Japan Today

Pimp arrested after sending 16-year-old girl to clients for prostitution


Police on Wednesday arrested a man for running a prostitution racket after he admitted sending a 16-year-old girl to a 38-year-old man for prostitution in March in Tokyo. Tomohiro Sato, 31, was arrested for allegedly introducing the 16-year-old girl to the man at a love hotel in Koto Ward in March.

According to police, Sato posted a message on an online dating website, pretending to be the girl. After he got a client, he sent the girl to the love hotel. Sato was quoted as saying: “I got 10,000 yen and the girl 20,000 yen. I have sent her to about 20 guys so far.”

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Wow, 20 guys at only 16

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Sick puke, I hate all pimps.

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she has probably been at it for ages. probably has multiple pimps and her own side thing going. the numbers probably rack up into the hundereds. now that is terrible.

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Rare to see a pimp give the girl more money than he gets.

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Let them survive, if jobless will create more problems for the society.

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"Let them survive, if jobless will create more problems for the society", are you serious about this? The girl is 16, she shouldn't be in need of a job. Plus Sato knew this in the first place. It is just simple exploitation, pure and simple.

Society needs to stamp out this kind of behaviour. Lowering peoples moral standards by allowing sex with minors is what will happen if this type of prostitution continues. The last thing we need is a further lowering of moral standards.

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Sad, where are the parents? If my 16 year old was sporting the latest fashion, LV handbags and such, I think I'd ask how she got the cash. That's quite a lot of money for a 16 year old 20K X 20, that's close to 4 Grand USD.

Also how good is sex with a 16 year old, the 38 year old must have the concept because she is young she is disease free as most Asian men think of young working girls. That is why child prositution is such a problem, especially in delveloping nations when young girls are forced into it.

As for this 16 year old girl I feel bad she lives in a society that feeds off of materialism.

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Western ideals of sex and modern ideals of sex are not necessarily the best way. These ideals keep changing, so it might be best if we don't enforce hypocritcal western ideals on everyone else. You are not respected nor the moral authority of the world.

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She was lucky to have a pimp. He was probably the only reason she didn't end up in pieces in a lake or flushed down a dunny. Also, she was doing voluntarily. It would be nice to believe we live in a society that would deter a young girl from this kind of activity, but unfortunately, we don't. This is only one girl. How many more are there? Just another nail in the coffin of Japanese society.

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I wonder what time this girl was arrested. I say this because if it was in the evening, what was a 16 yr old doing out at that time? Not trying to be old fashioned, but from recent events, there are a lot of loony people around here. Also, how can the parents not notice that their 16 yr old daughter probably has about an extra 400,000 yen to burn.

Western ideals of sex and modern ideals of sex are not necessarily the best way. These ideals keep changing, so it might be best if we don't enforce hypocritcal western ideals on everyone else. You are not respected nor the moral authority of the world.

willsmith, I am not too sure what you mean by this, but I can say this whether you are Western or Eastern, sex with a minor is not a good thing. Maybe 100 years ago, when life expectancy and living conditions were a bit differnent, it was necessary to start sex earlier, but I believe that was for procreation purposes, not recreation. This type of behaivor with a child is just plain sick. If he wanted young, then go with a 20 or 21 year old. And for the record, in America, we have been seeing an increase in these types of assaults among the recent immigrant populations from Latin America (Mexico, Guat. etc) where older men have sex with young girls. Part of the "peasant" machismo attitude, and also just their upbringing from cultures where a woman's role is to just be there to breed and take care of the house in some cases.

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Uh, williamsmith, it isn't western ideals in this case. It is JAPANESE LAWS AND BELIEFS! The west didn't force them to make these laws, nor did we make them enforce it. However, most of the free world has laws against, and moral convictions against these types of behaviors. But, you would like it to be legal to have sex with any girl so long as she has hit puberty, huh?

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This has been going on in Japan for some time now, right? And it's becoming more widespread these days. Think of all the cases that don't end up in the news.

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30000 for a 16 yr old is daylight robbery

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"Western ideals of sex and modern ideals of sex are not necessarily the best way. These ideals keep changing, so it might be best if we don't enforce hypocritcal western ideals on everyone else. You are not respected nor the moral authority of the world".

Will, say that to the average Japanese person and try defending that point of view. I'm sure the average mother or father in this will gladly give you a mouthful. Undoubtedly they will disagree with you. Parents are the same all over the world, they want the best for their children, not for people to push them into the gutter.

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I am coming from America, I am though surprise at how Japanese government look at these matters and how they dealt with them

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Sad thing. Young 16 year olds have no real idea or concept of what problems this willc ause them in the future. It is the adults responsisbility to not cross this boundary. You don't have to be from a western country to see the lack of reasoning/responsibility from scum like this.

"she has probably been at it for ages." What kind of comment is this? She's only 16 not 75. How pathetic some of these posting can get. Benefiting monetarily for the girl still does not mak eit okay when she will suffer mentally and who knows form what else as she ages. The males are the only ones benefiting here. Only because it has been part of culture for ages doesn't make it right. Tradition does not equal right.

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Sure... and you close your eyes to the reality. Who do you think is guilty of this?. Do you think is the pimp?, the girl?. The guilty are the parents who dont teach any moral value to this kids. The school?... In Japan schools only fill your brain with some knowledge and a lot of non-sense rules, but they dont say or do anything about for example their appearance, schoolboys looking like hairdressers and schoolgirls looking like whores, so do you think the schools in Japan teach any moral value, even if in your schools dont say the truth about war?. In western side ussually the religion in a way to teach moral values to the kids (i am not talking only about catholics), but in Japan... do you have a religion?, do you think go to a shrine in year's day and throw a coin could be called a religion?... does your religion (if you pretend to call it in that way) say anything about sex or about morality in sex?. The truth is these girls sell their bodies to buy useless luxury accesories because they want to feel they have anything that makes them woth in your society, because they feel they are worthless, their parents are working all day, after that drinking in bars or playing in pachinkos, but never at home to teach them to be responsable and take care of their bodies, do you think a girl who sell her body to buy any stupid accesory has self-stime?, probably she doesnt love herself because at home nobody gave her any atention and she needs something to validate her existence in a society where nobody cares about you and you have to find your equal's acceptation depending about what you have. I HAVE TO INSIST... THIS COUNTRY IS ILL BUT EVERYONE PRETEND TO LIVE INSIDE IN A BUBBLE BEHIND A TATTEMAE SMILE.

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30000 for a 16 yr old is daylight robbery

is it now? think about it, 16 year-olds are valued here, how many men do u think fantasize about sleeping with high school girls they see on the train with their skirts hiked up near their butt cheeks, tanned legs, etc. This is a hot commodity we're talking about.

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sounds like everyone got what they wanted and as stated the girl got the lion's share of the money. everybody happy. BTW, was he a cop that sent the girl out? any comments cleo?

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hmmm... and I thought the idea was that the commercial sex industry was on the decline...

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Pizzaboy.... Of course many people fatasize, and being totally honest i could include myself (because is not neccesary hypocricy, i am human too), but humans, we have something what makes the difference between animals and us, we can restrain ourselves, we could fantasize about that girls (because most of them looks like... you know) but we can stop our instincs, because we have conscience and a brain that can distinguish between what is allowed and what is not living in a society, there are moral parametres and it put a limit between what is a fantasie and whats is not morally acceptable, call it taboo, call it in any way. So is not about you fantazise and you neccesarily have to do it real, if this is your case i recomend you think very well because if you were your country one of this girls would be your sister or your daughter and i am sure you wouldn't like to know somebody want to have sex with her or pay her to do it, and by the other hand if you are in Japan be careful, nobody (including me) like chikan people in trains, so you could have a bad moment.

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paying for sex = bad, sex with minors =double bad

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I couldn't agree more with omarbabilon. We as humans have urges, but we can always restrain ourselves, and distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. My friend and I had a talk about today's world going through a moral degradation, I just think that its all about what morals are getting taught nowadays to the new generation. And having morals do not necessarily have to depend on having a religion. I know that first hand, because I myself am not a religious person, nor have ever been one. Yet I have receive enough information that guides me from the wrong things in the world. I can't understand how the chikans are able to lose all their inhibition and just start randomly touching girls on the trains (thankfully, I have never witnessed this, but damned if I haven't heard about it enough times). And if that's not bad enough, then sleeping with a minor... that is just unforgivable, esp if ur an old dude like the article above, because that's like banging your own daughter or worse, granddaughter.

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omarbabilon, yes religion often teaches morals. But, religion is also at the core of much of the world's strife. Middle east ring a bell? How about the crusades? Or the Spanish inquisition? These were caused by misguided beliefs in moral superiority in no small way by "religion". Japan does have morals and values. And yes, their religion is a real religion. Just because it doesn't involve a Bible or Quran or anything like that, doesn't degrade it to a non religion. It also does teach morals. It's just that, like religious people the world over, some of them don't actively practice religion. Come down off your high horse for a while and try living in the real world. It's not that bad of a place, really...

<strong>Moderator: Back on topic please.</strong>

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rtrhead1: At first you are talking about past, about a time when phylosophy was not enough developed, when western people didnt know how healthy was to take a shower, these are only two examples of the ignorance of the time that you are talking about. By the other hand i am not talking only about catholic religion. Finally you dont need to pratice a religion to have moral values, i didnt wanted to say that, but it helps. About japanese moral values i guess the most important are keeping tattemae and honne (in other words: never show your real mind or feelings if this bother the other people), if you pretend to say that abour japanese moral values... probably based on budism or taoist phylosophy..., do you think teachers say anything about this in schools?, i dont think so, because for me really impossible to believe that a teenager would open his or her eyes to listen about budism, even about any kind of phylosophy (because budism is NOT A RELIGION, IT'S PHYLOSOPHY, and japanese people say it many times) and by other hand about taoism... please we are talking about and animistic "religion", based on the believe that a mountain (FUJI) or a river, or animals have a soul, and this is a kind of primitive belief, just like american indians had, and i am sure too in schools teachers dont say anything about it too. As my wife ex-wife is japanese before when i went to the shrine with her and listen the monks praying, many times i asked her what are they saying or what kind of pray they said, and always she said "i dont understand, i dont know", and when i replied " so, what pray are you saying?", she said "i only say thaks for many good things and ask if i can have more in te future and to my family, and after that throw 25 yen coin. So i could notice if you go to a shrine and you dont understand what the monks are saying, how you can believe in something that you dont understand, and believe in what?, about requesting more material things?... I am not saying western religions are better or not, but please forget your japanese pride and accept, your society dont teach any kind of values, or maybe only about the money and all that you can buy with it, or probably about obey your boss at the company blindly without think about your family. The truth is young girls sell their bodies to buy useless luxury accesories because they want to feel they have anything that makes them woth in your society, because they feel they are worthless, their parents are working all day, after that drinking in bars or playing in pachinkos, but never at home to teach them to be responsable and take care of their bodies, do you think a girl who sell her body to buy any stupid accesory has self-stime?, probably she doesnt love herself because at home nobody gave her any atention and she needs something to validate her existence in a society where nobody cares about you and you have to find your equal's acceptation depending about what you have. And finally, this is a social phenomenon that you only can see in this country, or someone had seen enjo kosai practice in western countries or in South Korea?, for example. Think about it and accept your reality.

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omarbabilon: i KNOW it's morally wrong to sleep with high schools girls, at least in THIS society. In others, like in Africa, girls are married off when they reach puberty. My point was, that it's a lot harder to find sweet 16 year-olds to sleep with, the reason why they're a higher commodity. it's all about what the demand of the shopper is, and high school girls happen to be in HIGH DEMAND, whether you like it (and i suspect you do, since you admitted to it) or not.

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Hey, hey... pizzaboy, at first Africa have one of the lowest educational levels in the world, and i dont think is acceptable talk about a teenager as a "comodity", like if they were an accesory or something like that. Finally if i said fantasize, it was trying to agree some adult people could think a young lady would be sexy (it doesnt mean i am interested or i want to have sex with a teenager japanese or not). Actually i was teenager too and i had enough with girls at that age, so if you are interested in my sexual life, i could say i am happily married with a woman of my same age and we are emotional and sexualy mature, so i dont need in any way look for a young girl, as many people and maybe you do, because dont feel secure and confortable with and intelligent, and maybe more mature than you, woman.

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i dont think is acceptable talk about a teenager as a "comodity",

sigh again you miss the point. If a teenager decides to sell herself, then she is a commodity, whether or not you deem it "unacceptable."

Finally, if i said fantasize... "Of course many people fatasize, and being totally honest i could include myself..."

you did, there it is in black & white.

so if you are interested in my sexual life

not at all, you're the one who put it out there.

so i dont need in any way look for a young girl, as many people and maybe you do

nice try, don't try to turn the tables on me pal.

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1.- Of course is unnaceptable allow a teenager to do it, if they do is because there are people like you who think society can not do anything to tell them they should not for their own good. 2.- Fantasize as many people do, in a way that for example you do when you think someone will take you seriously in this forum (something that obviously will never happen). 3.- Surely it seems you dont have anything more to say here, because having a private discussion, not focusses in the main point.

OK, if you pretend to use my words against myself, i dont want to continue saying anything to continue a useless discussion with a girl like you. Now go to cry with your mom and copy and paste my words again.

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