Japan Today

Police capt in organized crime unit warned for accepting fridge from gangster


A 59-year-old captain in Kanagawa Prefectural Police's Organized Crime Control Division received a verbal warning in 2007 for accepting a refrigerator from a top member of an organized crime group, it was learned on Tuesday.

The captain was a key figure in the investigation of a former member of the Yamaguchi-gumi crime group who shot an officer that was attempting to search a house in Yokohama City in September 2007.

A task force was set up and the captain mentioned to an acquaintance that their office in Kanagawa Police Station didn't have a refrigerator, and one was supplied by a member of the Inagawakai crime group. Officers used the refrigerator and the supplier came to light when the investigation finished and the refrigerator was to be returned.

The captain was also cautioned for sexual harassment in 2007, and is currently under investigation for attending a gym during work hours.

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Can his arse. What the hell is he still doing with a job?

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"Police capt in organized crime unit warned for accepting fridge from gangster"

Ok eveyone todays exercise is to circle the odd word out in the above headline. That's right everyone.....its warned isn't it?

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The captain was also cautioned for sexual harassment in 2007, and is currently under investigation for attending a gym during work hours.

Fire him

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I got to say it...I just can't hold back....it's at the tip of my tongue....oh oh, here it comes......Ahhhhhh! I cant help it! "Keystones at thier best!" I feel much better now. LOL

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Wait, this happened in 2007 and we're just learning about it now? What took so long?

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The bribes I read about always amaze me.

Some public official looks the other way for 10, or 20,000 usDollars. Like risking imprisonment, loss of job and respect for that much? I mean I&m all for selling your soul, but not cheaply. A refrigerator?

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is currently under investigation for attending a gym during work hours.

That charge aint gonna stick - there is no-one who would believe a Keystone Cop would be using a gym! Or maybe he was going to set up cameras in the locker rooms LOL

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"Warned" and "cautioned". Now that will definitely put this captain's capers on ice.

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Er, Inagawa-sensei, my microwave is on its last legs. Can you give me a hand?

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Next time he should ask for toaster.

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So, was the fridge on loan for period of the investigation? Doesn't sound like a great bribe to me. I can only imagine it was a modern day Trojan Horse, perhaps with a little bloke inside taking notes on elicit koban activities.

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On second thought, if he only got a warning for a fridge, next time he should ask for something more expensive.

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Why its in 2010 news?

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Thanks for the laugh JT!

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Idiots all round in the J-"justice" system, clearly simple firing & up on appropriate charges, but no, a warning what a joke!

Boy I wonder what kind of yakuza gifts they cud find at the head & regional cop shops probably filled with goodies, this whole country is owned by the yakuza & beaurocrates, but their time at the top is sinking the ship known as Jpn bigtime these days, we had better all have our life rafts handy!!

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kazan, that's because of the very snail-paced wheels of japanese corrupted justice. No surprises here!

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I'm laughing too hard to read the full article. The headline says it all.

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And...what was inside the fridge? Any envelopes??

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Ah yes, the cops and yakuza in cahoots! No surprises here. Just imagine what goes on that nobody else ever hears about.

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How many cops are yakuza members? At least one Captain so it seems...

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"Koban" is a patrol office... a small scale thing you see on the street corner. "Keimusho" or "kaisatsu sho" is the larger scale things that would have housed an "investigation office". Just in case you needed a lesson in Japanese.

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i'm warning you! if you dont clean up your act, you'll expose all of us! cover your tracks, at once!

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A refridgerator? Seriously?

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Accepting appliances from gangsters! It would be horrible if it weren't so hilarious. This 'captain' should be canned already!!

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He's lucky to get away with just accepting a fridge. I was often told that 'gift-giving' by members of organised crime syndicates to various high-ranking police is quite normal. It always has been in just about every prefecture. And they are gifts (usually cars or holidays) because gifts of the financial kind arouse suspicion straight away and the transaction is traceable. It has, and always will be, a normal custom in Japan.

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More sloppy reporting, and I don't know who to blame. The article is attributed only to "news reports". In this article, the only timely item that makes the 2007 incident relevant to 2010 is the fact that "it was learned" just recently. Who learned about it? How did the details come to light? What is the captain's NAME? I can't even believe this is real news.

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Seems okay to me. He was investigating the Yamaguchi-gumi and the fridge was from the Inagawakai. Sort of encouraging the good captain to 'do his best' when it came to nailing the Yamaguchi-gumi. The article doesn't say the Yamaguchi thugs were shaking in their boots, so I assume the bribe...er gift wasn't effective.

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The case is getting cold already...

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KSB1978 - Thank-you for imparting your wisdom - in case we needed a Japanese lesson. Please don't take yourself too seriously in the context of what is clearly a silly article.

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This AND sexual assault, and the guy is still a police captain. That just about sums up the Japanese police force and mentality in a nutshell.

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The captain was also cautioned for sexual harassment in 2007, and is currently under investigation for attending a gym during work hours.

Let's wait for the japan apologists backing up this sort of corrupted dirty behavior. "Ahh, that's just one captain, only one!..The J-Cops are honest and decent, they'd never do such thing!" Yeah right! LOL

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The Keystones on the whole, are not that bad. The real issue is the entrenched mentality of usually older cops who've been let off their collars for too long. Needless to say we need them but they also need supervision and criticism. With the permeating judo/kendo culture of the force and the same OB network you're either in it or out of it. Many graduate cops, usually not a part of the same culture, throw in the badge after a year or two and move on.

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It would seems the yakuza are a heck of a lot smarter than the j-cops. I'd reckon the j-cops are more dangerous for the average joe due to their incompetence as well, whereas the yakuza are only dangerous to other criminals.

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4 years of kendo, ni-dan already..dang I guess I should've give it a shot and become a keystone, I mean cop. lol

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I agree with wontond. I live in a yakuza-heavy city, and aside from their noisy motorcycles, they don't cause trouble. The police, on the other hand, are just as corrupt as this captain. It's ridiculous.

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kazan: You jest of course. Anyone that for a half second believes the collective garbage that is yakuza don't cause 'trouble' must have a naivety the size of a barn. They cause plenty of 'trouble'

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Baibaikin- Don't worry. I was just bored. but I do like people to learn and use the proper nuances of Japanese. Although I doubt many of you will get your head around it all.

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KSB1978: "Keimusho" or "kaisatsu sho" is the larger scale things that would have housed an "investigation office". Just in case you needed a lesson in Japanese.

"keimusho" is a prison, not an investigation office.

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A Gangster gave him a FRIDGE .......LMAO

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What till they hear about the nabe cooker!

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