Japan Today

Porn actress, producers arrested for filming in rear of dump truck


Police on Friday arrested seven porn producers, including an actress, for filming a porn movie in the rear of a dump truck in Shibuya on July 20, 2007.

Porn actress Shiori Megumi, 30, who is known as Asahi Miura, Shungo Kaji, 46, who is an adult film director and president of the production agency Hot Entertainment Inc, and five other staff were arrested for allegedly filming a porn film in the rear of the truck for 20 minutes from 2:50 p.m. near Shibuya station. Police said that Megumi was found in possession of cannabis and cocaine at the time of her arrest.

According to police investigations, the rear of the ruck was covered by plastic curtains but people could see them from surrounding buildings. The seven were charged with indecent exposure in a public place.

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20 minutes from 2:50 p.m. near Shibuya station

Did it take the police 20 minutes to get there or did the police have a stop watch and waited until they were finished or did someone get to "review" the evidence?

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Come on, let these people be. It's not like they're killing people or other sorts of mayhem, they are contributing to the pleasure and happiness of people around the world. Don't these j cops have better things to do, like finding killers and other deviants?

By the way, this actress at 30 is OLD, especially by Japanese standards.

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I wonder how many will Google Asahi Miura today?

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Come on, let these people be. It's not like they're killing people or other sorts of mayhem, they are contributing to the pleasure and happiness of people around the world. ?? NO, Its not me saying no...but says the law !

The seven were charged with indecent exposure in a public place + Police said that Megumi was found in possession of cannabis and cocaine at the time of her arrest.

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Did it take the police 20 minutes to get there or did the police have a stop watch and waited until they were finished or did someone get to "review" the evidence?

I believe they used footage from some of the surveillance and traffic cams in the area to figure out the length.

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Apparently she is only 26. She's very pretty. I hope she can overcome this setback and continue to produce quality films.

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well, now that she's been arrested she will become more popular than before, so probably happy about the situation. i know i had never heard of her till now. will be on the lookout now for sure.

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rjd_jr: In previous posts you have decried pornography. Why the turnaround? You claim porn provides 'pleasure and happpiness', but joust over a year ago it was a path that leads to 'deviance and crime'. Why is this situation OK when last year it wasn't?

Porn is disgusting rjd_jr (Mar 5 2007 - 00:45) All porn is filth, as ted bundy alluded to, porn gradually leads to path of sexual deviance and crime. Don't matter what country we are talking about, porn is porn. So all of you out there watching JAV and things of that nature should feel shameful.

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"Megumi was found to be in possession of cannabis and cocaine"

I hear that stuff is, like, really expensive here.

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hahaha rjr

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sweet,the more public or extreme the better, i guess, japanese pornoholics are getting bored with their standard fetishes movies, before it was brother-sister-mother-father love, now its brother-sister-mother-father love in PUBLIC and in garbage trucks...wow

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rjd_jr, thats gotta hurt! Ouch!!

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Yeeks. The infection the actors got from the amount of microbes in the rear of the garbage truck will be grand.

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Ah... drum roll, lights, action, rjd, you're call. I'm gonna enjoy my JT experience today.

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Not all that pretty. I'll give her a 6.5

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Now don't get too excited folks, indeed Toadvine, blvtzpk indeed has too much time on his hands. Anyone with an I.Q. of a Japanese bikini idol would know that that post I made over a year ago was purely a sarcastic one. Notice that in subsequent topics about porn I never criticized it per se, so blvtzpk has to spend hours going back over a year ago in order to suit his agendas.

(for proof, check out my posts in following threads):

"Sex becoming a luxury for working poor at 09:57 AM JST - 10th June"

"Porn producers look for more daring locations at 10:04 AM JST - 4th June"

Hardly what I consider anti pornography posts or "previous posts decrying pornography." Besides, who cares what someone said over a year ago and what he/she says now, people change their views all the time here on JT, day by day, to suit their agendas against Japan (not true in my case though).

Now, can we get back on topic, which is producers arrested for filming in rear of dump truck? Much obliged.

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I would expect this to be covered by Japan Today, but I wonder if Japan Times would even bother. This isn't news!

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Simply stupid. Law says you can't run around any public area in Japan naked. By Rjd jr's logic, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I sat next to him on a train with my junk hanging out and hard as a woodcocks beak. Or would that be offensive? I'm only spreading the joy of living life in the buff. But then again, that is why its called indecent exposure.

I never ever have had a problem with porn, but just do not, absolutely DO NOT do stuff like that in a public area. I plan on having children someday, and I sure as hell don't wanna have to suddenly find them watching how babies are made before they can understand what is going on, and the right and wrong way to go about it.

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Methinks "the laddie doth protest too much".

rjd_jr: Point. If you're going to be a phony, be consistent in your phoniness.

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I wonder how many will Google Asahi Miura today?

Done :-)

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Good. Children could have seen and things that can offend should be kept in an environment where it will not. Too risky by far. She won't be making any films for a t least five years and when she gets out she won't be so pretty.

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Filming in rear?

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I don't understand - someone please explain - it says in the article

Police on Friday arrested seven porn producers, including an actress, for filming a porn movie in the rear of a dump truck in Shibuya on July 20, 2007.

2007! Why have they been arrested exactly one year later? And if that's right, why is it now newsworthy? I suspect a typo, or I would, but I seem to recall reading something about this about a week ago, which rules out it being this year.

<strong>Moderator: We have a related story on this incident in the Shukan Post section.</strong>

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Yeeks. The infection the actors got from the amount of microbes in the rear of the garbage truck will be grand.


Filming in rear?

Laughing really hard now

This was bound to get some funny comments...

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rjd_jr: "Don't these j cops have better things to do, like finding killers and other deviants"

Well in fact if they don't go busting porn producers, they are sitting inside and watching the porn.

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More recent sarcasm, apparently:

rjd_jr at 11:43 AM JST - 10th April Some of you are rather gross, excuse my language. Pornography is disgusting and preys on impressionable young women. Sadly, I am willing to bet some (many) of you here support this wicked industry. These producers are sick people, period.

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Come on blvtzpk, rjd_jr is just doing a little harmless trolling. As he said, people change their views all the time here.

By the way, this was a dump truck for carrying earth, not a garbage truck. (Damax6, Azrael)

As to the event, well done to the crew for trying to break the staleness of J porn with new and exciting surroundings. Unfortunately they still haven't figured out how to break the staleness in plot... man forces boring agenda on woman.

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Yah, I'm SUCH a spoil-sport, just like the police who arrested the 'film' (ahem) cast and crew.

"Hello ma'am, we're here to arrest you!"

"Oh, officers, don't manhandle me! Please!"

[Cue 1970s hardcore instrumental soundtrack]

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All they had to do was get a permit first... tsk tsk. Nice ball drop on the producer's part.

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I wonder what the plot was...

Stud: Hi ma'am, I am here with that load of dirt you ordered. Muffin: The dirt was a ruse to seduce you and do it in your dump truck. Stud: Your a dirty girl, I love it. Muffin: yeah, talk dirty to me. Stud: I am gonna dump my load on you, thats for sure. (grabs her arm) Muffin: high pitched squealing and panting

Director: perfect! now lets get downstairs.

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I'm wondering why it took a almost a year to get an arrest warrant.

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I'm wondering why it took a almost a year to get an arrest warrant.

A lot of evidence to get through. The rewind button must be just about broken by now.

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"rjd_jr: In previous posts you have decried pornography. Why the turnaround? You claim porn provides 'pleasure and happpiness', but joust over a year ago it was a path that leads to 'deviance and crime'. Why is this situation OK when last year it wasn't?"

My dear bvbpblbz. In my country we have a saying: only donkeys never change their minds. Think about it. Have you never changed your mind about anything? If yes, you know what that makes you.

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sarcasm123 What country is that then mate? In my country we don't care who changes their minds just as long as she has big T*ts.

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One just has to shake their head sometimes. An obvious serious film about the ill's of modern Japanese society that has now so threatened the status quo that the J-cops finally felt compelled to act and arrested the entire production crew. The sordid social breakdown in Shibuya, the culture of freeter youths who have turned their backs on traditional Japanese mores was the obvious reason for this daring move on the producers decision to film the climax ending scene in a dump truck located there. Japan is a nation in decline with no hope for a better future for her youth. The rampant but fake consumerism that Shibuya represents is just denial of that basic fact. This film was yet another daring challenge to expose that shallow facade of consumer and corporate greed that the Japanese have built for themselves as they continue to hollow out their culture. Other daring filmmakers have attempted to expose this cancer in Japanese society in Japan in the past and also have been arrested. The brilliant film, 'I'll Have the Happy Meal' that showed corporate greed in the monotholic McDonalds that has just about destroyed traditional bentos as the food of choice in Japan (how many Mom and Pop bento makers out of business and unemployed because of this?) just to make a buck. Those daring filmmakers who shot the final scene in a McDonalds to show the world that we all are whores to greedy comsumerism and corporate greed are now in jail. This is an outrage and I am shocked other posters are not decrying this arrest, as it is just another nail in the coffin for those of us that see our precious liberties yet again destroyed to support large monolithic corporate consumerism.

Then again it could be just a porn film with a pretty crappy plot.

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Ah the glamorous lives of people in the porn industry. 'Mum, I got arrested for filming a porno in the back of a garbage truck. Can you come bail me out?'

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A dump truck? Did the movie involve dumping?

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Sails! Hear hear, A cutting and savage indictment of modern Japan's social ills...Well done my man! My social conscience, beacon in a stormy sea of mediocrity. Island of truth. Sail onward my son. rjd, you read that? When you're not shooting yer'self in the foot I mean.

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I have learned on the grapevine that this is simply publicity for the release of DumpTruck on DVD, and the opening soon of DumpTruck2: Delivering Pleasure and Happiness to People Around the World.

Another shameless plug!!!

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Very hygienic.

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Hot Entertainment Inc

Gotta admit, that is a great name!

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The opening line of *Dump Truck should be, "What a dump!"

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Shouldn't it read... filming in "the" rear... ???

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Police on Friday arrested seven porn producers, including an actress, for filming a porn movie in the rear of a dump truck

How many porn producers does it make to do a porn film in the back of a truck? I note the lass was apparently providing all the action herself, makes you wonder how exciting the end result would have been.

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I enjoyed that...

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Trucks and sex.

Whatever tickles your pickle.

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Having a bit of romp in the back of dump truck in the middle of Shibuya?? If the truck is nice and clean, no rain, and I just happen to be asked to participate with a about 10 really "outgoing" young Japanese girls, I guess I would have to say, YES!! But only if I get to pick the music to be blared from the trucks speakers, because I can not stand this techno stuff!

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I wonder how many will Google Asahi Miura today?

I did. Boy am I glad, too.

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wasn't this story up a couple of weeks ago? whats the new infomation here?

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What is this garbage?

"Hey, baby. Sorry. No bananas. Only peels." Director: "OK, now, shove that Boss coffee can . . ."

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thepro - your comment gave me the giggles, but it's true, "I can't today. Need to be in court today. No, we were filming a porno in the back of a dump truck and ..." Gives a whole new meaning to the word Dirty.

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Its a dump truck, not a garbage truck people.

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Look for the release of "Junk in the Trunk" at a store near you.

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got to give them credit for sheer nerve...

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Having noted the cannabis and cocaine she was in possession of, can we tell that being 30 has not wised her up to her sad life as a drug abuser who got into porn, not just to buy clothes but to feed her addiction.

Tho, at 30 she still has a thin body and boyish figure which would endear her to all the Asahi Miura fans in Japan, which she would not have if she retired and married the director.

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Man I wish I were in one of those surrounding buildings. and had my digital camera.

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man i love japan some times it just get crazy there!

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Called 'The Jump in the Dump'with the porn star who is in an obvious slump.

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I have seen Japanese porno videos on the internet which show a nude woman walking around the middle of Shibuya or any public area in Tokyo right in broad daylight in front of millions of people. Are these videos real or is there some sort of trick photography involved? This article seems to imply that there is a public indecent exposure law in Japan...if so, then how can they still make these videos?

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