A police sergeant was arrested on Tuesday under the Osaka prefectural nuisance prevention ordinance on charges of making illegal up-skirt videos. Yasunori Hosokawa, 44, is suspected of using his mobile phone to film up the skirt of a female university student, 18, who was riding the escalator in front of him at Osaka's Hankyu Umeda Station at around 2:35 p.m. on Tuesday.
According to police, Hosokawa was on his day off, and took in a movie before heading home. A police officer on patrol spotted him filming up the girl's skirt. Hosakawa has admitted to the charge, and was quoted as saying: "When I saw her in that miniskirt, I just gave in to temptation."
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Disgusting yucky wucky man. A policeman should know better!!! If guilty 10 years hard labour, bleeding horrid pervert.
There are police cameras everywhere. Why he needs to use his mobile phone. He is an idiot like all the others.
Yeah, the one he filmed on the escalator!!
But seriously, there is always some dumb cop getting caught for doing something. No wonder the police can't be taken seriously.
Hosokawa was on his day off.
What a fine upstanding member of the constabulary. He actually goes out of his way to make sure that this woman is not carrying any concealed weapons.
Make love everyday to the ladies, don't spend time just looking at their underwear. Big deal! I just don't get people who get their thrills like that. And a cop at that!
A lot of screw ups become police officers. It is a cushy gig like the military with less training.
As opposed to what, exactly?
As opposed to having making legal up-skirt videos with consent, I suppose.
Stupid, stupid man. He needs to get a new job with less stress, then he wouldn't need to 'give in to temptation'. Fool.
But Cleo, surely being a police officer in Japan is not that stressful (lol), those working in general duties, in particular, seem to have it very easy.
Out this neck of the woods, all the police do is laze about their koban drinking endless cups of green tea, all the while sucking the remnants of yesterday's lunch from their teeth.
Admittedly, there are drawbacks such as those late night visits from drunk salary men who just want to talk (or throw up on the charge counter). However, all in all being a member of the rozzers in this country ain't half bad.
timorborder -
You kno not of wot you speak. Maybe all you see them doing is 'laze about their koban drinking endless cups of green tea', but that ain't the half of it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying, 'Oh this poor man, the stress was too much, let's feel sorry for him'. Quite the opposite. The police force doesn't need this kind of loser. Send him to the back of the queue at HelloWork.
I believe the job being too easy is what encourages these behaviors. Depending on the area, the police are like children with nothing better to do. Like children, they are more prone to find other activities to stimulate their interests. Unfortunately those are interests are sometimes dating underage girls, molesting or taking illegal photos. I could extend it to government and school jobs as well.
Where did he learn all of these skills? Is that from the people he arrested considering he is a police officer.
Put him in prison for 1.5 years.
let's hope they make an example of him. Lfie sentence with no hope of parole (at least!)
I think news like this would stay several days in the front page of the news in any Western country. Big scandal. But not in Japan. I mean, this is accepted here already, because it happens every other day. The victim is a woman = no big deal. Will he be fired? If not, I really think this country has a big problem with laws.
Two points here. 1) If he was really doing that, she should have destroyed his phone/camera. Having to pay money is far more a punishment than this guy would get otherwise. 2) If he really was doing this he would have had to either a) jammed the camera between her legs to get a good shot, in which case see 1), or her skirt was so damned short that she was asking for it. And yes, wearing clothes that "Advertise" is asking for it, no matter what shrinks say.
I can't believe what I am reading... This is one of your fine upstanding Jcops...
How can you say such a thing...?
He may have even been one of the guys that took a stab wound to protect a drunk knife wielding crazy man at that liquor store!
How can you trash him so easily...?
He's one of your own!
Please tell me these aren't your words Cleo...?
Yesterday this is what I saw. A young pretty lady wearing a beautiful short skirt, red stilletos was 'dozing off'. A younger man was seated right in front of her. Many older ladies were grinding their teeth (seriously). The funniest part was the way her legs were moving. I really pity that guy. All her body parts were moving but she just did not open her eyes. And then it was the last station and she sprang up, stared at one of the older womens who was seated next to the young guy and went her way. I did not notice any sleepiness or redness in her eyes. It was hilarious.
Did she derive a lot of pleasure by exposing her body for a short time? Short skirts are beautiful and women have beautiful bodies but why invite trouble by making mentally sick people to commit crime.
It's in a public place, she was an adult, and according to the story it's not even clear that she knew she was being filmed - again, in public. This is not a peeping-tom thing here or an assault. I agree there is likely something inherently perverse about this old man, but what is the crime? This is a very interesting ordinance, to prohibit what amounts to simply photographing of others in public.
Nigelboy: Are you still keeping tabs on how many times a week (or in six days) this takes place? I've honestly given up... it's just far too many in this nation.
That aside, let's place some bets as to how long this guy's suspended sentence will be, and how many people come onto this thread blaming women for what this guy did. Okay, granted, combinibento is already laying the groundwork for the criminal's defense, but we still haven't heard flat out yet from the inevitable posters who will say it's all the fault of women.
So, bets, anyone?
Oh don't give up smith. If you look at other sources, there's more!!!
Nigelboy: "Oh don't give up smith. If you look at other sources, there's more!!!"
You mean other threads on this site?? If you mean other countries, do the people get suspended senteces for the sexual assaults there, too? Just curious. :)
He should have taken pictures of Miniskirt Police instead.
electric2004: "He should have taken pictures of Miniskirt Police instead."
Indeed -- they're even shaking hands with the male fans and stripping to their underwear to do it. Part of the Japan tour :). Of course, in such cases since it's 'offered' to them (ie. leers at their undies), they'll probably 'give in to temptation' and go the route of the criminal who groped one on the train the other day. Some people just have NO control!
No smith. It's happening in Japan. And in "your" mind, if it's reported, it must be an epidemic. Forget the stats. Forget the fact that it was a slow news day and the JT goes out their way to translate this story knowing full well that it's going to generate 70+ posts.
No smith. It isn't sexual assault in this case.
No smith. Other countries probably let the guy go with a warning.
That aside, let's place some bets as to if this particular post of mine gets edited/deleted while smithinjapan doesn't get touched.
Bets, anyone?
Moderator: Why don't you stop baiting other posters and taunting the moderator? It only makes you look bad and incapable of taking part in a mature exchange of views.
i wonder if this is the guy selling on ebay ??
Why did he foolishly risk taking the picture himself when he could've gone to the local combini and chosen from a plethora of up-skirt stroke books.
nigelboy: "And in "your" mind, if it's reported, it must be an epidemic."
Nope, when it's an epidemic it's an epidemic, hence this kind of thing being reported now on a DAILY BASIS. Hell, you yourself admitted you'd find other cases of it happening in Japan. ("It's happening in Japan."... in direct comment to my post)
"No smith. Other countries probably let the guy go with a warning."
I highly doubt that. If a man were caught taking pictures up a girl's skirt on an escalator the guy would be thrown in the slammer, camera confiscated, and if the woman wanted to press charges it would be done. What's this guy getting, by the way? So far there isn't single word about punishment.
"No smith. It isn't sexual assault in this case."
So what was it then, it being illegal and all. If the girl feels violated, is it not a form of assault?
I wonder if back home it would be difficult to find a suitable charge for this type of thing, as it can be argued that it doesn't happen often enough, while it seems to be a pass-time here. Most likely they could only fit it with a sexual/ indecent assault charge.
Really, to think this isn't a problem in Japan more than other countries is to be in denial. This and a plethora of other weirdo fetishist intrusions upon women. Just yesterday my friend had her underpants, bra and bikini stolen from her clothesline on the veranda while she slept, weeks earlier there was an attempted break in... She now knows ( even though she is Japanese), that in Japan , it is not even safe for a women to live on the first floor of an apartment building. Oh but wait, then there was the guy who climbed up the balconies to the 3rd floor or whatever to rape a young woman.
There are too many sexual predators here, full stop. We need sexual education classes at elementary school level, and at all companies it seems too. Teach these sad losers what is, and is not ok in a modern society, and why.
"I can't believe what I am reading... This is one of your fine upstanding Jcops...
How can you say such a thing...?
"He may have even been one of the guys that took a stab wound to protect a drunk knife wielding crazy man at that liquor store!
How can you trash him so easily...?
He's one of your own!" + he doing his job he always profiles gaigins!
A day well spent, wonder if he will be doing that full time now, when he's been kicked out
The thing is most people get off with light sentences by just admiting to what they did and paying a small fine. If you refuse to admit what you did, even if the police have no evidence against you, you will be heading to a jail sentence.
I have a good idea how to prevent such things --> Women ONLY escalators!
doedel: "I have a good idea how to prevent such things --> Women ONLY escalators!"
As with the trains, this is probably the kind of suggestion Japan would take seriously as an alternatively to actually trying to deal with the problem itself -- you know, stick a little band-aid on an area where there is severe internal bleeding. I can just see it, though... if not new escalators for women only than times of day in which men cannot use it (and of course it's not enforced). Any woman who then has a picture taken up her skirt (on the stairs) is to be blamed for not using a special escalator, etc.
It's not that they don't have these incidents in other countries, because we all know they do, it's that they do nothing about it here aside from blaming the women, or trying to ignore the issue, etc.
notimpressed: "Really, to think this isn't a problem in Japan more than other countries is to be in denial. This and a plethora of other weirdo fetishist intrusions upon women. "
Bingo!! I've been saying this kind of thing ALMOST EVERY DAY for quite a while now, and still some people come on here and insist that is simply anti-Japanese sentiment, in light of the fact that they are quite wrong, that this happens all the time and goes largely unpunished, etc.
nigelboy -- as usual you conveniently miss the point, in order to defend J-pervs. Respectfully, this young woman does not care about what the statistics on similar crimes may or may not be in other countries. All she cares about is that she was subject to a public humiliation because a member of the police force could not control his juvenile impulses -- for her the percentage is 100%. Doesn't matter one iota to her what other countries' percentages are. Must give her and other young ladies like her great comfort to know that the guys who are supposed to be enforcing sexual predator laws, are instead violating them.
Smith, so will you be kind enough to let us know how the problem should be dealt with? "It's not that they don't have these incidents in other countries, because we all know they do, it's that they do nothing about it here aside from blaming the women, or trying to ignore the issue, etc." Well i agree that this sort of thing must occur in other countries also..but other countries do even less about it than what you intimate Japan does, including not bothering to report it in the press. This is a none news story..in England if an Officer raped a woman it might make the national news..if one beat his girlfriend to a pulp it might make the local news..
Let's put it this way, I think this is more or less a non-story. Why? Where I come from (Germany) I have never heard of such incidents in the news. Maybe this is related to a more relaxed attitude towards nudity. At some regulated beaches especially in the eastern part and near East-sea and North-sea, it is allowed that people go naked into the water. Still, it is not OK to take pictures. But hey, no need to take pictures, because you can see the real thing.
On the other hand, adult magazines don't have the restriction related to pubic hair as in Japan. Once you have seen and it is easily available, it becomes less interesting.
Or thinking of carnival session. The women dancers are lifted high in the air and rotated so that the skirt is wide open to see ... grandmother like underwear, which does not reveal anything. And this is shown in normal TV during daytime.
"That Jbird knew full n well that wearing a miniskirt keeps her 'special area' just a minor angle out of view on stairs n escalators. She knew full well what she was doing when she put on a skirt that short. Who gives an rat if the guy copped a look?
And I am sure some missionary will now tell me that I would not think so if it had been my daughter! Well, I told my girls not to show their 'specal area' to strangers, pure n simple. They can wear shorts under skirts.
Now when we look up to the second floor balcony at the hankyu station and we happen to catch views of the 'special areas' clearly exhibited, are we to trot ourselves down to the koban and turn ourselves in for upskirt viewing?
I am aware that there is a difference but not enough of one in my book to press charges. I don't view this as a crime if he did not touch her nor enter the cylinder of space as established by the with of her clothes. I think all of this is just way out of hand. She has the right to dress provocatively and the guys have the right to look as long as they don't touch. Of course he had to bend down to get it... so we are going to make small children and midgets wears stilts to assure a woman privacy regardless of the clothes they wear?
Passing laws in excess of this crosses the bounds of reason. I routinely compliment the ladies that sit across from me on train on their panties when they show them to me. The more common reaction is 'thank you'. The ones that are offended or shocked can cover up next time. There is no presumption of privacy once you display it."
i hope he's got an 18 yr old daughter, and someone takes pics up her skirt...maybe that's the only way these toads will learn
The rules are simple. Look all you want, but take no photos.
Wow, if I had a nickel for everytime I've said that, I'd be a millionaire...according to my parole officer.
Are all police officers, agents, so dumb? I read these kind of articles describing their dumb behavior everyday on jt. i hope JT publish articles describing their bravery in solving cases, not running after women...
Bento: "Smith, so will you be kind enough to let us know how the problem should be dealt with?"
Sure. For starters you fire the guy, flat out. Since he was fired for committing a crime, he gets none of the benefits he would get if he did his job according to contract and retired/quit. My guess is there are stipulations as to breaking the law (or ordinances, if you will). The man is supposed to be a police officer, but is flouting ordinances. All the more reason to be stricter on him. The woman should be asked if she wishes to press charges, and if so she should. After which the man pays her a steep fine and apologizes, AND/OR goes to jail for a short time or does community service.
It's true, you don't hear about things like this day in and day out in other countries because it happens FAR less, and is not a day to day disease that is going out of control like here.
"but other countries do even less about it than what you intimate Japan does, including not bothering to report it in the press."
And you know this how... being that it's 'never reported' and that 'nothing is done about it'? Care to back that assumption up? But just to prove how wrong you are on all counts:
There you go! The man is caught, it's in the paper, and he's being held in prison without bond. It seems as though he's getting a 'Peeping Tom' charge, which will at the very least require community service and a fine. Could also end in some jail time.
hakujinsensei: "Now when we look up to the second floor balcony at the hankyu station and we happen to catch views of the 'special areas' clearly exhibited, are we to trot ourselves down to the koban and turn ourselves in for upskirt viewing?"
If you decide to turn a camera up towards the special parts and take pics, yes. Or at least, if you get caught you're expected not to whine, cry, deny, and then make excuses and blame the woman whom you snuck pics of.
"I am aware that there is a difference but not enough of one in my book to press charges."
There's also a family of Liberians who don't think it's a bad idea to shun their eight year old daughter who was raped. My point is that it's a good thing that most people don't share the 'norms' of perverts like this cop, and that there's a reason why no one really objects to laws like taking photos of a girl's private parts without her EXPLICIT consent (ie. not sneaking a peak).
I just knew people like you would come on here and blame the victim, as have a couple others. So, did anyone bet against my earlier wager? Looks like I win.
hakujin: "Passing laws in excess of this crosses the bounds of reason. I routinely compliment the ladies that sit across from me on train on their panties when they show them to me. The more common reaction is 'thank you'. The ones that are offended or shocked can cover up next time. There is no presumption of privacy once you display it."
I have no doubt you check for a boyfriend/husband first, as you know it's wrong to be leering. In either way, I don't believe you one wit, and won't be surprised to see you either with a black eye or deported (the only time the J-cops WILL take it seriously).
either that or figure out a better way to conceal your camera.
There is no reason why the national police force, is already perverting themselves when their target is the girls upskirt. The comissioner must do something about this respect, or he/she must leave the office
Cool Smith, if they are with their boyfriends, I ask them if they mind their girlfriends showing off. Havent had a black eye, cops havent hauled me off either. Seems like when confronted with the reality of the situation, most people see the lack of sense on their own part.
Seems like a couple people said I was blaming the victim. Seems they missed my point. I dont think there was a victim here at all but I dont have all the facts. If he stuck the camera up her skirt, shame on him. If he didnt have to violate her space to get the shot, no foul. And comparing to the little girl that was raped and shunned by her family? Get real.
And for all the posts claiming that Jossans are more perverse than the rest of the world? Fetish is not a Jword.
At the end of the day, Bamboohat had the best post by far ; )
smith,the problem referred to was the problem of men(not this man) looking up girls skirts(not this girls skirt)..thanks for your opinion on how this particular incident should be dealt with..still doesn't help solve the "problem" of men feeling the need to film up skirts..or the much bigger problem of people thinking this is actually worthy of space on a news site.. don't butcher my quotes, where did i say they "never" report it to the press and that "nothing is ever done about it " correct i did not say that(but don't let facts get in the way of a good rant) As to it happening "far less" in other countries, care to back up that assumption with some facts?(given that you yourself think that evidence should be supplied to back up an assumption )The actual reality is far more likely to be this,(its another assumption with out facts so you may want to skip it) it happens just as often in other countries but is simply not reported or noticed or indeed worried about as much as it appears to be in Japan.You believe that this squewed response is down to some deep seated perversion rampant in a society(in which you are a guest) whereas I tend to think that if its an issues, its simply one because the level of violent crime is so low relative to the place you call home(whichever one of the western nations that may happen to be) "just to prove how wrong you are on all counts"..sounds more like a 5 year old in a school yard that an adult on a discussion board(hang about on rereading that its slightly unfair to 5 year olds) Thanks for the link, i didn't click on it, but your subsequent resume of its contents went someway to proving yourself wrong on the "it happens far less in other countries front" "looks like i win" well yes.."the winner of this years how to argue like a 5 year old, cup is..."..congratulations on your self nominated victory now bend down and do your shoelaces up like a good boy.
"And you know this how... being that it's 'never reported' and that 'nothing is done about it'? Care to back that assumption up? But just to prove how wrong you are on all counts:
There you go! The man is caught, it's in the paper, and he's being held in prison without bond. It seems as though he's getting a 'Peeping Tom' charge, which will at the very least require community service and a fine. Could also end in some jail time"
Or in other states, it's simply a municipal ordinance violation, a slap on the wrist if you will, or not worth reporting on the news nor considered a "crime".
Bento...your retort doesn't make any sense... ???
He's a cop. He broke tha law. Next, he loses his job over this, right? If not, there is something seriously rotten.
OK, I get that he was wrong for taking the photo. No argument there. Bust him to the fullest extant of the law.
But I have to take issue with the girl (and any other girl who does this) for one thing... If you don't want guys staring at the print pattern in your underwear, then don't wear mini-skirts in public! ESPECIALLY if you plan on riding escalators! I rank this right up there with the women who wear dresses or tops with plunging necklines, then raise holy he*l when they notice you're looking at their cleavage. If you don't want men looking, then don't dress like you WANT them to look!
Bah. I have to amend my previous post. No where in that post does it say the girl was upset about him looking at her panties. The guy was arrested by an on-duty cop who observed him taking the picture. The girl may not have even cared who sees the underwear she was wearing.
when walking up the stairs, it's sometimes easier to look up the fronts of women's skirts as they're usually unprotected. just an observation. i'm not a criminal. just a satisfied commuter.
you know, of course he shouldn't do that, but common sense tells us that walking up a staircase with a miniskirt you are asking for trouble some girls, try to cover up or hold their skirt in, wondered what happened here someone has their money stolen with nan-ju-man en hanging out of their pocket, would you not think "you were acting stupidly"
Ah, Japan's finest
And this years winner of the totally dumbass award goes to...Yasunori Hosokawa, yes let's give him a hand....Now Sgt what do you have to saw?
“When I saw her in that miniskirt, I just gave in to temptation.”
Thank you for that most enlightening comment Sgt, have a nice rest...
Bento: That's one of the lamest (that means not good) and most contradictory (yes, you contradict yourself quite a number of times) 'retorts' to an argument I've ever seen (yes, ever).
"smith,the problem referred to was the problem of men(not this man) looking up girls skirts(not this girls skirt).."
That's what this article was about, thanks, and that it was a POLICE OFFICER who did it. Not sure what you your point is, since this incident is an example of the problem you claim to refer to.
"still doesn't help solve the "problem" of men feeling the need to film up skirts"
I can tell you that punishing people for crimes helps more than doing nothing and sending the message to others that it's okay.
"don't butcher my quotes,"
I didn't butcher your quotes, I quoted you directly. If you don't like what your quotes entail you ought to rethink what you say.
Ex: "where did i say they "never" report it to the press and that" in your last post, but, ""but other countries do even less about it than what you intimate Japan does, including not bothering to report it in the press."
Sorry, amigo, but 'not bothering to report it' means not reporting it. I showed you that, like I said it happens in other countries and it is reported. An on that, "Thanks for the link, i didn't click on it, but your subsequent resume of its contents went someway to proving yourself wrong on the "it happens far less in other countries front""
Not at all. I said it HAPPENS in other countries, and gave you proof on how you are wrong that it's not reported and goes unpunished. So, the '5-year-old award winner, or whatever you are going on about with all the brakcets and quotation marks that make your post unintelligible, goes to you and you alone.
"You believe that this squewed response is down to some deep seated perversion rampant in a society"
Nope. I know it for a fact, and people like you and Nigelboy coming on here to defend it on the same site with all the 'Maid-cafe ambassadors being sent around Asia' articles, threads of J-men being caught taking pictures of naked kids in Cambodia, judges groping girls on trains, etc. doesn't look to good on you guys. Hell, go to ANY city in Japan and you can see an area close to stations with 'highschool girl fantasy' dress up "health salons", "soap lands" or whatever. They FEED the fantasies here, then fail to punish (as much as they should) the men who cannot control themselves and grope, take pictures, molest, assault, etc. Then they have people like you to fall back on for their defense. You guys are a big part of the problem.
Bento: Oh, and you 'win the award' for most confusing post of the day. You don't need to use so many brackets in a single sentence.
Oh, and a 'guest' is someone who stays over at your home, not someone who pays his/her own way to keep the house propped up.
The fact that he was arrested shows that at least some cops are doing a good job. Good work boys.
smithinjapan, I agree with you wholeheartedly, and applaud you for responding with intelligence and reason. I have lived in many different countries, and have felt unsafe - not from violent crime, but sexual - in Japan alone. People in other countries are surprised to hear this; but this underbelly of does Japan exist, and here we see it first hand.
The point I want to get across more than any others is that Japan needs to combat this problem not by ignoring it or seeking side-show alternatives (such as women-only cars on trains) but by punishing offenders like this police officer with severity. Letting them off with a simple warning says you condone the behaviour and sends the message to other would-be criminals that it is not only tolerated, but in many cases is sympathized with. It's no coincidence that Japan was chided last week for being the worst country among developed nations for women's rights, and for failing to make statements towards developing and nurturing women's rights; I mean, it's pretty hard to do that and send out 'maid cafe envoys', 'cuteness envoys', and rape comics at the same time.
the responsibility of every woman is to clean society of dishonourable pervert men like this one. So every woman shall try and catch perverts and give them to police. But if policemen are pervert themselves whom we can turn to for protection? I need to know the name of serious policemen who will not abuse their position and target innocent women.
Not only he will lose his job but jail time should be served for sure. And his name and photo shall be put on every station so that other police officers remember not to abuse their power.
We need to know more about good police officers too because otherwise we would think that police officers who instead of protecting people for which they get salary, use their position to target innocent tax payers only.
All he had to do was just use plain sight view under the mini skirt, ain't nothing illegal about using the eyes balls.
Punishment for the idiot cop. But girls, if you show someone will look.Even women look and kids look. If it is ok for you then don't complain.
"Punishment for the idiot cop. But girls, if you show someone will look.Even women look and kids look. If it is ok for you then don't complain."
There is nothing wrong with looking, and put something in front of your face and unless you intentionally avert your gaze your eyes are going to rest on it. There is, of course, a difference between 'looking' and 'staring', never mind 'leering'. BUT, taking pictures and groping, among other things, are not at all like simply looking at someone who might have messed up hair, show some cleavage, or what have you.
Others have said it just fine on here: 'nothing illegal about using the eyeballs', or, 'look but don't touch', etc.
You people realize you are demanding JAIL TIME for looking up a girls skirt was was (unless you can prove otherwise) asking for it /inviting it/ didnt care. The story says nothing of her charging him with anything.
Even women and kids look I meant that they stare and leer and whatever that makes a person uneasy. Drooling sort of thing.
You cannot blame it on the men alone.Smithinjapan so you think that the dressing style of the women has nothing to do with all of this? You are okay with dressing in a provocative manner?
Ah, yeah, so your saying that all women need to be more like Cagney & Lacey? Hell, if that ever happened Homo sapiens would die out as a species.LOL
How about just accepting the fact that there are some folks that need help out there. Then we just leave it to the cops to catch the perps.
But, I could be wrong, I am a man......LOL
Honest Police officers who are not pervs? Again, I am a man and I maybe wrong....My wife always tells me I am wrong.....But darn it I can install light bulbs! HAHAHAHAHA I rule!
Ah, most officers will do their duty and protect the people. It is just that few that do wrong and hurt the people. So I am pretty sure you will be okay....Unless.......ah, forget that last...
I am pretty sure you are safe....Really.....
smithinjapan, You appear to be having difficulty understanding what "a direct quote" is..so to further your education i will give you an example of one.. This is a "direct quote" from one of your posts on this thread so direct in fact that i was able to use the copy and paste feature.. "It's true, you don't hear about things like this day in and day out in other countries because it happens FAR less, and is not a day to day disease that is going out of control like here."
and as i'm feeling generous today i'll give you another direct quote of yours from,coincidentally enough ,the same thread again using the cut and paste feature(how delightful modern technology is) "Not at all. I said it HAPPENS in other countries, and gave you proof on how you are wrong that it's not reported and goes unpunished" Its little wonder you get confused when you appear to find it impossible to recall accurately what you have posted only seconds before" "Happens in" "Happens far less in"...squewed recall depending on perceived need. moderator:i take it you are being balanced in your censoring today?How about removing the post from smith in japan that accuses me of being a big part of this problem,it seems unfair that this remains and my posts asking for evidence to back this up are removed..what say you?
All the perverts will follow Hosokawa in prison. I think they have some psychological problems and additionally are people who lack attractive features and that makes them outcasts in society. Not being able to find love on their own, they become otakus.
You can't arrest someone for looking at something being displayed in public. Girls of ALL ages need to be aware of what they are showing to the surrounding public. Choosing to wear a mini-skirt means there is almost no way to avoid someone catching a glimpse of panties unless you stand up straight and never sit, crouch, or bend. If that's OK with you, then fine.
With that said, taking photos/movies without the subject's consent could land you in jail, however, if the angle involves intimate apparel. This off-duty cop showed a remarkable lack of resolve by "giving into temptation" just because he could see her underwear. I wonder how the rest of his "moral compass" functioned, if at all?
Why is it I'm part of the problem? My only beef with you is that you take this specific case and label the entire culture of Japan. I don't condone any of what this office did. But the fact is, there are states within U.S. that classify these incidents as "municipal ordinance" violations. Why aren't you all over those states instead of Japan which does punish these people with criminal laws? Canada/Australia doesn't have the maid cafe's or health salons but look at their rape per capita data. (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_rap_percap-crime-rapes-per-capita )
Moderator: Stay on topic please. References to other countries are not relevant to this discussion.
The problem wasn't using his eye balls to look up the mini skirt. Its illegal to film people's private area's without there permission, its rude and sort of like sexual harassment. He should just be penalized with three days in jail, then back to Police work.
Stop being so hard on this cop, maybe he is going through a messy divorce, maybe his wife is the frozen sort and hasn't given him any sex in years. He didn't rape her! Some of you talk like he physically assaulted her. 18 year old girls should not be wearing mini-skirts!
netrek: Then who the heck SHOULD be wearing miniskirts? 18 years old is not sixteen. If she wants to wear one, it's her prerogative. He might not have physically assaulted her, but he violated her privacy, committed an act of indecency, and broke the frelling LAW. All of that is bad enough as it is, but when such acts are committed by a POLICE OFFICER (even off-duty), a person of authority, it's even MORE disgusting. I wish I could have been there to give him a swift kick in the self-censored for decency's sake
This is the quote that bugs me the most:
That's probably the third nearly identical quote I've read in various "upskirt" and groping news stories in recent months. The perpetrator "gave in to temptation," or couldn't resist, or couldn't help himself. It's long past time for people to stop defending this kind of perverted behavior! We are HUMAN BEINGS, which means we have the ability to make rational, moral decisions; it's one of the things that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. A police officer -- even one who is off duty -- should ESPECIALLY be capable of maintaining proper boundaries and making morally appropriate decisions. That means that, when faced with GASP A WOMAN IN A MINISKIRT (evil temptress!!), the appropriate reaction is to silently applaud or decry her fashion sense (hey, not everyone looks good in a miniskirt) and keep your eyes (or cameras) trained somewhere more appropriate! The escalator's handrail, the panorama of the station below, the back of her head -- all of those would be perfectly reasonable places to look. Choosing to flip open your camera phone and film up her skirt for a vicarious thrill isn't just gross and creepy, but morally bankrupt and thoroughly reprehensible.
Yes I can only guess that his wife wasn't putting out and his sexual frustration just got the better of him. You wouldn't be filming up some female's particulars if you were getting it every night now would you?? Perhaps we should blame his wife??
While I agree with the "look don't touch" viewpoint expressed by some here, the problem is a social one and this police officer is, to a large extent in my opinion, a product of his environment. Viewing women as nothing more than sex objects is a pretty common viewpoint, if not the standard. Japanese society needs to clean up it's own backyard in terms of thinking about women in less superficial, sexualized, and antiquated gender roles before throwing the book at this foolish copper.
Also, so many young women in Japan act like airhead barbie doll bimbos, because that is how they are taught to act. That kind of behavior is rewarded. Cute and sexy is more important than being taken seriously. The current state of Japanese society has been created by both men and women, not just dirty perverted men. Are women's rights groups in Japan clamoring for more rights and absolution of gender stereotypes? I haven't seen any articles of that here on JT. In the end, I think people here, men and women, generally enjoy their gender roles.
If they arrest people for it, they should stop advertise it like they do now in their pop-culture.
stranger said it well, though they clamor for rights and respect, they enjoy the benefits ( at least the cute ones and the ones that put out ) of being treated as sex objects. dont think there are benefits? do you think jal attendants get in because of their kyodai diplomas? or the overwhelming percentage of attractive girls selling retail, working in offices etc. ? they get jobs and advancement by pushing the sex button but complain when they are treated like sex objects. live by the sword, die by the sword.
“When I saw her in that miniskirt, I just gave in to temptation.” And this dude is a police sergeant sheesh!
Looking up a cute girl's skirt is one thing. It is practically normal if it's right in front of you and you're a straight male (or just curious). Taking a picture is different though.
The perverts outnumber the non-perverts, so there's no use in putting them all in prison. Stop asking.
Gender roles are more subtle and more broken down in other countries than Japan.