Police in Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture, said Saturday they have arrested a 24-year-old man who tried to get a 9-year-old girl into his car.
Police identified the suspect as Takeshi Matsuzaki, a contract worker, and said he had been charged with attempted abduction of a minor, TV Asahi reported.
According to police, the girl was walking alone from her home to the school pool at around 8:15 a.m. on Friday. Police said that Matsuzaki was standing by his car with the door open. He approached the girl and touched her cheeks with his hands. She cried out and he then got into his car and drove off.
The girl hurried to the school and notified the principal who called police.
Police said the girl was able to give them a partial description of the car and its license plate and street surveillance camera footage led them to Matsuzaki.
Matsuzaki was quoted by police as saying he thought the girl was cute but denied any intent to harm the girl.
Police said a similar incident with another girl occurred last month nearby and they are questioning Matsuzaki about his involvement in that, TV Asahi reported.
© Japan Today
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This boy has to be taken off the street and kept locked otherwise expect bad news for these young girls.
To pay such a great attention you want to applaud this girl. Please be safe our children!
Reported or not, this stuff happens a lot here. I live out in the sticks, yet we get weirdos doing this stuff at least one a year along the route to my kids' school. My daughter met up with a weirdo just like this guy, offering her money to get in his car just last week. Thankfully, she got away.
1) Why would you not go to the police about that?
2) You do realize that anecdotal evidence does not a statistic make, right?
@Strangerland: The whole school was alerted and the teachers walked the kids home at the end of the day. I'm would think that the school reported it to the police. Of course, I'm aware that anecdotal evidence doesn't make a statistic, and I never said it did. But, we have had experiences with this type of crime in our area on a somewhat regular basis. I've never seen it reported in the media. Though not a statistic, it is rather compelling evidence that this type of crime is not uncommon and is unreported. Do you live your life by statistics gleaned from the way Japanese collect/report crimes? To some,ignorance is bliss, I suppose.
Readers, please focus your comments on the story and not at each other.
So, that's the girl in who was attacked by the 53-year-old man who attempted her kidnapping, the 14-year-old girl on that lonely road in Ichihara, she was bundled into the car but who got away because another car came down the narrow road; the 11-year-old elementary school girl from Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture who went missing for four(?) days, the 9 year old girl in Sapporo, the more recent 11 year old girl in Okayama and... Seriously. This is not good. I wonder if there's a website these sick people are using, like the dedicated sites to groping on trains, where men arrange to grope someone on a certain train; --there was an article about it not so long ago-- there seems to be some kind of 'organisation' behind these attempts are kidnapping girls.
I wonder the same thing, YongYang, about this being organised pedophillia. All I know is that Im watching my daughters closely. Freaks are everywhere, not just in Japan. They always have been, look at the historic cases in the UK, it is absolutely disgusting. Just have to educate and protect our children as best we can.
It is impressive that the 9 year old was able to give some good information about the incident that led to the man's arrest. Based on the description of the incident in the story, it seems that Matsuzaki was up to no good. I just wonder if there is enough about what happened to get him on the attempted child abduction charge. I hope there is better information that is not in this story about what happened. If he doesn't confess it might be hard to get a conviction since he apparently did not use force. But if there is any evidence that he tried to lure her into the car then they will get him.
Manga or Anime displaying sexual acts with underage girls. Is art imitating life or life imitating art?
Crush Them
When people say "Japan is safe" it is a short-cut in speech that one would think all English speaking adults would quickly recognize the complete meaning of. Guess not.
Of course the meaning is that "Japan is safer than most countries". But for some reason "safer" is clumsy and people just say "safe". Yes, even here in Japan, children, teens and adults are targeted for abduction for various reasons. The difference? Fewer attempts in Japan. Fewer successful abductions in Japan. And I cannot even remember the last time a child was abducted and brutally murdered in Japan like 5 year old Nathan O'Brian in Calgary in June.
Stuff happens every where. But Japan is still one of the safer countries of the world. Yes stuff still happens here. Only less often. Write it on a post-it-not and stick it on your computer screen, especially you people saying that Japan is not safe.
@Crush Them
Japan is "safer" because the average Japanese criminal seems to be quite ignorant or stupid. Why would you attempt the exact same crime right after that same crime got so much attention? There a certain websites and forums that have members who discuss particular crimes only. I would also argue it explains the lack of common sense on part of the average police officer. We tend to rise to the occasion. When you depend mostly on criminals turning themselves in or just being plain stupid, you have no real incentive to improve your police skills. Think about the amount additional training expected of police officers in other countries.
It seems like the parents and schools seem to be more on the ball than the keystone cops.
PS: Why all the thumbs down for my first post? No one here believes the Anime and Manga Pedo genre, which was exempted from the new kiddie porn law, is giving these criminals more confidence to attempt these abductions? I mean the other guy with modified room wanted to marry the 11 year!
This loon is very creepy, but he didn't really commit any crime. Unfortunately, you can't be charged with intent in Japan. He'll be back stalking teenage girls within the week.
Mirai Hayashi
They can mark and survey him though. And if any kidnapping or molestation crimes happen in the area, they now know exactly who to go to first.
Should the girl move away from her home town? What a pain.
YangYong, it's just the same sort of weirdos there's always been. I had a man try to get me in his car when I was 6 or 7, and that was a long time ago.
Mirai, they can but will they? I have my doubts based in how stalking is handled.
Crush, there was a girl a few years ago in Aichi kidnapped and killed. Killer still out there. There have been various kidnappings of university students. The Shimane killer is still out there. Just because you don't remember them doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
The media here does not cover all cases if kidnapping and strangers trying to pick up kids. Going by media reports and Japan's crime rate to state this country is "safe" is a joke. Ask any female over the age of 30 if she's ever been grouped or sexually assaulted and have your eyes opened. Japan is safe for men but not for kids or females.
Judging the safety or lack thereof by media reports is a joke.
I read the story carefully and did not see what particular crime was committed. This guys actions were creepy and a split second decision on his part could have turned the incident into a crime in an instant. The story may simply lack details on the case. But then again maybe that was all there is to it. It could be that they want to publicize this incident to deter would be abductors based on other recent incidents in the area. What the child did was great and school officials and the police have taken appropriate pre-emotive action in my opinion.
Japan is a relatively safe country. But there are significant problems with respect to women and children. For adult, law-abiding, non-elderly men living in Japan is an extremely safe place to live.
Cggn Kr
I'm tired if hearing such news in Japan! Please, parents take care of our small girls...out from those bastards on the streets!
Police said the girl was able to give them a partial description of the car and its license plate and street surveillance camera footage led them to Matsuzaki.
This girl was keen, Isn't it nice surveillance camera footage led them to Matsuzaki?.
Attempted kidnap? abduction? Attempted ..... many things will be added when he will be prosecuted.
Michael Craig
I am so sick to DEATH of people condemning Cool Japan and Manta and Anime for these kidnappings!!
The LDP PASSED the revision of the child porn law to criminalize possession to protect REAL kids!
Anime and Manga kids AREN'T real kids!!
The LDP and other parties used common sense!!
Cortes Elijah
So many sick pedos here. See the link guys? School girls. The school girl uniform here is sexualized so much... Hello a school girl uniform is what underaged girls wear. So how is it legal to dress up in it for sex acts and hentai porn! The person that gets turned on by a school uniform when shown sexually should be put on the watch list.
This guy was most likely an AKB fan, a comic book reader. He saw this innocent girl but due to the publicity of sexual content using school girl uniforms here; was deluded into sexual thoughts about her.
They really need to stop associating uniforms with sex.
Um, because it's the age of the person wearing the uniform that matters, not the uniform.
Ridiculous. Thought police anyone?
Going to Jail for touching the cheeks of a girl. Hahahaha
If you have young kids please, at the very least, make sure they walk to and from school in large groups. Also, just last night my wife was bemoaning how in the school holidays here, many 8,9,10 year old kids are left to fend for themselves and hang out at the park all day, until their parents come home from work. Not a good situation.
Michael Net Work
Japanese guys love cute and young. The cuter the better and the younger the better. I like my women around my age. Call me old fashioned, but that's how I was brought up to think.