stupid rich idiot with no brains at all. Japan already has a lot of idiots in their country, why should Japan let more idiots come. Paris should have been directed to get back onto her plain to go home.
I sure hope this was a top luxury hotel or else it could be considered 'cruel and unusual' punishment for her to stay in anything less.
Pestronika -- agree. I am no Paris fan, but I'd wager that there are more than a few oridinary people who have been granted entry to Japan who have a pot or coke bust on their record. They just conveniently forgot about them when filling out the immigration questionnaire, and, since they are not celebrities, no one was any the wiser. Also, if I am not mistaken, Stallone was allowed in not too long ago, even though he got busted for HGH in Australia.
Watching Report on it on Sukiri right now.
LOL!! Should be the new JT Poll question.
She's still getting special treatment. She gets to stay in a hotel, while anybody else would have to remain in a holding room, until a decision is reached.
What a ditz! While its not all actually her fault as to what the laws are pertaining to Narcotics and other paraphernalia internationally, Paris should have made inquiries as to what conduct and local laws are pertaining to drugs. Especially, having a suspended sentence traveling to Japan: a country that lumps all paraphernalia under one umbrella. That was a gimme. Japan is not the US, no Free rides baby!
I hope she's kept out, personally, but given her money and celebrity status here she could well be let in today. And if she got caught here with drugs later she would just get the boot. I don't wish, as some people above have said, that she gets caught with drugs in Malaysia or somewhere else -- that would probably mean the death penalty, but I do hope she is denied to more and more places until she learns that she cannot flaunt society's conventions and constantly get away with it. Won't mean much if anything to her money-wise, but I'm sure she doesn't like the rejection.
Gotta love a train wreck!
I'm feeling a Beavis and Butthead moment...
Umm I think she rose to fame a wee tad before this thanks to the internet.
She,s not going to do any harm, she,s only targeted because of her name.. You have more unpredictable dangerous people in Roppongi anyway....
Moral to the Story is: Does she have a serious drug problem ? Yes/No- Every country that you visit will ask you during customs and immigration. 1) have you been convicted of a crime ? Yes/No 2) Have you been convicted of drug charges ? Yes/No
If you circle "Yes" you have to write a short paragraph in the back. Paris & entourage didn't figure it out they need to explain in detail her criminal charges in America. And that it will "inconvenience" a couple of hours. Because the Japanese immigration really want to know if she will export/import drugs in their country. Does she have a drug problem ?
Some " Entertainment " Personalities do have serious drug addictions and die from that !!!! Japan is just taking " precaution " in preventing a media blitz if she overdoses in japan or commit a crime.
3 possibilites 1) she has a drug problem 2) she's desperate for media attention 3) she's an idiot for hiding coke for someone else
She needs to get her luggage triple searched I tired of going through narita and other airports being searched for nothing !!!!!
This is a good thing although, I'm sure it is only her fame that has brought on the scrutiny. Who remembers Paul McCartney's little pot episode?
Do Paris Hilton brand handbags feature concealed hidey-holes to enable discreet storage of recreational pharmaceuticals?
Thank you Japan, I feel a lot safer now! Well done!
Japanese media should focus on the addiction side of drugs. They treat all these cases like criminal. I'm not a supporter of Hilton but clearly she has a problem. Kids need to be educated that nobody is strong enough to fight a drug addiction.
wow..40 plus comments in less than 3 hours!
No, common-and-garden undesirables get held at the privately run Narita detention centre, not a hotel, and have to pay 4 star hotel rates for the privelege. Happened to a friend of mine. After 2 days' detention he was relieved of $500 for the privelege and stuck, penniless on a plane to Seoul, where he was promptly detained.
I wish they would just stick her on a plane to Kuala Lumpur.
"Justice" vs. kawaii -ness. Any bets on who will win?
Good stuff Japan, I hate Paris' attitude towards everything.
Which narcotics are legal in Japan anyways?
I think we know the answer: they won't let her in. Maradona anybody?
so Paris Hilton has to appear to stay clean at LEAST until LLohan gets arrested again, which should not be too long.
Seen this mornings news?
You people have to LEARN that Paris Hilton could commit second-degree murder and she would NEVER spend a day in jail for it. There are TWO standards here. One for the blue bloods and the other for us. Laws and rules are for us. I tell you frankly, I am so freaking tired of these blue bloods flaunting the fact that they will NEVER have to spend YEARS or DAYS behind the bars for crimes that other people would spend YEARS upon YEARS for. Geez, I hope that the Japanese police lock her away for this immigration CRIME. But, watch, NOTHING will happen to her. NOTHING.
i believe pauls little thingy let to several weeks detention before getting the boot, paris seems to be getting special treatment imo.
immigration shud have just turned her straight around & send back they certainly have every right too. especially IF she didnt fill out her immigration card correct & even if she did that means yr deported
Wasn't Sir Paul banned for 10 years or something for smoking pot? I hope they don't let her in. Vapid,spoiled brat!
P.S. HAHA! Like Nelson from ''The Simpsons''
Paris Hilton is the modern day "Princess Diana", except for the coke.
cactus what are you on!
Paris is running out of places to go in the world.
Maybe she thought because Japan speaking in Paris' voice ''is soooo like faraway, they will like not know''. Perhaps her people should of checked the entry requirements before wasting her time coming to Japan.
She is different from the average junkie celeb. Being on drugs is common, sadly. But others do it at home, try to get cure, or they seem. She considers herself above the laws, in any country. And so far that worked. A few months ago, her jet landed in a French airport carrying some dope. If an unknown citizen of Thailand/Ukraine/etc arrives in the ferry from Morocco with the same amount of dope in his car, he waits months in jail. Then a beginner lawyer takes 4 hours and a part-time translator plead his case, that is lost in advance. He pays a fine and the fees for the confiscated car (or he lets the car as that's cheaper) and he has to leave the country and is on the Interpol list of convicted drug dealer for all his life, he shouldn't count on getting even a tourist visa in European Union, US, etc, any time soon, he will never get jobs as civil servant, in army, army supply industry, etc. He is another young man that stupidly messed his life. That's the normal price of drug smuggling. And your parents and teachers warned you. The Hilton brat called super-lawyer, paid a fine, flew away 3 hours later, as white as premium cocaine. And she'll be back in Paris at the next fashion show, with dope in her hideous hand-bag, as usual.
That happened what ? 20 times ? That's disgusting.
And when, for a change, she is treated as the criminal she is, we have to read : "She is very disappointed by tonight’s events." We aren't. This time, we enjoy the show.
chineseguy1: Forget possession, it is illegal to use drugs in Japan. Japanese citizens also can be arrested for using drugs in other countries and returning to Japan.
That's true, Paris likes pot, not coke... Or so I've heard..
Deport the silly cow and her sister.
Oh, this is good news for a change. Not sure why she's in a hotel, though - should be either on a plane home (in economy class) or banged up without charge for 23 days, sharing a cell with a nineteen-stone lesbian called Big Momma.
With everything she's got going for her, why the heck does she do drugs?.... I say throw her a** back on the plane and bounce her back home.
you guys make her sound like a drug dealer hurting others..if she wants to hurt herself let her be!
But if she had received due justice from the beginning in the U.S then she would probably have been in jail right now along with all the everyday 'non-Hilton family' citizens and she would not be travelling anywhere.
The responsible thing would be to stop getting busted for drug offences. Beyond her control ? The law in Japan states clearly that it does not allow drug offenders in the country.
I think South Park pegged this little amateur porn star for just what she is. A spoiled little self-centered brat who thinks she's allowed special privilege that the masses aren't. I hope someday she ODs herself so the masses of fans in Japan can see their idol for the idiot she truly is. It's a shame many Japanese piiman can't see the shallowness for their own.
Japanese justice system prevails again. This comes to show justice carried out indiscriminately and efficiently in Japan is one of the reasons why Japan is the best country in the world.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH~~~!!!!!!!!!
Need I say more?
I now like the immigration people at Narita. Gambate.....
She could actually be thrown in jail if they did a urine test - that's all the evidence they need here: trace amounts of THC in the blood/urine will result in a conviction in Japan.
Didn't all of her lawyers tell her this?
Anyway, not meaning to labour the point, but HAHAHAHAHAA!!!
@chineseguy1 - you haven't been to many countries in your life then.
Who cares whether she is let in or not, but drug charges in the US should be left to the US to deal with, IMO.
Not indiscriminate at all. The law in Japan clearly states that any national with previous drugs offences will not be permitted a visa to enter Japan. In fact, Hilton has (yet again) received preferential treatment, as anyone else would have been deported the same day and not have been put up in a hotel in Narita (I wonder which hotel she is staying in....)
Lockdown Japan - A new reality series staring Paris Hilton and a Chinese fishing vessel skipper. Each episode Nicole Richie has to perform various tasks, like eating natto, negotiating ownership of islands in the East China Sea and rescheduling a visit by a group of 1,000 young Japanese to the Shanghai World Expo.
@yourock, yes I know Americans don't care about drug users in the U.S. since drug use is part of every day life. It's obvious the Japanese government cares about the influence of drug users especially those with celebrity status.
Paris Hilton is in Japan so she should follow Japanese laws, its that simple. It's the same deal in Korea, drug users are prohibited from entering.
Not in her case. Consumption clearly occured outside of Japan's jurisdiction.
I understand the case for bashing Paris Hilton but give it a break. She has a drug problem like billions of others in the world.
"This is a good thing although, I'm sure it is only her fame that has brought on the scrutiny. Who remembers Paul McCartney's little pot episode?"
Me! Me! And not all celebrities are created equal. Stallone walks through. Arnold Schwarz gets let in without even a passport!
Paul McCartney, Paris Hilton, Whytney Houston. No one is above the law. This is one of those cases where your thankful for lawful abiding citizens. And IronBeard, needed only to add "WA HA HA, HE, HE, HE, HE, choke uh, uh, uh, WA HA HA HA HA ...refrain and repeat.
74 comments for a blonde idiot !!!! in high heels I wish she dedicate her life to help poor people !!!!! Or doing something charity worthy project !!!! What a waste !!!!! ALL THAT MONEY, prancing around country to country promoting her silly products !!!! She is really a lucky person !!!!
"Hilton rose to fame after appearing with Nicole Richie on the series “The Simple Life”
Umm I think she rose to fame a wee tad before this thanks to the internet."
You have to read it carefully. She ROSE to fame. Rise means going up, not going down.
"She could actually be thrown in jail if they did a urine test - that's all the evidence they need here: trace amounts of THC in the blood/urine will result in a conviction in Japan."
Uh. But she has not committed a crime, so why submit to a urine test?
But billions of others in the world have not been spoilt by a multi-million dollar family trust bailing her out of jail every time. Any normal civilian would have been jailed a long time ago. No break from me whatsoever.
I wonder what would have happened if she was born, Paris Holiday Inn..?
Elbuda Mexicano
Why did they let this drug addict into Japan in the first place?? And her silly name sounds like a hotel in France!!
"so Paris Hilton has to appear to stay clean at LEAST until LLohan gets arrested again, which should not be too long.
Seen this mornings news?"
yeah. Okinawa. I was not going to count that. Lin Lo gets a mulligan on this one because the bench warrant had been issued before I thought of the little race idea. We kind of knew that was coming.
Now I want to be clear: The next one to be ARRESTED takes the prize. Li Lo is supposed to be all contrite and she has been devastated professionally, but she is young and stupid. Paris is much less contrite, and has tons of money and other things to do, but people are gunning for her, she travels a lot, and has lots of opportunities for arrest by people who cannot be quickly bought off.
Each one has strong points and weak points. I was thinking that things would not heat up until about Valentine's Day, but maybe I am giving both of them too much credit.
I'm no fan of this coke head and as many have already indicated, there is a double standard when it comes to being a high profile celeb. Good on you Japan immigration! Don't drop the ball on this one.
elbudamexicano: Her name is suppose to be that way, She is a great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton (founder of Hilton Hotels).
Paris Hilton is a Embarassment to US here in the USA. She is nothing but WT with a trustfund.
Kudos to Japanese Immigration for protecting Japanese girls from buying handbags from a drug addict.
I don't understand why people care that she does drugs. Hyperbolically-speaking, everyone does drugs. She's not selling, she's not 'harming' anyone - only those people who are annoyed with her special treatment. But that's the reality, world-over. You got money, you got 'rights' that others don't. She's an idiot, but there are also too many idiots out there who watch her every move. Society needs to get over their obsession with stupid celebrities, famous for nothing!!
Japanese love detaining foreigners. The little man who has a junky job must have loved it. She had so little of the drug that it wasn't even a felony in the US. I would say that nearly 90% of Americans at one point in their life have done drugs. Would immigration bar all of them for a simple rule of passage? If so, Japan should consider America an ex friend. Even Bill Clinton had admitted to smoking pot. So Bill better stay out of Japan.
Just some rich persons brat kid.
Japanese immigration is just doing its job of keeping the garbage out. Those that have been convicted of certain crimes aren't allowed entry. Simple as that.
Will they put her up in a "Hilton"? Harrrr!
This is an outrage! I demand she be released immediately so she can promote her line of handbags, accessories and watches! She doesn't need all this aggravation!
Sarge, ha,ha,ha,ha !
Excuse me if this sounds a little rude, but what a pile of crap. If you drop the law that says no drug offenders allowed (the one that, in your words, detained a foreigner) you open your doors to drug dealers and drug couriers bringing smack and crack into your country. Hilton WAS charged with a felony in the U.S. That means a drugs offence. Bill Clinton admitted to smoking pot but unlike Hilton, was never caught with it or arrested.
The only ones who will lose, are the superficial japanese that love these starlets till they find the next thing to swoon over. Besides I was hoping to catch up with paris to get some of her contacts. She's still a champ in my eyes.
funny.. :))) wonder if Paris would have to pay if she stayed at Hilton.. hmm.
I wonder what she's doing to while away her time.
I am sure her sister is having a good time in Tokyo shopping, et al.
What a waste of time. I'm no Paris fan, but this is BS. This is a nobody at immigration trying to be a somebody. Did they scramble the riot police?. She came in on a private jet, its parked outside. Check her belongings, and let her go do her thing. Its not like she can blend in like waldo if she decides to run.
This reminds me of the time one of those immigration twerps let Arnold in with out a passport, he said he forgot it,WTF you dont jet around the world with out one.
what kind of probation allows you to leave the country?
This just shows the stupid war on drugs is ridiculous. Let's legalize drugs and get tax from it. This will immediately destroy the drug dealers business and bring money to the State. Freedom is also freedom to make your own mistakes. In countries where possession of drugs is decriminalized, there hasn't been an increase in the number of drug addicts, quite the contrary.
Moderator: Back on topic please. Comments should focus on Paris Hilton.
Just think of the economic damage her detention is having on some shops in Ginza! Japan should sieze on this as an opportunity to change immigration laws to restrict even more foreign criminals from corrupting thier xenophobic society. I suggest barring any foreigner who has every had a traffic ticket of any kind! This should keep out the real riff-raff! WTF?
Waiting to see what the outcome is.
Good to see they are keeping Japan safe......what a farce
Is there a live video feed of her holed up somewhere? The J-media must be outside her hotel in droves!
John Putnam
Who cares. I'm living the dream here and reading about this was just to past the time away. Be happy don't worry
Why oh why do Japanese officials have absolutely no sense of PR? Holding this kid on a ridiculous triviality is doing YET MORE damage to Japan's reputation. And I don't even like this spoilt little rich kid - but it's not like the Paul McCartney case years ago where he actually had a truckload of hash on him at Narita! Let her go shopping - let's face it - Japan's economy is in the toilet and NEEDS foreigners (especially billionaires) and their cash more than ever.
An innocent lady being hassled by Narita Immigration Officials.
I think if Japan is going to enforce regulations on who can or can not enter Japan, they must be consistent. Celebrity or not, she is a person that has a mind to choose right from wrong just like you and I do. I hope they don't let her in...buwahhahaha
We're happy you actually do care
She flaunts her wealth, not social conventions.
And one more thing - Japan welcomes terrorists into her country - the female terrorist who hijacked that plane in the 70s(?). If convicted terrorists can come in, so can harmless rich kids who got stoned in another country.
Burakumin - Unfortumately Paris has no good stories about Japanese abductees in N.Korea to tease the Japanese with.
Paris Hilton has troubles with the law-since when this is a news?
Hillary Clinton is being updated continuously on this dire situation which will obviously strain bi-lateral relations between Japan and U.S. more than the Futenma issue, rising Yen, etc could ever do.
However, Hillary is very busy now with Middle East Peace negotiations (you go girl!) so she has requested that her husband, you know, Bill Clinton (former President of U.S. before all the crap happened in this century) fly immediately to Narita and request Paris be released for humanitarian reasons.
He will also bring along Jimmy Carter who just happens to be one of Paris Hilton's top Twitter followers.
Bill and Jimmy wanted former President Bush (not the second one.... noone wants him around) Bush Sr. to also come along. However, the last time he came to Japan he vomited on the Prime Minister after eating some sushi. He is still a little embarassed by that incident and has not reimbursed the Japan Gov't for the dry cleaning bill.
The immigration officials are still "questioning" Paris??? About what? How much is there to explain about her? She is RICH! Set her free! Oh, maybe those officials are waiting for the secret money to be wired to their personal bank accounts. They are also stalling to force Paris to give them a few of her promotional handbags and watches for their wives.
:D Thanks for the good afternoon laugh, islandview!
Darren White
Can somebody explain - what does Paris Hilton actually do ?
I agree. Immigration and anti-drug laws were never intended to be applied to the rich any more than the death penalty was.
Some of you people have a very twisted sense of right and wrong, do you know that?
Pretty easy to resolve. Immigration officials should give her a temporary visa w/ strong restrictions. She can only conduct her business as scheduled, then leave. After she has no legal clouds such as a legal probation, the regular visa can be reinstated.
She is one wild female.
I think she makes bags for gullible, poor asian people. And sometimes makes videos, and sometimes drugs.
If you do a video search I'm sure you'd find out what she does ;)
this is like the lamest thing that has like ever happened to me. dont they like know who i am? it was just a tinkle of coke that like came out of my nose when it started bleeding, whatever. a country with no drugs?!? like what am i doing here anyway. where's my jet? get me outta here
Two days of questioning, how many questions can they have?? "Okay, I pleaded guilty to having a small amount of Coke in my purse, but it really wasn't my purse and the Coke belonged to Linsey Lohan."
Jkanda, she has a line of drugs? I mean, for sale...
Hilton was scheduled to appear at an event at Roppongi Hills
She's going to Roppongi, hell according to the japanese news, everybody in Roppongi Hills does coke (and weed and crystal meth and extacy).
Well you never know.. She is able to attract masses with her line of ugly purses :)
"Japan's economy is in the toilet and NEEDS foreigners (especially billionaires) and their cash more than ever."
She's here to take money from the Japanese, not leave money behind. Selling over-priced "image goods" to gullible youth.
Better for the youth of Japan get the image of the disruptions to life that result from dabbling in drugs and scoffing the law. I'd vote to keep her out.
Harmless ? A well-publicised socialite promoting her fashion merchandise to young and impressionable girls (and making lots of cash from it), is hardly harmless. Her drug-carrying habit is not harmless to the young teenagers influenced by her now is it ?
No, jkanda said she makes drugs.... She must have a line of meth labs then. Hopefully its brand name meth...
Well, could be too.If you remember the guys who were making meth in their homes...And why not Paris?
My point is, Northlondon - if Japan can welcome ex-Terrorists into the joint - why not allow a kid who likes to smoke joints? I know which person I'd consider harmful. From the reports coming through, she had no dope on her or anything. Yes, peddling her crap fashion is the one thing that should be stopped! Makes good videos though...
Anyway, we all know the end result will be the Immigration Dept. will back off and she will stay.
Most news reports are now saying that she has been denied entry to Japan.
They are detaining her longer at Narita so that the officials can take a joy ride in her private jet and get a sampling of what she was 'using' in Las Vegas.
I hope that all this time Paris has to wait at Narita Airport is being deducted from her recent drug conviction 200 hours of community service that was imposed on her.
Most countries in the world, like it or not, have a law on the books prohibiting people who have been convicted of crimes - no matter how petty - from entering.
Likewise, most countries in the world have a procedure for clearing one's name - which allows people who have been convicted of a crime in the past to prove they do not represent a danger to the country they are entering.
You don't have to like it, but you should accept that this is not a case of Japan taking a hard line on recreational drug use, but rather a case of Japan doing what every other country in the world routinely does on an everyday basis.
"I just wanted to meet Hello Kitty and the talking robots, show up for an event in Roppongi, and go shopping in Ginza. And I was also hoping to get in on a Sumo event, if there was a seat available. What's the big deal?"
she is leaving japan tomorrow to go home.
or i should say, she is leaving the airport hotel tomorrow. she hasn't officially entered japan.
In a sense, its no big loss either way. Other than the monstrous distance of the travel. Think she ever imagined she might have trouble getting in?
Good Job by the Japanese authorities. send her home, she's not a good role model, for teens
Haha! She's been denied and sent on her way! "Loves it!"
Looks like Hilton didn't check out.
I wonder if she'll ever be allowed to come back.
Tom DeMicke
I didn't know Japan would deny entry for passengers on a tourist visa but knew that they could deny her entry if she was trying to enter Japan for residency purposes or other long-term say purposes. I think Ms. Hilton needs to learn the laws of her own country before attempting to enter other countries. She needs to stay home for now and learn.
Techall, verify your source. That is some serious allegation that can get you in real hot soup.
A business acquaintance of mine got "detained" at Narita a few years back over confusion between "business trip" and "working", he was here for his first time and spoke no Japanese so there was a misunderstanding and the officials must have thought he was here to work when he was only here to meet his companies Japanese counterpart.
This was a British gentleman in his late 50's and he was not given the Luxury of staying in a HOTEL they kept him at the Narita detention centre.
Why does this spoiled brat get such a privileged treatment?
Cos she owns the hotel, buddy! I feel for your mate though - that is not just a misunderstanding - that is an abuse on his rights.
BAHAHAHHAHAAA...God, I LOVED reading this story. Paris denied entry based on her drug conviction. Serves her right. God, it's good to see her slapped in the face with the repurcussions of her snubbing the laws ways. Break the law, get denied entry to certain countries, have it impact on your business...Oh MY, how could they. After all, I'm ME. I'm famous for being...umm...the daughter of a rich guy. I only wish I could laugh at her in person as she was escorted to her departing plane.
who buys her cra.... <ahem>... stuff anyway?
According to other news sources she was put up at the Airport Rest House hotel, which at best could be described as an older business hotel, compared to what she is used to it probably felt like prison to her.
I suspect the hotel made a killing on long distant phone charges.
If it's true the she was questioned er I mean interviewed for six hours, wonder what the questions were or better yet the answers.
Get ready for her new underground video... "One Night in Tokyo"
I think it's a disgrace the way she has been treated.
That poor woman will lose so much money not being able to promote her handbags and accessories. How can Japan do this? She is rich after all! She could have spent some money here in Japan. Instead, Japan turns away more dollars! Crazy!! How dare they!!!
The detention centre at Narita is a secured wing at a nearby hotel btw. As MET mentioned the Narita Rest House. It isn't pretty.
I am sure it is not just Japan that will turn her way. I am sure other countries been watching and been in contact with her about her current/future travel plans.
So she has money, why should there be exceptions to the law for her?
i dont know what all the fuss is about.
she isnt dangerous for goodness sake.
Daft spoilt stick insect. Hope they stop showing her on the telly, really gets on my wick she does.
She's a film star, so hopefully she will get the Kentucky Fried Movie line of questioning from the immigration officials - - " Ma'am, are you aware of the penal codes in this state? "
Report of her departure on TV now.
I don't think this belongs on the crime section. This belongs in the silly section. I am no fan of Paris, but I am even less a fan of Japan's crazy handwringing over drugs.
This is just nutty.
Well that ain't gonna happen Pablo Escobar.
Well if you flew out here whilst on probation for a drugs offence then you clearly don't understand.
I actually agree with Mist on this one!
I blame the soft treatment of her in the U.S for all this. How can you allow someone who has to complete 200 hours of community service, complete a drugs programme, and be on informal probation for a year, to then have fun jet-setting around the world ?
Screw her! She has to learn her daddy's money and that stupid act of hers won't put her above the law in foreign countries. She and her token black body guard can leave and never come back.
Nananana, nananana, hey hey hey... GOODBYE!
What surprised me is that she could decide the type of community service she does.
Back home no such thing, you are told when and where to show up for it. In her case quiet likely she would work with recovering drug-addicts.
dolphingirl at 06:36 PM JST - 22nd September; "I actually agree with Mist on this one!"
I don't as usual, just put yourselves in the shoes of the Japanese officials.
Here in Japan they rip apart any "talento" caught using drugs of any kind.
Now PH comes along just after being convicted on Cocaine (not marijuana) and what do you do just let her in like your regular visitor.
What message would that send to the general Japanese population "if your a Japanese "Talento" or regular citizen then watch out but if your a foreign spoiled rich brat well, no problem, welcome".
And one more thing concerning Japan's stance on drugs, I have lived here for more than 19 years and I have yet to see in any major Japanese city with large areas that are virtually no go zones due to drug dealers ruling the streets like I have seen in Just about every major city in North America, So maybe they are doing something right.
With all the media attention paid recently to Japanese "celebrities" with drug problems, there was no way PH could have been admitted.
p.s. Why would we want her here anyway? ;-)
Good on Japan! I thought they would end up letting her in; I'm glad they surprised me.
limbo is right no soft stance on any kind of illicit drug history is the way to go..Downey is nutty not the law.
Being famous for "nothing" does has it's price !!!! Pretty soon she'll be in a drug rehab canter !!! Or OD ?
Good bye Paris ???
You have to ask yourself with all the money this girl has and other things going well for her. Why does she have to do drugs ? Does she want to be cool ? Or have the label gansta bad arse biO-tch ?
This incident is such a shame. Paris Hilton was just trying to earn a living by selling some handbags and accessories in Japan, and they have denied Ms. Hilton her livelihood.
northlondon, are you comparing Paris Hilton with Pablo Escobar?
I predict South Park takes up her case from here...
Nice to see Japan's stiff policies remaining in force in the faces of drug-using celebraties.
Goodbye drug addict, the law is the same for everyone in Nippon. Do not come back!
Her fans? What fans?
What does this person even -do- ?
"Goodbye drug addict"
She's not a drug addict.
I'll bet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be allowed entry into Japan if he wanted to come. Go figure.
No, not a good idea. She might buy her own island somewhere and have her own legal system etc.
No. They need to change shoes. What's next, denying previous DUIs a tourist visa? She paid her dues according to the legal system of the country she was accused. Time to move on. She passed their sniffer dogs and its not like she makes cocaine from her hair.
Good for you Japan! Now let's deny her re-entry into the US.
Um, can you remind us of what dues she paid? From what I read she was let go in every country due to her celebrity status. Let's hope they do the same for you someday.
@Sarge "She's not a drug addict"
Just as someone with a hip flask is not necessarily an alcoholic, however PH has shown a definite pattern of drug usage, just where that turns into what could be called an addiction, I'm not sure, but the pattern is undeniably there.
The 'PH-level' must be a bit sour
@Sarge: "She's not a drug addict"
The definition of Addiction: the condition of being abnormally dependent on some habit, esp compulsive dependency on narcotic drugs.
PH has shown that she cannot stop taking drugs (and getting caught) so that would put her definitely in the category of addict.
Do people think (or believe) that she is just unlucky to get caught on the few occasions she is just taking these drugs?
Most research has shown that for every time users and addicts have been caught, there have been hundreds of occasions they did not get caught.
So you can rest assured that PH has a "substance abuse" problem which is rich talk for ADDICTION!
And @ MistWizard "She paid her dues according to the legal system of the country she was accused. "
To my knowledge she has not "paid her dues" seeing she has still not completed her sentence.
BTW, You do know that upon entering most countries (even the USA) if you answer the questionnaire given to you honestly and check the "yes" box to the question "have you ever been arrested" there is a good chance you will not be admitted!
limboinjapan - The Japanese immigration authorities didn't say she's a drug addict.
Tons of people worldwide have the utmost respect for Japan now with this great action by Japanese immigration and sushi sales worldwide will go up because of it according to what people are writing in other blogs. This was the best publicity for the Japanese Tourism Association - a land where everybody is treated fairly according to the law regardless of social status.
You have confused "treated fairly" with "treated the same". She was not treated fairly and in fact, not treated the same either. If you had a previous drug conviction in the U.S. how would Japanese immigration authorities know? You seriously going to put that on your disembarkment card?
She has been arrested, jailed and set free. If you have a problem with that this is not the place for it. She has been set free and that is most of what the immigration authorities really need to know. The other question is if she is potentially dangerous.
Best news of the year.
More importantly, this changes the game drastically for the Paris vs. LiLo drug arrest sweepstakes.
Paris not only cancelled Japan, but apparently Malaysia too. I am thinking that she can see that now that Japan has taken a stand, she had better let things cool off. Maybe, faced with huge costs to her business interests, she can figure out that drugs and drug users are not cool.
Maybe Paris has hit rock bottom! Which means that LiLo is set to DEFINITELY be the first of the pair to be arrested. After her latest movie gets cancelled because of her failed drug test, she will spiral down until she gets arrested again.
This was a good thing for Paris. Japan did her a big favor.
Sarge at 10:26 PM JST - 22nd September:"limboinjapan - The Japanese immigration authorities didn't say she's a drug addict."
I never said they did.
But by her own admission, she has previously admitted to having a "problem" (at least through her spokespeople) and as I stated before "substance abuse problem" for the rich would be translated in to addiction for the rest of us.
MistWizard:"If you had a previous drug conviction in the U.S. how would Japanese immigration authorities know? You seriously going to put that on your disembarkment card?"
You would surprised as to what is now shared in this day and age, they may not know when they let you in BUT if they find out before you leave watch out the penalty for false declaration is much worse than just being refused entry.
In the case of the USA making such a false claim could get you 5 years in prison I would suspect it would be about the same in Japan.
So do so at your own risk and I would also suspect that afterwards you would be on an Interpol watch list.
Celebrities like her are often activists for all these laws. They think it is only men who will have to comply, but then they get caught in thier own snare of hate.
I don't know where you come from, but it's more than likely that your home country denies tourist visas for DUI convictions, among other things. If you have a DUI, visa waiver programs do not apply to you.
What does Paris do?
Well, she is a person. Most of the Hilton fortune was dedicated to charity in 2007, so she is a poor little rich girl who stands to get, well, not as much from her parents as she might have thought. At one point it looked like about 200 million dollars. Now it looks like only a few million. That is ok because she has prepared her own companies and career, such as it is.
She started working as a model at 19, then did some movies and TV. She has her own record label and is apparently authoring books.
Her designer brand is used by S. Thavasa for bags and jewelry for Amazon? Six perfumes, a line of hair extensions, shoes, clothes, nightclubs. All pay her licensing fees to use her name and personage.
Then she owns real estate in at least three places in the US.
And she still does ads.
She is very well connected and seems to be generally liked by people who know her personally.
So. Yeah. She is a real ditz who can't tie her shoes. Tell me, what do you look forward to when you get up in the morning? She was getting ready to take off from Narita in her own jet. She is a self made millionaire who is pleasant, opinionated, and independent. I am not really impressed with any of that, but I am impressed that she has put some things together to take care of herself. People who just want to run her down need to take a serious look at their own life.
Sure. She has plenty of problems. Don't we all? She apparently has some kind of drug problem and did not graduate from high school (GED only). Somehow, I don't think she spends as much time making excuses for herself as the average loser does.
I am ambivalent. I would take her out to Denny's for coffee and a chat. I would not give Martha Stewart or Kathy Lee the time of day.
Yeah, Slash couldn't get in either. Japan's drug laws are a joke, if the person in question doesn't have drugs on them, they should be admitted. Not that Japan is really missing out on much by not hosting Paris.
That rant was ridiculous and then you end it with this gem. Thanks for the bio and keep it up champ!
Having read through the 200 plus comments on this little non-story, I am surprised that nobody has mentioned her contractual obligation. I mean, she did. So did her publicist. Several times, in fact.
Curse my business mind, but I can't help wondering what the penalty clause was for this particular contractual obligation. Was it significant?
Was this trip all a ruse? Ms. Hilton and her lawyers/business advisors must have known that the possibilty of being let into Japan, or Malaysia, for that matter, would be pretty slim over the next few months, or even years, considering her recent conviction in Las Vegas. But cancelling the scheduled tour from her end would likely mean a significant financial penalty. Jumping on her private plane and heading out, however, at least has a veneer of attempting to uphold her side of the bargain, as if Japanese Immigration was some kind of force majeure which would release her from her contract.
Don't get me wrong, I think the lawyers for the other side are not so gullible and she will be sued anyway. But Ms. Hilton's side will no doubt introduce this little foray as a mitigating circumstance, aka the "At least I tried" defense.
(Oh dear. I can't believe I just commented on something Paris Hilton did.)
For those of you screaming back and forth at each other -- who the hell cares if paris hilton was denied access to Japan? It's NOT news.
geeze this might take the record for number of JToday talkers.
I for one applaud the decision. Would you allow someone into your country just two days after they pleaded guilty to a crime? Unless you're crossing the border illegally, many other countries wouldn't either. This includes the US.
Who cares about Paris Hilton? What does she do anyhow? She is a pimple on the rump of mankind, does nothing, cares for nobody. I value my garbageman more that her, he does society a useful service! About her contract, well the government of Japan did not sign it. She made her decisions and now has to live with them. Hilton's chickens have come home to roost!
What's all this claptrap about being denied entry? Hilton withdrew her application for entry after six hours of Nice to meet you too, I'm fine thankyou, and you?
What a quitter.
slash just did a show at Summer Sonic in Aug!
212 comments, that's a record.. XD
Well, yeah...However, we should NOT take our "drug problems" out into the world, especially when we're driving. (How different would this all be if her or her boyfriend got in an accident and hurt or killed someone while DUI?) We should also remember that there are consequences for our actions when using drugs. Who knows? Maybe she'll actually learn a lesson this time.
Well at the end of the day she got back on her private jet, which we all seam to have, poured a nice champagne, stretched out, and blew this pop stand.
Doesn't matter what she does, how many of us can do that.
DXXJP, true but I can live in Japan but she can not even visit. What a loser, she has money, influence, etc but needs her illegal drugs to be "happy". Next big event for her will be the funeral after she ODs on her drugs.
you are as entitled to the opinion you drew from tabloids as anyone else. it's all fantasy island once you get in the boat
yurio, you care enough to post.
I say, good riddance.
lol... best story and thread on JT ever.
jianadaren, me too! I am so happy that Immigration took out the sodai gomi.
Hit the road baby!
Thank you JAPAN, for sticking to your laws and not wavering because a "Star" wanted to just wander into your country. I want to visit your country more now than I ever did. What a wonderful bunch of people you are to have elected officials pass these imimigration laws.
I wholeheartedly agree with that statement! Time to pop open some expensive bubbly!!!
Hmmm ... why do so many people hate Paris Hilton ? Jealousy. She's pretty, she's rich, she's in with all the most interesting people. Her life is fab - yours is, well ..... who's even interested ?
Now as for her "criminal career" ... come ON now ! She's a minor issue. She has fun the same ways umpteen million other people do - including plenty of Japanese - and suddenly she's not good enough to be in Japan ? Too dangerous ??? Sounds like more jealousy, hiding behind a convenient excuse.
Haha, what about the controlled substance laws in America, hmm? THANK YOU, JAPAN.
glyco57-I think so many people hate Paris Hilton is not becuase she is rich, it is because she is a spoiled brat that has no clue on how to survive like many of us do. I believe that most of us are "Richer" then she is when it comes to life in general.
Patricia Yarrow
Where are the signs..."Free Paris Hilton!" ?
I hate her because she uses her money to get out of her misdeeds. Non rich people would be doing time but in America if you have money. In Japan it does not matter, she is just another person.
There was a dumb aeroplane blonde who liked COKE, Who the majority of the world knew was a JOKE! She can`t sing or DANCE, but gets CASH IN ADVANCE We all wish she would already CROAK! Thank you Japan for expelling this empty-headed imposter!
What happened to her spiel about turning her life around and working for the good of others that she came out with on her release from jail last year?
I agree with Yuri - spoilt, vapid and uses her money and influence to get herself out of trouble. This time it didn`t work. I had to laugh a the insinuation that in America if you are a star you get out of jail free, but not in Japan - here you are treated as just another person. Uh-huh, OK!
The woman has all the money and influence in the world, and yet no class at all.
I just hope that she started to realise that her personal life is having a big impact on her business life.
Granted she has got quiet a bit of money but AFAIK she does not get any money from the Family fortune and is not in line to inherit the hotel-chain, etc.
can japanese people who have prior convictions enter the U.S.? if snoop dogg can't enter japan, then it's japan's loss. the DoggFather is the bomb!
"I hate her because she uses her money to get out of her misdeeds."
I think everyone does this. Ever paid a traffic ticket? Ever paid for a room at a love hotel? Even alimony. You don't have to be OJ Simpson to figure out that money is a get out of jail free card. We all know that this is the way the world works, and it is a major motivation for a lot of people who want to be rich.
Oh Lemur. You know it's all good. There is a contractual obligation she missed, but she will make it up to them. No matter how it all comes down, they all want Paris' name to be all over the media, and well, if kirakira comments on her, then mission accomplished.
Let's all dedicate ourselves to being more physically attractive, more financially independent, and more visa-eligible than PHilton. That will make the world a better place.
But I will light a firecracker and throw it into the crowd. She went to high school with Lady Gaga. It was in a convent.
What about that MC Hammer guy? Wasn't he a felon before he ever made it big in Japan?
Zenny. Have a look at her bio on Wiki. It is pretty interesting. She has her sister Nicky, and then two brothers, the youngest of whom is 16. From what I can tell, and people will disagree, I am sure, she is taking responsibility for the welfare of the family.
She has created a lot of wealth, possibly more than her father, who has had access to about all the capital he could ever have wanted. She has made a pretty good corporate presence out of just about nothing, and she never graduated from high school.
Someday she will be an old spinster with a lot of nieces and nephews and a lot of stories to tell. This is how it works. It is not really how the Kennedys built their dynasty, but it is not too different. She is a modern day Tallulah Bankhead. Before your time? Read up on her. "Cocaine habit-forming? Of course not. I ought to know. I've been using it for years. " Outrageous!
Sarge, maybe Paris should schedule a stop to Pyonyang just for fun.
Haha. What you people do not realize is that you are all playing a role that makes it possible for her to play hers. If there were not a Paris Hilton, someone would have to invent her.
I think she is hot and lots of people jealous. Why didn't she sleep on her private plane? So technically they really did let her stay.
She has FANS?
When facts become a rant, its just more proof that people envy or desire Paris Hilton.
"people envy or desire Paris Hilton"
It is bizarre, but if you keep going back in history, you find personalities like this in every generation. Apparently society needs people like Paris Hilton, and society always has.
Theda Bara, Tallulah Bankhead, Mae West, (gap here?) Grable, Betty Paige, Jane Russell, Jane McCormick, Marilyn Monroe, Goldie Hawn?, (gap here?), Madonna, Britney, Paris, Kardishiana, Gaga?
They are what they are, and they seem worthless, but here are people of all kinds with some kind of comment. It is fascinating.
Its because she's young, blond, attractive (nice body too), and RICHER THAN all posters combined!
Two hours of questioning for two days. Are they gonna publish her life story books in japan.
Klein2, this is readily explained by the phenomenon of the omega wolf. Its pack behavior. Its also quite sad that people give in to such lame animal weaknesses and try pretend they are being rational or even fair. I would not mind so much if they were not commenting on matters of law and international import.
Of course nobody is going to actually look up Tallulah Bankhead, but the parallels go as deep as you care to look.
Like Paris, her parents sent her to a convent because they thought it would calm her down. And like Paris, she wasn't even Catholic.
Pretty well out of control, and every bit as stupid and ditzy as she wanted people to think she was.
There are women who assert their independence by competing with men and winning. There are others who don't compete, but use any means at their disposal to get independence in whatever way they can. It is kind of cheating, but so is the old boy network.
Is it true that Japanese immigration and customs officials gave Paris Hilton a full body cavity search at the hotel she spent the night in to determine if she had hidden illegal drugs inside her?
If so she would have wanted to stay an extra night....
What a great loss for Japan /sarcasm/
Does this really belong in the crime section? No crime has been committed in Japan.
And, amazing how, most people who know me in Japan think I've made a positive contribution, but if I'd ever been arrested for smoking weed at concerts and parties during my college days, I'd have been denied entry into Japan.
Sarge. It's really gray, isn't it?
I think that Japan is kind of feeling guilty for not having a policy like Malaysia's or Indonesia's, where they just lop off your head, so they set up this arbitrary hurdle at the border and use it to keep the obvious riff raff out. It beats the alternatives.
You and I know that it is one of those "in principle" things, and if you are an otherwise upstanding person with their life together, people just look the other way. It is not "fair", but it is quite expedient and it puts the power and the risk where they belong.
You keep making a positive contribution, and I doubt you will ever have trouble in Japan. Paris already has, what, two convictions for substance abuse PLUS a whole lot of near misses... they did her a favor. She was headed off to Roppongi, where she frankly just would have found trouble. And if she wrote off Malaysia too, so much the better. Meh. Everyone wins.
the taiwanese seem to be having a good laugh about it →
It seems that because she is "hot" some posters will grant her a very wide margin that they would not grant any other person. People hate this rich spoiled brat because her having money and being a socialite is the only thing that gets her off of her crimes of which others would have been paying the price in jail. Many people lost respect for her when she cried to get out of jail because she just couldn't do the time despite doing the crime. That is why people hate this rich b**ch. Not because she is rich. Because she uses it to get out of paying the price for committing crimes.
mike, if i had money, I'd do it too. In fact, i'd say ur pretty stupid if you didnt.
folks if this twit had come in on a commercial carrier she wud in all likely hood have been put straight back on outta Jpn but because her pilot/crew wud have had to rest/sleep she got the extra day at NRT
Thanks GW. I think Twit is the most appropriate name for this dame. Thanks to the working class people, Twit gets a few extra hours in Japan. Why do people stay in the Hilton hotel? To make Twits family richer?
I think she was denied entry because she didn't charm the immigration officials sufficiently.
"Paris is very disappointed"
So are a lot of people who were waiting for her at Roppongi Hills.
why is this even in the news. Japanese immigration does it to everybody, regardless of their status, This is exactly how the govt machine is supposed to work. Good Job
Aaron Okoro
Why all the hating on Paris?? She is immensely popular in Japan, and from the looks of things most empty headed Japanese girls aspire to be some sort of Paris Hilton. With all the materialistic and superficial garb that Japanese girls prance around in, and minus the billion dollar hotel fortunate in the back drop. She fits right into the pretentiousness that is Japan!
"Because she uses it to get out of paying the price for committing crimes."
Why does it enrage you so when a young blonde woman gets probation after a conviction when all these other felons and bad hats go free? Go rail at some crooks on Wall Street. They do far more damage, have much more contempt for the little people of the world, and skate far more often.
Another thing that all the posters are missing. She did not complain. She did not protest a bit as far as I heard. She just left. That is not quite what I would call class, but it's something. Steve Jobs had one of entourage stopped at Narita last week for a shuriken and he raised a Huge STink about it (off the record). Paul McCartney had a lot to say too, years back. Paris just took it like a man. Well, OK!
"Why all the hating on Paris?"
Amazing, isn't it?
well there aint much to like as far as I can see so hate is all thats left LOL
That's what comes of being the public figure. Every act, institution around her do toward her will be highlighted. So they must do what's apropriate to the public.
I am disappointed in Japan!! She got caught and did her time in US. If US can move on so should Japan.
Still, all things said and done, J-land giving the boot to foreigners is indicative of age-old shimaguni-konjo thinking and isolationism. PH's presence here was just J-Land giving yet another foreigner the brush-off.
Fans LOL! Fans of her music? Maybe they actually like the stank perfume she bankrolled? I'm a fan of money, but she didn't create that, just born rolling in it.
Watch the door on your way out, pet.
bad ass paris ... she really a bad influence !!!
Andrew Decena
She'll be back, stowing away on a cruise ship.