Hyogo prefectural police have arrested a 20-year-old police officer on suspicion of sexually molesting a high school girl as she walked along a street in Kakogawa City.
According to police, Takuma Fujimoto, an officer from Shikama Police Station, started talking to the girl near JR Kakogawa Station at around 10 a.m. on June 11, Sankei Shimbun reported. He is accused of groping the girl’s breasts through her clothing.
Kakogawa police said Fujimoto was on duty at a koban (police box) the night before and had gone off duty when the incident occurred.
The girl’s mother learned about the incident after picking her daughter up by car. The two immediately reported the incident to a nearby police box. Fujimoto was detained on the street near where the girl reported she was molested.
Police said Fujimoto has admitted to the charge.
© Japan Today
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In order to comment something, I must embarrassingly admit that I'm not very active sexually speaking. I'm 28 and shyness is what makes me get sex only few times a year. That said, is what I don't understand from gropers and molesters. If you're so desperate, why don't you resort to satisfying yourself? There are plenty of ways to satisfy sexual urges without harming others. Sexual violence, of all kind, towards women and men alike, is unjustifiable from any POV.
Isn't he too young to be a police officer? Youth like him are too filled with hormone. I know anyone can join the police force at 20 but i still feel he lacks proper guidance. He clearly should have receive more training before being accepted as a officer.
His career is over all because he decided to “cop” a feel.
At least the guy was caught, it may not have been the first time, but it would surely would not have been the last if he got away.
And people wonder why women don't want to report sexual assault to the police ...
A 20 year old police officer? Has he had 3 years of training?
What a sick pervert and loser, I hope he is jailed and the other prisoners are made well aware he was a cop.
He’s 20 and I’m assuming he started in April? So less than 3 months in he’s already committing crimes?
Good job J-cops. Is this a part of the training for the job? He’s “been detained.” As if they are going to fire and arrest this fool. All he’s gonna do is get a quasi-stern lecture and walk the beat again.
Where is internal affairs in this country? Time to start sweeping out the scum in uniforms.
Hokkaidoboy - you're perfectly right, and a normal minded man can actually control his urges through various means. But please don't forget, molesters are criminally inclined, and either do not wish to or can not control what others can. For them the easiest means to achieve relief is this - and that's what is making them so dangerous. It can be indeed hard to understand for the rest of the population (and I'm not making up excuses for them).
Girl_in_Tokyo - for once I fully agree with you - the J-Police is notoriously bad in how they treat rape and other assault cases, with victim blaming and prolongued embarasement going on all the time. There are a number youtube videos of Japanese female complaining about this as well.
Do the hustle
I’m quite sure the Japanese police make up a measurable percentage of sexual and petty crimes in Japan.
Michael Machida
I don't understand what this guy is thinking. He is deranged. He needs to be jailed for at least 20 years. How dare he touch a young girl the way he did. If this was my daughter, this guy should fear for his happiness for the rest of his life.
This is one example. This lady, an OB/GYN herself reported sexual abuse to the police and was met with victim blaming and shaming. There are many others:
It's a cultural problem!
I hope the girl is doing well and getting the support she needs, this idiot should be fired and locked away for a while.
Maybe they shouldn’t allow children to become police officers?
BungleToday 08:23 am JST
Women don't want to report sexual assault to the police because there are misogynists, rapists, and gropers among the police. That makes it very hard for them to feel they will be taken seriously and treated fairly. There have been many cases where the police attempt to discourage women from reporting, and other cases where the officers themselves (as in this case) assault women, making it very hard to trust them.
Is that clear now? Or do you have any other questions I can answer? It seems you don't know so much about Japan or the justice system, so do let me know if you need any more information. I'm more than happy to help you understand. I'm here for you!
I guess you just can't trust anyone anymore.
Internet porn and soapland is OK, but this is a serious crime. Most probably hate crime to women or psychological problem.
sorry for the victim and her mother.
So many of these stories. Clearly not all of them protecting and serving.
To Protect and Serve ?????
TBF, it appears that the police acted quickly to identify and arrest the errant cop.
OTOH, things may have turned out differently if he was a long-timer, higher in rank, rather than a 20-year-old rookie.
garypenToday 11:24 am JST
This time, yes. But what is your point, exactly? That a stopped clock can be right twice a day, so we don't have any need to fix it?
BungleToday 10:35 am JST
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear enough. I meant to say that in many other cases, besides this one, the police dismiss the woman's complaint, discourage her from reporting, or don't take decisive enough action. In some cases this has even resulted in the woman later being murdered, or in the perpetrator going ton to assault again and again.
Is that clear now? Sorry if you misunderstood.
If you like, I can link you to these other stories so that you can familiarize yourself with them, as it seems you don't really know much about how the police in Japan treat sexual assault. I'm sure that once you read these stories, you will understand quite well why women feel reluctant to go to the police. Just say the word, and I'll be more than happy to link to a dozen or more articles here for you to read.
The victim found out he was a police officer, and women reading the story here know he was a police officer. As this is only one of many cases where the police have been found to have comitied sexual assaults, including when they are on duty. The cumulative effect of all of these assaults by police is to severely damage the trust women have in the police.
I hope this helps you to better understand. Feel free to continue Just Asking Questions, because I know you are doing your best to understand. In fact, thank you so very much for asking - it's gratifying to know that there are men who are really and truly interested in how sexual assault effects women.
A terrible crime then, it’s reported and acted upon quickly and resolved. Therefore, many are hoping for a speedy recovery, counseling, rehabilitation, and a good life moving forward for the victim and also, appropriate justice and punishment for the perpetrator.
That being said, Read this at 6am and absolutely knew ‘someone’ would be looking for any chance to find any possible shortcoming in ‘someone else’s’ comments, appropriate or not, and then, *try to “use the victims’ pain & suffering’ as a general, all-inclusive sounding board for their own ‘agendas’ against ‘whatever**’.*
Broad, *generalized statements,like THESE**: *
… that have ‘nothing’ to do with ‘these’ events,
… are what is also contributing to the stigma of reporting and lack of trust of the system. These kinds of comments do even more damage to victim’s psyche than what ‘those with their agenda’ possibly think they are doing to ‘help’.
Another dweeb cop bites the dust.
And here police be looking at me as if I were a criminal! Another case of a officer doing something criminal! As I said before, when the cops are becoming the criminals, you know tihs is getting real bad!
Yes, ‘Victim Shaming” is equally abhorrent @ebisen 8:37am but did not happen in this case.
@Bungle 8:23am, You said nothing inappropriate and your questions were valid:
The point is, this is all a tiresome ‘game’ that diverts attention from the victims and draws attention to the ‘player’. It dehumanizes the victims and demoralizes others from speaking out in the future.
Again, by the following example, those with their agendas to argue, will try to find a way to ‘spin it to their platform’…:
…with their questions and ‘their own’ answers ‘cut & pasted’ from hundreds of such previous arguments and ‘spun commentary’:
… even if ‘people’ here appropriately agree and sympathize with the victims equally want justice delivered for all offenders,
All of this ‘dialogue’ could be perceived as ‘not really righteous’ but just a disingenuous ‘performance’, which as previously admitted to, used to commiserate and share with others ‘after hours’. The ‘speaker just wants to control the house’ utterly, without any real or genuine regard for the victims of this and other stories.
Suspicion? He admitted to doing it. Punish then fire him, and when he's found guilty, sentence him.
Do you see @Bungle?
No real concern for this victim and then proceeding with their other points they want addressed.
A 20 year old male is way too immature ,both socially and cognitively , to become a Police officer. The male brain does not fully mature and stabilize until about 25.
Hardly a week goes by without a report of a Police Officer doing something gross.
"when the cops are becoming the criminals, you know tihs is getting real bad!"
to say the least...
"He is accused of groping the girl’s breasts through her clothing."
Sincerely sorry for those incidents against your former girlfriends @Bungle 12:34pm. Agreed:
We must, as a society, demonstrate ‘genuine empathy’ and respect for their own, very personal choices on how to handle their own, very personal traumas. - Best wishes to you and, them. -
Sadly, that is very true. Perhaps we and others, truly concerned about victims being encouraged to report, should be equally vigilant on these forums?
Because, yes, those ‘polemics’ will continue here later, after their ‘regrouping’ and/or the next poster, who even slightly ‘speaks out of turn’, appears on this and other similar threads.
He's 20 years old and she is in high school so the age difference is not that far apart and they are both minors. He should have just asked her out on a Date, instead he grops her breast. STUPIED thing to do but I give the guy credit for being honest and admitting what he did.
“His career is over all because he decided to “cop” a feel.”
you are wrong, people rarely gets punished for sexual assaults or rapes in Japan, and criminal prosecution almost never happens. Even in the worst of rape cases involving heavy injury, suspended sentences is generally the maximum punishment. He will be transferred to another police department in a few months, and no matter how many times he repeats the offense, punishment is impossible
This happened in "HIROSHIMA" ? Japan Surprised in such a nice, peaceful and recovering place like that.
The Darwin award: “His career is over all because he decided to “cop” a feel.”
100 CPM
Utterly shameful and disgusting behavior he reflects upon his law enforcement organization.
There's not enough information here.. why did they encounter - was she behaving erratically, and did hem thinking she was on drugs, frisk her, including the searching of her upper part of body ? Depends upon how you rephrase things as to how bad they seem. Little wonder, now, in the West, that the individual will be arrested and frisked by a Woman Police officer - though there-again, if you're frisked by a Lesbian, does that feel any different than if you frisked by a Male Gay Police officer ?
Oh right right, and if a tree fell in the forest and no one was around for miles... did it still make a sound?