Police officers on Sunday handed out leaflets to passersby and residents along a roadside in Togane, Chiba Prefecture, where a 5-year-old girl was found naked and dead on Sept 22. Police are trying to track the last 30 minutes of Yukimaro Narita, who left a hospital where her mother was working around 12 noon, and was not seen again until her body was found on the street about 300 meters from the hospital.
The leaflets show photos of Yukimaro and the clothes she was wearing when she was last seen. Her shoes and clothes were found near the roadside later.
The crime scene is located in front of a park in a residential area. The park was deserted for most of the weekend with many residents saying they didn't want to let their children play there until the killer is caught.
© Japan Today
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Sad and tragic for the girl.
What are the Japanese police doing? How hard is it to track 30 minutes of someone gone missing. Handing out leaflets? It's a bit late for that, don't they think someone would have come forward by now if they saw something. Also the poor girl was dumped in a residential are for god sake! It's almost like the sick idiot that took this poor girl is mocking the police for their incompetence.
It makes me sick with worry and sicker for the poor mother that lost her angel.
Usually, when the police start handing out leaflets, that's a sign that they have no clues.
My bet is that the killer is someone who lives along that street and not a pedophile who just happened to be driving by right at that exact minute.
As long as the guy is not turning himself in, they will have hard time finding him.
If someone known anything, I think she would have already spoken.
I sincerely hope they catch this animal and quickly before he/she takes another kid. The cops handing out leaflets is a good idea, but not a good sign of having any suspects.And, why weren't they handing them out last week?
Grasping at straws here. Handing out leaflets is usually a sign that the local cops have hit the wall in terms of clues.
The same kinds of things they always do... Some-how handing out bicycle parking tickets and stopping bicycle riders and checking their registration is making the city safer...
I don't necessarily think JN cops are stupid... But their leadership definitely lack common-sense...
It's absolutely tragic, what happened to this little angel, unless someone turns them self's in or someone ID's them, this case isn't going to get solved, at least they won't get the real killer...
I'm sure after a while they'll pick some homeless guy up and coerce him into confessing....
smartacus - that means they must still have lots of ideas for Hawker's killer then!
So where's the poster? Couldn't JT get a copy to post with the story?
I hope they get the right man or woman for this crime !!!! I hope it is not a foreigner !!!!!
yea, unless the dude turns himself in, the cops ain't got a clue. Perhaps that is the reason for pasing out the flyers. If he does live in the neighborhood, then perhaps a bit of covert social guilt will persuade the guy to give himself up. If he deosn't live in the area, OR if he's a psychopath not prone to surrending unannounced to the local police box, well.
Pretty safe to say that this one got away with murder.
Tsotomo Miyazaki killed 4 little girls before he was caught, not by the cops but by the father of another little girl he was about to molest. Lets hope someone grabs this guy before he get another one.
what took soooo long to get the flyers out????? as other posters said, they must be at a dead-end. so sad for her family.
Why is taking so long to nab this unvorthy human being? Instead of distributing leaflets cops should look for the fact from crime scene and investigate the way modern technology is directing. Are TV stations giving any assistance to participate into this issue? Action should be now in full swing before repeat tragedy occur again.
making posters and handing out leaflets - the j cop specialty
wait... the girl is dead. why are they passing out photos of the girl and her clothes!? Can anyone recall what a child was wearing that you saw today? Not helpful at all.
What would be a good business is bounty hunting in Japan. surely if someone offered a lot of money, someone would snitch on the murderer.
The mother was working at a hospital and just let her 5year old walk off alone from the hospital.
What the hell kind of mothers are in this country, there is no way would I let my 5year old just walk off.
Where was she going, did she leave alone, we see programs on T.V letting small children being asked by thier parents to go to the shop, down busy roads to buy something for the family.(What is that telling people to do)
Are Parents in this country completly stupid (And as stupid as the Jcops) why don`t the parents make a sign.
Do you people really understand how society is changing, there are many people in society on medication, and fail to take it and are ticking time bombs, how many young ones do we need to scarifice.