The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department on Friday suspended a 44-year-old police sergeant for three months for stealing women’s underwear from homes and apartments in Tokyo's Edogawa Ward.
The officer, Kensuke Tsunoda, who was assigned to Ushigome Police Station, resigned on the same day, Kyodo News reported. Police said he faces theft charges.
According to police, Tsunoda stole underwear from the first floor of one house and the first floor balconies of two apartments in Edogawa Ward between Feb 25 and Feb 27. He was caught stealing underwear drying on the balcony of another first-floor apartment on Feb 29 by the resident.
Police said dozens of items of women’s underwear were found in Tsunoda’s locker at the police station.
Police said Tsunoda admitted to the allegation and said he had been stealing women’s underwear for some time because it turned him on.
A spokesperson for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department said, “His behavior was unbecoming of a police officer and we will strive to prevent this sort of incident from happening again.”
© Japan Today
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Pervert. Should be out preventing crimes not causing one.
C'ya creep
Hahaha - he actually brought the evidence inside the police station?!
Why not steal the panties from other police officers while at it?! Lol
This is theft from a private residence. The only punishment he got was three months suspension and he quit anyway. Has he been punished just because he lost his job?
Mr Goodman
I guess he doesn't realize actually meeting a woman in her underwear is a greater turn on than just somebody's underwear by itself
That's a lot of murderers to round up if everyone viewing porn is a murderer.
Gene Hennigh
I just don't get it. I guess I never will. What do these guys get out of stealing women's underwear. It's cloth. It's laundry. As Mr. Goodman noted above, when women are in them, it's exciting. As material, it's no different from socks. These guys and upskirters baffle me. As a cop he is doubly culpable. He kept them in his locker in the police station? It must have been a cry for "Someone stop me. Please stop me." Gives me the jitters.
The link below is the case of a New York judge. Albeit from a few years ago.
Ken Holcomb
His behavior was unbecoming of an adult, much less a police officer.
Politik Kills
A good police force is one that catches more criminals than it employs.
graffiti from my hometown many years ago.
You would like that but it's not correct. Molesting of women on public transport systems happens in other countries. Japan is not unique in any of those crimes.
Sure, the police do treat their own softly here, so far he's being suspended from duty for 3 months, but then he resigned on the day that he confessed to the crime.
The real punishment will be handed down once he faces the judge on the charge of theft, but I can't imagine it will be harsh - then after a suitable period of time, he'll probably be quietly reinstated, maybe at a different koban.
Quo Primum
He‘s not out of the woods yet. He still faces criminal charges, at least presumably.
Except it's not hard to go online and find numerous cases in other countries.
I don't think the punishment is unfitting of the crime, similar to shop lifting perhaps with a element of perversion. Was there really emotional damage to the female victims?
Sure, Japan should take some of these perversion driven crimes, but this ain't it.
Undies fetish aside, he broke into private homes to commit burglaries. He's a law enforcement officer, and a sergeant at that.
And he only got a three-month SUSPENSION from his job? Huh? What am I missing here?
Lorem ipsum
"...and we will strive to prevent this sort of incident from happening again.”
And yet, it keeps happening again and again, and again and again and again and then're not striving hard enough. Or, you just don't give a toss and say what people want to hear and then it's all back to business as usual. Useless bloody muppets.
After resigning from police department, he should have immediately start his new unpaid job as prisoner.
Arnold Layne in the police force. Who would've thought.
Smack his wrist now. Oh Arnold, I mean Tsunada - don't do it again!
Specifically involving "public servants", yes. But it's not so difficult to find lots of cases of people stealing underwear.
They may have been my nieces'. Back in the 90s maybe (memory hazy), my sister-in-law was thinking of selling her three daughters' used underwear. Her attitude was basically, "no harm done, take the money".
The article is a little unclear. But he hasn't yet been found guilty of anything (although apparently he has admitted to the allegation). I'm guessing there are some basic rules that are applied until the person is found guilty in a court. An immediate temporary suspension would seem to make sense. Let's keep our bonfires unlit until he's been through the process.
albaleo, good call. I bet you're right.
It's not a real crime until they roll out the blue tarp and lay out each piece of garment. Then they can all analyze and come to their own conclusions.
Pun intended.
Or worse!
Mr Goodman
This isn't a hatred towards women issue for a soapbox sermon tantrum
The guy likes women but unfortunately doesn't know how to have a relationship with one
Simple as that
It's definitely not a hate crime of women .
Another creepy copper. The place is just crawling with them.
Perhaps pre-emptive spanking might relieve their tensions.
Sadistic Monster ? Very weird yes but sadistic sex monster ? that sadistic monster would be the one jumping the women or girl when they in the dark and only then would he be class as a sadistic sex monster.
Mr Goodman
It's not a sex crime !
Shadows of the Rising Sun
Theft of underwear, especially from places associated with vulnerability, can be considered a sex crime if the motive is sexual gratification. Such acts violate the victim's privacy and create a sense of sexual violation.
If the stolen underwear is used for sexual purposes, this further indicates that the crime was sexually motivated.
Suspended for 3 months???LOL
It's not about the underwear itself. Sex crimes are almost never about sex itself, but about hate and anger towards women. It's about power and control. That gets connected to sex in their minds, and is then expressed though sex crimes.
This is what sex crime detectives, sex crime prosecutors, and psychologists who deal with sexual pathologies all agree on, so don't shoot the messenger and do your own research.
Another one for the collection.
The stench.
on the contrary, it sounds exactly what a lot of police officers in Japan do.
Too many men dismiss and downplay the larger issue of sexism in Japan that allows sex crimes like the one mentioned here to continue, applying nonsensical arguments like "crime is worse elsewhere". It's a disgusting and blatantly misogynistic attitude that shows disdain for women.
The suspended police officer “resigned on the same day,” instead of getting disciplinary dismissal. That means the pervert will receive a full severance package from taxpayers’ money.
Now why did he resign!??? should have stayed to serve and protect, got to be turned on to do the job, he can't do the job if he is turned off.
Cop suspended for three months for multiple thefts?
Classy, Tokyo Police, classy.
The amount of shame and humiliation that will rain down on these guys if they are caught means a) stealing other peoples' underwear is so awesome that once you try it you just can't stop; b) they actually want to get caught so that they can feel the shame and humiliation.
Is there any other explanation? Help me out here if you have any insight.
Looks like another one who became addicted to pornography and flipped his lid. Luckily this sadistic monster has been caught before he escalated to sex crimes, rape and possibly rape and murder
The cops in Japan are a disgrace.
Far to be civilized and far to be aducated.
To protect and to serve, and also to collect, so those underwear will belong to his department?