Police have arrested three girls on suspicion of physically assaulting a 16-year-old girl. The suspects filmed the abuse and later posted it on YouTube.
According to police, the video posted on YouTube last December shows the victim being repeatedly hit in the face and kicked and punched in the stomach while the three perpetrators, aged 14, 17 and 19, continue to verbally insult her, Fuji TV reported.
The video was filmed in a park near Ikebukuro station in Tokyo’s Toshima Ward, where the group often used to hang out together, police said.
The 16-year-old suffered injuries that required two weeks of treatment to heal, Fuji TV reported.
The three assailants were quoted by police as saying that the assault was triggered by the 16-year-old girl becoming close to the boyfriend of the 14-year-old leader of the group.
© Japan Today
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Hopefully they get council in before they get into real trouble
I AM assuming that this is learned behaviour. But where did they learn it?
The 14 year old leader or 17 and 18 year olds!?
Some Japanese girls can be viciously insecure and jealous. I once went out with a 19 year old who called up and berated a shop assistant who she thought was smiling at me too much. Another time she threw a fit because the model on the cover of an insurance policy I had was beautiful.
Apart from arresting by police, has their school teacher noticed this troubles before?? If they had noticed in advance, we might have avoided her injuries. Also, we parents must care our children at home, more communication is necessary.
Richard Wood
Why say "Japanese girls"? "Some people can be".... would be a more fitting description as the Japanese female definitely doesn't have that description "cornered" in the market.
Danny Bloom
@Igloobuyer, that type of woman can be seen in all countries. In Taiwan they are dubbed in Chinese Chinglish words as "psycho xiao jie" ... miss psycho. I know that park in ikebukuro. Used to relax there and peoole watch on weekends.
I'm glad they were stupid enough to post it on YouTube and getting caught in the process.
You never read Lord of the Flies?
and girls in other countries are saints? puh-lease. please pop the bubble you are living in.
I kind of wish these stories were not reporting the "posting on social media" detail. Too many idiotic crimes posted and I want them to keep on posting never to know they were caught because they were so stupid. Keep on catching them!
I saw the original video when it was posted two months ago. I could not believe how stupid the perpetrators were to video and then UPLOAD the entire incident.
The actual abuse was not THAT bad despite the report - you will see far worse in a typical elementary boys' horseplay.
But the girl was surrounded at night and it must have been an extremely traumatic experience for her. I hope these dumb bimbos have the book thrown at them.
Vicious assault by girls! By the way anyone knows the name or actual location of this Ikebukuro park? I'm staying at Sunshine City Prince hotel and need to do some leg stretching. Thanks.
I hate thugs, but love it when they're this stupid.
"The suspects filmed the abuse and later posted it on YouTube. . . . The three assailants were quoted by police as saying that the assault was triggered by the 16-year-old girl becoming close to the boyfriend of the 14-year-old leader of the group." - article
So much for Shakespeare. Keep an eye on that 14-year-old leader. That's some heavy muscle enforcer over a sex beef.
Of course bullying happens everywhere, but it can be particularly vicious in Japan because of the group-oriented mindset here.
Here is the video that the girls posted (1:52): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHU0PHVR0Lg
Here is the News-24 report on the incident (1:04): http://www.news24.jp/articles/2016/02/15/07322443.html
@sensato. Thanks for the link. The brutality is pretty nasty. Hope the girls can be reformed but I won't hold me breath.
That video shows the typical Japanese mindset at work. It's pervasive everywhere, in the schools and in the corporate world. The culturally accepted need to belittle people, to demand apologies and "hansei" for perceived slights, and to gang up in numbers on the weak.
Not saying Japan has an exclusivity on stupid behaviour, but this is a definite show of Japanese cultural traits.
Some teenagers can be viciously insecure and jealous. I don't think Japanese girls have a corner on that particular market.
Stupid kids for thinking terrifying this girl in a park late at night would be the best way to solve the conflict. Stupid kids for uploading it to the web. Stupid kids for thinking their justification would make everything perfectly understandable. Stupid kids. I don't think they should go to jail for this, but they definitely need some serious sit-downs with professional counselors.
I'm glad the girl wasn't more seriously injured. When the boys engaging in this kind of terrorizing, it seems their victim has a good chance of ending up dead as a result, like the boy who was forced to wade out into a river and was pulled under by the current, or the boy who was forced to jump off of a bridge into 3 meters of water just last year. Forced by "friends."
I hope the victim in the video becomes a bit more discriminating in the kinds of "friends" she chooses to spend time with from now on.
Dan R K Sparkman
Insane in the brain. Follies of youth can be consequential!
Do it in the mud next time so to be sanctioned
nakanoguy01FEB. 17, 2016 - 09:39AM JST
My comment was obviously and intentionally anecdotal and I never said girls in other countries were any different. I don't profess to be any expert or anything. Is that okay?
@descendant You said "That video shows the typical Japanese mindset at work. It's pervasive everywhere, in the schools and in the corporate world. The culturally accepted need to belittle people, to demand apologies and "hansei" for perceived slights, and to gang up in numbers on the weak."
Little ridiculous to label that as the typical JAPANESE mindset. I say that's the mindset of a bully. If she was American you would see negative American traits in the video, as if she were French, Thai, or anywhere else. Bullying those weaker than you is pervasive EVERYWHERE.
Woow , 14 years old ring leader. What position she will assume when she is 20 ...!!!
Bartholomew Harte
A mere"Spat"compared to the girls in my high school! some girls put razor blades in their afros ,others packed "Brass Knucles"!-Ahhhh,,,,,The good old days!
Yunn Yuna
People should flag the video as child abuse, I already did.
Oh, c'mon JT! Where's the link to the video of these little punk girls playing out their manga fantasies of thuggery?
so in other countries, bullying is a solo act? no, it's done as a group, led by the shmuck named Moe who won't finish high school. all these "it only happens in japan" sentiments are ridiculous. bullying in the US is as vicious if not more vicious.
Hear hear nakano. I don't think the rest of the world is immune to bullying and its consequences on social media.
Would even say its more widespread in western countries than in Japan.
Why are people jumping on igloobuyer? His was a content in context about a report about the actions of some girls in Japan. What was he supposed to say, "Teenage girls in many parts of the world.."? Next you'll be calling him out to a small park in Ikebukuro. There seem to be a trend toward group bullying over quite minor things in many parts of the world. khulifi - running for election to the Diet (Japanese Diet) probably.
Simon Phillips
Webiste for things about Japan, not a website about the only good things in Japan...... when commenting on something that is happening in Japan do we always need to at the PC "It happens abroad as well"?
Haaa Nemui
It's a Japan based website about Japan and news from the rest of the world.
I can imagine the boyfriends of this "group".
Yep. Where I come from we call that "happy slapping" and it's been around for a while.
This sounds like 'happy slapping'. It happens with schoolgirls here in the UK too: they video an attack on a girl they don't like (or an elderly person - anyone who is an easy target) on their mobiles and post the vids to You Tube. It's pretty disgusting behaviour.
no your comment was obviously racist and j-bashing par usual. and you do profess to be an expert on how ugly and horrible japanese culture is. you single out Japanese girls because of one psycho gf you had? stereotyping a swath of society based on one incident is even low by your standards.
Richard Wood: "Why say "Japanese girls"?"
Because the article involves Japanese girls. I appreciate your attempt at being PC, but if it were about hot springs we'd want people talking about hot springs, not saying, "all baths", or if were about cats, we'd expect comments about cats, or about boyfriends, comments about boyfriends.
As for posing on social media, on the one hand it helped them get caught and avoid any shirking of responsibility. On the other hand, it emphasizes how utterly stupid they are to boot.
Derp Man
These three are stupider than my pet rock.
Wow the 14 year old had the much control over the 19 year old to have her help beat her bff!! Wow what mindset!
Derp Man
14 years old... has lackeys 4 to 5 years older than her... gets her to be up someone who did nothing... films it... 3 out of 4 in this story are pretty stupid .
Why does everyone rush to blame the teachers? Would you do this in a different country?
A 19 year old being led around by a 14 year old, something tells me that the 14 year old has a lot of other things in her past that she could be charged for, and that the 19 year old is well on her way to being a bigger loser in life.
I very much doubt teachers or even parents could have ever prevented this, Yukii. The girls did it in a park and even if they received counseling, I'm guessing these are bullies and no matter how many times you tell them that beating and picking in others is bad, they will still do it. Hopefully arresting them might teach them some manners, might.