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Student arrested for alleged possession of cannabis, stimulant drug


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Where there is smoke, there is fire...

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

In 2018, the team came under fire over a dangerous tackle 

More like a terribly dirty tackle of the opposing team’s quarterback from behind after the play was over in a deliberate attempt injure him. We later learned that this attack was instructed by the Nihon University coaches, two of whom were then fired. The injured quarterback required a month to recover from damage to ligaments in his back.

Video of the tackle: https://youtu.be/nKbLWcyQ_wo

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Oh, Jesus, just let it go. It's just pot.

7 ( +26 / -19 )

No more weeds

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

Shock horror! Oh no, not… cannabis! One of my students was talking about how she saw people slumped in the backstreets of Vancouver on her trip the other day. Her conclusion was that it was probably because of cocaine or cannabis. For me, that answer speaks volumes about the degree of ignorance around drugs in Japan. Also, why is it seems as more acceptable when we see drunken salarymen sleeping on benches or throwing up at the side of the road?

2 ( +24 / -22 )

Seen as.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Personally, I don’t have any problem with weed, but the fact that it is currently illegal here shouldn’t be trivialized. From a legal standpoint, being caught with it will ruin your life.

The news last night was saying that illegal stimulants were also found. It seems like the problem is a lot worse than just a little weed

It’s clear from all of the scandals at the university over the years that there is a serious cultural problem. They also have a well-documented history of illegal/quasi-illegal employment practices when it comes to hiring foreign teaching staff.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

I use weed about once a day to combat my arthritis pain and help me relax, my father recommended it for me when I was 15 and I have used it ever since, I am now 23, and I have never run amok, done crazy things or even driven. My girlfriends parents, who I am in the UK with now, do not care, as long as it is not Heroin, Meth, Fentynal...etc. They see it as nearly harmless but beneficial for me. And it has stopped me taking my 8 perscription pain killers everyday.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

It is well-known that Nihon University has deep ties to the yakuza.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Usually one would expect nothing else than research results and scientific papers from such institutions. But that’s at best maybe only an insignificant side business nowadays.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Also, why is it seems as more acceptable when we see drunken salarymen sleeping on benches or throwing up at the side of the road?

Here we go again. The 278,391,463rd time just this year that alcohol is being brought up as a defense and excuse for smoking pot.

This may come as a shock, but here goes: You do not to take ANY mind-altering drug of ANY type in order to live as a human being.

Believe it or not, we can actually forego marijuana AND alcohol AND every other mind-altering drug. Good grief, the pot-excusers make it sound like we're going to DIE without such drugs.

Try this: Instead of matching marijuana up against alcohol, try matching it up against sobriety.

But you don't want to do that, of course, because you know marijuana would lose that argument hands-down.

-11 ( +8 / -19 )

The move came after the university found pieces of a plant and pills in July and contacted the police. The plant was later identified as cannabis, they said.

And the pills have been identified to be stimulants.

I would believe an university would not contact the police for just cannabis, and keep it secret, but here, if the story would be known to have been hidden, it would get worse for the university.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


You do not [need] to take ANY mind-altering drug of ANY type

You are generally correct about “needing” weed or booze.

However, on a chat room I belong to the use of cannabis is being explored as a way to cope with chronic pain (as opheliajadefeldt mentioned), depression, and other debilitating symptoms of diseases.

Alcohol doesn’t have the ability to alleviate this kind of pain without severe side effects (car crashes, murder, losing jobs, alcoholism).

While some (healthy) people need neither weed or booze to survive daily life some people need cannabis in order to function in society.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

This may come as a shock, but here goes: You do not to take ANY mind-altering drug of ANY type in order to live as a human being.

Factually correct but, my god, what a boring artless world it would be. Devoid of creativity, alernative perception, spirituality, ideas. Everything that separates us from animals.

Jeez, even some animals like to get high.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Noriyasu Kitabatake is suspected of being in possession of 0.019 gram of cannabis and 0.198 gram of the illicit stimulant

I can understand the seriousness of 198mg of the stimulant, depending on what exact drug they're referring to (it's always the vague "stimulant" in Japan police press releases), as a 198mg of a chemical drug can be very potent . Just think about some of the legitimate medicines you take with doses of only 5mg or less. (One of my prescription meds is .4mg - that's 4/10th of 1mg)

But, 19mg (19/1000th of a gram) of the cannabis plant isn't enough to do anything to anybody, good or bad. It was probably just some residue in the container. Absolutely ridiculous that they're even charging somebody for that.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

"But, 19mg (19/1000th of a gram) of the cannabis plant isn't enough to do anything to anybody..."

It is enough to get anybody arrested. Therefore, all the more reason to avoid possession; Sir Paul McCartney might possibly agree.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

.019 grams of cannabis? The Japanese police are a joke. They can’t even catch actual criminals.

9 ( +15 / -6 )

cannabis is now legal in many countries in the world.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Legalise it. Now.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

University students rebelling, taking risks and experimenting. The sky will fall.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

0.019grams? That sounds like half a seed. You know you can buy hemp seeds to feed your budgie with? Maybe some spec of a leaf had blown through his window and landed in his dorm. The 'stimulants' on the other hand? Not cool.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

So literally the top crime story in Japan today is that a university student got caught with pot?

4 ( +7 / -3 )


Not just pot but a mere 0.02g of it.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

0.019 grams of weed?! That's so little that if it spilled off to the side when you're rolling a joint, you wouldn't even bother scraping it up and putting it back in, you'd just sweep it off the table! Japan needs to lighten up.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

0.019 gram

Sneeze near it and it is gone.

Who ratted on him, and now who will he rat on? That is how it works in Japan. One gets caught and takes down all the rest.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The should legalize cannabis it’s a lot more safe then booze and cigarettes. Many states in the US are legalizing the use. Cannabis is also being use medical by medical doctors in the US

2 ( +8 / -6 )

This may come as a shock, but here goes: You do not to take ANY mind-altering drug of ANY type in order to live as a human being.

Yay! The fun of a nanny state!

How about decriminalizing cannabis because it's a plant with medical benefits that was demonized by the MSM, and not due to actual harmful effects, and putting people in jail for it is jailing people for making decisions about their own bodies?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Rather hypocritical of Japan to be all up in arms over a plant that grows in nature when it's a daily occurrence to see people passed out in public after abusing alcohol all night. Pot, meet kettle.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

With its absurd drug laws that infringe on people's freedoms, the alcohol guzzling and tobacco-addicted denizens of Kasumigaseki (the aptly named "foggy barrier") are constantly high on hypocrisy.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Seems like he was the victim of a very popular local past time. Ratting.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Japan had a very serious drug problem after WW2. Governments at all levels, social services and police worked diligently to control and more or less eliminate the problem. The continued stigmatization of drugs and drug users has been effective in disinsensitivizing drug use. It has and is an effective strategy.

Removing the stigma associated with drug use, even marijuana, has failed, writ large, in places like Vancouver, San Francisco and Portland.

Nobody in Japan wants to start going down the path that leads to block after block of "zombies" pooping on the streets and turning down towns into post apocalyptic no-go zones.

I know it is "only pot" but Japan needs to keep drugs out.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Japan had a very serious drug problem after WW2. Governments at all levels, social services and police worked diligently to control and more or less eliminate the problem. 

Er, the post-war social problem of drugs in Japan was just the natural consequence of the widespread use of amphetamines supplied by the Japanese military government to members of the armed forces and overworked factory hands (no time to sleep when you're fighting a war). "Drugs for Victory" was the secret weapon of the Nazis, too.The yakuza gangs and their protectors with political influence naturally profited from the "Wild West" conditions of Japan's post-war collapse. History teaches time and again that it's perverse to look to government people for moral guidance.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Utterly pathetic story to report. In a plethora of countries worldwide, the police would simply throw it in the bin and tell you to move on. If he was distributing it, sure, that’s a story. This, is a waste of everyone’s time.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Call out the SWAT Team...or just go ahead and legalize it...like half the world has done (decades ago),

but Japan Tobacco won't like that at all...until they get a jump on the Buy In.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


The US also handed out drugs to their military like candies in WW@ and Korea.

The brothels in Japan were also de facto "shooting galleries" for hard drugs until they were outlawed in the 50's. Men didn't go sing karaoke after the war, they went to brothels and shot up.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

CaptDingleheimerAug. 5 09:17 pm JST

Japan needs to light one up.


0 ( +0 / -0 )


Ditto the "French Connection". I once met a French ex-pilot living in Chiang Mai who told me he used to fly drugs out of Hong Kong after WW2 to France (some of the drug money was used by right-wing elements for combating leftist political parties which enjoyed strong support after the liberation of France).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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