Japan Today

Police officer cleared of indecency charges after riding train with pants’ zipper open

By SoraNews24

While considered Halloween in some parts of the world, Oct 31, 2016 proved to be a horror show for two people aboard a train at JR Chiba Station in Chiba Prefecture. According to a witness on the train, a man entered the car and was said to be exposing himself by having the zipper of his pants undone and the contents plainly visible.

The witness reported the incident and an ensuring investigation surprisingly led right back to the Chiba Prefectural Police. In March of 2017, charges were filed against a 26-year-old police officer for public indecency. He fought the charges in court on the grounds that investigators had determined “there was a possibility that he might have forgotten to do up his pants while going to the bathroom or changing clothes.”

However, Chiba District Court felt that the sole witness was credible and found the officer guilty, handing down a fine of 300,000 yen. Even worse, he was immediately forced to take an indefinite leave of absence from law enforcement for his transgressions.

With his life now in shambles, the convicted flasher appealed to the Tokyo High Court which, nearly two years after the original incident, reviewed the case.

Considering that there were no other people on the train that saw his naked groin, the presiding judge ruled on July 26, 2018 that even though he did expose himself, there was insufficient evidence to suggest he did so intentionally.

With the ruling overturned, the officer was given his job back at the police station where his colleagues were sure to have to creative nicknames ready. He made a statement through his lawyer which read, “I want to raise my voice to stop the number of victims of false charges from increasing further.”

While his voice is clear, it is still uncertain if the court of public opinion is as merciful as the Tokyo High Court. Many had difficulty understanding how a mere open zipper could result in an indecent exposure charge.

“Was he not wearing underwear?”

“Did it pop out, or did the open fly just create a window?”

“Did he forget to put his junk inside his pants as well as doing up his zipper?”

“I’ve forgotten to do up my fly lots of times but I never exposed myself.”

“I wonder if the witness was just extra prudish and offended by the sight of underwear.”

“This happened to me once. My fly was down and when I went to sit down the whole package nearly popped out. Luckily, I could fix it before anyone noticed.”

“In my 40 years of life, I’ve had my zipper open many times, but nothing ever came out by accident.”

“I would understand if this was some grandpa, but I would hope a 26-year-old cop was a little more… aware.”

It seems people’s opinions on public indecency are largely formed by their own experience. As for whether this case was intentional or not, on the one hand it is a bit hard to imagine how one might expose themselves from a mere open zipper, but on the other hand it lacks the in-your-face certainty of exhibitionists such as the city official who took his trash out completely naked. So without all the details, it’s hard to completely believe either side of the matter.

Sources: Asahi Shimbun, Itai News

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Found this one rather funny....

“I’ve forgotten to do up my fly lots of times but I never exposed myself.”

Maybe you have nothing to expose perhaps? Remind me of the guy, I think it was in Florida, that "exposed" himself, on orders of a judge, because he was claiming he was TOO big. He won his case too!

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

I like that line "contents plainly visible"

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Hmm. What kind of knickers was he wearing, that his meat and two veg were in view? And if he goes commando, surely he'd be used to making sure he doesn't expose himself. And if he isn't, then that reflects a level of carelessness we don't need in a police officer.

I reckon he was lucky to be able to be able to win based on benefit of the doubt.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Oh well, millenial ppl might be shock, because their life is base on the social site

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Strange ruling.

My cockney mum got flashed at once and just laughed pointed at it and said its cold put that little thing away or it'll drop off, mwah.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The horror. Someone saw a penis. May their souls be able to somehow, someday, find peace within the horror.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Its nice to read news that makes you laugh instead of some terrible thing that ends up ruining your day.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Ok, so, his plea was a non-intentional flash, which I could believe if he was in his 70's. However, this joker is 26 years old and it seems very unlikely he would forget about putting away his junk. He's just a creep that got away with it.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

This is movie material.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

All guys have at some point in their lives forgot to "shut the gate"

But who goes commando?

Disgusting habit...unless you're wearing a kilt.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Even if you forget to do up your flies, surely his underwear would stop him exposing himself. Sounds intentional to me.

The jokey tome of the article is very inappropriate. Why are sexual crimes and incidents so funny?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Oct 31st, didn't he feel a breeze?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

StrangerlandToday 08:28 am JSTThe horror. Someone saw a penis. May their souls be able to somehow, someday, find peace within the horror.

if a man intentionally exposed himself in front of you or your wife or your kid, you would have this same reaction? it's not just seeing a penis, it's seeing a penis in a very inappropriate setting, in the middle of a train, and from a stranger. the fact that the woman was the only one who saw this implies that he was standing right in front of her. so god knows how long he was exposing himself to her.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

nakanoguy01: "if a man intentionally exposed himself in front of you or your wife or your kid, you would have this same reaction?"

No, he'd be indignant in that case, but until then, some people just don't understand the meaning of consent, and the gravity of not having it while exposing yourself.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Chiba District Court found him guilty. Of course they did. District Court Judges in Japan just rubber stamp the charge. (Was he held for 23 days before being charged in his own police station).

It took 2 years before a High Court judge (who generally speaking do seem to have more minds of their own). Cleared him.

An everyday error turned into a costly, legal nightmare.

Only in Japan.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

And the lesson, dear people, is for chaps to remember to wear drawers and zip up your trousers.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

As a bloke ill put my hands up as say its happened to me, your in a rush one morning or your mate called to see if you want to go to the pub and you just forget to zip up, how many bloke have done this at some stage of there lives? 95% or more? its just a shame he was going commando and "everything" was exposed, why didn't some one say something like " your flying low mate" it would have been so much more simple, why take up the courts time? it certainly was not an deliberate move, just a mistake. has the police officer been on full pay? reduced pay? if he's not been paid whilst he's been asked not to come in, will his back pay be reinstated?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I would love to know what his nick name is at work!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I would love to know what his nick name is at work!!

Flash Gordon?

He made a statement through his lawyer which read, “I want to raise my voice to stop the number of victims of false charges from increasing further.”

Haha, pull the other one mate.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This all could have been avoided and saved the taxpayers money. The witness could have said: "Hey, zip up."

1 ( +1 / -0 )

As David Niven said after a streaker interrupted him at an award ceremony "There goes a man who's not afraid to expose his own short-comings."

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The witness reported the incident and an ensuring investigation surprisingly led right back to the Chiba Prefectural Police

I wasn't surprised. The cops here regularly appear on their own blotter. As for going commando, I free-ball quite often but have never had exposure problems.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Wearing boxers, I've had to 'adjust' on a few occasions because something has snuck out. Fortunately my zipper was always up... It's not completely implausible that it was a perfect storm of bad luck for the guy. I don't know why so many people are judging a guy with some bad luck so harshly.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Brian Wheway,

hisnickname is probably "Creepy".

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Smith, Nakanoguy, I completely agree.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yup; GUILTY, but not without UNDERWear on !

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Maria, "his meat and two veg"...

I was going to refer to the old blues classic "All That Meat and No Potatoes", but checked the meaning and found that it refers to a 'shapely woman with small breasts'!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

'cleared of indecency charges'? no flies on him then.....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well, he should have been put on amend. The package was out after all. I don't mind a man going commando, but in a uniforme this could be suspect.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Only in Japan!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

First for his genitals to be expose from an open fly and not realise would indicate that the genitals to be very small and officer being very intoxicated. Either excuse was not used in his defence. So I would say with full authority ( Being a very good old pervert ) is that this Officer of the law is a very bad pervert.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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