A three-month reign of creepiness came to an end in the city of Fukuoka on Sept 29 with the arrest of Sergeant Takashi Atsuchi of the Fukuoka Prefectural Police. The suspect currently faces charges of burglary.
While we often associate burglary with stealing something, the legal definition often includes other crimes committed during unlawful entry as well. For example, going into a women’s restroom without permission and then clogging a toilet to the point that it is unusable can fall under the legal definition of burglary.
That’s just what Atsuchi had allegedly been doing at a Lawson convenience store in the Hirao area of the city’s Chuo Ward since July of this year. Staff at the store cited six different incidents of the ladies’ room toilet getting clogged, two of which required professional plumbers to fix.
An investigation revealed that toilet paper had been used to cause the clogs.
And each time the same suspicious-looking man was witnessed lurking around the restrooms. Also, when women came out complaining that the toilet was stopped up, the same man could be seen leering into the store from the parking lot outside.
It happened enough times for staff to remember the man’s appearance and license plate number, so when he returned at 9:40 am on Sept 27 and ducked into the women’s restroom, they immediately called the police to sweep in and make the arrest.
It was then that the suspect was discovered to be a police sergeant with the Community Safety Division. According to police, the 47-year-old police officer admitted to the charges saying, “I was interested in women’s toilets. I wanted to go in and see.”
It was bizarre enough of an exploit that it shocked a group of netizens.
“A guy who wants to watch women get upset because they can’t use the toilet is extremely gross. Clogging up toilets on purpose is just wrong too.”
“This guy is the worst of the worst.”
“People get labeled pervs so often that it’s really surprising to see the real deal.”
“Now I’m going to be extra concerned when I encounter a clogged public toilet.”
“How does one possibly get off on seeing a woman upset because she can’t use the toilet?”
That last question certainly is a doozy and a psychologist could probably write an entire book about the answer. However, something equally perplexing is why he chose that one particular Lawson convenience store to commit his crimes, especially since it was that very idiosyncrasy that led to his undoing.
Meanwhile, the Fukuoka Prefectural Police have issued an apology: “We deeply apologize to everyone in the prefecture for the inappropriate behavior by one of our officers.” They are currently investigating and considering terminating the officer’s employment.
Sources: FNN, Asahi Shimbun, Hachima Kiko
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© SoraNews24
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Only in Japan?
Vince Black
What a creep!
Misogyny by toilet paper is a grotesquerie and perversion worthy of further study by guys in white coats and also a reminder of the old Roman adage: quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I know that on the grand scale this is not such a terrible thing, but when you consider who was doing it, it really makes you wonder how these people can become police officers and be trusted with a gun and upholding the law.
Toilet paper? If you're gonna clog up a toilet, clog it up like a man.
JJ Jetplane
Agreed. Nothing like a good 10lbs to clog a toilet properly.
Really? Every clogged toilet will now worry you?
Aly Rustom
My sentiments exactly brother. Just when you think you've heard it all...
Aly Rustom
Sorry Captain- Just How exactly does one go about doing that?
Its been a while since we had a nutty Japanese police story. Hisashiburi!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you one way how your tax is put to work.
47 years old? The are some serious mental health issues in Japan!
Tom Doley
Maybe he thought his fetish was petty and if convicted would be pardoned soon.
I wonder why people feel the need to say stuff like this. Maybe true in this case, because the details are unusual. But there are weirdos everywhere with various kinks. It seems some people are conditioned to seeing every aberrant person as further evidence that Japan is uniquely weird, while aberrant people elsewhere are just aberrations, and not representative of their country.
Pretty much defines a stereotype.
Interested in women's toilets! They have some off the wall creeps running loose here.
Mental illness = huuuuge in Japan...
Stewart Gale
Another weirdo.
Joe Blow
I guess the idea is that they would have to leave the bathroom with their inner garments at their ankles, and he would see it all on CCTV?
Don't ask how I know what he's thinking.
considering? He should be fired already.
Another bloke who can't control his fetish.
The interesting thing is that they got him on burglary charges. If he had brought his own toilet paper and used that, would he have gotten off?
Tom Doley
Seriously, Abe should worry more about this than provoking Korea to gain votes or build its military. Japan has the highest number of psychiatric patients per capita in the world, which is a sad reflection on its society.
"They are currently investigating and considering terminating the officer’s employment."
Really what is there to consider? your fired; FIRED
Norman Goodman
That this was a harmless prank and people can reform? That no one is perfect? That worse behavior is forgiven all the time?
ok, fair enough... not
Fox Sora Winters
This is just too bizarre for words.
There's a difference between going in and seeing, and clogging the toilets with toilet paper to the point where plumbers need to be called out. What's the real motive, Sergeant? At the very least, this guy needs to be fired, but I think he should also be referred to a psychologist. He needs help. No normal, sane person would do this simply out of curiosity. "I wanted to go in and see." See what? It's a toilet, not Pandora's Box. What were you expecting to find? A gateway to Narnia? Unbelievable.
So glad to see our tax dollars going to good use.
If police officers have THIS MUCH free time, maybe they should, you know, do additional work instead? Like sweeping the sidewalks or pulling weeds on the side of the road? Do ANYTHING other than loitering around combini restrooms.
While it appears that japanese police are repeatedly involvedin perverted activities I would just like to saythat the vast majority are nit.
“Only in Japan”
“I wonder why people feel the need to say stuff like this. Maybe true in this case, because the details are unusual. But there are weirdos everywhere with various kinks. It seems some people are conditioned to seeing every aberrant person as further evidence that Japan is uniquely weird, while aberrant people elsewhere are just aberrations, and not representative of their country.”
If it was meant in a nice way, for example in praise of Japanese people’s non-judgemental qualities, their inherent compassion and tolerance, most Japanese would agree with him.
I get his fetish but why the stuff the toilets with toilet paper?
Being a police officer he obviously recognized theft and criminal damage offenses?
If toilet has a blue man and a red woman logo on it and the second one has a red woman logo only and if the first is being used, I use the red logo one. I am polite. I try to sit down if it is possibly clean, but if dirty and forced to stand and I tinkle a bit, I wipe it up. So easy. Who the heck wants to jam a toilet. That is sick and weird.
Seeing women embarrassed holding in their pee/poo
Whatever turns ya on
Make him unclog toilets for a few years and garnish his wages if he wants to keep his job.
englisc aspyrgend
One very sad individual, and not fit for the position of trust he holds.
Dango bong
CONSIDERING????? morons...
Norman Goodman
Good call. I totally failed to put two and two together on that one and its despite knowing someone who had that particular fetish. I was thinking he just enjoyed causing the trouble. I once had this problem in the men's room but there was no one around and I just used the next toilet.
Huh? What kind of fetish is that?
Seriously, you don't have to do that extreme in order to see them get upset. Just look at them and most will shoot you an angry glance.