Police in Saga City, Saga Prefecture, have arrested a 30-year-old man on suspicion of stealing teenage girls’ clothing, including underwear and swimsuits.
According to police, Takahiro Kubo, an electrician, attempted to steal a swimsuit which was drying on a clothesline outside a house at around 10 a.m. on March 10, Fuji TV reported. Police said a resident inside the home spotted Kubo and used his smartphone to film him but Kubo left without taking the swimsuit.
Police identified Kubo, who lives in Ogi City in the prefecture, through the smartphone camera footage and arrested him on April 6 after they found 424 items of teenage girls’ underwear and swimsuits at Kubo’s house.
Police said Kubo has admitted to stealing the items.
© Japan Today
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This is just taking one's fetishes too far. But at least it's not as worse as that guy who collected bicycle seats or that guy who steals tennis rackets for the smell of sweat. I wish I could ask a Japanese sociologist why fetish addiction is quite hardcore among some Japanese.
wayan Ubud
too many knickers sniffers on the loose. not a good sign.
Could sell them and make a pretty penny
Have you read stories of women doing this? Stealing men underwear for sexual pleasure? No
Do you read stories of women trying to record men in the bathroom for sexual pleasure? No
FanOnly sites, majority women making money off of men customers. Men working 10+ hours, hard work then give money away for some female attention and companionship.
Feminist never talk about the advantages women have over men. Life so unfair for them. Making easy money off of dumb men paying for everything. Dates, gifts, travel, jewelry, treat them like a princess and they still complain=feminist 2021.
Have you read stories of women doing this? Stealing men underwear for sexual pleasure? No
Do you read stories of women trying to record men in the bathroom for sexual pleasure? No
Could be because men/women fantasize sexual pleasures in a completely different manner, environment.
Not comparable.
The Venus and Mars factor?
It appears that Takahiro Kubo is unable to control an overwhelming desire, a fetish if you will, to acquire/steal women’s swim suits and underwear.
I don’t think locking him up is the answer, counselling combined with electronic tagging.
I think the underwear collectors are just weird! They need professional help and need to be taken off the streets.
I can understand used unwashed underwear fetish, but washed? My local ¥100 shop has a wide selection, all clean and brand spanking new.
Jonathan Prin
Those poor guys never learned how to get attention from women and/or don't have time...
Go out, exchange with females, sniff the stuff of your current partner, then get another one if need be. Done.
Indeed smell is not labeled as a sense for love attraction but it is naturally one, quite strong for some men.
I assume because Japanese are so clean that the scent even psychologically created has more pressure on the brain of those specific pervs.
Then male do it and not female because male are naturally active for sex reproduction, not the opposite way around except in very rare cases I imagine.
One remark : how could police enter his place if they had as evidence just a video showing no stealing ? Maybe they had previous clues but that needs written explanations.
Hardly; sexuality is different between the genders. Howevers, in the this new woke world, where gender is supposed to be fluid, you might start reading articles about this that try to avoid mention the DNA.
Police found 424 items of teenage girls’ underwear and swimsuits at Kubo’s house.
Robert pearce
With the up and coming age of "robot women" looking after men the way they want to.
There be a 99% reduction in this behavior.
Just a thought...police training 101. How to determine the difference between underwear of “teenage girls” and over 20 yrs old underwear...
We have been offered money for ours, and you can really get them to pay quite a bit. Enough to buy several new ones.
Do the hustle
This is not a fetish. It is an illness!
englisc aspyrgend
Another sad and weird!
Psychologically, I can join the dots on someone seeking worn items, which have always been sold to fetishists. Some platforms ban such sales, but I can't really understand why they would. It seems excessively prudish. It evens up the economic imbalance of the gender divide a bit (and might stop a few thefts).
But why would someone pinch freshly laundered items? Presumably for a different buzz. Is there a sharp divide amongst fetishists? Does each group look down upon the other, or is there some empathy there?
Either way, not nice to steal. Do the decent thing and pay for your second hand clothes, laundered or not.
Get him some treatment, probably some head screws are loose , or too much voltage got them fried.
Not read but a female stalker I had 10 odd years ago was stealing my underwear and shirts out of my house while i was at work and also doing other things on my bed. She only got caught by nanny cam.
Much easier to just order from Amazon.
Time to bring back the used panties vending machines ;-)
Well he's stealing teenage girls clothes, Weird but better he takes their clothes then takes / kidnaps the girls ....