Japan Today

Police crack down on bar, adult establishment touts during year-end


Police in Tokyo have stepped up patrols in popular nightlife areas such as Shibuya, Shinjuku and Roppongi in an effort to reduce the presence of touts who stand outside shops or on corners and attempt to lure customers to their establishments with promises of cute waitresses, cheap drinks and other attractions.

Police said adult establishments like massage parlors, bars and karaoke joints will be prohibited from pulling in customers during December and early January.

TBS reported that on Wednesday night, police officers and local citizens went around to adult establishments and warned them not to pressure passersby.

Police said there have been a number of complaints from citizens complaining about touts who pressure them into visiting bars, and then demand exorbitant prices for the services rendered.

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How about extending it throughout the year?

26 ( +27 / -2 )

Only during December and early January .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Yeah, I'm with the other poster's comments. Why only those specific two months? They should also be cracking down on those punk scalpers that chase girls down the street trying to coax them into working in their sleeze bars. All these touts are an annoyance! They block the footpath and are usually smoking in front of the station as well.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

If the touts are doing something illegal why is the law only being enforced selectively I find it strange that there are also thousands of 'Taiwanese' offering 3000 yen massages. Exactly what are the Japanese police doing?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Why not all the time?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Well, I would like to be positive about this. But after every crackdown, nothing seems to change, Really wish they'd just deport them.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Of course it's only during December and January; these are the cold months the touts would prefer not to be outside in the rain, snow, wind, and cold. The police are offering them an excuse for not freezing their buns off. I'm sure the police are appropriately thanked.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Permanently BOOT the nigerians!

20 ( +23 / -3 )

Your voices have been heard!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

sillygirl Dec. 05, 2014 - 07:49AM JST

Why not all the time?

I'm guessing it isn't illegal because if it were the authorities would have arrested some of the most flagrant individuals and prosecute them and send the message that way. They can get away with it because the vast majority of citizens actually approve of the police efforts to clap down on the practice and as long as the police use appropriate, selective targeting then people think shoganai, these guys deserve it. They might even charge some of the offenders with some vague ordnance like disturbing the peace.

Now why isn't the National Police Agency able to get legislation passed to limit these activities, well that would require politicians to act, and more importantly against their political contributors who have a louder voice due to their wallet size than the citizens who elect them. So instead, police go around and pull products off the shelves, harass certain groups when the citizens just can't take it anymore, will tear through the companies paperwork to make sure they are squeaky clean and if not, arrest them for that instead. And this is exactly why those "dangerous herbs" aren't made illegal because of pressure from the pharmaceutical lobby who fear that if legislation is drawn up, police again, will extend their reach and target something of value to them in the future!

Some say it's dangerous to allow the police to act outside the legal boundaries as individual rights will be stepped on but the majority of Japanese see it differently. First of all if you are a nuisance in their minds, and offend others then you get what you deserve and they just want to see an end to such activities and if the politicians can't legislate it, then let the police take care of it their own way, the yakuza stated out doing just this. Japan is about harmony and for that to exists some will have to, what's the word they are looking for, set-aside their individual rights for the sake of society. From the Japanese mindset, Shoganai, NOT my own personal perspective),

If you have an eye-sore, cover it up because no-one wants to see it.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

They should start by tracking down the touts that bring you to bars that drug you.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Good post Mr. Perfect. I also wonder what the legal framework of this is? I know that some municipalities in Japan have introduced local ordinances to cover up the cracks in national laws, but I don't understand why Tokyo hasn't moved to enforce the laws it already has on its books.

Speaking more broadly, the dinosaur that is policing in Japan is unfortunately very much set in its ways. Thus we have certain rites of passage that are pursued every year with much gusto (spring and autumn road safety campaigns), and other factors about which there is a certain degree of denial (the tout problem in places like Roppongi and Kabukicho). That being said, however, the folks in power have traditionally had these clean ups of the entertainment districts around this time of year. There will also be the annual "crackdown" on bosozoku around New Year's eve. This will be followed by the great theatrics of the building safety inspections that happen in Kabukicho early in the new year.

For better or worse, the more that changes, the more Japan stays the same.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Reminds me of 42st & 8, in the bad old days. Zoot suit, trying to get me to see a grandmother naked. If I am Looking for women, I will find them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The vicious circle continues.....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

A bit surprised to see so many posters who prefer their nightlife over-sanitized, over-regulated and all but lifeless. The touts in these areas, which I frequent, are an integral part of the experience, for they bring an energy and humanity hard to find elsewhere. I enjoy talking and getting to know these guys, their stories and histories and thoughts on their jobs. Learn some street smarts and how best to handle the bad apples, and enjoy the diversity, energy and color they add to this city.

-12 ( +9 / -21 )

What about the touts who stand in the middle of Center gai, Shibuya and drag people into their shops. I have seen them grab unwilling buyers by their hands and pull them into their shops?

I think most posters are not bothered by these guys because they never target the foreign crowd, their targets the 'mild, intimidated by scary foreigners 'crowd.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

TBH I don't think they're too bad. I live in Ropz and the people most annoyed with touts are those that are weak and get sucked in. Stick to Ikebukuro or Chiba if it's too much

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Police crack down on bar, adult establishment touts during year-end

Even the ones in Santa and Reindeer outfits?

That would be akin to continuing the WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!!!

What would baby Jeebus say?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

TBH I don't think they're too bad. I live in Ropz and the people most annoyed with touts are those that are weak and get sucked in. Stick to Ikebukuro or Chiba if it's too much.

I walk down a street full of these guys almost everyday in Osaka. No problem. I also enjoy the view when I walk past the girls outside the station.

Even gaijin know about these guys (and gals). Anyone dumb enough to get ripped off, will.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Interesting article in the Japan Times today in which Gregory Clark was approached by touts who were super aggressive. Clark then went to the police station and the police returned with Clark after which they did ...nothing.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Michael J Cassidy wrote:

Reminds me of 42st & 8, in the bad old days. Zoot suit, ....

What are you, a hundred years old?

I'm with ReformedBasher above. Dig seeing the cutie girls standing outside their bars and whatever joints.

I say pull the stinky loser guy touts off the walks and let them keep the honeys out and about. Merry Christmas.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

In brief—the pimps will be less visible for a few short weeks. Wait until 2020 when they’ll be temporarily rehabilitated as spikey-haired crossing guards for the duration of the Olympics. I know they and the women they’re exploiting are all down on their luck, have nots in a society dedicated only to catering to the haves, but this entire (yakuza-controlled) industry needs to be crushed. God knows the unemployment rate would double.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Interesting article in the Japan Times today in which Gregory Clark was approached by touts who were super aggressive. Clark then went to the police station and the police returned with Clark after which they did ...nothing.

Ah, yes, "Kick out the touts who rule Roppongi"


This guy has issues.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

It's not just the 'big three' (Shibuya, Shinjuku & Roppongi). These low-lives are at almost every big station, relentlessly approaching young girls. It's borderline sexual harassment - yet the police just let them carry on. How about they start patrolling these areas, instead of hunting for unregistered bicycles!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Let me guess this has something to do with the recent US embassy warning about drink spiking. I bet they ripped off the wrong person ie. embassy official and now the police need to show they are actually doing something? Nothing to see here, carry on...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

According to a link provided above,

touting is not a legal offense, police were quoted. All they could do was reprimand the offender and tell him to behave better in the future. The police were also quoted as saying there was nothing they could do to prevent those people from saying whatever they liked to passers-by, provided they did not block their way.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Let me guess this has something to do with the recent US embassy warning about drink spiking.

Probably not. The US embassy has put out these warnings for years, and has had a notice on their site for years, and the Japanese police haven't done anything about it. The incentive for this is coming from somewhere else.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Sighclops the police just let them carry on. How about they start patrolling these areas, instead of hunting for unregistered bicycles!

!!!!!!!!!! Bicycles don't talk back

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I can imagine similar measures being taken for Tokyo 2020. Why only 2 months? " Ok, for these 2 months leave people alone. After that, dozooo!"

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Nice to see the Japanese police doing something useful for once. They could take the matter further of course

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

"A bit surprised to see so many posters who prefer their nightlife over-sanitized, over-regulated and all but lifeless. The touts in these areas, which I frequent, are an integral part of the experience, for they bring an energy and humanity hard to find elsewhere. I enjoy talking and getting to know these guys, their stories and histories and thoughts on their jobs. Learn some street smarts and how best to handle the bad apples, and enjoy the diversity, energy and color they add to this city."

Yeah nice comment ! On my way to go hug a tree now.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

that's all good but what about areas like in Ueno where many Nigereans lately have been grabbing girls by the arms and then trying to get them to go to the bars for work or other areas where the guys with huge cameras soliciting the young girls for photos that eventually lead to other things. happens a lot

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Lets see how they deal with the big, aggressive Nigerians in Roppongi. I am not holding my breath.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Why Willie. do you think size and color matters? What century are you from? The Japanese police will be more that capable of handling an offender no matter there size or color, because they are trained to do so.

I am with everyone else, I hand't been to Roppongi for a long, long time, maybe 10 years, when someone suggested we go to a bar for OTS, well, it was awful. Literally every fourth step it was, 'Hey... ' I just kept saying I was going to church and that their mother's would be ashamed of them. But, yes. Clear the streets of the nuisance.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

WilliBDec. 05, 2014 - 05:47PM JST Lets see how they deal with the big, aggressive Nigerians in Roppongi.

Took the words out of my mouth lol . Fact is Japanese Police lack the Police Intelligence and Tactics that UK is quite good at. I remember standing at a bust stop with my brother and his wife in Kamiyacho waiting for the bus when 2 Police constables approached started asking us questions then getting on their radio, few minutes later a wave of Men in Police uniform was pouring in. We couldn't believe it. After getting a translator from the embassy to verify our identity we found out from him that there was a robbery in Toranomon Mizuho bank done some by some Pakistani guys. Seriously these guys are taking the P I S S aren't they? Imean why would anyone in their right mind rob a bank and catch the bus? LOL

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Where I live, campaign cars and trucks touting politicians are far more offensive than men or women inviting me into their bars.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Yes, Please do it. Not only Nigerian or African but I saw few Chinese touts as well. I felt personaly, Japanese touts are good, first time its a communication problem but later it will be all morse code communication. Again I say adult establishment in Tokyo are more safe compare to in UK and US.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The Japanese police will be more that capable of handling an offender no matter there size or color, because they are trained to do so.

They do have an outstanding reputation of ability to rapidly responding to incidents to make up for the lack of tactics and intelligence though. I've seen Roppongi avenue swarming with Police in minutes in the early hours of a Sunday morning. They do really well in Big numbers I guess that's what keeps the streets safe aye.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Speaking as one who recently posted about being physically accosted by one of these guys in Kabukicho, I'm glad to hear they're doing SOMETHING, but I'm disheartened that they're only going to crack-down on it for a couple of months.

That said, having touts in and of itself should NOT be illegal. Where the legality should come into play is when the touts get threatening or otherwise aggressive. THAT'S what the police need to be cracking down on. One night while walking around, I happened by the Kabukicho police station. There were at least 10 officers standing outside the building looking bored. Perhaps if they had been actually patrolling the streets, the touts would have been less aggressive?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Why pick on these people who are working here legally and trying to make a living? They are not too pushy and anyone who ends up being drugged in one of their bars only has themselves to blame. Leave them alone, I say.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Original link to the TBS story which JT got this from.


The story basically states that touting usually is at peak during "Bounenkai" season which is in December. (no mention of it in January). The link also states the particular ordinance 客引き行為等の防止に関する条例 which was enacted December 1st in Shibuya's Center-gai.

These particular ordinances were passed in different areas all over Japan but majority don't have 'penalties' so the best the law enforcement agency can do is to warn the touters.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Why not all the time? Ma Ny posters ask.... Simple to much work for the j-cops

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Why pick on these people who are working here legally and trying to make a living? They are not too pushy and anyone who ends up being drugged in one of their bars only has themselves to blame. Leave them alone, I say

Blaming the victim? Seriously?

0 ( +1 / -1 )


They are not too pushy

Are you trying to be funny? If so, you need to REALLY work on your comedy act because it sucks. Here's a summary of what I encountered a month or so ago:

(me: walking back to my hotel in Kabukicho)

tout (falling in-step with me): "Hey man you need to come into my club. We have what you need."

me: "No thanks."

tout (grabs my right arm, stopping my progress down the street): "Hey, why don't you want to come to my club?

me (staring at his hand on my arm): "Let go of my arm."

tout: "I asked you a question. Why don't you want to come to my club?"

me: "Let. Go. Of. My. Arm!"

(tout uses the leverage of his hold on my arm to swing around in front of the direction I had been traveling. He then releases the arm.)

tout: "So answer me, why won't you give my club a chance?"

I move to step around him while answering, "Because I don't want to go to your club."

The tout moves to block my way again while saying, "That's not a reason. WHY don't you want to go to my club?"

I sigh, then pull out my phone. "Is it going to take the police to resolve this? Right now you're illegally preventing me from using a public sidewalk so I guess we need the police to resolve this."

tout: "Police? Why would you want to call the police?"

Second tout who had been watching all this tells the first to never mind and leave me alone. The first tout rejoins the second tout at their post alongside the sidewalk. I continue on to my hotel.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Someone hasn't been paying their dues to the Yakuza.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"Crack down"?! Probably more like a few oyaji-ish 'Shoganeee naaa, we have been told to go out on the streets and show the public that we exist."

"*Eeeeeeh?!?!?, mendokuseeeeee naa!!"

"Maa, shoganai ne..."

I suspect this has all to to with the fact that it's bonenkai-season. Already more drunk people out than usual on weekdays. Wouldn't want them to spend thair monies in 'services' when then need to spend their cash on stuff!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Police crack down on bar, adult establishment touts during year-end

Like to see them put half as much effort into getting bozozoku off the streets who are flagrantly break every law they can think of, driving without licenses in most cases, racking-up an obscene number of traffic violations and last but most importantly, putting peoples live at risk by their eradicate driving and frequent attacks on innocent motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians.

But nah, the authorities have bigger fish to fry!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Mr. Perfect:

" But nah, the authorities have bigger fish to fry! "

Yes! They have to keep a lid on the rampant rididing of bicycles without a proper headlight. Didn´t you know that?

0 ( +1 / -1 )


From what I read the reason the tout was so agressive was, he was getting on the job training from the first tout. These guys recruit people to work for them the tout that was watching basically was his supervisor these guys feed off one another. They get paid based on who they get to scam in the clubs. I did lmao when you said he grabbed your arm and you pulled out your cell phone though!!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Well…it's about time!!! Although, I would also like this "man-up" step by the law done at all given times of the day as well.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

MMM... Just thinking about all that money people get from their end of year bonuses makes me smirk. Makes me want to go work in tokyo and wait for the unsuspecting drunk guy to walk by so I can sweet talk him into blowing his entire bonus on untaxable services... Hundreds and hundreds of drunk easy targets... Give me your monies.... HAHAHA JUST KIDDING!!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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